Je SEED EON SR Se i % Ailey Mass: Implements ete. .._ Dsyelen = Ein > i fmt is THE DRYDEN UBSERVER = © @ i Po BLOLBIBE BETIS DE BIDCS2DIBIO02006 °8e@58¢ © Busy Store " For the Farmers FLEMING BROTHERS' STOCK CURE 9 8 @ © ® ® ® ® @ Li) @ ; SpavinC ure ...... eens. $2.00 S ° ® © e ° (] a Spavin & Rngbone Paste.. 2.00 Chronic Cough Cure ...... 2.00 Absoibent ...... ........ 200 General Liniment ... .... 1.00 Tonic Heave Powders .... 1.00 Colice Cove ......... ... 1.08 Lice & Mange Powders... .50 Veterinary Healing Oil .... .5z0 . SCOTT, Dryden go THREE OBLGHETODEOOINODEDNIDIRLOEBODOTLD | | R. Sweeney Unjon Church aral Blacksmith RVI SERVICES Morning : Service at Oxdrift. Afternoon: Sunday School and Bible class (Dryden), 'p.m. Preaching Service. Rev. G. E. ROBINS, : Pastor. Cordial Welcome Awaits You. ~§ 11d Reliable Harris Farm , Canadian Potato : Dr P. H. B. WOOD, | Rin nhl = | Dentist, Machinery Co in Ont igzers lanter and I} Tia > Office Hours-- 9.30-12.30 2.00- 5.00 ee 3 Hear i Gockshutt Plow Go.. Frost & Wood Ont. | - PE68000060000060600000005 : A.J. GARDINER EAGL Merchant RIVER, ONT. 2 ©) AGENT FOR Impiements Ia'a Pagam Canaratara Shagala S Gein wupnehiveg Raw Furs Bought and Sold 20600000080060600084004006 M. J. CROSIER eneral Merchant, OXDRIFT, Ont, dealer in Dry Goods Groceries + Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Agent for Yorkshire Insurance Company Frost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements R. H. PRONGER, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. DRYDEN ° GONE ERBEL0L3608T TOS0sES and kp id : Fxchange Bara § : DRYDEN - ONT § Sr e56a0EaRE TEAL rT Ee f operation is performed. are held clcsz to the abdomen of the ing cords should be drawn out with a | steady pull. > they have besn castrated. Like Docking, solute MNecess ty. i These Operations Not Dangerous i Carefully Done--Hew tc Do the | Work--RBoth May $2 Doue at the Same Time. i (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) SFERY substantial benefits aris 4 from the early castration o lambs. First, they mak more weight at an earlier age--castrated lambs are more quiet, and so make better gains. Second, they are more easly managed--both sexes may run together al all times without the danger that the females will be bred. Third, early castration results in the production of a better carcass, as it prevents undue de- velopment of the head, neck, and the front quarters. As stated before, buy- | ers severely discount uncastrated lambs to an extent ranging from $2 ¢ to $5 per hundred pounds in com- parison with castrated and docked lambs of the same age. Castration is not dangerous if a little care is taken, and can be per- formed by any careful person who will follow directions. Lambs should be castrated when they are from 7 to 14 days old. Choose a bright day; do not castrate lambs on a damp, chilly, or rainy day. Select from the flock all lambs that are to be cas- trated and fence them off so that they can be caught without undue ! excitement. Never worry or chase! lambs before performing the oper-. ation. Provide a clean stall or pen . for them to go back tec after the The oper- ator's hands must be clean and ihe ; knife disinfected. The lamb should be held against the body. Cut off one-third oi the lower end of the scrotum, or bag, sc as to permit good drainage. Then expose the testicles, and with the | left hand force them out, holding therm in this position by a firm grip between the thumb and fingers, which o € r i a sani swe lamb. Next, grasp the testicles firm- ly between the thumb and fingers of the right hand, and draw them cout with the adhering cords. The work should he ' done . quickly but not roughly, and the testicles and adher- The wound should then be washed with a good antiseptic, such as a weak carbolic solution, or a ereolin or lysol preparation. When lambs are older than three weeks before the operation is per- formed the cords should not be pull- i 2d out but scraped off with a knife back of the testicle. The scrapin is done to prevent excessive bleed : Lambs should be kept quiet aiter It is best to perform the operation in the morn- , ing, so that they can he watched dur- ing the day and attention given any that become too weak from loss of blood. Lambs can be docked at the same time that they are castrated. When care is used both operations can be . performed at the same time and labor saved, as the lambs will have to be caught only once. It should be a uniform practice to dock when the lambs are from 7 to 14 days old. The lamb's tail renders no substan- tial benefit to the animal. Its pres- ence is injurious because of the filth that accumulates around and beneath it. Moreover, lambs are more attrac- tive and look neater and deeper in the leg and twist if the tail is dock :d. : When the tails are left on ferrules | they are apt to fail to breed. | The two preferable ways of remov- ing a lamb's tail are by using a sharp knife or the docking irons. One man holds the lamb while the other performs the operation. : When docking with the knife the operator, by feeling on the irsside of the tail, first locates the joint to he cut; which is about 114 inches from the body. He should then push the skin on the tail back towards body of the lamb so as to leave s surplus skin to grow over the sg is The cut should be made quickly wil a sharp knite. If any lamb shoul bleed too much 2a piece of cord mn be tied very tigh dg the tail close to the body, to 50D 3 bleeding, but the cord rust be roe moved in a few hours or the tail wil slough off. When hot pincers or docking irons are used, no danger need b> feared from loss of blood. Old sheep can b> * docked successt ily in this way. The pincers should ry red heat, not hot er, : seared off at from 1 to 114 inches from the body. The wound will be seared over and ne blood lost. When the irons are used at pr perature the wound will h sa tactorily, but proba bly not so qui #s when the k: wound is also s¢ 'urther attent i are in a pen ncar at man to catch them ar another te hold them, from 9 to 12 lambs can be docked without healing the irons again. The lambs should be watcher for a few days to see without fatigue. | from a hand weeder to a whee ba row ! and all priced as reasonably as we | can. : Ready The Case 10-20 is noted f« serve ower. Owners state that these tractors Ca are always capable in eme extra hard plowing or for ¢ avy Duties For belt work this tractor drives a case 20x36 thresher, fully équipped, silo fillers, hay presses, feed mills, ete. ny H y, for or all round use this tractor demand your careful consideration. proved its worth, It is economical in This 10-20 is recommended for pulling three 14-inch plows which it can pull in sod or stubble. operation, burning kerosene successfully Tt handles other imeplements It is built of the finest materials, : usually requirin, about six herses, such get your monzy's worth, as two 7-foot binders, two 20 shoe grain Before you decide on your tractor, let us show you the advantages of the Ca s¢ hine. You'll then be better able to judge. y also drills, six section spike tooth harrow, 8 to 10 foot double disc harrow, ete. F.T. BRItNALL Oxdrift, Ont ES All the Tools you need ror next week them at G 5 Hardware, INTERNATIONAL Power of the hour McCormick - Deering ~~ Sturdy, Reliable, Ecnomical, power on drawbar as well as on belt Known the world overfor low. cost farm power SPECIAL FEATURES Burns Kerosene and other low priced fuels, has mechanical lubricator Magneto with impulse starter, no battries required, handy foot breakes, easy to steer adjustable draw bar, Water, air cleaner two speeds, working parts enclosed. The motor is a two- cylinder, valve-in-head type, running at 575 r.p.m. If you are thinking of getting a tractor, see the TITAN 10-20 and get our prices, which have heen recently reduced, before place- ing your order. For Literature and Prices on any of these Machines, see E. &S. = 2, Oxdrift. : + Or write to = : NTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. Ltd, Winnipeg, Man. LDERS' SUPPLIES tek, | ime C. Shingles Sash & Doors Picture Framing NO WORK TO KEEP A GARDEN. | "anitoba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood Fibre, Elc. in good condition if you h-va the proper tools and use them ieg larly. | Our garden implements ave the kind , preferred by professioals. They are | of the best mater'als, prep-r'y balan- ced, and therefore easly handled Everythirg here : Undertaking in connect on Aunlications for t-mhership and "flor co : d HE Tera I =] SENDIAY every nioa I¢ bas long ; You -- {