Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 29 Apr 1921, page 4

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io Sen THE DRYDEN OBSERVER pe : iy QUIBELL NOTES, : Mrs A. Robert was in Dryden last i . < week. : Bi Mrs D. O. Paradis is visiting in % | Winnipeg. | Inspector Hamilton visited Quibell i School last week. | Mrs Shields Sr. is visiting her son, Jerry Shields, for a short time. Mr R. Milling, Sr., has gone to Winnipeg, where he will take treat- ment in Tuxedo Hosital. Mr and Mrs Pat Barry of Redditt spent the weekend in Quibell, visiting : ies W, Bon. ~The Canadian Red Cross Society is one of thirty-one National Red s MacDonald, of Redditt, spent Cross Societies engaged i vorid-wide Crusade ior ; cend with her sister, Mrs C. : (0. Williams. - pi Ti% Mr and Mrs Edwin J. Moore left Th : on Monday for Dryden, where they ie will spend a few days before going 1 ; : : he : to the coast. A dance was held Saturday night, - April 23rd, by the Women's Institute, | who provided the lunch. A good tows hirty-one Nations; crowd attended, and a vote was taken! The League of Nations; Po as to where the Community Hall will' : ay rd I 1 een 3 be built. It was decided to locate it; wi Medical ang oe Experts Meet : iin Quibell, instead of in the townsite ing im in : Conterence al a mile away. A small collection was : = Cannes, Francs, April 1915, im taken up towards the Hall Fund. i Coie . oo : : : The Crusade is being inaugurated by a BIRTH.--On Sunday, April: 17th, ! ; : 1921, to Mr and Mrs J. Corbett of Slane win £ Vid 2 : World-Wide Enrollment of Members Quibell, a Son. ALT my life I have loved the unex- Em mR pected: to plan and bring to fruition. IN LOVING MEMORY. : = 2 To labour and accomplish and win out. YOUNG Erulden Gander for sale--! : ay IN LOVING MEMORY of John A. = Tdgren, who passed away on Good Friday, April 18th, 1919. TED ) EEE SATS (CR FEES: © CRED OSPR () GINS OSE R- (C63 LTE (<I (CED GEE OG <i (SS OS OC O Gm © a . : : HD All of which sounds like bosh, and We think of you to-day, dear, PERN 5 eth ical Bt it really is not TL icten Though now two years have passed, Ae ey a = 2 We pictute you in memory, : boy : 3 Just as we sow you act. : As the outws-d and visible sign of your personal share in the £ OF : 5 wever long we live, dear movement for good health; ale of 25¢. piece goods I am Tver Tid we ew s | r on April 30th and lasting to : her Bi = a 2 a = To help create public opiniea in favour of sound health measures. h is undoubtedly the best ed : / J ? 1 1 3 oo 1 3 4 ce to Dryden s District for TENDERS WANED. : You may enroll with your Local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Com- many years. Tenders will be received by the mittee or, if there iz no organization in your community with THE undersigned up to May Ist, 1921, ONTARIO PROVINCIAL DIVISION, 410 SHERBOURLIE 8T., TORONTO. Di Cottons, Denis, Sheetings, Towellings, Muslins and Serges, ete., ete. -10,000 yards, at 25¢. prr yard. E35 Goods, Prints, Galateas, for excavating and building cement wall under Cairnbrogie Schoolhouse. All material sup-} plied. lixcavating and building = can be tendered for either together or separately. Contract to be com- pleted by July 1st, 1923. Towest or any tender not nec- One of the largest wholesale houses , met my wishes in the ess accepted. For farther ow Ay ienciiest possin.e way. They have particulars apply to Secretary-{ : ; = : SEE (reasurer, | DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Mrs IENRY THOMAS, { From now on, the address of the Aas . ot Ontario Dept. o griculture will ke 1 S.S. No. 1, Wainwright. : Dryden, Ont., where it has been re- Dryden, Ontario. { moved from Kenora. --_-- = -- 3 -------------------- . C. O. SELF, Piopiietor much money in reconstruction LLY hat they did not seem ot mind few hundred dollars. They OFT OFT (ER () RISO) SEER OG O-CEES OEE O ~ Treasurer's Sale of Lands PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, DISTRICL OF KENORA, TO Wit: BY virtue of a Warrant iscued under the hands of the Chairman and r of Unica Schocl Se tion No. 1 of the Townships of S suthwerth man, and the Seal of the said. School Section, bearing date the of IMawch, 1921, ani to me directed commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter cescribed for the arrears of Taxes respectively due thereon, together with all the costs incurred, I hereby give 1.0 ice that pursuant to the Assessment Act, I shall on Thursday the 4th day of i t A.D. 1%21, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forencon, at the 's Of ce in the Town of Kenora. in the District of Kenora, proceed to sell bv, Public Auction so much of the said Lands as may he necessary arzonally interested in the d have ssked me tolet them ; listrict responded. not rush the first day. has taught me to fead a he goods are not put on at seless to ask for samples, nay youl to make special 4 CD {TE (EO BT OTE OEE OO CE (0 BE CE OED EE 0 ED 0 EDO : EB © GE CE 6 nN CEE SELB GER EID SEER ET SD 0 FED 0) CREED) EERO) i Tae present, what- for the, payment of the said arrears and charges thereon, unless such i May be gai a aout my oddity or arrer ps and charges shall have been soon&r paid. " LE a < = 58 PRP 3 a x @ : 3 3 my golem, no one nas ever said that Township of..Hartman 'a : T yt 5 Cala onl : Tot Con Ac. Taxes Costs Total Name znd Address of Owner iy "1 s : + Las i Dl £5 y Ke "aie, 0 HAE wr - | a a In one You have nw 'N46 2 160 1742 258 2000 Pat. D. M. Anderson, Toronto This well-known Hotel is still furnishing the | wseurance that this is the best yet! Ni, 10 2 160 17.42 258 20.00. Pat. Jas Attwood, Tomn oh excellent szrvice for which it is noted. The Ei Ni, 6 1 143 16127 2.35 16.67 Pat WW. °T Shields, London, Lng. . le 0 co : Cash only, of course. <1, 5 2 206 1072 2.64 22.36 Pat. W. T. Shields, London, Eng. dining room accommodation is of the best, being , ? HW 163 5 33 5.74 240 814 Pat. W. Bruce, Winnipeg unexcelled for courtesy and service. + Township of Southworth = . : | St% 10 5 160 17.42 2.58 20.00 Pat. W. F. Babcock, Dundes, Ont | ems _-------- N'%. 5 5 146 2444 276 27.20 Unpat. E. Lawrence, Osaduan, Ont. Nis 4 4 160 21.81 2.70 2451 Pat. W. T. Shields, London, Eng. _ : - Townsite of Dinorwic . { ABOLISH %A7 OO R RY PROQLONG {| Lot Con Area Taxes Costs Total Name and Address of Owner FINANCIAL VY ; YOUR LIFE 1-2-3-4-5 pra, . wl 6-7-8-9 7 115x25 17.88 2.59 20.47 Pat. A. J. Bannerman 'Winnipeg, a PE 1 : 1-2-3-4-5 : Man. : A : f ANRUITY Wil Do IT & 6-7-3.3 8 115x925 17.95 2.60 20.55 Pat. A. J. Banmerman, Winnipeg. «return for life t an is obtainable 3 = 18-19 D 20.5 ze. 27.29 2.83 80.12 Pat. Do., do. orm of investment with absolute gq i 1-2 5 115x365 3.99 240 6.39 -Pat. Do; - fo LL 5 i 9-10 5 115x25 3.9) 240 639 Pat. Do., do. Sma | 24.25 5 115x25 3.99 240 6.39 Pat Do, do. Sram | 23.20 5 115%%5 2.99 2.40 6.39 Pat. Do., do. a , 1-2 6 115225 3.99 2.40 6.39 Fat. Do., do. a oa ge ee ! 55 6 115x25 8.99 240 6.39 Pat. Do., do. 5 SR 3. =u 5 yf B 9 2095 6 115525 3.99 240 639 Pat. Do., do. 4 Ras aE «if £ EW E.s5 of 25-20 6 115x25 3.99 240, 659 Pat Do., do. a ne a j 9-10-11 6 115x25 5.97 2.40 8.37 Pat. Do., do. 55.43 : Shim of i DRYDEN, Ont. Wis 107 110x12151.32 240 3.92 Pat Do., do. oo . 18-19 5 115x256 170 240 410 Pat. Nurpe unknown. : i ; = ! PURORA. Go Su St pe JOR N W. HUMBLE, bp EERIE EEE | vo 0 mm 0 cm OEE OJ EE OE -C- UE © SE OSE 0S 0G O Si a : Shey iff of District of Kenora. # = : /

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