Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 13 May 1921, page 2

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Renan is THE DRYDEN UBSERVER BAHLE RED ODCBOGE BOWCB THEO BIVIVODOBIGODODY STOLOVT BEDOBODE HOT OBOBE « For the Farmers FLEMING BROTHERS' STOCK CURE SOTODOVIVITLDLELOOBEDIOISDEDOUS some od i 8 BBB ST LRITIDTETLBC DS in SpavinC ure ...... ...... $2.00 - Spavin & Rngbone Paste.. 2.00 Chronic Cough Cure ...... 2.00 Absorhent ...... ........ 200 General Liniment ... .... I.0O Tonic Heave Powders .... 1.00 Colice Care =........ ... 100 Lice & Mange Powders... .50° Ty - Veterinary Healing Oil .... .50 > BO - BITODOBIDIDETO 6 DIV DIROTEGITIDBS losme NeBoW®IGe CBIR BIBR DAP neDIROBIRED ~ Union Church SERVICES Morning : Service at Oxdrift. Afternoon: Sunday School and Bible class (Dryden), Preaching Service. Rev. G. E. ROBINS Pastor. A fa Welcome Awaits You. 7 oumssses R. Swee Spey J p.m. liable Massey- Har ris Farm Implements etc. the Old ¥ fe 3 Canadian Potato ; Machinery Co Planter and Diggers | Dr P. H. B. WOOD, Dentist, : Dryden, Ont, Office Hours-- 0.30-12.30 2.00- 5.00 Dryden Ont," ; Se P0e0ee0000ateatIaN Te ? 1 000PCRTLHDET. IBEOBEBI t ¢ i & 242 2 @ n which Z the 5% ah 4 pas n Rein- @ [SYNE 4 0 have | Lak] 5 ie ¢ loss of v Cavy 7 ous Lie is a; 1 ; = YOR really dreadf i ; & Frost The wa ru s is one of the most a "The Case 10-20 is noted for its reserve For belt work this tractor drives a 0 engl S 038} vy i 70 ad by 2 bountifu ; . + 2 feos! Noe oe pid 2 of man. ower. Owners state that these tractors Case 20x36 thresher, fully equipped & i kind, and since morial it are always capable in emergency, for Silo fillers, bay presses, feed mills, ote. 3 ) Sdence of : . $ Shon Pagam Ze orators has been the main dependence of the .... hard plowing or for grades. For all round use this tractor demand ye em mine Sn ! ; : s vo Fars Bought and Sold hie ave 1B-0ny somarartively few! This 10-20 is recommended for pulling your careful consideration. It has long A fads Furs slg § Pl = 2 Fitalee = . 5 en aman b 4 2 2 2 walrus leit alive, and the pro ospect three 14-inch plows which it can pull proved its worth. It is economical in 2 8 1a thn i i 8 spe- : : . 2006606802000 H20E 0000064 | 18 that be fore long this valuable spe "in sod or stubble. operation, burning kerosene successfully cles will be virtually exterminated. Persistent slaughter has reduced its | rere 5 ] Ta Sn | numbers to such 2 point that there! Is no longer much profit in hunting: it for commereial 1 s--wherein for Eis survival. lies t the only ho ; Hunters seek the beast for 'its: tusks, which are of very fine ivory; : for itz hide, which makes first-rate leather, and even: for its whiskers, which furnish picks for opium pipes. To the Hakimo it is (or was) food, . 3 . clothing, houss, utensils (from bones: aeaier m - and tusks) and most other neces- : Dry Goods Groceries aries of life. : : More -than half a century ago the, Boots and Shoes whalers, responding to a commer- | Hardware and Farm Produce aial demand for ivory, turned their -- attention to the walrus and proceed y 2g fo wipe them out systen ally. Agent for Fhe: as many nn 2.000 of the | Yorkshire Insurance Company meals were slaughtered on a single of 'ice merely for their tusks. to-day a walrus is hardly to be found in waters where the creatures used to be so numerous that their bellowings were heard above the roar waves and the grinding of the Frost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements or g7 B. H. PRONG Notary Public ils had no chance at a adopted was r anir suatly the m al to Tbr l a herd of walrus on the i | i 2 | i : er picking 8 st rancer, rte, ice, and. after picking off the mos . Conveya oer, CLT alert bulls from 2 safe distance with BIR YIEEN e FF rifles, slaughter the rest at leisure. Fre = 'A Pearl Diver. He was just nt of the army. His thoughts were on the futur His Shecectrensd LOGR08% cold clerking job had no appeal for 5 hieT him. He wanted no more prosaic, Bl ; T 1 38 33 counter-jumping. The war had given | hat wm Fill him a new point of view. His new | work must be in the great outdoors and touched with romance and ad- venture. Fondering his problem as he walk the street, his eyes fell upon a uilding, the front of which was cov- d with placards. It was an em-: loyment agency. He glanced with | sual interest over the assortment | of odd jobs offered. He thrilled with | sudden excitement as he encountered | a sign which read: 2) ftifant & 4 el Ein) = {rd ©} ® tZl ocean depths and bringing lustrous pearls destined to gleam on the ivory throats of beautiful women "T'd like to try one of those pear} diving jobs," he sputtered. "Have you had any experience as a pearl diver?' asked the agent. "Not exactly, but I'm a darned z2ood swimmer." "What are you trying to de, kid somebody 2"? 'No, that's a fact. I'm a good div-_| er, too. I've held my breath under water 45 seconds. Where ig this pearl diving job. Samoa or the coast of Ceyon?" "It's down King street, in a res- taurant. A 'pearl diver,' silly, is slang for 'dishwasher.' " The war veteran in quest of re- mance fled. British Supremacy. FF. W. Wile, formerly Rerlin cor- respondent of the London Daily Mail, addressed the Halifax Rotary Club recently. He said he was preaching the doctrine of an Anglo-Saxon em tente, and he did it strongly, but in + the course of his speech he alienated the regard of two British seamen who were in the company, by saying that 'the. financial . passing from London to Naw York, | and that the supremacy of Great Bri- { tain; in the merchant marine was = moving in the same direction The ' caplain of the British steamer Wa- ana, cried out, 'po,"" to the first assertion, and to the second he shouted "not on your life"; the chief dficer of the Sachem doing the same thing. The crowd then took up the brotest in regard te fhe shipping and i there were cries of "no, no," from : ull over the dining room, more than half the company joining in the . protest. Mr. Wile did not persist in { his assertion, but turned it off with & laugh by saying that the objectors to what he had stated must have "inside information." » The Pond Skater. Insects that walk on the water by means of pneumatic fleais are the spider and the pond skater. pond skater really walks on There are tiny irs on the feet of this insect, go fine that they cannot be seen, that re arranged to collect air. The iar famili Lhe pneumatic floats. ha i a non collected in and about these 'bairs is sufiicient to allow the insects to walk or float on the surface of . the water. As each foot is put down it forms a cuplike depression, or tiny ' pit, in the water. The foot does not i Xk because the air bubble that has been formed is too light to let it. A fine covering of hair protects the water spider, too, and even if it is submerged in. the water a is: neve 2 white pexri when on of Galt. of hs city assossment it sliows a failing cif ef 4 Galt's population, which iw iven as 12,434. It is felt that sol- returnin ec th nia ke this oo © BOW caches a oT ent ap icre a in deer se of $57,701. or ase on inceme S nr i 1 = s McCormick 5 wr DRYDEN - ONT Wanted--Three pearl divers; $15: : and board. ; EERE Bal. = There was the job for him. He! ' immediately thought of the romance ; of the South Seas, of diving into erys- up | in the palaces of the rich and noble. } supremacy. was It is built of the finest materials. . get your monzy's worth. Before you decide on your tractor, let us show you the advantages of the Case It also handles usually requiring about six herses, such foot binders, two 20-shoe grai other implements You as two 7 drills, six section spike-tooth harrow, 8 [1a Youll then be better able to 0 10 foot double disc harrow, ete. judge. z . z OS 3 a NW} KEROSENE | FT, BRIGNALL, TRACTORS Oxdrift, Ont ean Sn a SA ES DEA ie 411 the Tools you need Ready for next week Get them at Hardw oni mi dimes are, Butcher Shep i i | Sturdy, Reliable, Ecnomical, power on drawbar as well as on belt . Known the world overfor low cost farm power SPECIAL FEATURES Burns Kerosene and other low priced fuels, has lubricator Magneto with impulse starter, no battries required, handy foot breakes, easy to steer adjustable draw bar, Water, air cleaner two speeds, working parts enclesed. The motor is a two- cylinder, valve-in-head type, running at 575 r.p.m. If you are thinking of getting a tractor, see the TITAN 10-20 and get our prices, which have heen recently reduced, before place- ing your order. For Literature and Prices on any of these Machines, see 3, S. CORNER, Oxdrift. ~® or write to NTERNATIONAL, HARVESTER CO. Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. Loses opiate mechanical AAT TR RII 3 BUELL RS' Lo | -- i BC. Shincles | + 2 J : aye = Hl i Piciure Framing 2a: Wo od KEEP OUT THE FLIES sum Hardvall and Fibre, Fle. and other pests with our extra fine-meshed screen doors. . They will keep out all insects a d being extra strong will last a long time. Bring the measures of your doors with you. We have screens in -all standard sizes. G.W.V.A Applications for membership and Nn nfermafion c6n- cerning returred : ¥ Wet, wii eto : ; : I' avinsoN « - ot Ria 2.30 poo 20 4 XDAY every mora k

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