A a A A 7 ML I BRT, ee i J DOLE RENT J 02 0 EN EC 0 a Soap J 10 To v ad RS a ea prt ivi] te yess a pists wivpiopsoto eepvippes wu ctype! asinine wnt peltnasiosuissl selmi ps pv! wissen ysactvsstesslwstesssisbos! eaiveises! cots! assis wrist wees ust steels! west uste syst a! west! vsti west bu wtb! vedo wt wit esti egn vb vtsito ete wtb! wt iowtv tsb nttl ui! sti otto whit itt Lyra mis ital viv waives vst wari! wimps win suid wl esate wise un! ais ensl wee sie wi The Dryden Ol er | 3 Volume XXVIII. Dryden, Ont, May 20 1921 Number 43 The HUDSON Buyers or RAW Bring or ship HIGHEST PRICES | S BAY Co, ATED 1670 High dlass yours fo us HIGHEST GRADE DINORWIC. Ont. - 950 YEARS IN . THE BUSINESS. A FEW OF THE THINGS i in eG 0 Em a 0 ED pearance ob thele siveat, HARNESS LINE I have on hand. the I~ rn : Horse: 'Collars, 'Breeching Straps, Side Straps, reversible Brass Ball | Top. Steel Hames, Hame Straps, | Martingales, Pole Straps, Flat Side Checks, Chain Breast Straps, Overdraw Checks, Kling's Hame Fasteners, Heel Chains, Team Breeching, - Team traces, Success Chain Traces, tested 4500 ths each, Breast Collars, Buggy Traces, Open Bridles, Winker Bridles, Halters, Double & single Lines, Team Back Pads, Belly Bands, Sweat Pads, assortment of Collars, Pads, &ec. Neatsfoot Harness Oil, in Quarts. . H. WILLARD, ~ Boot:@nd Harness Repairer. DR DEN PHARMACY Everything a good Drug Store| should sell. Mail Orders attended to. Willard's, Patterson's. Lowney's, CHOCOLATES. AUTO STROP and GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS. FRENCH IVORY : : SWAN FOUNTAIN PENS SAFETY RAZORS SMOKER'S SUPPLIES STATIONERY. | SCHOOL SUPPLIES DE LUXE STATIONERY : Cental Hotel | Ice Cream Parlour Now Open Under the management of Mrs. Florence Holmes, as- sisted by Miss Hilda All the Latest Broadway Favorites And many other Good Things (GERD () CED) ED ()-S ) SS () ES QUALITY SERVICE The Great | Lakes Fur Trading Co. Lid, DINOR WIC, Ont. RAW FUR SHIPMENTS INVITED Highest Prices. Express Charges pai AGENTS FOR The "Decca" Portable Phonograph A handy Suitcase Model, of 13-1bs "ENQUIRIES SOLICITED. | Burgess & Walters 1 Popular SN 5 CREAM PARLOR COME - AND BE SERVED in our * Japanese Tea Room IC KODAKS, FILMS and SUPPLIES CHOCOLATES TOBACCOS % TE Ty oe a, EA EE tO Au A. RH) PA tf Bc A an The Jack Pot " MAN is born to trouble as the | sparks fly upward." : | You bet. If it ain't one damned thing it's another, as some wise guy once remarked, But if we didn't have to fight to get things going right, we'd be bored to death. The cordwood frontage of the infant school is more substantial looking tthan aesthetic. The residents of Duke Street are greatly enamoured with the work done yb the Town lately on that St. They think congratulations are due to the Council and to its employee, Chas. Lott., for the greatly enhanced ap- ! hand, in which case nothing could It has been demonstrated that no amount of brains or education can re- move lime from a car. That can only be done by the application of labour-- even if it be only the unskilled kind. A poser: If a barber allows a gain of 1-16 of an inch to the whisker each time I get shaved, how long will it be before a man of 5-ft. 6 will possess a full beard--and the said barber lose a customer ?--DAD. : Gentleman, lonely, comfortably sit- uated, agreeable personality, desires to correspond with maid or widow of affectionate disposition. Write, en- closing photo, Box A-1, The Jackpot. The Town is taking advantage of the present supply of labor to make some necessary improvements round town. The men are glad of hte oppor- tunity to help out during the present period of idleness. : | | J. 0. Gough is moving into the _ house he bought from M. S. Campbell. Mr Campbell has lately purchased a fine property south of the Town and overlooking the river, and is lay- ing out the grounds and planting shade trees in preparation for the fine new residence he will shortly build there. : Mr Robert Wachman, president, very emphatically points out that the head office of the Wachman Mining "Co. is in Dryden, Ont, and that his only desire is to be regarded as a citizen of this town. Which state- ment we gladly publish in correction of a slip we made in a previous issue. A young 'man named E. Swanson, said to be from the west, in attempt- . ing with two others to board a mov- ing train at Eagle River, Monday, was knocked down and badly mutilated. ; He died of his injuries before the crew were able to rush him to Kenora hospital. ¥ Cow killed at Diy Sen A cow belonging to Mr Sfreddo strolled on to 'the track near the curve Tuesday afteynoon in search of the , succulent mouthful, with the usual sad result. The engine received no Lan he Boy: A cow got on the track at i power-house yesterday, and when the train came along the cow thought----" The Girl: "Cows don't think; they instinet." The Boy: "Well, I don't care if she thought it or only instincted it, but anyhow the engine killed that cow.' id Sanitary Hint.-- The closets in the town are now being cleaned out, and it is recom- mended by the sanitary inspector that in the interests of health, house- holders make it a practice to keep on hand some lime to apply occasion- ally, to keep the air pure and pi-event flies from breeding. The lime could be bought from D .Anderson, or 'the hardware stores, or at the Mill. Dryden Athletic Dance.-- A benefit dance in the interests of Dryden Athletic Association was held last Friday. In such a popular cause assistance of various a tremendous success. A number of lzidies contributed the sandwiches, cakes and tea so gener-{ ously that there was enough left over to hold an auction sale. The Dryden Paper Co. granted the use of their Hall, Mr Frank Porter presenled the printed programnaes, and the Oiches- tra furnished the music, to the funds of the D.A.A.A. Why does 2 hen cross the road? ' driven by the high wind had become i , combustion. | of willing citizens, managed to re- ' in check and completely extinguished : appearance, it is probably the oldest "building in town, and is © associated people was readily tendered, and the result was all heing contributed without charge, allowiRg the total proceeds of $137.00 to go Historic Building Burns Dryden Fire Brigade had a call to- day (Friday) at 1 p.m. to a fire which originated in the roof of the house | occupied by W. J. Robinson. A spark | lodged in the roof and smouldered there, finally breaking into a serious The Brigade, under D. Anderson, immediately got to work with its chemical engine, and aided by a host move all the furniture, although some of it had to be damaged in the hasty removal. The work of extinguishing the fire was made extremely difficult by the unusual force of the wind, and. only the most determined skill pre- vented the fire from getting out of have saved the rest of the street from destruction. As it was, the engine, helped out by pails from the water tank of Ed. Charlebois who rendered valuable assistance, the fire was kept within an hour. 3 While it is not uncommon fro citi- zens, like most communities, to in- dulge at times in humorous referen- ces to our brigade, it must be admit- ted that they are highly efficient when the test comes. It is worthy of record that only once in the history of Dry- den has a valuable building been des- troyed by fire in twenty years. We honestly doubt whether any other town on the continent can match the record. Even where the damage is relatively small it must be heart- breaking to see the thousand and one things that go to make a home being pitched hurriedly into the treet. The inside of the roof is badly charred, and the floors saturated with water, but otherwise the damage can be repaired. About $400 worth of insurance was carried, according to R. J. Pronger, insuance agent. The building, which is now the pro- petty of Mr Robinson, was built by thesTate. D. Smith, and was the first post office in Dryden. Despite its with some of its most interesting history. : HOME BAZAAR HELD BY MEMBERS OF LADIES' AID The Ladies' Aid of Union Church held a Bazaar of home work in the Mill Hall on Wednesday last. Like all things that the women of Dryden undertake, the affair was thoroughly organized, and the asle was an im- mense Success. The several booths were beautifully decorated, and the excellence of the work of the women displayed to ad- vantage. Mrs M. S. Campbell and Mrs Wilson were in charge of the Fancy Work; Mrs Master and Mrs Russell, the Nursery; Mrs Black and Mrs Madder, Bedroom; Mrs Pitt and Mrs Tom Scott, Kitchen; Mrs F. N. Beveridge, Pantry. > The Tea Committee, whose services were a notable part of the pro- gramme, were: Mrs Golden, Mrs I. J. Clark, Mrs Hambly and Mrs McFad- yen. Lunch was served in the Tea Room from 6 to 7.30, embellished with a little parlour music from pens and: violin. The amount raised from the Sale of Work totalled $416.00 and will. be applied toward the fund to improve the Church building. Mr and Mrs D. Frejd have return- ed to Dryden, after their extended trip thrrough Nelson, B.C, and down the coast. Miss Sara Thompson, who lately took charge of the school at Osaquan is spending the week-end with her parents. 0 Miss Minnie Plotts, accompanied by her mother, visited Winnipeg on Monday for medical treatment. of every month, at 8 p.m. WM. WALLACE DUNCAN. Secy.-treas. MINNITAKI CLUB, U.F.0., meets in the Schoolhouse the First Saturday Victoria Dy Sporis bated this year rather quietly. The stores 'will be closed, and it will be recognised as a general holiday. The baseball team will play at . Kenora in the afternoon, leaving by | No. 1. The Kenora Juveniles will | play the local kids here. Keewatin will send its football team : to Dryden, where our boys are con- fidently expected to trim them. In the evening a dance will be held in the Mill Hall at 9 o'clock, to enter- tain the visitors, The orchestra wili supply music, and the charge for ad- mission will be fifty cents. THE LABOUR SITUATION. | Hall, in the Town of Dryden, o f open for inspection. : Dryden, May 13th, 1921. MUNICIPALITY OF VAN HORNE. ---------- Court of Revision TUESDAY, May 24th, will be le NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of Van Horne will meet. as Court of Revision in the Town .urday the 28th day of May, 192 i the hour of 1 p.m., to hear and cter- : mine the appeals Renin t the . ment Roll of the said Townshi Van Horne, for the year 1921. The Roll is now in my Offic D. ANDERSON, C MUNICIPALITY OF MACHIN. Court of Revision. Mr J. B. Beveridge returned from Montreal Thurday. He had a meeting with mill employees this morning, . when the whole paper situation was frankly discussed. No definite date has been announced for the mill to considered ing, and the outlook is hopeful. Through a misunderstanding we were led to state last week that the; Dryden Pharmacy had disposed of its: ctock of chocolates and candies. Mr the high-class chocolates that patrons are accustomed to buy at The Phar- macy are still to be had--their motif Quality." WHAT CONSTITUTES THE NATION? Our nation is not that territory which extends north an dsouth but the human beings who on this terri- tory have established their homes. The nation lives in homes. Industry is to supply homes. The things that make a good home are the things that make a great nation. I have seen houes into which too much material prosperity brought idleness, bickering discontent, and even reduced the standard of health. And sometimes I think that some- thing of the sort has happened to us. ; It is only temporary if we face the ituation, and it is largely the women of the country who must accept the responsibility of restoring to the national home content and happiness, health and well-being.--Mary Robert Rin char, in Jopnary "Good House- Fen a THE NEW SALES TAX. The new sales tax is 11% per cent. on sales within Canada, and 2% per cent on imports. The tax is payable within Canada by both manufacturers and wholesalers, and where a sale is made by a manufacturer direct to a retailer the tax is 8 per cent. Similar- ly, if a retailer makes a direct import a tax of 4 per cent. is levied. In regard to lumber there is a special ; clause under which an excise tax of 3 per cent. will be paid by the manu- facturer, and no further tax will be levied. Pp resume, but negotiations are proceed- : Burton wishes it to be known that} == now, as always, being "Service and] NOTICE is hereby given that thee Council of the Municipality of Machin ; "will meet in the Schoolhouse, Eagle "River, on Thursday May 26, at 7.30 i p.m., as a Court of Revision for the {purpose of hearing appeals' filed against the Assessor's returqn of the Assessment Roll for the year 1931. All parties having business at the said Court are hereby required to take: notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. ALEX. TURNER, Clerk. Eagle River, May 13, 1921. Ty The Popular Candy Sh CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT SOFT DRINKS. TOBACCO. Opposite Town Hall. i iE Tires Regular Tubes re : Heavy Tourist Tubes - 3.15 + E. A. Klose DURANCE BROTHERS Late Durance & Millington, MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, _ All kinds of Automobiles, Tractors, Gas Engines, Magnetos, etc, ever- hauled and Repaired. = Get our prices om rive AGRICULTURAL ENGINES and HACHINGGY Agents for UNITED GRAIN GROWERS, 1 i New Stock of C.C.M. Bicycles now on view, both ladies 'Gent.'s Models. Bicycles, Sewing 'Machines. The new budget - Si need a sales tax of 1% per cent on tea, the merchants, and after collection, to pay it to the Inland Revenue Dept. | Salada need pay to the grocer. themselves, and this is sumers. iiecause he can't lock through it, ~ WALDHOF. A Dance will be held by the Wald hof Entertainment Society on Satur-, Waldhof. and refreshments will be TENDERS FOR BUILDING. June 10th, 1920, for erecting a Schoo Building at Eagle River. Plans and specifications essarily accepted. D. F. McKENZIE, To get to the other side. amy Eagle River, Ont. Secy. seen at the home of the undersigned. | The lowest or any Tender not nec- 1. SNAPS FOR QUICK SALE. may be FRAME HOUSE and twenty-two lots, north of Moeser, Jr., Cow, Hay, and Furniture; i &e CPE Price, $1300.00. R. H. PRONGER. onus is placed on theSalada Tea Co. | of charging this on their invoices to | There is a further tax of 2% per cent. on importations of tea, which the Salada Tea Company are paying | not being passed along to the grocers or con- 'Why does a horse look over a wall? day, May 28th, in the Schoolhouse at Music will be up-to- -date," served. Come and enjoy the fun. Everybody SEALED TENDERS addressed to the welcome. undersigned will be received up to. Gramophones overhauled and rep ed. New parts supplied. Bicycles Bought, Sold, & Repai ed. DURANCE BROS. GARAGE, In M'Fadyen Block. SEFTIEL SERENE "YE OLDE FIRME." bn HEINTZMAN & 00. Limited This is the only tax the consumer of . Kenora Branch - 209 First Street. 2 THE BEST in PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS and PHONOGRAPHS = Your old instrument take exchange. IRA J. WILDE IN EuaraE. ; District headquarters, FORT WILLIAM, ont. EET "To. WHOM IT MAY CONCER! -- Anybody giving credit to Mrs Wm, after this date will do so 7 at his own risk, as I will no ings? : Nice RESIDENCE on Princess Street, be responsible for same.. high and dry, good garden. $1300. 00 : : : WM. MOESER. ' Waldhof, May 21st, 1921. x