Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 19 Aug 1921, page 4

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Ag atts EASA DSR NI ite tat 5 - Et ha ni i Earn sha EE eR a ae Square i sa A 5a ons. cp Sam CR po a Store = @ ) B : } Pat | - b ! | | | <S $ are makers of fire extinguishing ap- 8 | paratus, and will put on the exhibition at their own expense to demonstrate i ; ] ; | | A House on Fire A communication has been received 'by the Secretary of Dryden Agricul- tural Society from Canadian Fire Foam, limited, offering to put on a demonstration of fire-fighting at the Fall Fair to be held next month | The entertainment is a novel and highly entertaining one, and educa- j tional as well. They propose to soak 'a house with 40 gallons of gasoline given by the committee the fire will then be extinguished. This ought to bring a crowd of sight-seers, for no sight in the world is more fascinating than that of a house on fire. The Canadian TFirefoam Company the high efficiency of their firefight- ing products. Another nevel feature at the Fair will be competitions in riding and driving. One race, for instance, will be to harness and hitch the horse in the buggy and drive as you round the field. This should sive lots of fun, and anybody who thinks he has got a pony that can travel is in- vited to get into this and show them what he can do. please Visitors to the Dryden Fair this ; year will find many new and enter- taining ideas on the programme. The directors started in from the first to make this the greatest Fair ever held, and they have been working all season to carry out their plan. The date is Thursday and Friday 22nd and 23rd September. FAIRS BRING SETTLERS This year, as in the past, it is the intention of the Colonization Depart- ment to put on an exhibit of Northern Ontario grown grains, vegetables and honey at the Canadian National Ex- "hibition at Toronto, and the Central Canada Fair at Ottawa. These exhi- bits are for the purpose of advertising the possibilities which we have for the promotion of Agriculture in this nor- thern district. It is through this branch that new settlers are brought in; and as there are thousands of people visiting these Fairs, the ex- hibits sent from the various districts show in a general way the kind of farming that is carried on, and in this manner the settler may best decide which district is most suitable to the kind of farming that he intends to en- gage in. i - Owing to unfavorable weather con- i ditions, first class material to send to i | 2 | these Fairs is rather difficult to locate Anyone with produce suitable for sending should communicate with the local agricultural representative. The Department are willing to pay a reasonable price for such material, and in each case the grawer's name and full information is written on a card and attached to the exhibit. In this way not only the district, but also the grower, is given credit. fever, summer colds, asthma positive- ly stopped by RAZ-MAH. And Rheumatic Capsules are just as sure for Rheumatism, Neuritis, ete. Sold \ by the Dryden Pharmacy. { TEAM, 1200 Ibs, FOR HRE for the winter months. 'Good terms.--Apply Dryden Realty Co., Dryden, Out. The automobile highway through "Minritaki was blocked to traffic last Sunday by a dwellinghouse and pro- fanity, when a resident assisted by two of his neighbours (all god-fearin' men) made a record in house movin'. Minnitaki is living up to her reputa- tion. areata WANTED. By the OXDRIFT CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, Limited, a Manager for their general store to be opened in the near future Applicants to state ex- perience and salary expected. Applications to be in the hands of the Sec.-treas. W. W. Howell, Oxdrift, on or before September 1st, 1921. LUXURIOUS MOTOR CARS for hire Several new and sale--DURANCE BROS. Live agent wanted at Dryden for Watkins 137 products. Watkins goods known everywhere. Other ter- ritories open. Write today. Fhe J. R. Watkins Company, Winnipeg. iz | BIRTH. --At Oxdrift on ne 16th, "to 'Mr and Mrs F. T. Brignall, a hm and oil and set it on fire; at a signal Stop sneezing and snuffling! Hay | used Bieyeles for - THE JACK POT. -------- Miss Olive Newton is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Newton. Miss Consie Kerney is spending heér holidays with relatives in Kenora. Mr Howard, a former teller of the Royal Bank, spent a few days in Dry- den this week. Mrs S.B. Black returned home after an extended wisit to friends and relatives in the east. M. D. Hambly, manager of the Royal Bank, accompanied by his wife and son, camé home Thursday from 'a long visit in the east. Mrs McFadyen and Mrs Campbell Tuesday, to bid farewell to Mrs H. R. Thompson. The terrible four got home safe the other morning, looking as healthy as pirates after their two weeks' cruise, Mr Joe Rochon made a Short Stop at Ignace slid to the home plate on the next train. Sort of double play so to speak. Tommy Walters has got a special oven installed back of his store, and makes a specialty of shortbread--any quantity desired to order. The kind that melts in your mouth, too. Robt Sweeney has returned to Dry- den, bringing his Winnipeg bride. She is a niece of Mrs J. S. Golden, and was on the staff of Winnipeg Public School. Robt Latimer has bought a Silo from S. B. Black, Massey Harris Agent. He is the first to follow the lead of ¥. T. Brignall in growing sunflowers, and has four acres of a great crop this year. SCHOOL FAIR PLOT JUDGING School Fair plots are now being judged by Mr M F. Cook, who reports that for the most part they are highly satisfactory. The children are showing a keen interest in the work, and it is expec- ted that entries at he School Fairs will be well filled, and the quality of exhibits will be high despite the un- favourable season which we have had. OUR PICNIC. Dear editor--Some of us think you might like to know about our Sunday "School pienie, but if you never Weie a kid yourself, we feel sorry for you. Well, we started off at eleven ocl. Tuesday, in the biggest hayrack and wagon you ever saw. All the little kids got in the middle and we older ones packed around the outside so as not to lose any of 'em. It rained, but that didn't matter. Rain never spoils a picnic, does 'it? They said we were going to Mr Stan- ley Bartlett's place, and after a jolly ride we got Shove wonny out among the trees. Say, Mr editor, if we fellows had ! arranged this ourselves it couldn't 'a been better: swings, races, tug-o'-war wheel-barrow races, threading the needle and hundreds of other games kept us busy all the time. But the eats--Oh, Boy! I don't know how they ever got there, but those ladies just kept bringing out sandwiches, cakes and tea till we nearly bust. Some of us tried to keep count, but after it got to 20 helpings of cake and tea we got all mixed up. Gee whiz! I wish I knew who made all hose cakes with salad dressing on --or whatever they call it! I'd go and chop wood for 'em every day for a year. good for children; but I don't think she really means it, 'cause whenever ed the sandwiches down our blouse, g and the girls put their's in' their stocking or some place, and - every- body wanted cake! What beats me, though, is how they kept the kettle boiling. Gosh, I'm glad I wasn't Mr Bartlett. He must have stayed up all Monday night to bust wood, and I just think what Mrs Bartlett will have to do clearing up after a bunch like that. I'll bet she has to put in some overtime. You know, that's what makes us kids feel kinda mean: all that work just to give us a good time. You maybe think this is a lot to say - about a pienic, but if I could only tell you what us kids feel about it, you wouldn't have any room left for other | things not half so important. the Sheriff's Office; Kenora." Hurragh for everybody that reient J. Ww. HUMBLE, i and three great big cheers for Mz my Sheriff Mrs Bartlett! Rah, Rah, Rah! THE KID. Fo entertained a few friends to tea on: Thursday morning, and Mother always says rich food isn't] : they brought the cakes along we tuck- CARD OF THANKS ia] Mrs J. H. Nelson and family extend their thanks to 'friends ahd neigh- j bours for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their. 'recent bereave- ment, also for the beautiful floral' offerings; and to those who took part in the service. 'Eagle River, Snows 15th To21. QUIBELL NOTES. : T. Crowley is shortly to open up the old post office store as a bakeshop. family are expected shortly to. take up residence in Quibell. We have three more families com- ing to settle in this locality. Watch Quibell grow! : Mr Swan is arranging fof a Sunday School picnic, to be held early in September. Canon Tolthouss chnistencd two children at the Church service held August 7th: Madeline, daughter of Mr and. Mrs Roberts; and - Jeremiah McKinnon, son of Mr and Mrs J. Shields. The nursing class is being well at- tended, and we are gaining many interesting points that will be useful. Mr McEwan, of the local auto livery, has been a great help in bringing the mothers with their little children from a distance to the class. Otherwise, they could not "have. taken the course. Many thanks to Mr McEwen. A most enjoyable dance was held in the Schoolhouse Saturday last. A pleasant feature of the evenihg being the presence of Mr Campbell (Jack), of Provincial Paper Mills fame, also Miss Wright Miss Ray and another young lady, who: had motored from Dryden. Promptly the dance stopped to bid our friends welcome, then: all joined in and the fun went merrily on " (Opposite CPR. Dapety Money to Loan ON GOOD FARM PROPERTY. If you want to Buy or Sell Farm or Town Property, we can help you. iy 'CALL AND "SEE us. Life, Fire, Hail and Automobile In- surance. . Conveyancing "Bookkeeping Stocks and Bonds bought and sold _ Agreements for Sale Discounted ~ ete, etc, ete. D. LANE, Manager. Municipality of Machin NOTICE is hereby given that a By- law was passed by the Township of Machin on the 2nd day of August, 1921, providing for the issue of de- bentures to the amount of $3000, for the purpose of building an additional room to the new School, and such Bylaw was registered in the Registry Office for the District of Kenora, at Kenora, on the 18th ol of August, 1921. Any motion to alah or Sl peide] the same, or any part thereof, must be made within three (3) months after the first publication of this Notice, and cannot be made there- after. : ALEX. TURNER, Clerk. - Dated this 18th day of August 1921. TAX SALE POSTPONED arrears of School Taxes. in S.S, No, 1 of the townships of Southworth and Hartman, which was® advertised in the Ontario Gazette and the Dryden the Fourth .day -of -August, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the forenoon at the Sheriff's Office at the Town of Kenora, and which was adjourned until Thursday the 18th day of Aug- j ust at the same time and place, has ' been further adjourned until Thursday the 1st day of September, at the ® same time and' place. - Wi For further particulars app 4 Dated at Kenora thi of August, 1621 The new teacher, Mr Holmes, and DRYDEN REALTY COMPANY | The Sheriffs Sale. of Lands for EVANS . The Popular Candy. Shep. CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT BREAD ; SOFT DRINKS. TOBACCO. This Tittle Store, So conveniently ~situated, and whose service is "so cheerfully given, is becoming the 'favorite shopping place of 'those of our citizens who live in the upper portion of the Town. Opposite the Town Hall. L.O. L Dryden Lodge No. 1694 » meets the first Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m in the Town Hall. Visiting brethren cordially nvited. : H. REHILL, Rec. Sec. J. E. HARRIS, W.M. ntematine] Brthrtod of Bly sulphite and Paper Mill Workers Dryden Lodge No. 105 Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday each month, at 7.30, in the Mill Hall. J. H. HILL, F. RUSSELL, . Pres. : Rec. Sec. Golden Star Lodge No 484 ~ A. F&A M,G.R. Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden the Second Tuesday of each mont' Visitors cordially invited. D. REID, W.M. H. HUMPHREYS, Sec. Sore] J.E.GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC . ~ CONVEYANCER, &c. AGENT FOR Royal Fire Insurance Company, DRYDEN i ONTARIO |H. A. C. MACHIN, Barrister, Solicitor, a IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK KENORA . . Ont. M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, Ont, dealer in - Dry Goods . Groceries Boots and Shoes ; Hardware and Farm Produce Agent for Yorkshire Insurancc Company Frost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements R. H. PRONGER, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc. DRYDEN ONT 1.0. 0.0F 'Dryden Lodge No 174 « meets at the Town Hall every Firat and Third Monday at8 o'clagk. A. J. Clempson, N. G,, D. M. Kentuer, Recording Sec. Visiting brethren cordially invited R. Sweeney General Blacksmith 'Wood Worker Observer, to take place on Thursday Dryden => Ont 006005000600 0000008000090F TRIST & CHARLEBOIS Dryden Livery, Transfer ad Rei bi DRY DEN

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