Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 9 Sep 1921, page 1

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b 1 ~ 2S Vs oa HAT nT A Bh aE PU on SE rE cl i le ae BR UE I i RE eS Tr he SORT A Rad Se A EE fi Sh Tia del PA Lt i i LAL A NR te ee oa GR A ic Uh be de ab cl on i i LC rr nw Si mS a a Ce OR HC TB i a RR ETC IRC SENS AS ST 1 rh ie Le RA LG i Th a Ma er mph a ES Sa er Cee Re be le SE UR ey LE RI Ea SE i det a Co ches Cb 3 5 Kt TE et SL I SRE EET OE GAS, RELL URC ER TD OF SE Se ART Rs PA sm SIV RR SRE a BEE Ee SELB sed SRL ge Ee BS LCA I me a LL GL 3 a TIRE Se CE TORE CC pa SR SR RE SF a wl dient th TNL li 5 BRU RES FS Se RL PA IS ST » Volume XXIX. Dryden, Ont. September 9 1921 Number 19 New 5-pass. Touring Car, §915 | $915 | Light Delivery ""Chevrolet" Pprices| Roadster, $915 Chassis . $850 'F.0.B. DRYDEN, Ont. Standard equipment includes every essential found in higher-priced cars. Chevrolet value becomes more apparent through comparson with other automobile€s. ninety" features:-- Transmission: selective type, Hand control Three speeds Forward & Reverse Electric Starter ; Speedometer Tire Carrier Side Curtains Here are some of the "four- Electric Lamps Demountable 'Rims License Holder Electric Horn I Complete Tool Buppmant } Extra Rim - One-man Top Pay us a visit, and See these Facts for yourself. Durance Bros. SPECIALISTS IN AUTOMOBILE and BICYCLE REPAIR WORK. FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP. CHARGES. DEPENDABLE WORK. FULL LINE OF AUTO and BICYCLE ACCESSORIES. REASONABLE DRYDEN PHARMACY EVER-READY SAFETY RAZORS Complete with blades, $1.50 TINY TOT TALCUM POWDER : The New Baby Tale. Delicately perfumed Highly recommended by leading der- matologists. MEDALLION ANTISEPTIC TOILET PREPARATIONS Includes: -- COLD CREAM, TOOTH PASTE 'TALCUM POWDER and SOAP Of delightful fragrance, offering refreshing cleanliness. Mail Orders attended to. THE STORE OF SERVICE AND QUALITY. $006000006020600069060090409 A.J.GARDINER § General Merchant : EAGLE RIVER, ONT. oo AGENT FOR Gockshutt Plow Go.. Frost & Waod Implements | 9 e & Sharple $ Cream Separalors Raw Furs Bought and3Sold : 80600200400000004044400408 'Hay - Fever fay COLDS, ASTHMA, spoil many a holiday. RAZ - MAH Positively stops these troubles 8 ~ - Sneezing, weezing, coughing, weeping eyes aven't necessary-- unless you like being that way. $1.00 at your oy ist's, or write "Templeton, Toronto, for a free trial, SOLD BY THE Dryden ons DRYDEN REALTY COMPANY (Opposite C.P.R. Depot.) Money to Loan ON GOOD FARM PROPERTY. If you want to Buy or Sell Farm or Town Property, we can help you. CALL AND SEE TUS. f Life, Fire, Hail and Automobile In- surance. Conveyancing Bookkeeping Stocks and Bonds bought and sold Agreements for Sale Discounted ete., etc., etc. D. LANE, Manager. Self's S Cray = Consult F. C. BAKER Gasoline Expert Regarding All makes of Engines. Mar- ine, Automobile or Stat onary Dryden - Ontario A FEW OF THE THINGS in the HARNESS LINE I have on hand. Horse Collars, Breeching Straps, Side Straps, reversible Brass Ball Top Steel Hames, Hame Straps, Martingales, Pole Straps, .at Side Checks, Chain Breast traps, Overdraw Checks, Kling's Hame Fasteners, Heel Chains, Team Breeching, Team traces, Success Chain Traces, tested 4500 ibs each, Breast Collars, Buggy Traces, Open Bridles, Winker Bridles, Halters, Double & single Lines, Team Back Pads, Belly Lands, Sweat Pads, assortment of Collars, Pads, &ec. Neatsfoot Harness Oil, in Quarts. H. WILLARD, Boot and Harness Repairer. SEE A COME AND o Japanese Burgess & Walters Popular OE CREAM PARLOUR in our KODAKS, FILMS and SUPPLIES CHOCOLATES BE SERVED Tea Rim TOBACCOS SAAAARAPAI IRIN THE JACK POT. Mr L. C. Tuttle is on a visit of in- pection for the stockholders of the Contact Bay Mines, Ltd. "Gee, I can't hit those high ones," remarked a player after fanning a few times. Mrs John Corner and Miss Amy, of Brooklyn, Ont., are visiting Mr and Mrs J. S. Corner, Oxdrift, arriving on Monday morning. Sioux Lookout fans took great delight in referring to the fact that where Dryden goes their Sunshine goes with them. We might as well be Frank, It's useless to take three of four collars on a trip unless you remember to bring a shirt to fasten them to. * The two local churches promise to become centres of activity during the winter months. The Sunday School attendance at Union Church is rapidly increasing, while St Luke's Boys Club gives promise of a great future. Wm. Kerney, K.M., is now holding a position de jure at the Wachman Mine. Bill's fitness for the respon- sible position secured him the job out of a host of applicants. Certificates for successful candi- dates at the recent High School ex- aminations held at Dryden are now in possession of the Principal, of the Continuation School Applications for' these Certificates will at once be attended to, No more sneezing summer colds! Hay Fever yields to AZ-MAH always, just as Rheumatism, Neuritis, Sciatica, ete., will to T. R. C's. Sold locally by Dryden Pharmacy. Dryden boys throughtly enjoyed the dance after the Labor Day game, when Sioux Lookout Band furnished the music. The team declared that, in the art of entertaining visitors, Sioux Lookout would be hard to beat. Contact Bay Mines Optimistic Mr E. G. Rognon, of Contact Bay Mines, has returned to town, after a N.Y., in the interest of the Mine. He finds that although the financial world is still conservative, the tendency to- wards better conditions, and indica- tions are favorable to a return to more lively trading. He ig greatly pleased with the progress the mine has made during his absence. A Losing Game Under moral suasion from the police Fred Solonika confided to Magistrate Pronger Wednesday, that he has been running a poker game in his house. Calling the bluff, the Constable led wit ha Club, but His Honour held all the trumps, and Fred was just out fifty dollars and éost on the draw. A Shet in the Dark.-- 'While L. G. Sieber, Chicago, repre-~ senting the stockholders of the Wach- man Mining Co. was here last week, he found the hunting up to expecta- tion. On his way through the woods carrying a shotgun he saw something move, and, despite the low visibility, he impulsively fired. He only secured eight rabbits with one shot, which is a small average for this country, but as it was after nightfall that wasn't too bad for an amateur. The gun used was a double-barrelled, valve-in- head, sure-fire self-starter, with the .02 kick of the best brands of home brew. List of School Fairs. Quibell--Tuesday, September 13th. Waldhof, Vermillion -- Wednesday, September '14th. Eagle River, Minnitaki--Thursday, September 15th. Glengoland, Aubrey, day, September 16th. Dryden--Monday, September 19th. Cairnbrogie--Tuesday, Sept. 20 Wabigoon--Wednesday, Sept. 21st, Ignace--Monday, Sept. 26th. Dyment--Tuesday, Sept. 27th. Alcock--Thursday, Sept. 29th. The Glengoland U.W.F.0. offer the Oxdrift--Fri- Glengoland, Aubrey, Oxdrift Schools: Girls best Layer Cake, 1st $1.00; 2nd .75; 3rd 50c. | Boys, any farm pets, condition and training to count, 1st $1.00; 2nd .75; 3rd 50c. CARPENTERS WANTED for new Power House extension, wages $6.00 per ten-hour day, _ Board $1.15 per day. | BACKUS BROOKS COMPANY Kenora, Ont.' Presentation to Miss Pitt prolonged business trip to Rochester, § , following special prizes for children in! A group of friends, officers and tea- bers of the choir, gave a little party in the basement of Union Church, Wednesday evening, to bid farewell to Miss Edith Pitt, who has been so! intimately associated with the work of the Church, as organist and Sunday School teacher. In the course of the evening the! Superintendent, Mr A. J. Lock, tock occasion to present Miss Pitt with a chers of the Sunday School. and men-| memento of the occasion in the form of a gold ever-sharp pencil on which | her name was engraved, as a token of esteem and regard from her fellow workers in the Union Church. Tiss Pitt will enter Wesley Collegs, Winnipeg, as a student in Arts. Fatal Accident An unfortunate shooting accident occurred near Oxdrift on Sunday! morning last, Louis Sitney the victim, while climbing through a fence on his homestead, was shot in the knee through his gun being accidently dis- charged. . By the time he was found the un- fortunate man, who was over sixty years of age, had lost a great deal of blood. He was taken to Kenora Hos- pital to be operated on, but the shock proved too much for him, and he died there on Monday. He leaves a wife and four childs en, two daughters and two sons. Dryden Agricultural Society. WINNERS OF GARDEN CONTEST. 1 Alhert Johnson Ll. 94 2 W w Milroy civ. 02 SE Tomtain BY 4 Mrs. Turner oni. diy 89 BE ARIS mis, 85 6. Tom Marke... _ 84 7: Mire Blseganl iv memes 82 8 Bert Sherwood oo -31 Wm, Sven iii 79 20 8 Wd ni 78 11 Ben Blalr LA ius 76 BASEBALL Dryden nine celebrated Labor Day by a visit to Sioux Lookout, travelling by auto to Quibell and thence by the G.T.P. to their distination. Sioux Lookout gave them a tremendous re- ception, and, despite the rain, the boys had a royal welcome. The ground was too wet for to play in the fornoon, so the first game was called at 1 o'clock. With Reddy in the box and Rochon catching an en- joyable game was played ending in favor of Dryden by a score of 17-11. Duncan and Rochon preformed in the second game, which was won by Sioux Lookout 11-7. by the absence of Adair and Acko G. Louttit, R. Davidson and Bert Berrey of the Intermediates went a- long reserves, and completed the team. Jackson who was rather serlous- ly hurt during the game, was obliged to spend a few days at Sioux Look- out, under the care of Dr Bell, but has since returned to Dryden. The Sioux Lookout team gave them a very good game, and there was a general expression that it would be a good thing 'for both towns if they could meet oftener. as TO LET.--5 Comfortable Bedrooms, with Board. Reasonable price. Apply to Mrs Allen Lough, south side of Duke Street. Town of Dryden NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have transmitted or delivered to the person mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voter's List Act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered. of the list, made pursuant to said Aet, of persons appearing by the last revised Assess- ment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Munic- ipality at Elections of Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was first posted up in my office in Dryden on the 19th day of August.1921, and remains there for inspection. 4nd I hereby call upon all voters to, take immediate proceedings to have! cording to law. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk of the Municipality of the | Town of Dryden The regular line-up was disarranged all errors or omissions corrected ac-1 Effective September 3rd / NEW PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS: -- SULTS I ee i $565.00 | Truck $615.00 Touring, with Starter ____.__ 650.00 | Truck, with Starter ____..__..__ 700.00 RUnoBouE ition ii cree: B15,00N Coupe 890.00 Runabout, with Starter ______ 600.00 | Sedan 990.00 Chassis _ 470.00 | Complete 'Starter unit only _._...$85.00 Chassis, with Starter __.__.. .--555.00 ALL PRICES F.0.B. FORD, ONTARIO No change in price of FBractors. ® HAL DINGWALL : Dingwall's Garage, Dryden, Ont. " WE ARI NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR PENNSYLVANIA ANTHEA: CITE COAL-- EGG, perton ....... Nn $18.65 NUT and STOVE, per ton....... $18.90 F.0.B. CAR, DRYDEN. Place your order NOW, and avoid disappointment. Why not have those odd repair jobe done while the weather is fine? You may have your coal bin to fix up, or perhaps you want to build a new one. " You probably have some miscellaneous repairs to make on your buildings; or maybe you intend building a storm porch. Do your repairing now, and have fay satisfied fueling of being prepared for the cold weather. Place your order with us today for Storm Sash and Doors, to ensure prompt delivery Remember, Storm Sash and Doers save Fuel, and will pay for themselves in one season. : Our Lumber and Building Materia ls are the best, and our prices the out- lowest. No order too small, and no ne too large. Anything from 2a slat to a carload. ' McDonald Lumber Yar AD HA | HORE 9 Modern Merchandisers of Lumber, PHONE 22 DRYDEN, Ontario. - Is now complete and well stocked with the famous MASSEY-HARRIS labour-saving line of Imple- ments and supplies that every farmer needs. TRACTORS, ID'DING PLOWS, WAGONS, 7 FANNING MILLS, and POTATO MACHINERY. TENTS, 8 x 10-ft. we TXT, The Old Massey Harris Stand EY BLACK, Agent. Iain SHER CT f FOR SALE. Small Grain Separator for sale. ELECTRIC WASHING MACH Wi | $160.00 cash. Almost new. Apply Apply MATTSON BROS. - MRS J FRENCLI Lily Oxdrift.

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