Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 16 Sep 1921, page 1

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ge oy AL nls ot Volume XXIX. Dryden, Ont, September 16 1921 Number == New 5-pass. Touring Car, $915 | $915 | F.0.B. DRYDEN, Ont. Light Delivery ""Chevrolet" Prices Roadster, $915 Chassis . $850 Standard equipment includes every essential found in higher-priced cars. Chevrolet value becomes more apparent through comparson with other automobiles. ninety" features:-- Transmission: selective type, Hand ; control Three speeds Forward & Reverse Electric Starter Speedometer Tire Carrier Side Curtains Here are some of the "four- Blectrie Lamps | Demountable Rims | License Holder Electric Horn | Complete Tool Equipment + Extra Rim : One- -man Top Pay us a visit, ail See these Facts for yourself. SPECIALISTS IN AUTOMOBILE, and BICYCLE REPAIR DEPENDABLE WORK. FULL LINE OF AUTO and BICYCLE FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP. CHARGES. WORK. REASONABLE Ta DRYDEN PHARMACY . EVER-READY SAFETY RAZORS Complete with blades, $1.50 TINY TOT TALCUM POWDER The New Baby Talc. ; Delicately perfumed Highly recommended by leading der- matologists. MEDALLION ANTISEPTIC TOILET | PREPARATIONS Inefudes:-- COLD CREAM, TOOTH PASTE . TALCUM POWDER and SOAP Of delightful fragrance, offering 'refreshing cleanliness. erm t---- Mail Orders attended to THE STORE OF SERVICE AND QUALITY. mmm ---- D0000000000006806006069£588 A.J.GARDINER General Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT. a } AGENT FOR - Cockshutt Plow Go. Frost & Wood & Implaments "Sharale's raam Somarztars. § Raw Furs Bought andSsid : 80044004404600000000000403 'Hay - Fever Hay COLDS, ASTHMA, E spoil many a holiday. - Positively stops these troubles § Sneesxing, weezsing, coughing, weeping eyes aren't necessary--- unless you like being that Way. 1.00 at your druggist's, or = T scmpletors, Toronto, for a free trial, SOLD BY THE Dryden Pharmay $1 All makes of Engines. DRYDEN REALTY COMPANY (Opposite C.P.R. Depot.) Money to Loan ON GOOD FARM PROPERTY. If you want to Buy or Sell Farm or Town Property, we can help you. , CALL AND SEE "US. Life, Fire, Hail and Automobile In- surance. Conveyancing Bookkeeping Stocks and Bonds bought and sold Agreements for Sale Discounted ete., ete., ete. D. LANE, Manager. Selt's Garage |: - - Cons ol - F. C. BAKER Gasoline Expert Regarding I Mar- ine, Automobile or Stat- onary Dryden & FEW OF THE THINGS in the HARNESS LINE -I have on hand. Horse Collars, Breeching Straps, Side Straps, reversible Brass Ball Top Steel Hames, Hame Straps, Martingales, Pole Straps, Lat Side Checks, Chain Breast straps, Overdraw Checks, Kling'e Hame Fasteners, Heel Chains, Team Breeching, Team traces, Success Chain Traces, tested 4500 ibs each, Breast Collars, Buggy Traces, Open Bridles, Winker Bridles, Halters, Double & single Lines, Team Back Pads, Belly Lands, Sweat Pads, assortment of Collars, Pads, &c Neatsfoot Harness Oil, in Quarts. H. WILLARD, Ontario Boot and Harness Repairer. Erp-- Burgess & Popular ICE CREAM PARLOUR COME AND AND BE SERVED ot Japanese Tea Room KODAKS, FILMS and SUPPLIES CHOCOLATES TOBACCOS ---= & ular features. Fair Comment NEXT THURSDAY and Friday will be the dates of the Dryden district Agricultural Society's Annual Fair. to which every good citizen is expect- ed to pay a visit." The preparations "§ for this year's Fair have been suck as to' make it distinct from all previous Exhibitions, and only the assurance of a big attendance is needed to make it the most successful Fair we have ever held. Not for years have such efforts been made or money expended, to attract visitors other than agricultural; and the result in seme previous years has been exhibits which--although of the highest quality--were not always of a kind to rouse popular and general interest. This year, the inclusion of women on the Board of Directors has widened the scope of . the Fair, and has been accompanied by a broadening of the basis of competition, and there- fore of its interesting and educative features. : Opening Night Attrastionta Thursday, the opening night, will be made especially attractive to town people by the special engagement of the Dryden Orcehstra, and other pop- As always, the price of admission is held at the old rate:-- Adults, 25¢, children, 10c. ; Biggest Prize Ever Given-- In the Products of the Soil compe- a the prizes are the biggest indi- vidual prizes ever given at an Agri- cultural Fair on the continent. ~The 1st Prize of $100.00 by Mayor Pitt, the 2nd of $75.00 by the Society, the 3rd of $50.00 by Thos.. Walters, and the 4th, $25.00 by D. Hutchison, are] generous enough to reward the best} efforts of any man whose produce is of a quality to win them. The number of entries, of which tha last were received the other day, en- sure one of the most remarkable dis- plays of farm products ever shown, | and must appeal to the pride of every one living in this district worthy the name of citizen, whether engaged in farming or not. Other Attractions-- Among other attractions on Friday will be or betes horse- driving as- A around Ve ving. Another will be a running race, twice around the ring, in three heats, open. If you have a horse that can win this, bring him in and run him against the Dryden cracks, and be sure that if you can win the money that you will get every show, and Dryden sports will be the first to take off their hats to you. Another feature will be Bes five- fighting display put on by the Cana- dian Fire-Foam Company of Hamil- ton, to demonstrate the 'apparatus of their own manufacture. A house will be soaked with forty gallons of oil and gaso. and'set on fire, and on a signal from an officer of the Society, they will proceed . to = extinguish it. This should draw a crowd. Another unusual exhibit will be specimens of 'weaving in fancy Japa- nese reed lamp shades, frames, work baskets and trays made in Dryden by the exhibitor. Auction Sale-- Many of the Saintes and otised exhibits shown will be auctioned off after the show, to the highest bidder: PILCHARD AND LITTLE MUD LAKES CLOSED TO FISHERMEN In a letter to Mayor Pitt from the Dept of Fisheries regarding the recent stocking of lakes in this vicinity with bass, B Maedonald, deputy minister, approves the action of local authori- ties in allowing three years for propa- gation before fishing for bass will be permitted. As a further preeaution to protect the bass during this period, the mini- ster states, orders have been issued that these lakes will be completely closed to fishing of all kinds for a term of three years. .. FAMERS' CONVENTION .TO BE HELD AT OXDRIFT. A convention of delegates from the UFO Clubs in the district is called at Oxdrift on Monday, September: 26th, at 10 o'clock in the morning. Mr F. Burnaby, president of the UFO will be present, and preliminary' steps will be taken in pr eparation for the big Farmer -Labour Convention in Dryden | on October 10th. The Oxdrift meeting is called by A. R, Ament, Kenora. Citizens Visit School Fairs THE - SCHOOL FAIR. is at last coming into its own, and is attaining the importance in commuiity life that it deserves. From a small affair of interest to a few school children, it has 'developed of late into an Event at every place where it has been held. At each point in the district, between Septemaber 13th to the end of the month, School Fairs are being held almost daily all over the district. 'Under the auspices of the Dept. of Agriculture, th e local representative has worked all summer to make the School Fair a success, and the splen- did exhibits shown by the children are proving worthy of the effort. Wm Tew of Dryden has been appointed official judge, with instructions to re- ward quality rather than size or quan- tity; and his task is no' light one. Great interest is being takem by the children themselves, and the prize- winners display the greatest eager- ness in the awards. : | The School Fair promises to be one of the main factors in the up-building of the Canada of the future. i PETER HEENAN AND PARTY AT SHQOL "FAIRS Peter Heenan and party from Ke- nora attended the opening Fair at Quibell' on Tuesday last. He was greatly impressed with the quality of the produce shown, as well as the in- terest taken by the whole ¢ammunity. The day was an outstanding one in the history of Quibell, and. attracted visitors from all over the district, till the number of automobiles parked in the School grounds exceeded anything ever before seen there. Many people from: Dryden made the t¥ip, and were rewarded by the enjoymem obtained from an experience which was never possible before the construction of the lately-built roads in the district. These latter included Mr and Mrs M. 8. Campbell, Mr and Mrs Wigle, Mr and Mrs Norgate, Mr and Mrs Dan Hutchison and Miss others. ; After the award of prizes a delight- ful supper was served by the ladies of Quibell, which was notable fax the excellence and variety of delfpacies included in the menu. In the ewening a Social was held, when an hduriory two of speechmaking and social fnter- course was followed by a damge in § which all joined. Music was supplied - variously by home talent as well as visitors. A feature of the evemling was an interval for song, during witch Mr Milling distinguished himself by the rendering of "Mary. of Argy¥s" and Mrs Walker sang brilliamtly sev eral songs. Many of the old favorites were also sung by the assembly, led by Mrs Holmes at the piano Altogether a most enjoyable day was spent, and the successful inaugu- ration of the School Fair season was = distinct triumph. Mrs I. J. Clark, with little Frankie and Winnifred, returned last Thurs day from a visit east. 3 Miss Belle Camphell of Parry Sound Miss Addie Campbell and Miss Maud Coatsworth of the Toronto General Hospital Staff, are here on a month's visit with the: former's sister, Mrs Thomas Scott, King Street, Drycen.- EN i I. HARVEST HOME SERVICES -, Harvest Home Services will be held in 8t Luke's, Dryden, on Sunday 25th September, as follows: Holy Communion ..__......8.30 am Evensong (Choral) ..._.. 7.00 pm Eucharist (Choral) --...... 11 am S. N. DIXON, Pastor BED) SIN (SED (GEE O GEES () QED GHD OXDRIFT- The Members of the Oxdrift Wom- en's Institute met at the home of Mrs Salton Thursday, September 8th. Mrs A. Browning gave a demon- stration on the Salad; shé also showed a hand-made fish scraper which was a novel design of her own. The Sec- Treasurer was instructed to give School Fair ten dollars, towards prize money. Mrs R. Barker also gave a contribution, It was decided to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs McTavish October 20th, when Miss Gladys Sal- ten would démonstrate in bandaging; and Frst Aid, and Miss L. Latimer, Lessons in Home Nursing The Trustees of Oxdrift Cenetel? g have: given a lot free for the War Memorial for' Fallen Heroes, to be Hargrave; and } Economy TO get the inner meaning of Ford economy, ydu must first teslize the quality of the car. Look around you. Wherever you go in this district, Eis are don strating, by year in and year out service on all roads and in all weathers, the sturdy, rugged quality that your common sense tells you MUST be there, or they could never stand these tests. NEW PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS:-- Touring -..$565.00 | Truck $615.00 Touring, with Starter --._.._ 650.00 | Truck, with Starter ____.__._. 700. 00 Runabout ; 515.00 | Coupe 890.00" Runabout, with Starter ______ 600.00 | Sedan 990.00 Chassis 470.00 | Complete Starter unit only __...$85.00 Chassis, with Starter __.__.__ 555.00 ; i ALL PRICES F.0.B. FORD, ONTARIO No change in price of Tractors. : HAL DINGWALL Dingwall's Garage, Dryden, Ont. AL 'WE ARE NOW BOOKING ORDER S FOR PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRA- CITE COAL-- $18.65 518.90 © a ¢ ss 0 sa F.0.B. Con DRYDEN. ; Place your order NOW, and avoid disappointment. Why not have those odd repair jobe done while the weather is fnet You may have your coal bin to fix' up, or perhaps you want to build a new one. You probably have some miscellaneous repairs to make om your out: buildings; or maybe you intend building a storm porch. Do your repairing now, and have that safisfied feeling of (peing prepared for the cold weather. Place your order with us today for Storm Sach and Tobie to ensure prompt Celivery Remember, Storm Sash and Doasrs save Fuel, and will pay for themselves in one season. : Our Lumber and Building Materials are the best, ard our prices the lowest. No order too small, and none too large. Anything from a slat. 3s a carload. McDonald Lumber Yards, Lid Modern Merchandisers of Lumber, DRYDEN, Ontario. OUR NEW WAREHOUSE Is now complete and well stocked with the famous MASSEY-HARRIS labour-saving line of Imple- ments and supplies that every farmer needs. TRACTORS, RIDING PLOWS, WAGONS, _ FANNING MILLS, and POTATO MACHINERY. LPHONE 22 TENTS, 8 x 10-ft. 1x Ti6-1t. 35 The old Massey Harris Stand 8. B. BLACK, Agent. : FOR SALE. Small Grain Separator for & ELECTRIC WASHING MACH NE ie 00 cash. Almost new. Appl © Apply MATTSON BROS, phacet in Oxinits Samat. iat astiy + MRS J FRENCH Or REAL SRS TEE . PR hs

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