DRYDEN OBSERVER Popular Amusements THE PLAY, "DADDY." For six weeks, practicing has been going on steadily in the "Big School" for "The Night." As the bills tell, the interest centers about the play 'Daddy' which was, a few years ago, very pop- ular in the Southern United States. It proved just as entertaining in Ont- ario laer, and it is hoped that Dryden critics will find some small spice of the true-to-life in it. It should take nearly an hour to lead up to the psychological moment when the lovers are reconciled. oYu should really hear those chil- dren sing our national hymn, and see them dance those old Scottish and Irish steps. It should prove highly ronular and artistie. The object of the entertainment, be- sides its educative value to children, is to start a fund to provide a piano for the new school. It is also their a on to add to the fund and have ia memorial to the Glorious Dead of | Dryden erected somewhere within the grounds. It is working in concert | with the Great War Veterans in this noble project. Tickets for reserved seats may be gotten from R. J. Pronger, who has the plan of the Mill Hall, It is expected that Major Hamilton, Inspector of Public Schools, will be the guest of honour that evening. of LIBERAL PARTY WINS--contd. majoriy in the house. Of 235 members Liberal supporters hold 119 seats, Progressives 60, Conservatives 51, In- dependent 2, Labour 1, with two yet to be reported. The return of Mr King in North York indicates the defeat of Mr Bur- naby, president of the U.F.O. Mr Crerar, Progressive leader, is also re- urnee, dwhile Mr Meighen has been defeated by a farmer in Portage-la- pra irie. The Liberals have shown unexpected strength. Starting with a clean sweep in Quebec of 65 seats, they have car- ried two other maritime provinces. The progressive party, while they have done well, have not attained their expected lead, although they can take some satisfaction from the defeat of the Meighen government. The lat- Customers to come in and Puy some of New All-Waol Blankets, from the factory. the Just arrived SPECIAL VALUE in All-Wool White 0 ra Then Splendid Quality in All-Wool Red Blankets. See these, and they will speak for themselves--at prices unequalled for years. : -- ~ Christmas Toy Department Our upstairs is full of a large assortment : < a 5 = of TOYS for the Boy or Girl-----and many useful articles suitable for the grown-up. / tg Come Early, and do y our Shopping before the last mimute rush. ww EEE OVER) GEER) BS SEI SE TERRE TRE) EID 8 CED 8 CET SCE ETE. These are of a value not seen for some ' time, and are worth the purchasing. : A Heavy Gray Blanket in extra good j quality for this style. Useful for camp, or anyone that wants a ood warm blanket | at low figure. 4 ¢ Blankets, made frem a good yarn, and the right thing for the cold winter nights. 4 Y, TRANSFER OF BUSINESS fy | UT hereby give notice that T have dis- 5 socks, and other knitted goods. Also TWO ENTERTAINMENTS NEXT WEEK. St Luke's Sunday School intends : giving a Concert next Tuesday, in the i Mill Hall Tickets are on sale by ! members of the Church. Stil er Children's Concert will ; all on Thursday, t of such variety uld be well enter- ET Tr nm I re RTE) DON'T FORGET : the Box Social in the Hall at Waldhof also the big Dance before and after Supper. Bring your friends along and enjoy the fun in the Waldhof Hall again. % | Everybody Welcome. NEW RINK OPENS. Announcement of the opening of the skating rink is at las made, and the management looks forward to a busy reason. The work of getting the ice in shape hag been enormous, and such as only enthusiasts would ever under- take. To those who have given freely of their time and labour the gratitud of sport lovers is their splendid effort the rink would never have been possible. "THE LOVE FLOWER." Under this fascinating title the Strand is showing a special picture Friday night. Mr Bailey claims that it is not only 'one of the best films he has ever booked, but it is one of the most entrancing love stories ever cap- tured in the vecalms of shadow land. POPPIES. Through the medium of these col- umns the GWVA desire to thank all who contributed to the sale of poppies on Armistice Day. The amount real- ized was $65.25. In connection with the above the local secretary of the GWVA has re- ceived the following from the Mani- toba Command: -- National Poppy Day Campaign. Nov. 30th, 1921 This will acknowledge receipt of vour letter of the 27th inst., enclosing cheque for $64.25. You are to be con- gratulated on your participation in one of the greatest successes ever achieved in the province. W. H. HAMILTON, Secy. , posed. of my Butcher Shop, also my : Confectionery business to Edward ' Dawkins who will continue to operate ; both stores. {In thanking customers for the sup- f port given me while I have been in H K ¥ ip | business, I would ask that they extend { to my successor their custom and sup- iport--R. B. MILLER, Dryden { December 1st 1921. im rer re New Driving HARNESS Old Bugg§: 'M. H. Cream fused, capacity , with collar; 10-gal. Wooden Churn; Separator, very little 500-1bs; knitting ma- chine, will knit stockings, sweaters, 20 leghorn hens. Cheap for cash. E. H. JOHNSON, Oxdrift. £; + be held on Christmas morning at 11 due, for without, ter suffers the usual fate of those who * are identified with the performance of unpopular tasks, and are relegated to the opposition benches for a season. The summing up of the situation will await more complete returns, which will take some time. UNION CHURCH ADULT CLASS. Cecember 1th, at 11 o'clock. LESSON: Philemon I.; 8--21. 1 Who was Onesimus? 2 Why did Paul call Onesimus 'son'? 3 Ought we to treat everybody as an equal ? : 4 How can we show charity for those who have done wrong, without seeming to make light of what they have done? To what length have we the right to go in asking otehrs to be friends of our friends? On Sunday evening, December 11th, at 7 o'clock, the sermon subject will be "The Church: and why I should belong to it." This will be the first of a series of services preparatory to the celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. This service will 3} o'clock. Cther outstanding dates among the activities of the Union Church are the following :-- Dec. 14th--Sale of home baking and other work, in the Church parlour. Dec. 15th--Concert and entertain- ment by the Sunday School, to be held in the Paper Mill Hall. Dee. 19th--Recital from Les Miser- ables, depicting the character Jean , Val Jean. : NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up til noon on Thursday the 15th day of December 1921, for the Cutting, and Burning of the Right-of- way for the Trunk Road from Kee- watin to the Manitoba Boundry, in the District of Kenora, a distance of 30 miles, more or less, which distance is to be tendered for in five mile sections. Plans and spefications may be seen and forms of this tender obtained after 5th day of December at the office of this Branch, situated as follow: Kenora Dryden Emo Fort William (239 West Amelia St.) or at the office of the undersigned. A marked cheque for One Hundred Dollars. (100.00) must accompany ten- der for eahc section. The lowest. or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. C. H. FULLERTON, Director Northern Development Branch Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. ewe: CANADA'S NEW COAT OF ARMS. Every home in Canada, every Cana- dian school boy and girl, should know he new Canadian coat of arms. It is a most beautiful plate, and should occupy a prominent place in all true Canadian homes. The people of Can- ada are indebted to the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal for re- producing the new Coat of Arms in all its true heraldic colours and present- ng a copy, 14 x 17 inches, to all the readers of that great paper. The family Herald and Weekly Star is anada's greatest family and farm paper, and is known throughout the whole Dominion. It is wonderful value and provides every member of the family with clean, wholesome, and in- structive reading. It is a great 'money saver for the farmers of Canada, and repays the subscription price one hun- dred fold each year. Canada is proud of the big weekly. It has no superior the world over, and is improving year after year. It costs only $2.00 a year and each reader for 1922 will receive ORCHESTRA DANCE After an interval for reconstruction, the Orchestra announces another dance on Friday, December 9th, in the Mill Hall. This will be welcome news to a great many. % GOOD REASONS "Yes, Madge is the flower of the family. j "I thought I saw ' something that looked like pollen on her face the other night." Union School Section No. 1. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a question that, if as- sented to by the Electors, will be taken into consideration by the coun- cil of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Dryden and a by-law pre- pared for the issue of debentures covering a period of thirty years, pay- able by the rate payers of the above Wainwright and Dryden annual payments $3632.45 each. And the votes of the electors of Union School Section No 1, Van Horne Wainwright, and Dryden, who are qualified to vote under the Municipal in equal of approximately 2 VAN HORNE, WAINWRIGHT and DRYDEN. QUESTION. Are you in favour of borrowing Fifty Thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for the purpose of erecting a new school in Dryden for Union School Section No. 1, Van Horne, Wainwright and Dryden? ® Act on money by-laws will be taken at the same time and place as the annual election for the Town of Dry- den and the head of the council of the Town of Dryden, or some member of the Council thereof, duly appointed, shall attend at the Council Chamber at the hour of 12 o'clock noon on the 81st day of December, 1921, for the School Section No. 1, Van Horne," appointments of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk, Town of Dryden Dated at Dryden, Ont., this 3rd day o December, 1921. / ; We can also hand! THEATRE Friday ---- DECEMBER 9-10 -- Saturday BEE () ED (CHE) A () SD () GD () GD It was their only means of escape from the deserted Island, in the South Sea. Yet she chose to sink the boat and die on the island with the thres were fellow men who castaways-- rather than go back into the world again. THD) TD () CE () GS (GEE) GE GEN K GRIFFITH'S ve Flower" ER : [DRYDEN REALTY COMPANY (Opposite C.P.R. Depot.) Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT. a rv txeneral ? Money to Loan ON GOOD FARM PROPERTY.. If you want to Buy or Sell Farm er Town Property, we can help you. AGENT FOR Cockshutt Plow Co.. Frosi & Wood Implements POS PCPDOLVOPBBEOIOBIHEB DE Charrla'e Progam Coanavabava LV EY pov Ww werd dd LEE] | A.J.GARDIN : : Raw Furs Bought and Sold 2 1A BOBEPDHOHHEVOCIDHG SECODBOH6L0LHLEOEEHLDG BH 10 CALL AND SEE US. Life, Fire, Hail and Automobile In surance. 2 Sweeney General Blacksmith Wood Worker RE Dryden On te D. LANE, Manager. : For Reliable Repairs To al} makes cf AUTOMOBILES and GAS ENGINES ~ rane B 10S, Gar ac We have a limited storage for winter work. Conveyancing Bookkeeping Stocks and Bonds bought and "sold Agreements for Sale Discounted Sa A : Rk e Painting and Re-upholstering work on Automobile Bodies, Cutters, Ete. ' : Fully Epuipped Machine Shop Moderate = Charges free a copy of the "Coat of Arms." f Your Complete Satisfaction Our Best Advertisement &