rd. | TR, soy fo ED ii ame led L is? DRYDEN OBSERVER OED (SEED () ED () EEE CER () C5 (GEE () 698 () SED () ED Notwithst landing the hard times we believe the worst is now past, and heartily wish you all -0 EE (RDO) GED (ED () EID () 42D () IEP (OS (E50) aN A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year OEIC GEE (GRR) GED OCI 0 GED () EE 0 25808) SED ED PI IT | - DRYDEN, Ont. - HT REE EDO ED HOT 8 IT ST NRE Ee OO CS IR OD SAE CTR 2 CHEE CER) TE OCS CH OS (3 ETS 0) CETTE SR) REE 6) I> TD) CTD OG GEER OS Dryden Public School NOVEMBER REPORT No. on Roll 265 Names in order of Merit Senior IV.--A A. Berrey L. McMaster E. Smith BF. Willard L. MacLachlan | A. Clempson EK. Curley Senior IV.--B Black . Bigelow . Thorp . Swanson . Sheperd Hunter Doudiet Reaney Wright Offex Reid . Wilson Kerney . Pinkerton . Doudiet . Weaver Junior ITV.--A V. Williams M. Upton W. Morden R. Reaney K. Wilson F. Colliss B. Blair A Fer pEpYORZRODYH * Junior IV.--B . Nelson ." Marks . Louttit . Hutchison Foot . Resigari . Holm ' . Latimer . Dixon K. J. ey ti IH. M. JACKSON Principal Senior 1I1.--Ionours Dorothy Dawkins Katie Finlay Dennis Wright Louis Sfreddo Ethel Davidson Stanley Ettles Tom Thompson Elizaketh Johnson Ada Wilson Nellie Cullen Gordon Reid Antonietta Sfreddo Pass-- Costante Sfreddo Albert Noble Beatrice Dixon Teddy. Curley Walter Smith Grace Lappage Robert Higgins live Moore Junicr ITl.--Honours Eva Kentner Ernest Klose Minnie Reid Edith Howarth Eildon Wright George Higgins Jack Cooper Edward Pilkey Wallie McMaster Pasg-- George Martin Cathrine Sharpe Violet Shelley Olive: Lewis Violet Smith Arthur Clark Margaret Hunter Frances Edwards Gladys Nymark Marjorie Taylor George Curley Almina Black Willie Dixon Walter Moore | Astrid Edgren D. WARDROPE, Teacher {Second Book Report for November. Pupils are required to make forty per cent in each subject and sixty per cent of the total for a pass mark. Only the names of those who make a pass are published. Names in order of | merit. QHEBEHOY pi Oliver ja Senior II.----Honours Grace Gough Robert Berrey Alma Larsson ~ Rolph Nelson Joan Offer Evelyn Adair William Koshon Clara McBratney Sidney Lappage Gladys Noble Victor Oliver Rosie Davis Grace Hardy Lizzie Trist Pass: -- Victor Nymark SOCIAL AT GLENGOLAND The U.F.0. at Glengoland seized the opportunity and secured our worthy M.P., Mr Heenan, and wife, Mr and Mrs M. S. Campbell and Mr Cook, to celebrate in a small way, and to show our appreciation of the victory for which they so willingly and unselfishly gave their time. However, after hearing both Mr Campbell and Mr Heenan review the situation, surely we feel that there is one thing yet to be done, and that is for each individual and Club to help and see that the financial part of this campaign is satisfactorily wiped off the slate. Even then we owe them a debt; for we believe through ther un- tiring effort we have a Frmer M.P. to our credit--and one we believe worthy of the honour. Not only one who will help the farmer, but the urbn popula- tion as well. : At the close of the meeting they brought down the house with three rousing cheers for Kennedy, Heenan and Campbell. | bate, this Club will take the form of a de- "Should women or Methinks a pretty hot contest is in sight. Look for the date later. Edward Louttit Dorothy Fox Junior IL.--Honours Rettie Edgren Charlotte Dixon Margaret Marshland Edwin Halderson Margaret Higgins Pass i-- Elmer Silver Francis Foulis Ethel Willard Tommy Yaworski Edna Charlebois Willie Silver Orval . Robinson Marian Hill E. V. INGALL, Teacher Seniro I. Mona Reaney Jaenette Reid Jimmie Smith Lenora Stefaniuk Douglas McBratney Pryce Davies Herbert Davies Margaret Trist Orville Adair Philip Wright Duncan McKellar Robert Cooper Vada Robinson Jimmie Weaver Patty Blair Tommy Sharp George Gough Albert Berry Elsie Moorhouse Alice Bigelow Phyllis Hawke Roy Shelley Junior I. Hazel Wilson Clarance Charlebois Charlie Gammon Fred Yworski Laura Robinson "Bella Blake Lottie Dixon Richard Trist James Yworski Gordon Campbell Lily Shelly Evelyn Pinkerton Patty Wright Reta Stewart Teddy McMonegal Christine Colliss Betty Beveridge Mary Smith Olaf Smith Yola Sireddo Harvey Eckenswiller Pearl Stefaniuk May Bartlett Thelma Brooks Alice Halderson Margaret Anderson IRENE STEELS, teacher Senior Primary--A. Vera Bailey Wilson Horner Billy Baker Peggy Beveridge Howard Aires Donald Charlebois Neil Campbell Marjorie Crawley Eunice Gough Lena McMaster Lila Allen Betty Swanson Jimmy Brooks Francis Haroldg Annie Yaroshuk Edward Betch Cyril Wright Gordon Robinson George Fraser foot, Henry Sfreddo, Massey Beve- ton, William Hardy, Lavern Smith, J Joffre Dickson, Angue Allen, Phillip Chrlebois, Jimmy Baker, Billy Mat- thews, Silvia Dickson, Crontz Illson, Conrad Davis, Evelyn Miller, Lily Davis.--Miss Godwin, teacher. The activitie looming up ahead of those not ' property holders have votes in Muni- «cipal Elections." Part B (Jun. Class).--Mona Proud- | ridge, Eileene Brooks, Olive Burton,' Joseph Koshon, Ian Bigelow, Evelyn 1 Smith. Fred Lappage, Gladys Bying- | HPO PTOT IPI 1% GRO bay SPECIALS Smelts Norw Wa, i YS, TURKE es, per - Ib . .25 or two for .45 ih. ApEn and 55 er pox 1.50 or RAY 07 REIT od re, .65 BUTCHER SHOP GE A4B near Per TH 2D) er 1b SE, DUCKS, CHICKEN. HAT General FAGLE RI Geckshutt it Plow Go. FO As Ada as a ttl 1} AGENT ¥OR Frosi & ris V Iu A Lh wt e Genie, Me Pink" BLIGHTER - DID! eR FURAN NASR T SUNIL PARA 27¢. and 55c. 2.30: OF H g ILARITY. INS 16¢c. and 27c. MERRY 'XMAS IF xo Snsiaukg LEARY if BEY Ui (Opposite C.P.R. Depot.) GE 00: & "6000060500¢ CALL AND SEE US. surance. Conveyancing ete, ete., etc. We can also handle IY Pahl Money to Loan ON GOOD FARM PROPERTY. D. LANE, Manager. EN REALTY COMPANY If you want to Buy or Sell Farm or Town Property, we can help you. | Life, Fire, Hail and Automobile In- Bookkeeping Stocks and Bonds bought and sold Agreements for Sale Discounted RRR NI NE Repairs To all makes of E9 4) S and GAS ENGINES Send to 6} or rage for winter work. Cutters, Etec. Fully Erne Machine Shop Your Compléte Votan ¢ raimting and Re-upholstering work on Automobile Bodies, Fy 3