& Sag Why pay high prices for your Swit when you can get one made by the Fashion Craft in the latest Style and guaranteed Fit at lowest possible price. a Jo ure Creder WL here on We has >a Bn in that date who will .e at the Store ready lo give you his up-= to-date ideas, and to recommend the suit that will give you the greatest satisfaction. e is a splendid assort= PCIE (ERI € EERE A TH patterns and qualitics make vour selections from. of CEE () ETD () EER EER SEE UN 0 = Ld 2 ot Eid ad =3 ) : = = Q ow 102] ge) frm o fo wn ® ATT ALFRE D PITT - DRYDEN, Ont. Be | site {he Minister Department, requesting the Depart ! i | MACHIN TOWNSHIP Special Meeting The Reeve and Councillors Duncan, Cross and Shapland present. Moved by J. Cross; Seconded by F. Shapland, that By-law 54 be replaced, appointing A. Turner, Clerk and Treasurer. Moved by J. Cross; Seconded by F. Shapland, that The following accounts be passed, S.S. No. I, $210.00, Teachers' salary; 8.8. No. 1, 120.00 Teachers expenses; A. Turner, $2.86; Board of Health Meet- ing and Registration,--carried. Moved by J. Cross, Seconded by R. Duncan that, The Clerk be authorised to collect taxes, at a salary of $5.00 per month, until a regular tax collector be ap- pointed.--carried Moved by J. Cross, Seconded by F. Shapland that, g i The Treasurer be paid $10.00 for post- age alc.--carried The Clerk was authorised to notify alll unpaid tax payers, that interest at 10 per cent per annum will ke charged on all unpaid taxes after the bl | first of May 1922, according to the 2 { Asses Act, and proceedings to dis train are liable to follow this notice. The Clerk was also instructed tc i of Crown Land: ment to hold the gravel on No. %, lof § 128, Con. 5, Aubrey, for a gravel pit for the Municipality. . Shapland, Seconded by Ifoved by F J. Cross that, A notice be placed in the Paper that 8 411 accounts and taxes be paid to G. ] Ruete, Treasurer of Municipality. Moved } by, F, Shapland, Seconded by 1 J. Cross that, kd This meeting be adjourned until the 3 i first Saturday in March, at 3 p.m. t Tagle River. From this date all taxes and ac- "counts owing . the Municipality of Liachin, are to be paid to : GEORGE RUETE, ' Sec-treas. EAGLE RIVER Sir:--1I see your correspondents, "Ob- server and Truth" have once again their new clerk $180.00 per year, and sf April fresh tenders are called for, ond I am personally aware that every cent is well earned. Felating to dances, they are few on far between, the $2.00 paid for cleat ing up afterwards is none too mucli. "I was at the School Board meetin. and if your correspondent "Pyuth" reades my article with care, he will see that what I said--a supporter of A. S. McKenzie was voted as chairman. Also the figures at the last two election fov Reeve and Councillor will prove my statement that twenty was a very small turnout of ratepayers. For ¥ | Deeve, Tyler 27, Duce 85; for Coun- ii you eillors; Tyler 20, Cross 49. FAIR PLAY. # | allowed thier personal feelings to over look facts. > The Machin Council, are paying -- re SE ---------- OXDRIFT } January School Report. Form IV.--Myrtle Crosier, Charlie Latimer. Torm 1I1.--Gwen Lewis, Carrie Weeks | Wandie Weeks, Clifford Lewis, Thoin- 1 ton, Browning, Carl Oberg, Carl J ohn- Y\ con, Millie Herring, Susie Spalding, Ernest Neely. Form II. Edith Lewis, Edna Jack- son, Stella Jackson, Walter Herring, Alfred Pollard. Senior I.--Clara McGonegal, Ken neth Browning, Ray McTavish, Ruby McTavish,Allen Skene, Beatrice Spald- ing. : Junior I.--Anton Oberg, Mable Skene, Pearl Pollard, Loretta Dunlop, Willie Jackson. HELENA E. WRIGHT, Teacher. MINNITAKI January School Report Jr. IV.--Eve Howell. Sr. I11.--Oscar Anderson. Sr. II.-- May Philbrook, Harvey James. : Jr. II.--Maggie Launder, Howell, Jack Riley. Jr. I.--George Ruete - Edwin Shap- Hubert 4 land (equal), Mabel Launder. Primary B--George Howell. Average Attendance, 8:85 Aggregate Attendance, 186. M. OLIVE RAY, teacher. Van Horee Council DRYDEN, Feb. 4th--The Council of the Municipality of Van Horne met on the above date to transact general business. Reeve Coombe presided; Councillors present, C. C. Pilkey, W. Moorhouse, B. W. Wice, Jno. McKay. Minutes of: previous meeting read, and adopted. | McKay-Pilkey--That this board of Councillors and Reeve give thelr ser- vices to all Council meetings free of charge for the year 1922. All work outside of Council meetings be paid for at $3.00 per day. Wice-Moorhouse -- An amendment that Councillors be paid at the rate of $1.50, and the Reeve $2.00 per meet- ing, instead of $3.00 as at present. Motion carried by tasting vote of the chairman. : Wice-Moorhouse' -- That Godfrey Nelson be appointed poundiseeper for the west side of the river, and James Hatch on the east side; south of the Arm, M'Donald and Stewart. Carried. Moorhouse-McKay--That the pres- ent Clerk be re-appaointed at a salary of $200 for the year 1922, and that a by-law be prepared to that A Carried. Wice- Pilkey--That J. M. Hutchison, Tred Goldrup, Daa Keatley, Le fence- viewers for the year 1922. Carried. McKay- -Moorhouse--That the Reeve issue a warning to the treasurer to hold a tax sale of all properties that are three years in arrears of taxes, in school section. Carried. McKay-Pilkey--That Bylaw No. 214 be read a first and second time, ap- pointing a clerk & treasurer. Carried: Moorhouse-McKay -- That By-law No. 215 be read a first and second time, for the appointment of pound- keepers. Carried. Moorhouse-Wice--That By-law No. 216 Le read a first and second time. Carried. McKay-Moorhouse -- That we ad- journ, to meet Saturday, February 25, Carried. PAD OF THANE 8. Wm. Miller and Family wish to thnk all those who, by the bringing o flowers and in other ways, showe kindness and sympathy in their a bereavement. the School Janitor is getting $20.00 per | month for four months. On the first ; This meeting is held under the aus a Poy) 1 1990 a NOTICE pices of the Cairnbrogie U.F.O. Club. To whom it may concern A Meeting of the Ratepayers of Wainwright and Zealand Addition wil be held in Cairnbrogie School. on Saturday, February 18th, at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of discussing and arranging plans for the prozosed hearing before Judge Chapple, of the question of incorporation into a Muni- cipality. As this is a matter of considerable importance, any and every ratepayer in the above mentioned area, who has a thought of his own welfare, or the welfare of his township, should make it his duty to attend. LT J. SHERWOCD, Pres. Northern Development Branch. SEED GRAIN. NOTICE TO SETTLERS. Registered patentees or locatees may, obtain Seed Oats and Wheat at the, lowest cost price, not exceeding $100] in value for each settler. Forms of application may be ob- the Twp of Van Horne and Glengoland § 7 Crescents trim Ignace Ignace Senior Hockey team visited Dryden Saturday, but found them- selves greatly outclassed by the Paper Iiill Crescents, who piled ug the tremendous score of £0 goals. ic nil against the visitors. The score alone, however, give a fair indication' of we game, a the Ignace boys gave som cxcellen displays of individual A but they were deficient in leam Maples in goal for the visitors stop- ped gome nasty shols, but was over whelmed by a perfect avalanche o. chiots at close range that could not be handled. Twenty-five seconds afte: the face-off, Johnn! e Wilson, the reppery littl le cap' hy of the locals bulged the ret for the home crew, ai this was soon repeated by the wil and elusive Rochon, whose solo pas sages up the ice were beautiful tc watch. Take it all around, the boy: put up a classy game, which Ta have given the spectators a good Tu for their money. We hove that, in the near future nore s can be arranged, as th seas son is now far advanced. Dae have been arranged for a trip to Ken ora, but have been postpor ed owing +o other attractions there. However does ol the Cregbonts will te at it somewhers ¢ ; tha base e i oid we gent fori) way of a stray be x stick during int 10713 Yat Dust, says that's not thir e will be "rar nw' to go" again. : Watch posters for mext game. 'gnace Dryde: McNabb we Duncan, W' Duncan J. i. Stewart _ Maple lo. G WR Humphreys and Wat Te Jackson and Tor: BAR Hambley -_ ii AO TES MeNabbh Ji. de we judg ge of fo, Tenders a of Assessor for School |! Wainwright, for the year The lowest or any essarily accepted. 51 tenders must be in the hands c¢ ed not later than Tel ¢ positio tion No. 1 10939 Lola, not 3 tenGer 1G CL RCC play.} Bluebirds at Minnitaki ---- The Bluebird Club of Minnitaki are yiving a Valentine Social on Friday, February 17th, in the Schoolhouse. The programme will start at 8 p.m. Tames, songs, recitations and dancing will be the orcer of the evening.Lunch served for 10c. Everyone welcome. Silver collection. It is one of the best indicat ons of the better spirit that is growing out of the chaotic conditions following tha -essation of war, that the fashion of orming community clubs is growing. he will to do something to help one another, to get together and in the aroad sence to remember that we are 211 neighbours one of another, is the most hopeful sign. of the return of better days that can be seen. The latest community to get in line and form a club for the promotion of -eneral wellbeing is Minnitaki. The 'embers of "The Bluebird Club" in- vite you lo their first social evening sn St Valentine's Day, and we can 'hink of no easier or more pleasant 7ay of dome something for suffering Lib pol ng an even- this young Club. WALDEOF WALDHOF, Feb 10th.--The mack- x1 ball held here at the énd of Janu- ry was 1c 2 so successful as that of were enly a few with ot so plenti- Tago. Mrs Nelson has As a COnTEUencs; decided to hold another IMasquerade: a tw walk rature was just 'ght below zero. ~ause she ha home. about tris: . Caparola has gone 10 Fort , where he hopes to be able lo rom the revenue derive 0 the rent of his sore M. Nelsor {y on JAS. SHERWOOD, Sec-treas. 8. S. No. 1, Wainwright IUNICIPALITY OF ASSESSOR Applications will te received by the undersigned up to six o'clock of Ifri- day, February 24th, for tb of Assescor of Ven Hox gas Town and Glengoland School Section, at a zalary of §75.00 D. ATDERRON Clerk. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF : PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting be tween us, the undersigned, as Saw Mlers at Oxdrift, in the Township of Aubrey, in the District of enora, has been this day dissolved by mulua consent. All debts owing to the partnership are to bec paid. to Ellsworth who will Conti on the sa'd busitess, : and all claims against the sald part- nership ave to > pret ed to the sal al 2. room MM Janes Bully J said John rat tied. ; DAT 1D at Dryden, Ont, this First day of October, A.D. 1921. JOHN. ©. TELTS. tained from the Crown Lands. Agent! i or the District Representative of the, Department of Agriculture, or from i the 'Northern Development Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Applications must be properly filled" in, and returnde to the Local Crown! Lands Agent not later than March 1, 1922. Positively no orders will be filled after this date. : BENIAH BOWMAN, Minister of Lands and Forests. ! Parties having seed grain. to sell, communicate with M. F. Cook, Agri-| cultural Representative, Dryden, stat-| ing the kind, price and quantity. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE RR. . JAMES BULLWER. I. BEVERLEY | LINDEN, Witness. Er de MCR te sted fora PEO ELPROIL IFDEF DLV $ 4 EAN: FRA ERI " £3 3 do] @ & 2 A.J. GAI IEEE INE bi 7 5 4 (General Hdrehnin 1 bo ' 3 ON a) & £3 EAGLE RIVER, ¢ NT, 0% i ----- : diy & 4 AGENT FOK bi {$ Gockshll Plow Co. Fresi & Woot & ie [mpiements | 13° Smpniwwiwiew 3 $ Raw Furs bought and Said 5 ie asbedessssd BEBE LIGOHRDE ii onion Dl op Sweeney General Blacksmith Wood Worker 131 acres, with the only fully modern Dairy Barn in this section of Ontario, 3 110 x 38; cement with steel fittings. | Close to Kenora, 40 acres cleared and 40 pasture; balance woodland. 5-rcom frame house, clay loam soil.--Apply A. R. ASCOUGH, Kenora | FOR SALE.--Ten acres fine garden land (fenced), %-mile from Town, beside creek. Apply D. McKELLAR, Dryden. FOR SALE--CUTTER, SY wit Dryden = Ont. "shafts; in new cond'tion. ness. Truck with shaft. 'Also &bout 20 pure- "bred Plym Rocks. or' J. DURANCE, Albert St. Durandale Farm. : Team oe uth AN SRN) Mr Wm. Dressel is wre caleswomen in our rew store. mong to build fa new poolrcom and dance hall. Ti ar It is sald that Waller now to go to the old count wife. Mr Wm. Grossh iy 12 nll nme pulpw roo. intends ry 1c look for a erndt is stedly Mr Arthur Zollner is busy keeping house. Mr H. Appel is still working on the section. Iiis boy Henry is busy cut-, "ing pulpwood. His mother-in-law returned to Whitemouth last week. Teety at Oxdrift afores said, {ores Hed by whom the same. ~ | meeting of Creditors in > The B= a BEY 23 owt pI TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of ' WACHMAN MINING & MILLING COMPANY, Limited. of the Town of Dryden, in the Prov- ince of Ontario, AUTHORISED ASSIGNCRS. NOTICE is hereby given Wachman Mining & Milling Co. Lid. of Dryden, Cantar: '0, did on the 14th of January, 1942, make an author- zed assignment fo the undersigned. Notice is further given that the first the above state will be held at my office, Reem. NOTICE that the 5, Rattan I Bon yr, Gouth Court 3%. 'he fivst day clock in : the proof of your anti: musi w.th me before the 1m I : Proxies to be ured at the meeting mut be fodzed with me prior thereto. And further take So 'any claim agar ce that if vou the debtors for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must he filed with | me within thirty days from the date of this notice; for, from and after the expiration of the time set by sub- section 8, section 87 of the said Act, I shall distribute the proceeds of the debtors' estate among the partes en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which I have then notice. Dated at Port Arthur, this 19th day of January, 1922. OSCAR TROOSTWYK, J.P, Authorised Trustee, - Fellow United Accountants. H. A. C. Machin, Esq., Barrister, &c., Kenora, Ontario, Solicitor to the Trustee. ARR