- --r = 8 b ; 3 i = x3 = wi for your x RAW P FURS. = ine ill Gre ~ B. E. Blair, t -------- DIN ORWIC, Ontario. FORT WILLIAM. nip, a post ng c our rrevelling iy Mr : He will cover : your 5 section regularly, and it will pay. you to bed on 2 the look-out for him. or = <P gm Cyt <D == em -- oO = CD on el = -- or | p-- =] ES pr --t = , el = pe | E--_-- = LONG GLAG, Ont | Take Notice that, at the request of | the School Board, the Council of the ti south between Princess and Duke 1 Str ects. | Electric. Light and Telephone Poles. a 3 being a source of danger, must cease, The Store "of Quality and Service| F C BAKER Spiccial STTARECTIEIS to |store & overhaul motor- [boat & auto as en. gines 2 Advertisement for auditors iy applications were received from, + IMessrs W. J. Robin m, F is in a high degree a tonic, possessing vigorating qualities. e for persons convalesing, weak or lacking appetite. {CONTAINS NO DANGEROUS Highly desir- Cin Trouble - = Town offered. Their. bid included fe = fms Re Xe & 1 . equally geod service. COME AND LOOK 'EM OVER! rm H. WILLARD, Boot and Harness Soper : er +E verybod y Drom that in Canada there are more Ader LE: ge Most throughly ou INTESTINAL CLEANSER AND 'ANTISEPTIC : : Plewsane to. take. Never causes oF MAIL os Te To. Meets i in the Masonic. Hall, rr the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. - , Solicitors, ete. i "Templeton's s Rheumatic Capsules © sold then all otlier 'Bheumatic Remedies combined for Bhens _matism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, 'Sciaties, Lumbagde, etc. Pir Many doctors prescribe thom, - most druggists sefi them. for free trial to Templeton, Toronto. SOLD BY THE i os Pharmacy | E VAN Ss The Popular Candy hop. CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT er BREAD ws SOFT DRINKS, : _ TOBACCO. This ide Store, so eoaveniently situated, and whose gervise is 80 cheerfully given, is bec oming the "favorite shopping place of "those of our citizens who live in the upper portion ef the Tewn. Opposite the Town Hall. | An application was also received from | Winnipeg, to audit the books, but at RE BOOTS, at . to re : ie feet dry and comfortable all the : 01e8, Fon the list of properties included in ; fan unfriendly spirit shown when ony : '# ed how the custom led to-trouble and Write { the rates charged in other" towns. It - soon appeared that the Council were : ters Losi we shall endeavous r to | give the public ; satisfactor y 8 0! r a Quality a otto, and we invite your patronage | | 5 | foe and alleged 'breach of the i i 10, Ui 2 Police G missioner Reidf { would meet the public demand. He = Wilde, that a reduction of 20p.c. be imade in the lighting rate, effective 2 to remain as at present, the usual dis- ment. This was carried 'unanimously. {In view of the difficulty that was : sometimes found in getting. reiable] evidence and securing convictions Closing of Taf Street. Town of Dryden intend passing a By- Haw to close that part of David Street and of the Lane between David and Casimir Streets, running north and J. E. GIBSON, Town Clerk. : Dated at Dryden, 'this 15th day of} March, 1922. "NOTICE. = Notice is hereby given that the ty- ing of horses or other :animals to the electrie light and telephone poles is prohibited, and anyone found offend-| Ying against this Regulation will incur severe penalties; also the driving of nails or other obstructions, or attach- ing bill or other advertising matter | and offenders will be rigorously deal with. By Order. > J. E GIBSON, Town Clerk. The oer meeting for March. of {Dryden Town Council was heid here March 7th. Mayor Pitt occupied the chair and a full attendance of memb- ers were present... After theminutes of two provieds meetings were 'adopted, the Clerk read the correspondence in reply to Several F. B. Linden, G. Deckert and J. Offer. | the firm of MIntesh and Murray, a higher figure than 'the $100 fee meen a total outlay. o clo The 'advantage of an audit by. a accountant was recognised, - 1 gi dor the "otion a Coucillors Beve | : fridee--Wilde, = SPECIAL BOOTS 'FOR BOYS : Chrome Leather Waterproof Wear twice as long as the ordinary sole, and with uppers that will give That the spolimation of Geo Deck: ert, accountant, and F. M. Offer to] x audit the Financial Statement for 1921 be adopted at the fee of $100, the Town to provide the necessary stationery and the services of a stenographer. ben The tax collesior reported that over $4000 in taxes were still uncollected, and that he had sent registered letters to those in arrears, notifying them that their properties wera liable to be the coming tax sale. Sid Bartlett, Tow electrician. again drew attention t6 the annoying liabit of leaving horses tied to electric light and telephoneé poles, and explain sometimes danger. Although not ob- | vious to the ordinary man that harm would attend this practice, Council all agreed that he had made out = zood case and ordesed that it be put 4 stop to. Severe penalties will be in- curred from now on by anyone tying a horse or other animal to a pole, Another source of danger wag the ] driving of nails into these poles, to has often been the cause of accidents, J sometimes fatal, and will also be put a stop to. Mayor Pitt stated that he was often approached by citizens who felt that the rates charged on electric current were toe high, and that the revenue from this source should be used: for] the benefit of consumers by. lowering the rate. = i i Considerable tonssion "rollowed, in which comparisons 'were made with 'in favour of a lower rate; Councilor Beveridge pointed out that while the} against the price for power, a te- adjustment of the proportional 'price therefore 'moved, seconded by Coun. from Mazxch 1st, the rate for stoves count to be allowed for prompt pay- orheve complaint had been made as to fix posters and notices upon them. This lighting rate was relatively high as) that this number. of the Observer ig wholly a product of Dryden and dis- ed was oTOWN. Paper Company who. manufactured it, paper. a Although not made primarily ; printing, the pap it presents an attractive appearance. It is worthy to note that not gets towns in Canada are in a Do produce the sol of this unique. spec: imen. : i Hockey Season Ends. The gay party 'consisting of the Paper Mill Cresents and their friends. from Dryden who made the journey made enough history to keep their on arrives. : ~ The game at K. in' was pr acts both teams ov ed some snappy work but Keewatin's' ents make- up, and the score reflect ed the good use they made of their advantage. Dryden played 'a sub in place of their regular goal- keeper and had to pay the penalty. - The game was a good clean one all piste) on. their has rred vie Lookout or Keewatin are accorded a hearty welcome, win, lose 'or draw, al- ways seem to get in wr 'ong at Bone Whether Kenoza is resentful beca the smaller town always sets aw with the Shragge. Cup, : whe (as the Kenora Miner states) dislike the cheerful ophiraism 'marks Dryden's attitude wif za to its team, there. seems ales 7ays tol be boys play. at Kenora, en =, . Whatever the reason may De, Lier is no credit to. either town nag one mn Jeni ocked of more concern to the Town then any question of a 'more. technical nabu any official, but as. he planced to en force a more. direct | olicy in police matters, he thought it well to consult tions. ii The resultant. discussion establish sible doubt, that the y were determined to enforce law and order in Dryden and that any defiance of authority 'would not be tolerated. = With. the concurrence. of the whole ted the Chief Constable that whenever and wherever any rowdyism occurred, he was expected. to. get, right in and put a stop to it. If anyone showed 2 disposition to question 'his authority, the place for that man was under lock and key, and as 'Tong. as. the police- absolutely with him. Dryden was an rowdy could be permitted to create a 'doubt. of the fact. on any considera- tion, : farther time in discusst ng mate that later 'might assume 'greater im portance. in mpnieipal, affairs, Readers will be tat stad to Know trict. The paper on 'which dt is print-4 : sold by some farmer to the Dryden : and is a Specimen of Dryden Kraft : even texture that you. will agree oo {6 f to Kenora and Keewatin' last Fridoy i memory gree until Tost hocke, y seas Incorporated 1670 O'dest, Strongest, Bost. i sth he Oladst, wg on Cine Strongest. a { ney is the. Best. . Blankets? We have them! alls a love feast compared with that 'played later at K ofa. : better combination 5001 found theje goal was the weak spot in the Cres- i thionch. and Keewatin | is to be con-ll ore that the boys who. bo Ignace, Sioung dl He was making 00 reflectic ons against. his coll leagues Defer issuing instruc-# ial interest nters BEYse 4 ed the opinion of Council beyond pos- ed I Council, the Mayor pointed] ly instruec-§ man did his duty, Council would be} 1 orderly, peace- loving town, and noi: MILLINERY OPENING, = The ladies of Dryden. are cordially is | invited to come in and inspet the Hate HOW on display at the ald Dryden Pharmacy. : : New lines of Shoes, Hoste pis Cor sets and Notions just. "arrived. Mrs GATES, Dryden. WEDDING AT CATRNBROGIE DY event + Taondog afternoon, 2) TT 3 daughter _Buth was wired to the n vifbiest i in ie Hate ; Soin and. Sundays follow- : or He Tact leaking out: that = 5 Waldron opened "her Millizer: } ley lost Saturday. : o Ri ver. -- Mrs F. Duce, wits of oy i Ree was out of town last a visit to Mrs W. Aldum. ased that she is able to Pay : end visits. = =~ BIRTH Ab Dern ont, on Friday Sag March 10th. to Mr and Mes D. D- Lass, ie agon ge - eS as NOTICE ox DISSOLUTION OF ARTNERSHIP NOTIC " is hiety given at the. Partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween us, the undersignad, under 'the name of Burgess & Walters, Bakers and Confectioners, at the Town of Dryden, in the District of Kenora, this day been dissolved by mutis] consent. All debts owing to. the said oso p are to be paid to Thos. Walters, who will continue the baking Duginess, and oft claims against = ate me will settled. ; | THOS. WALTERS eC . PURGESH, ° This Ry the business of the evening, although Council spent some o ts ss. at bs new ent along: j he oh aol. a oe ; a RH PRONGER :