Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 29 Apr 1922, page 7

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OBSERVER. DRYDEN. DNTARIO. N aN SY x oN ANAS NERD oN DORRSARAAN ARS bath room clean, infects. and trouble, Make it your handy household assistant. making soap, in washing dishes, for cleaning sinks, re- frigerators, garbage cans, etc., for cleaning clogged drain pipes, for removing grease and smoke stains, for scrubbing floors and tiling. You will find that the systematic use of Gillett's Lye will keep everything around the kitchen and sweet and wholesome. Is economical and sure in its effects. the standard for over 50 vears. 'Made in Canada It saves labor, time Use it for Ce vd Ve 2 OI Cleans and dis- Has been 7 SAAT kes rs Di AA EE RR RRR PH Sa RN RN TEES Sond nN WORLD HAPPENINGS BRIEFLY TOLD It bas been decided to adopt day- light saving for the cily of Montreal. Clocks will be put ahead an hour on April 30 and back an hour on Oct. 1. Robert B. Robertson, pioneer Daw- son miner and proprietor of the Bon Marche store, is dead at the age of 75. He was born in Scotland and came {o Dawson many years ago from Seattle. : Working in a blinding snowstorm and with the thermometer near zero robbers tunnslled into the vault of the Piedmont State Bank at Piedmont, Kansas, and. stole liberty bonds be- lieved to total $50,000 in value. The Fermanagh Assize Court sen- tenced three men described as leaders to 10 years' penal servitude for parti- cipating in the recent kidnapping raids in Ulster. Eight others were given sentences ranging from five to eight years. Esl D Baron Manion, of Compton Verney, was thrown from his horse and killed | while fox hunting near Stratford-on- Avon, Lord Manton formerly was Joseph Watson, head of a big soap firm. He was elevated. to the peer- age at the new year for his war serv- ice and philanthropy. Reduction of the size of the United 7 the sub-committee which is drafting the army appropriation bill at Washington. The present strength of the army is approximately 137,000 men. : A Hundred Dollars Worth For Thirty-Five Cents When you are awakened from a sound sleep by Cramps, when without a moment's warning pain springs upon vou, it's then you would readily pay a hundred doHars for the quick relief you could secure from a thirty- five cent bottle of trusty old Nervi-! line. Nothing like Nerviline to re- lieve cramps, stomach diarrhoea and kindred ills. Nothing better for "Neuralgia, cold in the chest and sore throat. The: price of Nerviline is thirty-five cents, no-more, no legs, in all stores where medicines are sold. Increase in Saskatchewan Cattle Cattle in Saskatchewan in. 1921 numbered 1,563,332, an increase of 839,280 over the number of 1820, ac- cording io a report of the Provincial Department of Agriculture. It is in- teresting to note that the greatest in- ~erease is in milk cows, which now number 421,706, or 70,000 more than in the previous year. everything, become like new again. Moving a Mountain Task Undertaken by Engineers in Rio de Janiero Moving a mountain is the huge task undertaken by engineers in Ric de Janeiro, where the Morro do Castello --consisting of an estimated 7,000,000 cu. yd. of earth and rock--is being obliterated, the completion of which is expected to make the southern metro- polis much more breezy, cool and healthful, besides adding some 66 | blocks to the heart of the city. Vari- ous methods--have been tried in the transporting of this mass from its present location and depositing it in the bay,-amoung these being pick and shovel, mule cart, steam shovel, and "dinky or dummy train," all of which are described with full illustrations in the April Popular Mechanics Maga- zine. The presence of an old con- has given rise to the rumor that gold is hidden near it, and causes added zest among the credulous workmen. Dye Any Garment Or Old Drapery In Diamend Dyes Buy "Diamond - Dyes" and follow the simple directions in every package. Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint 'successfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with Diamond i Dyes even if you have never dyed before. Worn, faded dresses, skirts, waists, coats, tsweaters, stockings, draperies, ong Jus tell your druggist whether the material {you wish to dye is wool or silk, 'or {whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed igoods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or run. Rent for Fighting Ground A Viewpoint on the Question of Pay- ing France for Use of Docks Great Britain, it appears, paid pounds as rental for docks, buildings and trenches used or occupied in con- nection with the British military oper- ations in the recent war. A critic suggests that this is the first instance on record of one country paying rent for trenches in which to fight to de- | fend the country owning the ground. That is not a candid statement of fact. Britain was not fighting France's bat- tle, but its own. That it did the | fighting in France, and not in Britain, was a piece of good fortune for which even the sum cited is a cheap price. It is likely, too, that the British au- thorities saw in this means a way to give some financial help to a hard pressed ally waose sense of independ- ence would not permit it to accept a straight gift.--Edmonton Bulletin. The reason a prophet has no honor in his own country may be because we are tired of hearing him say "I told you 0." vent on the summit of the mountain | France the huge sum of 22 million | Novel Aute Truck For delivering bricks, a motor truck has ben designed' with a body that travels in such a way as to un- load its contents neatly piled. CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION Constipation--that disordered state of the digestive tract which is nearly can be readily regulated by the use of Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative. They are easy to take and are abso- lutely {ree from injurious drugs. Con- cerning them Mrs. Joseph Dion, Ste. Perpetue, Que., writes: --"I have noth- ing but praise for Baby's Own Tab- lets. When my baby was three months old he was terribly constipat- ed but the Tablets soon set him right and now at the age of fifteen months he is a big healthy boy and this good health I attribute entirely to the use iof the Tablets." They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Oldest Post Office in United States Building at St. Angustine, Florida, Was Erected in 1568 Erected in 1568, the post office believed to be the oldest structure of the kind in the country. According to official records in the "Archives of | the Indies," at Seville, Spain, it was purchased by the King of Spain in 1604 from Gonzola Mendez, former governor of Florida, who erected it, for $10,000 as a residence for Gov. Pedro De Yderra and his successors. In requesting that the purchase be made, Gov. Yderra wrote the king that the house in which he lived was "| built over the seas, and was so cold land damp that two former governors had died in it. - Mother, Quick! Give California Fig Syrup For Child's Bowels ven a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." It the little tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the con- stipation poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for gen- uine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say 'California' or you may get an imitation fig syrup. It's goodnight for the walker when he steps straight and narrow path. fight from rope the That's the way a people have found it to be with the comfort and cheer they thought they had secured in tea and coffee. When they came to depend on it-- there was a hidden string, and nothing left but disappointment. The drug, caffeine, coffee, is a nerve stimulant. Con- stant stimulation of the nerves often produces rebellion that takes the form of sleeplessness, headaches, irritability, high blood pressure. That's the string to tea and coffee. good many Postum, in tea and Postum with Postum comes Postum for Health --"There's a Reason" Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Limited, Windsor, Cnt. It looked like a happy discovery as it lay there on the sidewalk--until the discoverer reached to pick it up. Then the hidden string jerked it away. All William got was disappointment. that wholesome and delightful cereal beverage, is com- pletely satisfying and there's no harmful quality whatsoever, to jerk away the comfort which you find in this splendid table drink. Any member of the family may enjoy any meal--and there will be no after-regrets. in two forms: Instant Postum {in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water, Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes, Sold by grocers. always caused by improper feeding-- | building at St. Augustine, Florida, is! A Simple House Re Dress of Gingham By Marie Belmont The season is approaching when every particular 'housekeeper wants duties indoors. The modern trend is for bright effects and gay colors in frocks of this type, and the example above is charming in red-checked gingham. The square cut neck is flanked at either side by the yoke, and to this the waist is slightly fulled at the shoulders. Here and there the skirt joins the blouse at the lowered waist- line, black wool embroidery impart- ing a striking note. A slender black patent leather belt finishes the cos- tume. The same frock may be made up in cotton, crepe or handkerchief linen for dressier occasions. The Oil of the People.--Many oils have come and gone, but Dr. Thomas' clectric Oil continues to maintain its fulness each year. Its sterling guali-| ties have brought it to the front and kept it there, and it can truly be call ed the oil of the people. Thousands have benefited by it and would use no other preparation. Better a good paying job low salaried position. than "a Minard's Liniment for the Grippe and Fiu Grain Shipments Heavy Nearly one and a half million bus- hels of wheat, oats and barley, have been brought down from the Peace River and Grande Prairie districts by the Xdmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia, Railway since the first of September, according to figures issued by the railroad. Nine hundred and five railway cars have come down from the north country with 718,624 bushels of wheat, 676,982 bushels of oats, and 100,699 bushels of barley. om 0 bind Corns are painful growths. Hollo- way's Corn Remover will remove them. 'Melon Growing by Mennonites Melon Growing as a Commercial Proposition in. Scuthern Manitoba The Mennonites in Southern Mani- toba have paid considerable attention to melon growing and have succeed- ed in cultivating both watermelons and muskmelons of good quality, Ex periments at the Morden Experimen- tal Station, near the. Mennonite set- tlement, show that in hot years mel- ons do well, and prove of excellent flavor, but when the summers are cool ! they do not flourish. Aft this station tests have been made in planting in the hot beds and transplanting to the open in comparison with planting in the field. Variety tests have also been made. On the whole the super- intendent at the station is able to re- port satisfactory results. He de- clares that he sees no reason why melon growing should not be a com- mercial proposition in Southern Mani- toba, especially having regard to the Sica achieved by the Mennonites, who besides having no scientific knowledge do not exercise a super { abundance of care. Muskmelons and watermelons are alike easily grown. B.C. Increases Lumber Export The Provincial Minister of Lands \ reports that the water-borne lumber c export from British Columbia in 1921 was in excess of 188,000,000 feet, an excess of about 44,000,000 feet over the record of 1920. A large share of | nis svport wend to Japan and China, Aim at the top. It may help vou to land in the middle. an attractive dress to wear about her position and increase its sphere of use-| Minard's Liniment prevents § panish +. Flu ' Contributions For ~ Saskatchewan Museum Interesting Donations Have Been Re- ceived from Regina Beach A history of Scotland, printed mores than 200 years ago, and a collection of fossilized sea fish found in 1884, six 'miles west of Bulyea, were pre- sented to officials of the Saskatche- wan Natural Histery Museum by Mrs. A. Duncan, Regina Beach. The donations were received at the office of Irederick Bradshaw, chief me game guardian. The history was written "by George Buchanan, and in spite of its age is still in good con- dition. In her letter, Mrs. Duncan stated the fossils were discovered 40 feet below the surface of the Bulyea prairie, while some of the Saskatche- wan settlers were engaged in digging a well. g The donations will be placed on exhibition in the museum. The largest stretch of fresh water in the world, Lake Superior, has an area of 31,200 square miles. During the winter ' these, fective. Ag "SPOHN'S" jg Don't wait. SPOHN MEDICAL a liable to contract con ENZA, COUGHS and COLDS. equally effective. For sale at drug stores. DISTEMPER AMONG HORSES successfully treated with ponn"s Distem per Compound and spring months horses are again more tagious disease--DISTEMPER,. INFLU- As a preventive against an occasional dose of "SPOMHN'S" ig marvelously ef- remedy for cases already suftering Give it as a preventive, COMPANY, GOSHEN, INDIANA, U.S.A, rns? === DIRECT FROM TRAPPER TO MANUFACTURER | J. SCHWARTZ & CO. 266-268 Toronto King St Wost MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 00 hi MUSKRATS Extra Large Large - Med. Small Kits Damaged and Shot $2.00 $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 25¢-$1.00 BEAVERS Ex. Large Large Medium Small Good-Unprime Dark in $40.00 $30.00 $22.50 $12.00 $20.00-$10.00 Ordivnry ..... $30.00 $25.00 $15.00 $ 8.00 $15.00-3 5.00 remittance if not satisfied with our Ship by Express or Parcel Post. Bank References--Dominion Bank, Toronto. We will hold Shippers' Furs the necessary time for them to return grading. Quick Returns Guaranteed {fo SR TRRITS ORCHESTRA LEADERS 752 For mira [MOVING PICTURE PIANO PLAYERS Send for Danca HEARST b and SINGERS = Send for Drchestrations. Join Our Popular Sond fb - Professional Copies H "WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name not getting Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which-contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for "Bayer" on tablets; you are Why take chances? Colds Headache Rheumatism "Toothache Neuralgia * Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also hottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono aceticacidester of Sallcylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablots of Bayer Company will be stamped with their general trad os mark, the "Bayer Cross." wae rm

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