FOR ODD JOBS ABOUT THE HOUSE you need a set of our high grade carp- enter's tools. If you are a carpenter by trade we advise you to look over our line 'of tool chests and separate tools before making your purchases. 'We have the tool for every need. E. A. KLOSE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Picture Framing Manitoba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood tibre, Etc. Undaking in coneetion NDERSON & HARRIS TRIST & CHARLEBOIS 1 Bryden Livery, Transfer and Exchange Bara Te. - fa a DRY..EN = Cr TT CR. R. H. PRONGER, Notary Public ~~ Conveyancer, Etc. DRYVBHY Lob Dates of Meetings OXDRIFT CLUB meets on the FIRST FRIDAY of the month in the Schoclheuse at 8 p.m. W. W. HOWELL, Secretary WAINWRIGHT CLUB meets in the School at 8 p.m. the first Saturday of each month. R.D. COATES, Secretary. EAGLE RIVER CLUB meets second Saturday of each month, at % pam. ALEX. TURN Secy. VER, = Sr a-- WALDHOF CLUB meets First 'Saturday of every month in the Schoolhouse, at 8 o'clock OSCAR CARL KURZ, Secretary. 'WABIGOON CLUB meets first Saturday of every month, at 8 p. m.. in the Schooiroom. VICTOR NORDRUM, Secy. BEDWORTH CLUB meets the > last Saturday of every month at 8 p.m. Visitors from fraternal clubs ave heartily welcome, W. F. BICKNELL, Secratary. aa $ VAN HORNE CLUB meets » every third Saturday in the Town- ship Hall, Dryden, at 8 p.m. CHAS. NORGATE, Secy. GLENGOLAND Farmers' Club meets the Secohd FRIDAY in the month, at 8 o'clock p.m. Mrs H. MARTIN, Dryden P.O. Secretary. "Save the S9rfies and you save all '% nf ¥ Won { of cleanness. Think for a moment how much of all that goes to make . up the beauty of HOME consists of color and the feeling Furniture, walls, floors, the kitchen, the charm of a house among the trees--all ar. what they cre largely because of color and freshness. B-H "English" paints give permanence to coler, and invulnerable protection against decay. Home is your haven and, in a sense, the measure of yourself. Protectit. Beautify it. "Better to Paint than Repair." TO% Pure White Load Bom Genuine BIB) 2 20% Pure White Zing 100% Pure Paint Increase its value. mMoNTREAL HALIFAX "MEDICINE HAT caLGARY | BRANDRAM-HENDERSOM | Stuonn TORONTO L£DMONTON WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Hardware and Farniture A Great Achievement EE The events leading up to and the passage of the by-law authorizing the expenditure of Fifty Thou- public school in Dryden have, already been commented on in: these columns. It was expected that construction of the building would start at a much earlier date! but difficulties arose, some of them unavoidable but none of them in any sense chargeable to the School Board. To begin, the plams obtained for an eight-room school were submitted to experts, which led 'to the discovey .that they were too eloborate and that a building erected in accord with them would cost in the neighbour hood of $g0.000. It had been un- derstood that Fifty Thousand was to cover the cost of the site and debenture depreciation, and the Board was endeavoring to keep expenditure within that am- ount. This nesessitated the mak- ing of new plans and F. B. Scott architect of Fort William was instructed to draw plans for a building complete in internal arrangement that could be built within the sum at the disposal of the School Board. By a sacrifice in external appearance the feat was accomplished and tenders called for. Thirteen firms re- sponded, among which were Mec- Dermott Co., and M. W. Kelly, Winnipeg, and Bergman & Nel- son, Dryden. The amounts of the various tenders ranging from $ $47.750 at the instance of M. W. Kelly, Winnipeg. Berg- man & Nelson's tender was $48. 500 and the School Board assum- ing that greater benefit would accrue to Dryden through' build- ing being carried on by a local firm, after inducing Befgman & Nelson to reduce their tender to $48.000, awarded the contract to them. A number of firms tender- explained that, owing to the pres- ent condition of the labour market and the reduction in the cost of building material, a lower price could be made than at any timc in the recent past, and the cost of operation would without doubt ibe increased in the near future The contract disposed of, there followed the choosing of a site and after the present site had been decided upon a further delay arose from the necessity for ne Bgotiating with owners of the property involved -- C. O. Self, F. Risegari, J. E. Gibson, J. Reany and Edward George. Messrs Self and Reany were agreable to an immediate sale and lat a price deemed entirely satis factory to the Board. The others } placed a value upon their hold- ings considered. exorbitant, and the School Board, under author- ity of the School Sites Act, began expropriation proceedings. The owners, pending a dicision, gave written permission for the immed- iate occupation of the property. C. W. Coombe, Reeve of Van Horne Township and ex-mayor 0: Dryden, was chosen as arbitratos for the School Board, and T. D George represented the property owners. James Robinson, Bart ister, of Kenora, was the third arbitrator, and the award con summated last Wednesday fixed the price for the various prop- erties involved as follows: $1750 for the George property ($2000 asked) $3575 asked) $650 for the Gibson property ($1500 asked) The expense of expropriation pro- ceedings is to be levied upon the property owners, a majority of the arbitrators decreeing the onus of the proceedings to be entirely} upon them, a dissenting opinion being handed in by Mr George. The ground was broken or Monday, and construction will be proceeded with by the contractors at the highest possible rate of speed. The site is eminently a satisfac- tory one in every respect. Three acres in extent it will face a street on each of its four sides. It is high, the sgil being a sandy loam, preferable 'to any other owing to its rapid moisture-absorbing qual- ities. It is also expected that a generons supply of water is assur- ed which leaves nothing further to be desired in respect to the site. Temporarily the 100-barrel tank, the property of the school, will be utilized to retain the rain-fall. Of the buildings now on the prop- erty two will be removed and the third, which is in no sense an incumbrance, will be retained in case its use should be desired for sand Dollars for the erection of a $1450 for the Risegari property| a caretaker dr teacher, The inter- nal arrangements of the building will in evety essential be com- plete. Inside closets through the use of septic tanks will be install- ed, and heating and ventilation have been given especial consid-§, eration. Although every attention poss- ible has been given to an endeav- or to economiise it is expected that when furnishings have been in- stalled and the school ready for occupation, the cost will have reached approximately the sixty thousand dollar mark. The extra ten thousand the Board anticipate no difficulty in arranging for. = The contractors are bound by penalty to complete the building within a specified period, but will have to be given an extension owing to the unlook- ed for delay which has not been of their making. The specifications call for the erection of a high board fence about the building while construction is being cari- ied on, as a safe guard against! accidents. not therefore have an opportunity to view their school prior to its completion, the School Board have intimated through their chairman when the time arrives they are invited to inspect it as a body, and are to be the guests of the Board and partake of such hospitality ds is in keeping with the occasion--an occasion which will be auspicious from the fact that it will discover to them the means of providing the children of the town with an education in keeping with advancing condit- inalienable right. vou are to be congratulated on the personel of your School Board 1f you will take an imaginary journey to Montreal, you will see streets so narrow that a western husbandman would not dream of turning his team once he had ~ntered one of them, until he had traversed its entire length and reached the open country; alley- ways so restricted that a west- arner would deem himself cruel if he tried to whip a jack rabbit through them. And what is the anderlying reason for such a con- no. vision beyond a country vill? age. Our School Board has been, actuated by a confidence in the rerity of their vision. They have | looked upon a town prosperous in its infancy, upon an outlying! dance of clover and honey and knowing the geographical posit-, ion of their town makes its ad-| vancement inevitable. aducation and culture, and they have given you, the parents of the children of this town and you their well wishers, the means of fitting thesé children unhandi- capped for the conflict which ever one is called upon to endure. | The erection of this School-- ment---will in a large sense be the means of your securing and retain a competent teaching staff, anl provide facilities for the advance- ment of your children to such a degree of efficiency as will enable them to take advantage of offers of positions now filled from out- side sources. Your School Board has shown vision, efficiency and at the same time in the face of some seemingly insurmountable difficulties have stood upon the courage of their convictions arriv- ing finally at the goal of consum- mation. INVEST] GATE ASPINWALL POTATO MACHINERY WE have secured the Agency for this well-known make, and will be pleased to show you Potato Planters and Diggers in operation This promises to become the greatest potato seed growing district in Canada, and it will pay you to possess the most improved Labor-saving Machinery. SWAN SWANSON, F. B- LINDEN DRYDEN One Great Special, REGULAR PRICES. E. D. Smith's pure Orange Marr ma- lade, per 4-1 tin ov 7 Raspberry Jam, in 4-1b glass jars 1. Strawkerry Jam, in 4-1b tins __.._Z. As the citizens will, ions which, by the way is their And now, citizens of Dryden, : dition? Simply, the founders had | | | district blessed with an abun-] i They have | ;onserved it as a logical centre of | Lg NOT ERY, Es Conveyancing Collecting General Practice. ONTARIO ! Cheese (fresh), per Ib eee. { Blue Ribbon Tea, per I wien B | Bulk Dates, 7- for 1 00 Bigs, 7-1 force a ice hb 1.08. Christie's Sodas, per pkt. 31 of Deveton, Ont. It is our chief aim to point be saved by patronizing us. out to you how money can for Saturday only 14 Ibs Granulated Sugar for $1.00 MEAT. {Bacon Back, per 1... 58 ls ide Baron, par Ih ili d0 i Slicing -- 8e. 1 SPECIAL ON FEEDS FOR: SATURDAY ONLY Bran per bag Butter, Creamery & Dairy, per 1b .45 § Lard, S-Th polls, per I... 63 i Ib pails, per pail ____..__.__. 3.93 Shorts, per bag $1.28 ALL WORK GUARA ANTEED. I am putting in a first-class Auto Repair Shop, & would like you to call and tell me your Auto No Job too Large A Good St ock of Oils, 'Always : Troubles. ADVICE CHEERFULLY GIVEN No Job too Small. Greases, and Gasoline on hand. On May 1st I am putting at your disposal a FREE AIR and FREE DISTILLED WATER. SERVICE ALL WORK GUARANTEED. OUR MOTTO: The Customer must be satisfied. BILL SELF, 3 Proprietor. i. A. MAPLES Mechanic We have the Sole Agency in this } district for the Canadian Oil Con While Rose Gasoline. products of the panies, Silver Light Coal Oil which, by the way owing to To vision of the Board is to be erect-' 2d with provision for enlarge-' Enarco Greas and Qils 11-22 TRACT: MASSEY- HARRIS IMPLEM dy for S Read The Old Mass 3 oy COST § pring Work rr. Oo bdr re &F vy ifarris Stand ny T7 BLACK, Agent. EER a Ready for Heavy Duties The Case 10-20 is noted for its reserve ower. Owners state that these tractors are always capable in emergency, for extra hard plowing or for grades. This 10-20 is recommended for pulling three 14-inch plows which it can pull. in sod or stubble. It also handles other implements usually requiring, about six horses, such as two 7-foot binders, two 20-shoe grain drills, six section spike-tooth harrow, 8 For belt work this tractor drives a Case 20x36 thresher, fully equipped silo fillers, bay presses, feed mills, ete. For all round use this tractor demands your careful consideration. It has long proved its worth. It is economical 1m operation, burning kerosene successfully It is built of the finest materials, You get your moneay's worth, Before you decide on your tractor, let us show vou the advantages of the Casa : jine. Youll then be better able ta to 10 foot donbledisc harrow,ete. judge. . ; C A SE; KEROSENE F. T. BRIGNALL, TRACTORS Oxdriff, Ont.