THE JE gny ER. DRYDEN. ONTA RIO. to break It up and Acts On and lungs. well as cure. HORSES COUGHING? 'Spohn's Distemper Compound SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, USE get them back in condition. Twenty-eight vear's use has made "SPOHN'S"-indispensable in treating Coughs and Colds, Influenza and Distemper with their re- sulting complications, and all diseases of «the throat, nose | marvelously as preventive; acts equally sale at all drug stores. GOSHEN, IND., U.8.A. Abraham Lincoln's Advice [3 "With the approach of Spring, and a revival of business activity following 8 winter characterized by much unemployment and the necessity for the dis- tribution of relief on a large scale by Governments, municipalities and charit- able organizations, the air is filled with rumors of impending strikes and in- dustrial disturbances. The coal miners of Canada and the United States threaten a walk-out to enforce their demand for a six-hour day and a five-day work week, while the engineering and other trades in Great Britain are also resorting to-exireme measures. It would naturally have less thousands engaged in other trades ; been thought that, instead of creating conditions which mean idleness, not only for those going out on strike, but for count- | which are dependent upon a plentiful supply of coal, and instead of striving for less work and employment, the lessons 'of the past year would have taught all men to exert themselves to | create more work in order that, with the employmnt of all and renewed activ- ify, there woud be better times and a larger measure of prosperity for all. However, it would appear that the fallacious teaching of paid agitators, that a reduction in working hours and days below a reasonable limit must {inevitably provide work for a larger number, still influences many of the world's workers. The theory that the world must have a certain quantity of any given article, and that if each individual produces a smaller quantity of it, a larger number must be employed to make up the required total, is a] false theory. "It'is. possible to so enhance the cost of an article as to make it prohibitive, and to so seriously reduce the demand," that; instead of there being any increase in employment-in sueh production, there i decrease. : Again, those whe preach this false doctrine lose Saht of the fact that dapaging | mankind can get along without an amazingly large number of things if cir- cumstances force them to do so. The experiences 'of the war should have been sufficient to thoroughly convince all people of this fact. Last year the coal miners in Great Britain sought to dictate to the whole nation, and in tying up the coal mining industry they not only inflicted enor- mous losses on themselves, but dealt a blow at Britain's position as a great coal exporting country from which it has not yet recovered. Valuable prop- ertiss were so seriously damaged that even yet they have not been restored to their old-time producing capacity, and fewer men are employed. Canada's workers would do well to heed the advice once given by Abra- ham Lincoln, himself a worker and a son of the people. property is desirable; it is a positive good That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, "Property is the fruit of labor; in the world: and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Lincoln said: Let not him who is hopeless pull down the house of another, but let him build one for him- slf, thus assuring, by example, that his own shall when built." be safe from violence The man who gains a competence in this world, or amasses wealth, does not do so by working as little as he possibly can, or by skimping the work he does. The world's workers. rich men are among its most industrious and hardest | Their aim in life is not to accomplish as little constructive, pro-! ductive work as possible in the course of a day, but rather to strive for a maximuni of results. If men who now regard their position as hopeless, and are envious of the success of their fellows, would but follow Lincoln's advice and get busy and exert themselves, not as little as possible, but to the full' extent of their pow- ers, they could quickly establish themselves and make a worthy place for themselves in the world. But they will never get anywhere by simply criticizing what others do and striving to tear down what others have built un. They should change their tactics, and, instead of endeavoring to do as little as possible, and skimping that little, try the plan of exerting all their efforts and endeavoring to achieve a maximum of good work accomplished during the full period of a reascnable long working day. What this old world needs is not more spare time, more sport, more en- tertainment and pleasure, but more work, steady work, coustructive and pro- ductive werk. Prosperous. The busiest man or woman is the happiest, healthiest, most A Firm Foundation Franco-British Alliance May Result in United Europe We doubt if much good will come oui of Genoa, but if France and Great Pritain go there as allies there can- pot be much harm. Adbul mained in Constantinople long after authority had left his nerveless fin- gers simply owing to the jealousies of the European powers. Bolshevism in its turn will succumb when it finds itsell face to face with a united Furope. A TFranco-British alliance is the only foundation on which that! unity can be. built--London Morning Post. Cause of Asthma. No one can say with certainty exactly what causes the establishing of asthmatic condi- tions. Dust from the street, from flowers, from grain and various other irritants may set up a trouble impos- gible to erradicate except through a gure preparation such as Dr. J, .D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Uncer- tainty may exist as to cause, but there can be no uncertainty regarding a remedy which has freed a generation of asthmatic victims from this scourge { the bronchial tubes. It is sold : 3 Eehowhore . = Addition >risoner.--Good morning, Judge. Judge.--How old are you? Twenty-nine." --(Chicage Phoenix. Ww. N. U. 1418 Backward Children The Value of Medical Inspection Public Schools in Backward children are not always, perhaps not often, backward because of either mental deficiency or sioth- fulness, says the U.S. Public Health Service. Many of them are back- ward solely because of such ordinary and easily remediable defects as ade- noids, near-sightedness, or bad teeth. A case in point was recently report- ed by the oficial representative of the Public Health Service in the eighth sanitary district of Vermont, in which the service is. co- operating in a rural health work project. Medical inspection of one of the graded schools in October, 1919, show- ed that it had been thought necessary to instruct in a special room sixteen pupils. who had seemed to be unable to keep up with their respective classes. Physical examination show- ed that each of the sixteen had some serious hampering. physical defect (chiefly enlarged tonsils, adenoids, or} defective hearing or eyesight) which, rather than any mental handicap, was the probable cause of their inability. Through the co-operation of the school directors, the facts were brought to the attention of the parents or guardians of the children and all | were set right before the end of the "you'll be thirty when you get out." year. On re-examination of the pupils the next December (1920) it appeared that all of the sixteen previously back- ward "children had caught up with their proper grades and were keeping up in them with their classmates. A vear later, in December; 1921, some of these sixteen children were among the: mental and physical leaders in their grades. : Canada Importing Pure-Bred Stock The importation of high-class pure- bred stock into Canada for breeding purposes, which wag checked during the war, has again assumed consider: able proportions. In the last fiscal year 279 horses were introduced, 833 cattle, 371 sheep, 110 swine and 1¢ goats. Though the United States supplied more animals than the Brit- ish Isles, the breeds represented in the main had a British origin. Minard's Liniment for the Grippe and a Flu Co {then we piped for a while. -is SPRING IMPURITIES rw als A Sy Joys of Rural Life Had Nothing Country Brother A boy left the farm and got a job in the city. He wrote a letter to his brother, who elected to stick to his farm, telling the joys of city life, in which he said: "Thursday we auto'd out to the country club, where we golfed until' dark. Then we motored to the beach | for the weekend." The - brother on the farm wrote back: "Yesterday we buggied to town and baseballed all the afternoon. Then we went to Ned's and pokered until morning. - Today we muled out to the cornfield and gee-hawed until sundown. Then we suppered and] After that we staircased up to our room | and bedsteaded until the clock fived." City Man on His ! Manslaughter in 2nd Degree | Using a razor--bad stuff--hut many | people do it for their corns. The | only remedy that is painless and sure | utnam's Corn Extractor, which | does remove. warts and corns, cleans | them right off. Refuse a substitute | "Putnam's," 25¢ everywhere, | _ldentifying rt Nina. --Tom, dst that the "s Tom. --Yes, and i's | the same suit I had the vear before.-- | Harper's. : DUE TO POUR BLOOD A Tonic Medicine a Nebossity at This Season Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an all- year-round tonic for the blood and nerves. But they are especially val- uable in the spring when the system is loaded with impurities as a result of the indoor life of the winter months. There is no other season when the blood is so much in need of purifying and enriching, and every dose of these pills helps to enrich the blood. In the spring one feels weak! and. tired--Dr. Williams' Pink Pills! give strength. In the spring the ap-| petite is often poor--Dr. , Williams' ! Pirk Pills develop the appetite, tone | the stomach and aid weak digestion. it is in the spring that poisons in the blood find an outlet im disfiguring pimples, eruptions and boils--Dr. Williams' Pink Pills clear the skin because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In the spring anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia and many other troubles are most persistent because of poor, weak blood, and it is at this time when all nature takes on new 'life that the blood most seriously needs! attention. Some people dose them- selves with purgatives at this season, but these only further weaken them- selves. - A purgative merely gallops through the system, emptying the bowels, but does not help the blood. On : the other hand, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enrich the blood which reaches every nerve and every organ i vigor to weak easily tired men, wo- men and children. Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills this spring--they will not disappoint you. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent | by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes: for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine €o., Brockville, Ont. it will Prevent Ulcerated Throat.-- At the first symptoms of sore throat, which presages ulceration and in- flammation, take a spoonful of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. © Add a little sugar to it to make it palatable. It will allay the irritation and prevent the ulceration 'and swelling that are so painful. Those who were period- ically subject to quinsy have thus made themselves immune to attack. . A course in the maintenance and repairing of motor cars is now a feature of one of the largest American colleges. REMARKABLE LETTER Canadian Woman Recom- mends Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Winnipeg, Manitoba--*1 can not speak too highly of what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. 1 was a nervous wreck and I just had to force myself to do my work. Life was a misery and work was a burden. Even the sound of my own children playing made me feel ag if I must scream if they did not get away from me. I could not even speak right to my husband. The doctor said that he could do nothing for me owing to my condi- tion, but told me to expect another miscarriage. My husband's grand- mother advised me to take Lydia HE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 started it right away and everyone noticed what a different woman I was in. a short time. I went and engaged my doctor and he did not know me, I was so well. TI was able to do my work once more and it was a pleasure, not a burden. Now I have a 'fine bouncing baby' to use the doctor's own words. 1 am able to nurse her and enjoy doing my work, I can not help recommending such a medicine, and anyone seeing me before I took it and seeing ms now, can see what it does or me, | What it-has done for me it can do you asked me last vear if iw wasn't i in the body, bring new strength and | ; A Beautiful Complexion Admiration Ladies -- A few day? treaiment with CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS will do more is clean up the skin than H the beauty treat: [CHfTERS ments in crea atisn An im. perfect com: plexion . is caused by =a sluggish liver. : Millions of peonle. ol take them Hezdache, U Pimply and misery of Rly Mileage Saskatchewan Meads List for Inc Since 1911 An addition of 13,081 miles has been made to the railway mileage of the Dominion since 1911. Each of the provinces has had a share in this in- crease, even Prince. Edward. Island showing a gain of a little less than ten miles; but Alberta and Saskatche- | wan head the list with 2,791 and 3,027 miles respectively. The total steam railway mileage in the Dominion is | 38,896 miles. rease C3 HE pain and torture of rheu- Liniment, It brings warmth, ease and apply when you feel the first twinge. tired, aching muscles, sprains and your neighbor, | matism can be quickly relieved by an application of Sloan's comfort and lets you sleep soundly. Always have a bottle handy and It penetrates without rubbing. It's splendid to take the pain out of strains, stiff "joints, end lame backs. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask SR RI At all dripuiste--2te, 7 70c, £1. 40. ¢ Made in To Artichokes were introduced England in the 16th century. into More than 120 active volcanoes are known in Asia. ail Piui--Smail Dose Small Price Madame Fashion is very busy now preparing for spring, in spite of Here is .a coat which she hag designed for The blouse back, which is very popular just now, will be worn extensively this coming season. value is greatly enhanced by the self-toned embroidery. the gloomy winter weather. afternoon wear. When Milady Gone a-Walking Oppose Skyscrapers for London British Architects Disapprove of Altering Building Regulations : The proposal of the committee on London Building Acts to alter build- ing regulations, so as to permit of the construction of buildings 120 feet high instead of the present maximum of 80 feet, has been disapproved by tha Royal Institute of British Architects. Most of the architects who spoke on the question declared that "sky- scrapers" in the mediaevally planned streets would be depressing and de- moralizing, while the increase in the city's 'population would result in swamping of traffic by the nece supply services. (hie ssary "They Certainly Did Help Me" WHY PASCAL THEBEAU RECOM. MENDS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS New Brunswick Man Now in Good Health Advises all Sufferers from Kidney Trouble to use Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. Village St. Jean, Kent Co., N.B.-- (Special).--"Dodd's Kidney Pills cer: tainly helped me." Such is the emphatic statement of Pascal, Thebeau, a LOT resi- dent of this village. ® "I was very ill of Kidney disease," Mr. Thebeau continues. "In the morn- ing I was so weak I could not get up before mid-day. I took three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they did me a lot of good." "Now Iam well again and I advise _ any person suffering from Kidney disease to use Dodd's Kidney Pills." Dodd's Kidney Pills are. known in every corner of Canada as the old re- liable Canadian Kidney remedy. They are known by the work they have done. Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kid- ney Pills are not the remedy for gick kidneys. A devilfish with tentacles eight feet long was landed at English Bay pier in Vancouver with a crab pot for It is of tan twill and the color | bait. "Sor for anyons in the same condition. I am only too pleased for you to use i LL McGee St, Winnipeg, Manitoba. | my testimonial."'--Mgs, Enviny Davis, | Dye Skirt, Dress For Scientific Research the Give Grants for Research on Action of Alkali The Saskatchewan and Alberta Governments and the Canadian Pa- cific Railway Co. have this year con- tributed $1,000, and the Advisory Conncil on Industrial Research has contributed $5,000 - towards the re- search on alkali action through the ground water on concrete piping, piles ,ete. Already more than $200, 000 has been spent on this work by the Greater Winnipeg Water Dis- trict Board. The City of Winnipeg recently made a grant towards the work of $200. The action of alkali ground water on the concrete pipe mains of the Greater Winnipeg Water District has already cost a great sum of money. The engineers have been compelled to put in a subsidiary pipe line to carry away the ground water. Rate on Potatoes Cut Prairie potato growers will benefit at once by a reduced freight rate to points in Eastern Canada which came into effect recently. A lower rate to points in the United States will be- come effective on April 12. Profes- TF. W. Brodrick, of Manitoba Agricultural College, received a wire from B. E. McIntosh, of the Depart- ment of Agriculture Ottawa, mnotify- ing him of the reduction. According to Winnipeg freight agents the rate has heen reduced from Til, to 66 cents a hundredweight--TFree Press. Rub it In for Lame Back.--A brisk rubbing with Dr. Thomas' HEclectrie Oil will relieve lame back. The skin will immediately absorb the oil and it will penetrate the tissues and bring speedy relief. Try it and be convinc- ed. As the liniment ginks in, the pain comes out and there are ample grounds for saying that if is an excel lent article. Near Bingeni, in Germany, is a fam- ous echo which will toss a sound to and fro no less than seventy times. In Ceylon are to be found snails which attain a length of {rom four to five inches. Fuse Minard's Cinnent fer the Flu Or Faded Draperies Tips Moon Yo In Diamond Dyes Become Possibility Fach package of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions so simple that any wo- man can dye or tint faded, shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, sweaters, stock- ings, hangings, draperies," "everything like new. Buy "Diamond Dyes'--no other kind--then perfect home dyeing is guar- anteed, even if vou have never dyed be- fore. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or run. £ Come When Secret of Atomic Energy is Discovered Will A source of energy that once liber- ated is capable of blowing the world to pieces was described by Dr. F. W. Aston, F.R.S., a research fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, in a ser- ies of five lectures at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. "It may be many years before the energy, which can be produced by charging four hydrogen atoms to one helium atom is released, but from tnat moment either the world will sudden- ly become a new and brilliant star or man will have at his command energy beyond imagination that will make! coal and oil unnecessary. This force, called "atomic energy," is found in hydrogen and revealed by the fact that this gas is the only one of the elements that physicists can- not reduce to an atomic weight that is an integer. The explanation sounds academic, but it means, when trans- lated, that a trip to the moon or any other spot in the universe ceases to be absurd and becomes a possibility, explains Doctor Aston. It is said Italy's perfume manufac turers consume 1,860 tons of orange blossom, §30 tons of roses, 150 tons 'each of jasmine and violets, and 15 tcng of jonguils annually. ARE YOU A MOTHER? Mrz. Dalton tells ef a Well-known Dactor's Prescription that is safe for Young Mothers to take as a Tonic and Nervine because it contrins no harmful in- gredient. : onion: Ont.--"Dr. Pierce's Favor ite promi saved my life years ago and for that reason I am most enthusiasticin my recommendation of it to women who are ailing and weak. I was taken with the measles ey. When in an ex- pectant condition; then blood poison- ing set in and my family became ghia alarmed. The doctor advised them to give ms Dr. Pierce's Favol- te Prescription and I took several bottles of it and was restored to absolutely perfect health. 1 later took Favorite Prescription as a tonia and nervine and received great bens- fit from it. As a woman's medicines it is unequalled." ---- Mrs, Jennie Dal | ton, 767 York St. HEALTH BRINGS BEAUTY Your Health is Vital to Yeu Barrie, Ont.--"1 was suffering from a rundown system some time ago, was unfit to perform my daily duties, and was advised to try Dr. Plerce's Favorites Prescription. I tried it, . took two bottles, and was restored to my natural sirength. I cannot praise Dr. Plerce's medicine toe highly and will be willing to write to any one sending stamped envel- ope.' --DMrs. A. H. Bishop, R. R. No. 1, You'll. soon feel beiter if you ob- tain this "Prescription" of Dr. Pierce's at your nearest drug store, in tablets or liquid, or send ile to Dr. Pierce's Laboraiory in Bridge hurg, Ont., for trial pkg. tablets and The Canadian Burbank Dr. Charles Saunders who is called "The Canadian Burbank," discovered Marquis wheat and added $15,000,000 to annual value of Canadian crop. Nor is this the only wheat to the credit of Dr. Saunders. He introduced Pre- lude, and Ruby and the famous early Red Fife. His also was the Liberty | (hulless) oats. Wealth in North Land According to Lieut.-Colonel A. C. Garner, of Regina, the principal wealth of the north country lies in its minerals. That while some of the land in the éxtreme north might be reclaimed and made available for farming, the greatest consideration must be given to the development of the mineral resources. It pays io patronlze home industry. Buy from the merdhnnls in your own town. write for fres medical advice.