J ~ DRYDEN : Place of Merchandise Chrome Leather Waterproof Soles, Volume IV. Dryden, Ont. July 7th 1922 ee PHARMACY Your Drug Store is ~~ more than a For beneath its coating of com- mercialism is the realization that Professional Knowledge takes precedence of all other matters-- thereby rendering a real, vital Service to the community. Show 'your appreciation of this fact, and always. TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST! SWAT THE FLY! That distributor of disease. Get after him. Launch an offensive WE SUPPLY YOU WITH THE AMMUNITION. A ful lline-- Sappho Puffs, Dyers Insect Powder, Pyrethrum Insect Powder, in bulk; Sabadilla, Keating's, ete. Also Fly Swatters. General Disinfection-- Parke Davis' Kreso, Creolin, Chloride of Lime, Izal Powder, ete, SERVICE and QUALITY. Owing to lack of space we are obliged to hold over the names of Dominion Day prize-winners and Reports from Schools in the dis- trict till next week. : NOTHING LIKE LEATHER We have just put in stock a Special Line of Men's SOLID LEATHER WORK BOOTS, warranted to keep {of old boots, rice ete., ete. ankle in the fifth inning. Home Wedding Winnifred Mary, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs H. MacCombie Davidson was married to Charles, the son of Mr and Mrs Herbert Wright of Fort William. ; The ceremony, which was a very quiet one, took place £t the home of the bride's parents. Rev. J. McLean Beaton officiated. After the ceremony the party sat down to lunch, the table was very tastefully decorated with pink roses with the wedding cake as centrepiece, (this wonderful creation of Tommy only for its beautiful adornment but also for the delicious flavour.) The bride wore a travelling suit of navy blue with hat to match *and a pretty embroidered blouse of sand coloured georgette. Train No. 2 bore the happy pair to Fort William, where the honeymoon will be spent. Numer- ous friends were at the depot to wish them long life and happiness and faithfully administered the last rites Ladies Improve Play Shall we continue to have the ladies' baseball in Dryden? That is Walters being greatly admired; not; "The Better Part" "Then shall their dust return unto the earth as it was, and their Spirits unto God who gave them." NEVER since history began has victory been achieved or a step forward been gained without sacrifice. If Canada has won recogni~ tion, she has paid the cost. As the daybreak slowly emerges from the gloom and mist of early morn, so is the gradual dawning of Canada's nationhood from the bloody welter of a world war. And while our people accept their new responsibility in a spirit of lofty pride, there are little moments in our community life when we must pause to pay a melancholy tribute to the memory of those whose 'lives were offered on the altar of sacrifice, that the world might ad- vance to greater freedom and righteousness... : In this exalted spirit of devotion the people of Oxdrift called together the inhabitants of the surrounding territory to consecrate the memory of her fallen sons by the erection of the Cenotaph in Oxdrift Cemetery last Sunday. Gi Lt.-Col. Rattray, Winnipeg, instantly responded to the request to perform the ceremony; and to the disciplined ranks of the men who had shared with him, and with the fallen, the burden of conflict, he spoke words of strength and hope that sanctified the memory of their comrades, and uplifted the thoughts'of every hearer to the stern virtue of sacrifice when duty calls. ; While not to every community is it given to raise a pillar or to erect a monument of stone or brass, yet to Oxdrift for ever belongs the glory of taking the lead in this part of the country, and nobly she hath chosen that better part which shall not be taken away from her. Ba ia OR AES ARES FS SN FO RETA FER AEE 1 HOME CHAT. the problem that rises out of Friday evening's game when the Fly Catch- ers defeated the Pitt Nine 25-21. The girls can play a brand of ball that is worth watching, and they want to. be exposed to the type of remarks that some gentlemen passed during Friday's encounter. Doubtless the men only meant to have a little fun, but they should realise that discretion puts a limit to all things. The game itself was below the standard of the previous engage- ments. The Fly Catcher's were obviously put out of their stride by the criticism from the sidelines Myrtle Beddome was handicapped by a sore arm, while Consie Kerney turned her Mrs Ham- bly helped herself to a home-run and played first base and the neighboring But they do not feel that they should; . 1 he was run into by a car coming south Miss Margaret Scott returned home {on Whyte st. driven by J. G. Gough. Sunday from her eastern visit. | The big car was overturned, and its The W. A. of St Matthews Church, | passengers thrown violently into the Eagle River, held a supper in A. d.| roadway. Only a kind Providence and Gardiner's new barn on Thursday. A the slow speed at which MeMonagle night of great joility was spent. : bone driving prevented a horrible cat- : astrophe. As it was, a number of Board and Room for men can bel i. Tv bruised and st - : ibe were severely kb ha- had at reasonable rates on application | > > 72 sevarely ruse PT a LE o to Mrs Fleming, at the old Miller Ter : i sli i vesideonce, . "| There is a growing indignation on ; | the part of citienzs occasioned by the School Report, Corrections-- | reckless and fast driving on she pail Sen. III. to Jun. IV.--honours, Olive. of some speed artists, and should any Moore. Sen. L to Jun. L--honours, | further serious accident occur at the Jimmy Smith. os | hands of such reckless ones the smoul- D. Kennedy M.P., will spend the in. | dering fires might butst into flaem. terval between sittings of the House The motor vehicles act strictly en- at his home in Dryden. He regard 5 d would do away with much of "the regulation of freight rates as by nger, and a Town ordinance outstanding feature of the session ju top the rest of it. In the mean. closed, as well as a triumph for t arents might do well to wari territory. Indeed she alone was up th ryan fortable ail the gpPECIAL BOOTS FOR BOYS Wear twice as long as the ordinary gole, and with uppers that will give | equally good service. COME AND LOOK "EM OVER! | H. WILLARD, The PRL land the whole team step right into any kind of pitching nowadays. On the base they are keeping up their good work. «Fluffy? Tustain leads the league in antics to regular form. T Thos + Sd £ wn. impro ment in their fielding. Probably selection of a regular pitcher would help them. But the young girls are certainly finding their batting eyes. val. Ray turned in a four base clout as she scampers Boot and Harness Repairer. = McCormick Internationa : Deering REESE The crop of Clover Seed looks very promising. Be prepared to harvest it with a McCor Reaper. % ra Sh Spal Coy "mower, and not shell as much seed. - along the paths. cut. One man will do as mucit work as three with a Sold by : : Jj. S. CORNER, Oxdrift. 532) i Fobnaten! Progressive party. hildren against talking chances he streets ahead of ca Where to spend a holiday.-- Haotal at oi : Wh now open. Picnics and parties catered | pravado - . . \ " for. Transit business a_ specialty. n First-class meals at all hours..--C. ! Dominion [fay Celebration-- Betts, proprietor. Canada's birthday proved a real old-time holiday at which the kiddies ; ~_ |enjoyed them selves jmmensly and in Lost.--Auto Tire, between Robin-| consequence © their parents. and the Finder Rewarded. son's farm and Banks's farm, 7 or 8 | ot : other grown:-up's: spent 2a leasant miles north of the track. Finder day. : x r pplease return to C. Smith, Whyte St. 1 Ht was ne'ither '106 hot ner too cold and receive reward. for the sports and a goodly crowd By Order-- ' assembled fin the morning. Nearly Take notice that all Noxious Weeds all. the children of the community must be cut before August 1st, or the must he.ve been in attendance and penalty prescribed by the Act will be | there rvas no dearth of « competitors. strictly enforced. The races was really splendid exhibi- tions of skill and. prowess in nearly every instance, some of the com- pef,itors showed excellent form and steed, but the main thing everyone vias good naturedand happy. A num- of a celebration to give the federal) per of the kiddies were SO taken up and local members for this district an' with the perfiormence that they were opportunity to meet their constituentfs loath to return home to dinner. All interested are invited to attend. Celebration will he held-- A meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Saturday July 8th, at 8 oclock, to decide upon the time and character Honour to whom honour is due-- / merviment. ; A considerable part of the pleasure of the 1st of July celebration is dus to mick or Deering off in apy roved style. the Town Band which, under the lead- : Fly cal chers, ership of Mr Riley is rapidly becoming so very proficient. Much of the im- pressiveness of the singing 'at the Oxdrift service was also due to their splendid assistance, and every encour- agement should be given the members who are giving their services in so 'worthy a cause. long. TI ae tug-o-war was won by the li' ghter team. Th e early eveniilg Was "ha Kenora Juniors, mist successful day, the generosity of the union who supplied funds To the Owners of Cars-- J 1 am requested to convey tc owners of cars who assisted the Veterans or 'the occasion of the unveiling of "© Oxdrift Memorial our warmest rg p- preciation and sincere thanks for the service given; also to the May or of Dryden for his kindly hospitalit' y, and especially to the Band, who abl a aided in making the event a memor? ;hle one. To each 4nd all who rende? ed assist- ance, our grateful thanks. i "The gentle courtesies, of life Are sweet as waysid e flowers." On behalf of the members of the W. I.: of Oxdrift, and the ex service men of} Dryden and district, / Morris, W. Sutton, T. Cullen, J. V. Johnston, P. Ahearn, S. Garland, G. Noble, G. Hunter and others. The most pleasing feature of the celebra- welcome extended. the ex-union who furnished ORDER AT ONCE, and be ready. "H. M.. DAVIDSON, Secretary, G.W.V.A. hearts of so yuany of the iu srmian en ARL HE To prevent accidant-- Sunday afternoon of last week, as Robt. McMoriegal was driving east- | ward along King street with a load of ickson, Box 22 Dryden P. ©- also, Meals Provided. ' Terms passengers from the Memorial Service N a 2,7 The afternoon furnished ano ther season of The kiddi¢:s were not SO much in evidence, but everything was carried beware of the Fit Nine, th ey're out to beat you beforal thek country + team. Unfortunately weight! counts | at least g0 say the admirers of spent in wate hing the Dryden' Midgets clean = _aud thus ended 24 owed chiefly toy © defuact labour for the entire outlay, and to the able me pages ment of Mr Harry Davidson and his score of fellow workers, among who @ were: TF. M. Offer, F. Pinkerton, M.. tion was that everyone realized the: The thanks of the cotanunity. are, due the generous hearted members of! such a pleasurable outi'zg and ¢ laddened the ttle ones. | MAID WAN [ED.-- Apply Mrs W. Do. COMFORT4.BLE ROOM an & Bowrti] 3'eAs0n- 1 r «7 able,--Mrs. R. J. Hadley, Duka Sd | TOWN OF DRYDEN. BY-LAW No. 153 A BY-LAW TO RAISE THE SUM OF $5,000 by way of debentures for the purpose of assisting the Red Cross Society to provide a Hospital in the Town. of Dryden. WHEREAS the Red Cross Society have agreed to provide and equip a Hospital in the Town of Dryden to meet the needs of the said Town and surrounding country, and have agreed to provide all funds necessary in excess of the said sum of Five thou- sand dollars with any further, sums that may be raised in the surrounding country. AND WHEREAS the said Red Cross Society will meanwhile under- 8 231.54 204.38 9 219.28 216.64" 43 10 206.28 220.64 © 485.92] | 11 192.50 243.42 435.92 Treg 258.02 435.92 13 162.42 273.50 435.92 14 146.01 435.92 15 128.61 . 435.92 - 16 110.17 15.7 435.92 17 90.63 Hho 435.92 138 69.91. 366.01 435.92 19 47.95 387.97 435.92 20 |. 24.67 , 425% 43602 3 The said debentures as to both principal and interest shall be payable at the following places, viz;--The: Royal Bank of Canada, Dryden, Ont. 4 The Mayor of the Corporation shall sign and issue debentures 2nd interest coupons, and the same shall also be signed by the Treasurer of the take the current expenditure of the said Hospital. : AND WHEREAS the Couheil of the Town of Dryden consider it in the interets of the community that this Corporation, and the debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation. 5 During the said period of twenty rears (the currency of the debentures offer be accepted and a Hospital established under these conditions, and WHEREAS the said sum of Five thousand dollars is the amount of the debt intended to be created lioreby; and ' WHEREAS in order to provide for the said debt it is expedient to issue uchentures of the said Town to the ymount of Five thousand dollars, pearing interest at Six per cent per annum. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Dryden, according to the last revised assessment Roll is $406,766.00 AND WHEREAS the existing de- bentures debt of the. said Town amounts to $22,710.28, of which no arrears. AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during the period of twenty years, of such amounts respectively that the aggreg- ate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to the amount 50 each of the other years. AND WHEREAS it will be necess ily tl am th ie 35 years to pay the said yearly sums of due. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Dryden enacts as follows:-- 1 The Corporation of the Town of dryden may borrow the said sum of $5,000 on the credit of the said Corporation for the purpose afore- said and may issue debentures of the Corporation to the extent of $5,000, in sums of not less than £100.00 each, pearing interest at the rate of per cent per annum and having coupons attached thereto for the pay- ment of the interest. 9 The debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years after the day on which this by-law is passed, and may bear any date within such two years, and shall be payable in twenty annual instal- ments during the twenty years next after the time when the same are issued, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each | of such years shall be as follow:i-- Six {i Jeo. Interest Principal Total 1 $300.00 $135.92 $435.92 4 291.84 144.08 435.92 3 283.20 152.72 435.92 4 274.03 161.89 435.92 5 264.32 171.60 435.92 8 254.03 181.89 435.92 7 243.11 192.81 435.92 part of the principal or interest is inl payable for principal and interest in| principal and interest as they become} to be issued hereunder) there shall be raised and levied annually upon the whole rateable property in the said Town liable for taxation, in addition to all other rates, levies and assess- ments, the said sum of $435.92 for the payment of the several instalments and interest. 6 Bvery debenture to be issued here- under shall contain a provision in the following words: -- "This debenture or any interest therein shall not, after a certificate of ownership has been en- dorsed thereon by the Treasurer of this Municipal Corporation, be trans- ferable except by entry by the Treas- urer or his deputy in the Debenture Registry Book of the said Corporation at the said Town of Dryden," of to like effect. a 7 This by-law shall come into force on the day of the final passing there- of. : DONE AND PASSED.in Council, this wi | A.D. 1922, as witnessed by the hands of the Mayor and Clerk of the said Town and its Corporate Seal. a : . TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy of a, proposed By-law of The Corporation of the Town 'of Dry- den, to be submitted to the votes OF the Tlectors on Thursday, the 25th day of July, A.D. 1922, between hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, at the sollowing places; vizi-- ¥ The TOWN HALL, Dryden. 2 AND that the 24th day of July, 1922, at ten o'clock in the forenoon he Town Hall in the said Municipal- ; has been fixed for the appointment cvsons -to attend at the polling aces, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk. 3 AND that if the assent of the electors' is obtained fo the sui? \[ro- posed By-law, it will be faxen into consideration by the Municipal Coun- cil of the said Corporation at a meeting to be held at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this Notice and that such first publication was made on the 23rd day of June, AD. 1022. DATED at Dryden, Ontario, this oy tie or = U Oy 0.8.5 3 iy 23rd day of June, A.D. 1922. : wd. BE. GIBSON, ; Town Clerk. (ETE SE <TD (CSE (EE 0 ED TORSLEY FOR MILK AND CREAM. | Watch our Dry next week for s 4 3 ore Goods Window snappy 0 A > omething in New Patterns and Designs in Coloured Voile c a yard day oo