Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 7 Jul 1922, page 4

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DRYDEN a g OBSERVER Pet Ee Be, Ab Sr i As eB dl he TI bag Eon ty 0 SL rh hi SO TP BAS (Eo Hh ey : Hohe lt od Mod ihe hady dood cetbabvaio led taot hand Mee doodle sho donee LLG Pleo, ob Sink adeno Sands Li cals, Jon dole Le adh Lb brad cdc i te bdr hs dad eile dedi Jo 1 abut bel cB ah Rt Bulb Loald, ET NY OF ek Fe pd Ma He. FO RR a ST IT TA, LE we BE dol cob pb Delo BR PE Se A CL BR IRR rt gy SE Ahly Lol clad ator lsh ed adobe ded wb ha le faba odin tt dad | SME or Eo SIM ame aE EE Rt WL TIE PRR SE RI, TH RE A A Te " GO ST Sl AT ECAR, EE NU TIE IE FR PE TAR Cd : A a nice mM I tes at" TY -- | E Re a a Eat el a a wa, WOME oor rE A Generous Response Made '| Monday night's rally for the purpose of receiving reports and formulating { plans for the establishing of a Dry- den District Hospital in conjunction (with the Ontario Branch of the Red Cross Society, at which Dr. Routley was the principal speaker, came fully up to expectations of the promoters {near Fort William, Miss Broadfoot in district operating under the auspices of the Red Cross Society. At the beginning, Miss Carr. Harris, divector of the work, visited the north- ern Ontario Section with a view of studying conditions and determining the best course of meeting the re- quirements of the situation, with the result that this year there are three visiting nurses west of Port Arthur, -- Miss Bastedo in the outlying sections ot n § Tayor Pitt opened the meeting it la few appropriate remarks after which reports were received from the various outlying districts, some of which had arrived at definite con- clusions. In every case sympathy and co-operation was promised. Dyment reported raising yearly contribution of dollars, the Great War came along with probable donation of five dollars and Oxdrift did likewise. Reilly, Manager of the Contact Bay mine promised which the 'chairman Routiey. one hundred and forty dollars, Bedworth promised a one hundred Veterans an offer of four hundred dollars, Machin intimated a hundred Mr to interest his men and the owners in the project, after introducer Dr. Dr. Routley's adress was interesting instructive- and to the point. = He spoke of the great strides made by the medical profession in the pre- vention of disease and the consequen- ces of disease, of Lord Lister the founder of the practice of the prin- ciples of asepsis of Pasteur wkho discovered the enteric germ in ordin- ary water, subject to certain condi- tions and of the discoveries of a serum that through inoculation prevents the ravages of the malady, leading to a forcible presentation of the tremend- ous value of teaching prevention of disease to the lay members of society, adults, and child. This great work, the speaker pointed out, is but in its infancy, and almost the only efforts heretofore put forth have been at the hands of the 'at once ODD CUPS, per dozen Extra Special, in a few days. ¢ and 7-in. plates. All were $3.50 to $4:00 per dozen Week's This per dozen, FE. An everyday price for a nice plate. medical and allied profession. The erection of a district hospital in Dry- will give an impetus to the stationing of visiting . district and school nurses in your midst, the establishment of out-post hospitals and the spreading of the gospel of disease prevention. The plan of the Red Cross Society in respect to the building of the hos- pital was plainly set forth and the Doctor then informed his hearers, if he were as sure of a truimphant entry to Heaven, as he was of Dryden dis triet getting its hospital, he would retire from the meeting an exceed- ingly happy man. Mayor Pitt having been called away, Dr. Dingwall was asked to accept the chair. Some discussion took place as to a name for the hospital and it was finally decided to call it Dryden Dis- trict Bed Cross Memorial Hospital and a resolution was passed naming Mayor Pitt, Chairman, and F Madder, a y, of a committee which will mposed of representatives from Luba of Dryden and =z delegate from the various out-lying districts and the secretary was in- structed to inform these centrals that they would be looked to for the form- ing of finance committees to take charge locally--a delegate from each, in conjunction with the Dryden delegates to comprise 'the financial committee. Dr. Routley then called upon Miss den Nn LEI OS CID a i A A ER A, SL Css $1.00 ny PELE SCENE to arrive SE = (GEE CEE Sg ty Lc dV) Special $2.00 > f) what it will mean to the little ones, if we, methods in caring for and instructing Rainy River district and Miss Veitch in the Dryden District. wr The visiting nurse will endeavour to sympathetically enter the home of every settler in the district, advising the parents as well as demonstrating and teaching the best methods of disease prevention. Think of this, a bottle fed baby i only ome tenth as well fitted to cope with death and disease as one who has been fed as nature intended it should be. The benefits that will accrue tc us through having the visiting nurse in our homes cannot be "estimated. There are none of us so wise that a nurse specially trained in the care of children and the methods now in use in combating and preventing disease. cannot be of service to us. Think of their practice bette: parents, them in their physical, mental and moral. well being. Let those of us feated Dryden on the 24th, they cer- tainly had to Keewatin heads! } League Despite the fact that Keewatin de- work hard to do so. Both games were samples of fast ball and the fans found solace for their disappointment at the defeat of Dry- den in the stiff fight the home team put up. Dryden was, perhaps, better in the field than Keewatin; but at bat was where they really fell down. Keewat- in's new. pitcher had a lot to do with that, added to the fact that the Dry- den team did not seem to be in their old form. Keewatin took the lead in the firs zame with Dryden close behind Sometimes the score would be tied 'hen Dryden would take the lead anc again Keewatin. Unfortunately whet Ernie Dickson put the horse-hide ove: she fence for a home-run, the base: were empty or Dryden would at leas have won the first game. But Kee watin with their clever hitting grad TOWN OF DRYDEN. Court of Revision. Notice is hereby gven that the Cott of Revision for the Town of Dry wa will be held in the Town Hall, Thu:r- day the 20th day of July, 1922, + & o'clock p.m., to hear and determy go appeals against the assessement is: of the sald Town of Dryden, for Li year 1922. J. E. GIBSON, Cleti, Datted at Dryden this 5th day oe July, 1922. BABY CHAIR, on castors, iow sale. Can be seen at the Observes Printing Office. GISTERED JERSEY COW zd 3-w EY old Calf (purebred). Exe pe 'ent milker. Cheap for cash. Apt ¥ C. ARNOLD, Drydexw, Two good MILK COWS for sale. Wil freshen 1st July. or ually drew away, and at the end o: the ninth the score was 8--I11. For a while in the second game it seemed as though Dryden would win. Mike Ackabie held their opponents down, and at bat Keewatin's change of pitcher gave them a better chance. They managed to keep the score tied at 5--5 for a few innings. Then Keewatin got a one run lead and try WM. DEVOE, Oxdrifi. DRESSMAKING. Mrs MONTEITH has opened a dress- making parlour in Suite 3, Friedman Building. Hours 9 to b. PGBELL OPS DE A.J. GARDINER : Veitch is furnishing the ounce of pre- ia tho realize this give Misy Veitch ali as they would Dryden could not beat £ the assistance and sympathy in our it 3 Cloner Marchant é power and as well, when éver we have : as Z a ; : an opportunity, pave the way for her NOTICE. 2 EAGLE RIVER, ONT. : successful entry into the homes of & : others. There is, there can be ne TAKE NOTICE. that my wife, Mary 4 nc greater work than that which tends Stefanik, having left my bed and}™ to the betterment of the conditions] board, I will no longer be resopnsible! s under which our children grow to for any debts contracted by her. 4 cokishull manhood and womanhood. Merchants and others are hereby Implements "An ounce of prevention is worth a notified © to govern themselves 2 Chav lile Sinan Ravivalirs : pound of cure," is an adage, the verity accordingly. ' : 4 Wh Sa i hy 3 2nd Seid of which cannot be questioned. Miss JOHN STEFANIK & Raw Furs Bought and Scid Dryden, June 15th. 1922 PCDI CUNEO NI vention and let us show such apprec- ination of her work that she will feel constrained to report to Miss Carr Harris our apparent inability to con- duct the affairs of our district a single other season unsupported by the efforts of at least two Visine nurses. DRYDEN BOARD OF EDUCATION. Tenders. Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned, up to Friday evening July 21st, 1922, at 6 p.m., for 2 frame houses now standing on the new school grounds; to be removed after October 1st, 1922, as follows: -- 114-storey frame house, formerly the George property. 1%-storey frame house, formerly +the Risegari property.' All tenders to be sealed; and plainly rot UNE | Bread & Confctionery Brom of DEVELOPING CIGARS, Ww edding and CIGARETTES, Birthday (akes and PIPES Hinde fo order. | PRINTING TOBACCOS. i opie nT >, ah mE We manufacture |[kopaks A ; : : : ¢ Som oue Ice Cream | 4 rom Cream pro= | SOFT DRINKS | eyyped locally. | Suse les. marked "Tender for House." Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ISNA SENS ASI SIS | J. 8S. GOLDEN, Secy.-Treas. GL Soe! Board. NOTICE oF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween us, the undersigned, as Livery- Keepers and Draymen at the Town of Dryden, in the District of Kenora, under the firm name of "TRIST & CHARLEBOIS" has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. ALL debts owing to the said] partnership firm of TRIST & CHAR-: 1LEBOIS" are to be paid to RICHARD | Clafr Harris who was presented with Miss Veitch the newly arrived Dryden! digtrict visiting nurse. Miss Harris TRIST at Dryden aforesaid, who will | continue on the said business, and all ; briefly outlined the character of the work of the department of visiting district nurses, of which she is the' director, emphassising the necessity for assisting the parents and children of the rural sections, through advising | with and instructing them, she also pointed out that as this dparfment is, in a manner, on trial, the in a large measure determine | ! [] | tonded in the future. 1 who in any way can ssistance, is earnestly desired. crerous migsion in a T-eir need so imperative. se homes of the rural specially trained nurses in an endeav A an ai DRYDEN, LFRED Ai ease prevention, was; the ghjet "in establishing district nursing. Eigh gat: the province 'is divided. 'This yea ES () GE WE) Ea | ) receptiveness of the community wauld the quality and extent of the service ex- Miss Veitch is ! remaining as visiting district nurse 1d the sympathy and co-operation of render Nurse Veitch goes forth on a kindly spirit of ut- 1-ost helpfulness, a mission that will 'not fail in bringing a greater vision Ji to parents, and through them, untold Jvantages to the many children who living under conditions, that make To kindly and symp athetically enter > settlers throughout the province by means of 'or to inculcate better methods of dis- in i mind of the provineinl beard of health nurses were sent out last year, one in 'each of the eight districts into which there are sixteen, the Board of Health having taken over a nurse: in each claims against the said partnership | firm of TRIST & CHARLEBOIS" are | to be presented to the said RICHARD | ; T. TRIST at Dryden, aforesaid, by | {whom the same will be settled. DATED at Dryden, Ontario, this Twenty-sixth day of June, A.D. 1922. RICHARD T. TRIST ; ED. CHARLEBOIS witness: F. BEVERLEY LINDEN, Notary Public. EAGLE RIVER FRXX® Ee SV SCE Notice re Tax Collector. Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Tax . Collector for * the Municipality of, ; Machin. Applicant to state salary. Applications to be addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer, GEORGE RUETE, Eagle River. General Merchant, OXDRIFT, Ont: Dry Goods @rocerien Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produee t J. CROSIER| {4 Frost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements. | 8 IT is a fact that, no matter where any other car can go, a Ford C will go farther. But DO YOU KNOW WHY? = You know that --have seen it proven many tim and at less cost for operation than any other car. --Why it is the car for the man who wants a car abso- lutely dependable at all times. Because the power of the. "Ford Engine is more than sufficient to drive the Ford car anywhere you want to go. --The light weight of the Ford Car, with its strong, - sturdy construction, driven by Chassis $445 thé Ford engine enables it to | Truce Cha a 193 travel where no other car | Truck Chassis nee 578 could get through. | Starting & electric lighting -- Its ample clearance carries "on above, $83 extra. it over obstructions where | C08E irs $840 many other cars would be | Sedan ow oo 930. hopelessly stuck. | Completely equipped --That is why the Ford Car Prices F.0.B. FORD, Ont, can go farther--and keep on not including Government going--than any other car, taxes , Tractors are now down to $475 F. 0. B. . Dryde HAL DINGWALL Dingwall's Garage, Dryden, Ontari

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