Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 8 Sep 1922, page 3

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER ste ie rena RATS om MACHIN TOWNSHIP i MINING NOTES CARD OF THANKS. LO.OF. DRYDEN LODGE, Ne Mr G. W. Rich, a prominent attor-! ik % do 417 meets at the Town ney of New York City, spent ten days | Mr and Mrs A. Dunlop, Oxdrift, desive | Hall every 1st and 8rd Monday of each at the Contact Bay Mines, the guest | to express thanks to many friends for month at eight o'clock. a Sk kok Notice of Registration of By-Law NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a By-law wae pane by the ancl of } of BE. G. Rognon. He is a large stock- | kind sympathy in the recent bereave- : 11. ADAIR, N.G. fhe a StH holder and returned feeling well | ment. Also to put on record their. D. M. KENTNER, Rec. Sec. : oa ugust 1922, providing Lov Lo pleased with his trip. appreciation of the skilled services of | x7iciti i "od . Monda ALI CE LAKE Tuesda 7 Inne or Johanne br the nm of} The Bonanza shaft of the Contact}Dr. Dingwall who laboured, when Vien Trelinen Gurgially Lisite] y \] $500.00, for the purpose oF assisting Bay Mines Ltd. having reached the|hope was abandoned, to' save thej a EE IN 5 the Red Cross Society in providing 24300 foot level and a large tonnage of] young life that was already, beyond L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1694 Hospital in the Town of Dryden, and § os heing blocked out ready to mill, | aid i meets the first Wednesday 15 that such By-law was registered in ? ; work has been suspended Bn hi shaft] erm eee of eaCh month, at eight p.m. in the until the new machinery has been in- ; Town Hall. Visiting Brethren ecer- stalled in the Redeemer mill 'to in- dially invited. ; i) crease the milling capacity to 75 tons 1. REHILL, Ree. Seo. a day. 3 Work is now going on in the Re- deemer shaft, the unwatering having the Registry Office in the District of Kenora on the 22nd day of August 1922, Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this Notice, and cannot be made thereafter. been finished Tuesday. GEORGE RUETE, Clerk. "A start has been made to lay in Dated this 24th day of August 1922. next year's supply of wood of which Golden Star Ledge No 484 R AT & AM, GRC ~~ 2 Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. ¥. P. MATTHEWS, W.M A. J. CLEMPSON, Sec. % T 4 : oy, 7 ¢ N of W ALLIN FO prem : pee tr = about 2000 cords will be required this 4 J sg o SHE . Municipality of Van Horne j«™™ Wen et an eight part Co medy Notice of First Posting LIST OF SCHOOL FAIRS IN THE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that T KENORA DISTRCTI RIGS IIIS LTT INI have transmitted or delivered to the Quibell Schoolhouse, September 6th. s ay : : persons mentioned in Section 9 of the jEagle River, Community Hall, Sept. 7 A 1 Di JAN il | Cf ). & ONTARIO VOTERS' LIST ACT the § Minnitaki Schoolhouse, Sept, 8th. ¥ F le " EC copies required by said sections to be § Waldhot Community Hall, Sept. 9th. MARY PICKFORD, in so transmitted or delivered of the list, Oxdrift, Aubrey and Glengoland made pursuant to said Act, of all per- Community Hall, Sept. 11th. sons appearing by tHe last revised Cairnbrogie Schoolhouse, Sept. 12th. 1. BE. GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &e. spam | Assessment Roll of the said Munici- Barclay Schoolhouse, September 18th. Agent for "fi pality to be entitled to vote in the said j Dryden Town Hall, September 14th, vol IGNACE. Annual Rally Day : THE ROYAL FIRE INSURANCE «THROUGH THE BACK BOOR." SEI ETT pri Municipality at Elections for Members j| Wabigoon Schoolhouse, Sept. 15th. of the Legislative Assembly, and at jlgnace Community Hall, Sept. 18th. A. G: RIPLEY, COMPANY Mr A Reid has returned from Fort : : | Municipal Elections; and that the said §Dyment Schoolhouse, September 19th. DRYDEN, Ont. DRYDEN . ONTARIO : The annual Rally Day service of the | list was first posted up at my Office Jaffray Schoolhouse, SS No. 1 Sept 23 Val, Union Church Sunday School will take | at Dryden the 1st day of September, =" i ------ ne ee ------------ place on Sunday, September 24th. All| 1922, and remains there for inspection. William in company with his sister-in- law, Miss Young. Both are now teaching at the recently resumed classes in the new Ignace school. parents and members of the congre-| And I hereby call upon all voters ae gation are particularly requested to | to take immediate proceedings to have : Dr. Henry has returned from the jmake a note of this date. Further jany errors or omissions corrected et / east where he has been vacationing announcements will | be made at alaccording to law. ; or TEE fi for the last month. platter date, Dated at Dryden this 3vd day of : 5 y | antery 1099 aa 3 . It is naturally expected that the September, ANDRA { doctor will have considerably added' At Oxdrift on Friday night the an- : , ANDERBON, : Ln g Q All to his already wide stock of humorous nual meeting of Union Church took Clerk of the Municipality of the ' : f . tories place. . The gathering was of a social Township of Van llorne. by inn es rs, = ios nn P 5 i character; and might have been term- rene ------------EE iss Ina Findlay is now on he staff od a "Golden: Glow Go," for every 3 7 : of the Y.M.C.A, and is making her- person present had to buy anid i) Farm for Sale self popular with her ever-ready smile ate himself with one of these dainty | The Soldiers Settlement Board of and obliging hanner. May her plossoms.' The programme consisted Canada offers for sale by public shadow never grow less. of instrumental and vocal musie, reci- tender the following desirable ions, community singing and properties:i-- vi tati The knave, or = knaves, who have ne been deliberately placing tacks onthe S00 stunts by the young folk en-} 112 acres, parts of Lots 6 and 7 Con. Take road, had better keep their titled "Posing." A most apausing turn | 1, Wainwright Twp. Kenora District. woather-eye skinned, as dire results was a game in which Jack Harris and | Situated 3 miles from the thriving Jack Guthrie thought they were feed- town of Dryden on a good gravel road. ing one another anow-white marsh- Txcellent clay loam sail, good build- mallows, Curiously enough the heart-§ ings and water supply. will attend discovery. Such an act of chivalry (7) is hardly consistent with the best of teaching. vhe culprit is nearer discovery than he would like jest laughs came from the Jacks them- Terms as follows: --10 p.c. of pur- to believe selves. The evening ended with a}chase price in cash on acceptance of : "cup of tea." : tender, balance inn twenty-five equal Now that Mr Morgat, Chief Bug-a- In the business portion of the eve- annual instalments, with interest at boo pro-tem at the Y.M.C.A. has de- ning, the following were elected] p.c. per annum onl the amortization parted, it is expected that the Insti- members of the Board of Managersj plan. Fach tender mustt be accont tution will make progre ss. No band for the next year,--Mrs R. Skene. Mrs § panied by an accepted cheque for $100 played him to the station, no flags J. Reid, Mrs L. Pateman, Mrs J.11f tender is accepted this sum will be adorned the town, and ro tears Were Adams, Mr R. Latimer, Mr W. D.}credited to the purchase price of the shed. We hope the present secretary Necly and Mr W. Scott. A hearty {land If tender is not accepted, money will be fortunate enough to overcome vote of thanks was passed for those will be returned to the tenderer. ! i the effects of the "efficiency expert's" who acted on the board last year and Tenders will be opened at Toronto = rs : 4 : ie ¥ TG 1 na Is i DET a I U a $3 % . : ud apparent lack ol'. vn. 2 io the teachers and officers of the Sun- { ON September 18th, 1922. g he few 490 Models arc efficient, quiet and power= = tday School. It was aoreed to hold the Also 160 acres: } : : , . Mrs P. J. Robertson hegs wi rl La En yn 3 . ; + announce that, though she een Ties the Community on Septem-] South part of broken Lot No. 10, Con. ful. The fnew rear axle eliminates rear axle trouble and 1 bud andr aa i ber 10th, when Rev. W. J. Little, B.D. | 4, Eton Twp, Kenora District. This ndry, she prefers them nots 0 transl EE deat ably 1 : a s : A . to park unannounced in the ice-house | iL prone. ; favre In very desivanly sented, belo 1018€S, and the improved tappets make the cil gine i a : nr on the Government road, Two miles ae - during the evenings, Which goes to} Mh TAT ¢ Wabi ote Dre i. ellen bualdi ; show that "boys will be boys, spd? Mom 8 cA. pargess | 0 Webigoon | from Trgden has gxeellont bulge e : : "girls will be oirls". i { died very suddenly Wednesday morn- good soil and water supply. = xtremely quiet. > > The terms of sale are 20 p.c. of The completed portion of the Osa- ing. a . . . IT mir Tin sail loo mmm PEER purchase price in cash on accepiance| Many other ig provements m ake the Superior Chev- last Sunday afternoon, when Mx and i Sy of tender, the balance in not more than it id Mrs John McKay, Miss Smiley and Cash (or : ime equal annual instalments, witl ; ; 4 i ey care gle Sl a iyolet 400" the best buy and the lowest priced fully Herb Thompson motored out in Herbs : ; : recently acquire 4 Ford. They fov nd Tach tender must be accompanied the Highway in excellent shape, and Jn tae Bigglow Building {by an accepted cheque for 10 pec. of equipped car on the market. Bok Rk EE the tender offered. This amount will YOl1Y 3 pr rou 3 : ey i oe BUY YOUR EATS WHERE YOU be applied on the 20 p.C. it the tender . right along, transporting the quartet GET THE BIGGEST CHOICE is accepted, In the event of the tender Ask for particulars of our deferred payment plan about one and one half miles along j Fresh Eggs, per ALOT. Lid A5|0L @ returned soldier being accepted, 0 the road in fine style, not forgetting Creamery Butter, per T__.----.--- [an no advandes will be granted him for to haul them back with fitting pomp. Royal Oxford Cheese, per mig 30 stock and equipment or permanent [554 oS Much credit is due those responsible j Back Bacon, per oom improvements under the Soldier Set- for the excellent progress made 2nd | Onions, 7 Ibs for. --.----mom--r 50 | tiement A of 1919. ; judging from present indications the Cabbage, per MH ----ommm--e 4 05 Ein will be opened September Highway will be just a Little better Sweet Peppers, per dozen --._--.--- 49 | 15th, 1922. ' than most of us anticipated. More | Red Cabbage, ------------mmm 0 45 The highest ao any tender not nec- power to the elbow of construction. Cucumbers, 6 for... 9: | essarily accepted on either of these pm | Oranges, per dozel line 50 Hi If I Innis oye Gin i = re of Tomat ew 5 {the dates above men ioned, the Boar PIGS FOR SALE Be i an 2 will be prepared to receive tenders to A few good PIGS for sale, 8 weeks | yeamettes, ah ha purchase until such time as they ave old, also fall Pigs.--Apply GE 1g | finally disposed of. GIO KEATLEY peas oie Bo Tenders should be in plain envelopes 2 Sods Blaculle' Loh aml antes 23 marked "Tender for the purchase of : : Se ; : {the ) and addressed to TOR SAI E--1 Portalie Lumber Saw Robin Hood Flour y The District Superintendent, Mill, witt1 15-80 h.p. Ci3se Steam Trac: Large Assortment of Fruit SOLDIER SETTLEMENT BOARD, tion eng ne. Cheap fo? cash.--Apply Ltn dh 52 Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont. OTTO | GANGLOFF, : 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. | Dated at Toronto, Ont., this 16th day Vermi llion Bay, Ont. of August, 1922. ee Er HARDY CHINESE SCENTED 2 ; OV an ' PEONIES. remo wD EF A Part of a shipment to be receiv next fall for sale. Named vari Will be starting in a short time NOW |i ued @ 55:50 per 10. 3 per ag {) : : cash with order. We have the very best in Plows. Any Plow for any EDYE-de-HURST & SONS ; i : : i ; » kind of Plowing. F. T. SMITH, Lathing & Plastering GUR P RICES ARE RIGHT. LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS. Orders left at Te = . Latimer's or Klose"s Hardware will be Promptly Executed. --X-- y ii. F RBICKNELL, Implements jk y i MOTORBOAT for sale--Apply F. O - The Old Massey-Harris Sidi BAKER, Dryden.

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