Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 15 Sep 1922, page 1

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Volume IV. Dryden, Out. September 15th 1922 DRYDE PHARMACY DING = DONG! SCHCOL SUPPLIES SCHOOL AGAIN! We have a full * line of-- Pens, Pencils, Rulers, Soap Rubbers, Art Gum, Paints (6 and 8 colours to box), Crayons, Scribblers (for pen & pencil--big ones), Exercise Books, Notebooks, Drawing books and pads. INKS.-- Black, Blue-black, Purple, Red; also Fountain Pen Inks, Compos, y } etc., ete. SCHOOL BAGS. PEN and PENCIL CASES. SWAN FOUNTAIN PENS. (Self- filling. Nice for these attending High School. EVER-READY Pencils, with Re-fills. HANDY Kits, consist of 4 pencils, a pen and a pencil--all in a neat case, with clasps. Mail Orders receive prompt attention. SERVICE QUALITY. ion x OK and TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST! When in need of GOOD BOOTS -- MEN'S OR ALL FOOT TROUBLES, such as Weak Arches, Corns, Bunions, etc. can be EFFECTIVELY TREATED, Dr SCHOLLS. REMEDIES A Full Supply always on hand. Service Free. : H. WILLARD, Boot and Harness Repairer. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, Notice is hereby given that the part- nership hereto subsisting between the undersigned, as Bakers & Confection- "ers at the Town of Dryden, in the District of Kenora, under the firm name of the "B.B. Store," has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to said partnership are to be paid to G. H. Ball at Dryden, who will continue the said business, and 2ll claims against said partnership must be presented to the said G. H. Ball, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Dryden this 19th day of -August, AD. 1922. : JOSEPH BENNETT. GILBERT H. BALL. WATKINS PRODICTS Goods all made in Winnipeg, Man. Largest Business of its kind in the World. SPICES : ESSENCES TOILET REQUISITES STOCK and POULTRY TONICS Everything Guaranteed. E. T. ROWLAND. Retailer. MACHIN & TEASDALE Barristers, Solicitors, etc., IPMERIAL BANK BLOCK Dick Trist Devden Livery, Transfer and Exchange Bara @ é 6 9 PR RYDEN - ONT. i ¥90090801000 090000 © 208900000060 087900000¢ 000 sl 'Baby Contest Don't forget the Baby Contest in the, TOWN HALL, FRIDAY, Sept 22nd Judging of Babies up to 2 years of age Judging will be done by three Doctors Comfortable Rest Room for Everyone EEE At 2 p.m. a practical demonstration of the care of a baby--including the demonstration of a bath and the pre- paration of Infant feeding. Also a display of clothing for Babies and Children. i Everyone is ESPECIALLY invited to attend this demonstration. Look up your Prize List for the list of Prizes. MRAAAAALA AAAI LANIER 1 Lee o . - Vice=Regal Visit i His Honour, Lieutenant-Governor H. Cockshut, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Margaret, and his sec- retary, Colonel Fraser, stopped for a few hours in Dryden, Wednesday, on his western tour, > §{ As he descended from the private | Government car "Ontario," he was, ! met by the Mayor and members of the | Town Council, who accompanied him | in autos te the school grounds. After | the reading of the official address by ! Mayor Pitt, his Honour spoke for a] 'little while to the assembled school i children, and to the citizens. Remind- "ing them that as their forefathers had pioneered this new land and in toil 'and hardship had given the benefits fof great wealth and resources to i humanity, so would the young people he addressed be called {| upon in their turn to develop a new and greater Canada for the world of their time. He impressed upon them the duty of living up to the high Can- | 'adian standard in all things, for this great country would be judged by the : honour and sterling qualities of its ' citizens. ! The party then made a swift tour of inspection round town, and on SR LR were shown though the plant by Mr { F, N. Beveridge. The next stop was at the farm of E. W. Wice, where their interest was stirred by the won- derful agricultural development, show ing the possibilities of the district. = Mrs Wice earned the gratitude of the party with the unusual treat of new ! buttermilk which she served. H Arrived at Oxdrift, the visitors " found the school children of Glengo- land, Aubrey and Oxdrift drawn up in front of the Community Hall. Ewery- one, to the number of over a hundred, entered the Hall where, with the boys lining one side and the girls the other, his Honour spoke for some minutes, dwelling upon Canada's nationhood and the supreme necessity to the nation of good, honest boys and girls. A pleasing feature was the hand- shaking of each child by his Honour, At Eagle River Reeve F. Duce did the honours, the party visiting the fine school where the Lieut-Governor again spoke to the children. At this point the whole party, including the members of the Dryden Council, were the guests of the Dryden Paper Com- pany. In the absence of Mr J, B. Bev- eridge, Mrs Beveridge performed the honours. Fiftteen sat down to lunch (which was transported from Dryden) at a tastefully arranged table where the guests did full justice to the many delicacies, The government party next visited the farm of Mr A. S. McKenzie, where threshing was going on, : "The time was only too short to see this vast stretch of country in detail, His Honour was. intensley interested; he had advised beforehand his desire to see the agricultural prospects of this district, and he certainly did not spend a wasted minute. Taking the train for Kenora at 3.30 his parting words were, "You have a magnificent country here: splendid possibilities, a courageous and most hospitable people." A meeting of Dryden Distict Motor Club willl be hed in the town hall Zs Tuesday Sept. 19th, at (e702 Zn eight o'cock, Business will include consideration of placing » road signs, and a general discussion of road improvement over the whole district, Anyone interested is invited to hear the dscussion. Miss Laura Prosser. spent the week end Mrs L. Riley. © Winnipeg, woo friend Fall Breezes © Mrs Little and infant son, of Wabi- goon, are in Winnipeg visiting frends. Mr Dressler, of Vermillion Bay, was in town on Thursday. Mrs Keurevorst of Dyment paid Dryden & visit Tuesday. Rev. 3 . M. Beaton will hold service at Cairnbrogie, Sunday morning Sep- tember 17th. ; : Miss Cascaden of Toronto is visit ing Mrs Robt, McMonagle for a few weeks. ; Sir Mrs W. J. Herring has gone to Ken- ora for an operation for acute appen- dicitis. Tt has been learned that the operation was successful and that the 'patient is doing nicely. Mr Chas Skene of Oxdrift has 'started to thresh his oats. ed forty bushel of alsike clover seed from ten waggon loads of clover, Messrs Hall Dingwall and M. Ham- bly, who have been spending a few days in Winnipeg, returned home on Thursday. : Mr Richard Trist has purchased a new Ford car from Hall Dingwall and a team of dandy horses from Oxdrift. Dick and Bob are going right after business from the word go. Wabigoon U.F.0. Club will hold a dance, September 23rd, in aid of Dry- den Red Cross Hospital. A Red Cross Quilt will be disposed of on the same ocecaison. Mr M. J. McCallum, a well known prospeector and geologist, arrived this of Contact Bay and the Manitou." Last Sabbath evening the service at Glengoland was well attended and most impressive. The services at this point, conducted by student Strapp, have been productive of much interest and spiritual advancement. Mr Robt McMonagle has been driv: arrival at the Dryden Paper Mill they ing Mr Dunn, a cattle buyer of Fort William, through the country three or be loaded Friday and Saturday in Ox- drift and Dryden. : "I'm surprised that Dryden district can't have a football team that can lick anything in the country." "Why surprised?" "Well, it shouldn't be hard to pick 5 bunch of champions where there aie go many chronic kickers." Mr W. J. Robinson went to Keewat- in Saturday to attend a meeting of the County Orange Lodge at which all the grand Lodge officers, including | : G.B. McReady, provincial Grand-Mas- ter of Manitoba and the grand pre- ceptor of the Black for British North America were present. He thresh- week from the porcupine district to. spend three weeks prospecting south 'The I. J. Case Company of Winni- 'peg are shipping to-day, an up-to-date all-steel thresher that will handle clover and grain, driven with the lai- est model 12-20 tractor. This outfit will be on exhibition Fair Day. The fvractorsis sold to R. Duncan of Minni- taki, end the thresher to Launders and -Phillbrooks of Minnitaki. This is the third ecarload of machinery from the J. I. Case Company sold in this district this year by their agent F. T. Brignall at Ox rift. The number of parties who enjoy the pleasure of a motor-trip aroun the country is increasing. The delight of the swift motion of an elegantly- equipped car in the hands of a careful driver can be had at any time at a reasonable charge by arrangement with Durance Brothers. To view the countryside in the charm of an autumn day, ere the cold grip of win- ter closes over the land, just phone No 41 and enjoy the scenery for an hour or so. ; i Service in Community Hall-- Rev Benjamin W. Allison of Boisse- vain, president of Manitoba Methodist Conference, will conduct services on Sunday September 17th: Oxdrift at 3.00 o'cork, and Dryden at 7 o'clocik, The Bible Class instrumentalists will agsist at the Oxdrift service in the afternoon. mesmo. Ladies' Special-- ; 'Best Sample of Home-Brew, made in the Hall on the second day of Fair Ladies only, ist, $10.00 by Rev. J. IM. Beaton; 2nd $5.00 by Peter Heenan, four days this week, Two car loads M.P.P. of cattle have been purchased and will ; 'judges. Three well-known bachelors to act as Competitors to provide own utensils. Every protection guaranteed. (OF THANKS Burgess and family wisl 2 t vho extended sym- recent bereavement. hI, 0 and Mz r, were guests ol e't over the week-end. Wiggins Beatty passed - through sreday on No 1. © and Mrs Weare of d Dryden a visit Wed- vs A. W. Richmond left 7 Parkberg Sask. on t of Mrs Richmond's brother having been killed in a runaway ac- cident. ; Mrs Hart Wednesday the States. W. RB. of the I accou nett and Tom returned on morning from a visit in M Bartlett goes on the stail vyden Station as cashier. Mrs M. S. Campbell and son Neil are leaving the early part of next week for Quebec and other eastern ints. Miss Allan, who has been visiting Mrs H. Humphreys for some time, will accompany them. At the close of the regular meeting of Faster Lily Rebekah Lodge, No 153 on September 13th, a social hour was spent by the members, when Sister and Brother Golden, who have been active members of the Lodge since it was started in Dryden, were made the veceipients of a gift from the Ledge, accompanied by an address, express- ing the est which they have heen held by the members and ex- pressing regret at their departure, In the window of the observer is a rs John Rhodes' garden 'd to beat, rhubarb from Wice's garden that is as big arms and so tender that it snaps ¥ care is not exer met of Pholx grown by Master Thornton Browning which secured 1st prize at the School Fair at Oxdrift, In the language of the author of how the cop shot the deg, No passer-by can beat our.beet. To grow such rhubarb is a feat, nor do our phiox admit defeat! MAID WANTED, References ve- quired.--Apply to Mre Winterbottom. The Big Fair Day Friday sho a great crowd of visitors te the: In the evening the Otchestra arrange an. entertainment alon lines of the Concert and Dance a drift, The old-timers. dance to up will be a whirlwind. The + fix square danee will be like 'those twenty years ago, with the- players of that day supplying' tha music: Jas. Wilde on the violin, Mis J. E. Gibson at the piano, and Jobu Hutchison to call off. How's that for a good time! : San Don't hesitate to come. The dance will be just to your taste, a real old-- time break-down. More fun than you could pack in a band-wagon. Come! or The certificates for the successful candidates at the recent High School Entrance Examination held at Dryden in June, are now in the possession of the Principal of the Continuation School, Dryden. Successful candidates, not attending the Continuation School, may obtain their certificates by apply- ing to the Principal. : air The following tenders were received for the constructon of the Hospital and forwarded to Dr Routley at Toronto: : Geo Wice 000 28 SIL300.00 Anderson & Harris -_.__... 10,636.80 Hatoh & CB. oom dns DI2L00 Bergman & Nelson __..__._ _ 12,500.00 Hazelton & Co. ome 15,000.00 a LUIS Lo 'hole Community was shocked ~ and saddened by the painfully sudden death of Mrs Jas. A. Burgess, on the morning of the sixth. Mrs Burgess was directing moval of hous resid The w the re- hold effects from the ence when she suddenly collapsed land expired before medical assistamce oculd be secured. Mrs Burgess had been in indifferent health since the birth of her last child, only a month or se before, and being sposed to heart trouble, she evi- ; was overcome by the excife- ment and worry of removing. Dy Dingwall of Dryden arrived as quickly as was possible, but death hac ervenad. His opinion was that death had been caused by heart dis- mt ase, aggravated by acute uremia. . vhody's sympathy is extended to Mr Burgess and the family in their affliction. 2 a vawrwm---- YR Bn mone mb erro = Ba Bd FIRE [5] ERIE PRIVILEGE. a BN Erin that th new issue, Dated at Ottawa, 8th August, 1922. / Emp Es ER EE Ee EC THEE 0 To Te op pd pee Re ER Issued in 1917 and Maturing 1st December, 1922. CONVERSION HE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders of these bonds who desire to continue their investment in Dominion of Canada securities the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bonds bearing 5% per cent interest, payable half yearly, of either of the following classes: -- (a) Five year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature 1st November, 1927. (b) Ten year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature 1st November, 1932. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st December, 1922, the new bonds will commence to earn interest from 1st November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS OF A FULL MONTH'S "INTEREST TO THOSE AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION This offer is made to holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be issued under this proposal will be substantially of the same 'character as tose which are maturing, except . exemption {rom taxation does not apply to the Rot TE : fie f PROPOSALS Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY an official receipt for the new issue. Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottawa, December 1 interest cheque as usual. coupon bonds will detach and retain the coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion purposes. The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bonds of the registered, or coupon registered or carrying payment accruing of the new issue will be The bonds of the maturing converted under this proposal will be paid off in cash on the 1st December, 1922. WwW. 8. FIELDING, Minister of Finance. AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange the bonds surrendered, containing an undertaking to defiver the corresponding bonds of interest payable Ist May and lst November of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest and payable 1st May, sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered . bonds. FIRE re Ee] will receive their Holders of last unmatured new issue, in fully coupon bearer form 1923. Bonds issue which are, not

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