THE OB SERVER. DRYDEN. ONTARIO. SPANISH FLU Claims Many Victims in Canada and should be Guarded Against MINARD'S LINIMENT 18 a Great Preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used. Minard's {dniment has relieved thousands of cases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma and similar dis- 88865. It is an Enemy to Germs, Thousands of bottles being used every day. For sale by all druggists general dealers. Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd., Yarmouth, N.S. WORLD HAPPENINGS BRIEFLY TOLD A tondon cable says the Russian courts are imprisoning persons who borrow books and do not return them. "he Government Merchant Marine suffered a loss of approximately §9,- 900,000 for the calendar year, accord- ing to information available. There wags an operating loss of $1,700,000, 8 balance of the deficit being made by fixed charges and depreciation. The amusement tax, which is de- voted to the poor of Paris, has pro- duced a record total for 1921, 27,000, 006 francs having been collected, gompared with 22,000.000,000 in 1920. Germany's railways have been re- stored almost to basis, gccording to advices received by the depariment of commerce, Washington. Conditions are stead- {ly improving. -- The London Times says that it un- derstands that in the interest of econ- omy the board of admiralty purposes to reduce the active list of flag offi- cers at the beginning of August from 82 to 77. : Lomis P. Loucheur, former minister 'of Hperated regions, declared in a Speech at Paris it was his belief that France would never be able to pay 8 sou of her debt to the United] States. William Russell, messenger of the Greenwich Bank, New York, was rob- bed of $22,000 in currency by three automobile bandits who boarded the truck in which he was transporting . the money to a downtown bank. The holdup was witnessed by a woman who later said she believed she was witnessing the and' a pormal pre-war | therta's Seed Fair Oats and Wheat Almost Perfect, Says Judge F. 8. Grisdale Never has there been such an ex- hibit of grain in Alberta, to ! quality, and quantity, as is shown at monton, stated F. S. Grisdale, follow- ing the completion of his work as judge at that fair. In some of the oat classes the first four prize win- ners were so close that the decisions might have been reversed without much criticism. They were almost perfect, he stated. This was true of both oats and wheat, and compared most favorably with the first prize winners at world competitions. There wag a splendid ' exhibit of alfalfa, seed, some of it, though mot all from the irrigated districls. One sample that came into the . prize money was grown way north of Vermilion, and it was sug- gested by Mr. Grisdale that if such good seed can be grown in clovers and alfalfa, it should be put on a com-. mercial scale, Ontario Loss in Oat Crop Cost Farmers More to Raise than the Selling Price That the oat crop raised in Ontario last year actually cost the farmers of the province more to raise than they obtained from its sale is indicated in striking manner by the results of the acre-profit competition. Young far- 'mers from eight counties competed and only one, Cecil Luther, of Lennox and Addington, was credited with a profit, and then only $1.43. The results with potatoes showed better profits, running from $57.40 to $536.80 on the test acre. Worms, by the irritation that they cause in the stomach and intestines, deprive infants of the nourishment that they should derive from food, and malnutrition is the result. Mil- ler's Worm Powders destroy worms and correct the morbid conditions in the stomach and bowels that are fav- orable to worms, so that the full nutriment of the child is assured and development in every way encouraged. Minaeds Liniment for the Gripp and Flu. The largest candy shop in. the world was recently opened in New { York. | the provincial seed fair held in Ed-| Twenty Million Doliars in Gold The gold production of Northern Ontario for the year 1922 is estimat- ed at over twenty million dollars. A remarkable expansion in the gold mining camps in the north is taking place. WHAT DOES YOUR MIRROR REVEAL? Does it Tell You That Your Blood is Thin and Watery When a growing girl becomes pale, complains of exhaustion, dizzy spells, headache and stomach trouble, she should know that these things are evi- dences of ansemia or bloodlessness. A glance in the mirror will tell the story. There is immediate need for a tonic, a system builder that will com- pletely restore the missing qualities to the blood that every part of the body will share in the benefit. A good example of the result of wise treatment in cases of this kind is given by Mrs. George R. Smith, of Quensport, N.S., who says: "lI can- not praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too highly for what they have dome for my three daughters. My -eldest daugh- ter, Edna, at the age of 14, became tun down, and I got her three boxes of the pills, and by the time she had taken them she was in good health, and is now a healthy married woman. My second daughter, Martha, at the age of 16, was awfully run down and pale. In fact she had always been a delicate child, but gradually became worse. At last she could not go up- stairs without having to sit down and rest, and could not even do any kind of light work without being greatly fatigued. Finally I gave her Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Piils, and after. taking them we found they did her more good than all the other medicine she had taken, and she is now in good health. Then my younger daughter, Greta, now 15, became so run down that she had to stop going to school. But after taking eight boxes of the pills she is mow a big, healthy girl. I feel that after what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done in my home there can be no doubt of their value, and I hope someone else will benefit from our experience." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail post- paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from 'The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. His Fourth Golden Eagle Joe Seymour, a Lake of the Woods indian, has recently caught his fourth golden eagle. This last bird was tak- en accidentally in a snare set for other game. Joe may now claim to be the champion golden eagle trapper of the Dominion. Four golden eagles 57 ; eh 2 3 richly nourishing. 3 ments of a well-balanced food. For it contains not only the material needed to build tissue and furnish energy, but it also supplies fruit acids, that help keep the system in good order. Go to your grocer today and order a package of delicious Grape- will digest more readily than most other cereals, and it will "stay by" you longer--because it's so Sap nts Jor Health "There's a Sole Nuts, You will find that if taking of a motion Constantinople is built in the form |in one winter is thought to be a picture. of a triangle. record. Riss SORS OF 25 soos ESE £32 SRD) OS Oo 250558 O80 x0 (54 Bi 903% ERE SSR Se ra AR Be Cl ad | S20 eo 2 y 7 55 id you ever try Grape:Nuts ol ail el (red 085 Qe 7% with stewed prunes or peaches: §; : 5 580 : . Oe £2 oh jin HERE isn't anything better for breakfast or Hi oF RA lunch than a dish of Grape-Nuts, with cream. 04 & be or milk, and stewed prunes or peaches. 52 : . fed 3 This delicious combination gives you the ele- Cream Lace Lightens Black Satin Frock ~ By Marie Belmont Black satin is the fabric for spring and when it is déveloped with the new skirt of circular mevement the effect is charming indeed. The frock above of soft black satin finds individuality in its insets of cream colored radium lace and iis at- tractive metal girdle. The circular skirt is reappearing and promises wide popularity. - A compromise of this mode is sometimes seen in circu lar insets at either side. ~ Veritably, dresses around fancy girdles The girdle here is of silver chains enclosing at intervals square ornaments containing flat Tod stones. may be built this spring. two slender Many mothers have reason to bless Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, because it has relieved the little ones of suffering and made them healthy. Thanks to Premier King The premier, Hon. W. 1. Mackenzie ister of labor, will receive the official thanks of the G.AU.V. for their wholehearted efforts in relieving the distress among returned soldiers dur- ing the present period of unemploy- ment. © A resolution to this effect was passed at the meeting of the G.A.U.V. DBminion executive. Asthma Brings Misery, buf Dr. J. D. Keilogg's Asthma Remedy will re- place the misery with welcome relief. Inhaled as smoke or vapor it reaches the very inmost recesses of the bron- chial passages and soothes them. Re- striction passes and easy breathing returns. If you knew as well how this remedy would help you as do many grateful users, there would be a package in your home tonight. Try it. A Hottentot baby calls its mother "mamma." Catarrhal Conditions Catarrh is a local disease greatly. influ- enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treat- ment. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is- taken internally and acts through the Blood upon the Mucous Surfaces "of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDI- CINE gives the patient strength by im- proving the general health and assists Nature in doing its work. All Druggists. Circulars free. E. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. First Stamp Dealer Dies Had Been Conducting Prominent Trade in London Since 1860 London's first stamp dealer, Wil- Jiam Simpson Lincoln, has died at the age of 78. * When at school in 1854, Mr. Lin- coln began collecting, and became the possesor of about 210 varieties, which he kept in a small book Two years later he Vein ex- changing with a fellow collector, and this wag soon followed by ventures in dealing. From 1860 onwards he took a prominent part in the tirade, conducting his business from a small shop in High Holborn. Over twenty years ago he moved to. his present premises. In Italy In the middle ages a great artist was generally commissioned to decorate the chests in which the bride's house linen and personal be: longings were to be stored, and some of these beautiful works of art sur- vive to this day in the old Ifalian palaces to which they were brought by ancestors of the present owners. Fort Prince of Wales as Park Fort Prince of Wales, situated at the mouth of Churchill River in Mani- toba, has been placed under the con- trol of the commissioner of dominion parks for the purpose of preserving it as an historic memorial Site and park. Minard's Liniment Avante Spanish Fiu. 5 King, and Hon. James Murdock, min- |, Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. hat is C/ 1A? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. _peither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. age is its guarantee. For It contains Its more than thirty years it has It is pleasant. been in constant use for the rolief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort--The Mother's Friend. : GENUINE CAST A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of £9 In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Wireless Development Looks for Linking Up Canada With London and Melbourne § Addressing the Canadian Club at Toronto; A. H. Morse, general man- ager of the Marconi Company, said he would be greatly disappointed if, within two years, there was not direct wireless services between Montreal and London and between Vancouver and Melbourne, Australia. Mr. Morse said a wireless or clec- tro-magnetic wave passed around the earth in a little less than one-seventh of a second. There was no need, he said, for any point ou the earth to be out of immediate telegraphic touch with any other point. Transmission of power by wireless, though, was not yet a commercial success. x Your Home Medicine Chest.-- Among the standard household reme- dies that should always be on hand in your home medicine chest, none is more important than Dr. Thomas' Kelectric Oil. Its manifold useful ness in relieving pain and healing sickness is known by many thousands throughout the land. Always use Dr. Thomas' Eeclectric Oil for reliev- ing rheumatic and sciatica pains, treating sore throats and chests, coughs, burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and sprains. The Policy of Delay Germany Hoping to Get Out of Reparations Payment The prolonged shuffling and repeat- ed delays of the German Government in the matter of reparations have all the marks of a policy deliberately calculated. To gain time, to tire out the allies, to hope that something lucky may turn up .in the chapter of accidents--those have been the ob- vious motives. We are now more than two years from the signing of the treaty of peace. In that period Germany, with a population of 60, 000,000, has paid only about half the sum which France, with a population not much more than halt hers, paid, to Germany in the two years follow- ing 1870.--New York Times. ~ GORNS Lift Off w with Fingers | } Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "T'reezone'" on an aching corn, instant: ly that corn stops hurting, then short. ly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny boltle o? "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal luses, without soreness or irritation. Wheat Shipments Via Vancouver Calgary grain men estimate that the total bookings of wheat via Van- couver, this season, will amount to approximately seven million bushels. Several Calgary, Winnipeg, Chicago and New York grain men have recent- ly been in Vancouver investigating the new channel of shipment to the United Kingdom, and it is the general opinion that the new route will he per- manent. Night ais Morning « fomin Keep Your Eves Clean ~-Cilear «dd Healthy Write Foi Free [ya Care Bool Murine Lo Chicago. U.S.A. MONEY ORDERS The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order: INVENTORS -- NOTICE y ou can make money in having that IDEA PATENTED. We will place vour PATENT before the proper MANTU- FACTURERS and BUYERS. SEND for TREE LIST of IDEAS to be INVENTED, The RAMSAY Co. ARNPRIOR Patent Solicitors ONTARIO BOOK ON DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Address by the Author > H. CLAY GLOVER CO. INC, America's 129 West. Fourth Pioneer Street, New York, U Dog Remedies SLA, ihn Best 7 You z body lather them freely with Baby's OwnScap ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, Mins MONTREAL 1-10-21 sali Specify "Imperial" Linotype "Imperial" Stereotype "Imperial" Intertype "Imperial" Monotype From ths very start "[muperial? Type metals found favor with the leading newspapers of that time. That was because we recognized the peculiar quality of metal necessary and experimented until our results satisfied us. That it satisfied others --1s satisf;ing others--is eloguently proven by the fact that 90 per cent. of the Printing Establishments in Cane ada are consistent and regular users, The Canada Metal Co., Limited WINNIPEG Ww. N. U. 1409