Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 26 Oct 1922, page 2

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THE OBSERVER, DRYDEN, ONTARIO. - bp a gree lala a = a ii in a Saha -- : pry ROBT. SWEENEY The Yard Where Storage Of Vegetables [oo for Soldier Settlers bonerat Dann 2 ~ ye : ~The Teuent amendment 7 the 187 i = : ; Soldiers Settlement Act wil prove of Wo Lda ua | J = (Experimental Porm Notesd iruroenss in mportance to the soidier Yoolworker Winter storage of vegetables 1: an | qeitlers. By this amendment, the stock 1d cuesti ot SOUERE Aah : : £ X-- 0 | i 13 ie ald Quesuon aren dead bit A487 land equipment loans formerly repay- : 2 GUL! i J} ' parently not yet well undevs-ond. To able in four or six years have beens i saratively iv Oxygen Acetllyenc NOT ING and EVE CRYTHING store the crop seems a ny g consolidated with each settlers loan for | 3 j ? DING ours tasks, but to guard agains > |land and special advances, and will welding ' ron A; BUILDING, los while in storage is sometimes iod of twenty-fi year « : i ¢ : Lopes Ri FLOTAFe CAS. ronIonines legver a period of twenty-five years! . 4 rection A few of our lines: -- SE quite a problem ven for the mast ex- | ao rn 1st 1922, a few chan ges 163 our sto re n od 27 CARL . C. SHI St bird na x ys ? i gonuer en Ap one 2 Bp peneried Fron : Interest on entire loan will be sus- . b, x2 ! 5 . Some of the first and most impor:- pended at that day for periods depend- to make roo: for Ificregs- ; ant-factors influencing he keeping © let tock : A Complete Stock oof regetables in Statens a are to see that LUMBER inds. : 2 ; 5 You of = k the vegetables are free pros "dsease | who have secured loans prior to first cod Iibre ime - 7 4 . ; rad nnd: trae - Eo thracite & Alberta Coal. i grown, Ful i a and Tree of Seteper 1919 Te interest will be : $ ¢ : cite from injuries, such as bruises, cavsed ! T Jovem- Fa : ne Ts por on Jet Tang |r Tost, Soa ns hve cE inne anil ofler Un fal of Novo Choice, Seasonable (Goods § cranton gg i by careless handling at harv time. | pap 1926. Those loans were approved ; Scranton Stove " ww 25001 ¢ {here important points are kept in 2 on date on which the settler had his loan appreevd. In case of settlers ed stock. in 1920 have no interest till 1925 and 4 Le : ; Scranton Nut » no 24:5 Land and carefully ttindt d to at the! 1001 approved loans carry no in- at attractive Prices. { ¢- Drumheller Lump ,, 5 I4.CC fiime of selecting the material £01" tapest until 1924 and settlers requiring Blacksmith Coal x 25.0C | itorage, much worry and subsequent |; x = Will vot he . ~ o Ww tloans at present time will rot be ISS a TAMARACK nr VGOD 108s in dollars and cents will be aviod-| .o11aq upon for a payment until the Come and mspect th = mn. Dufivored fo PIM 1 on of Ly Wis mower Inter an 3rd of November, following the date ; For the storage of such crops asin which they settled. in or 0 seets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, cel-! The extending, of the period of non- Ra 21y, parsnips and turnips, a properiy 2 : Lumber, Coal : - ! | payment of interest, in the case (f the EVEN THE KIDDIE KNOWS Ln Sa Sapplies | omstructea frost proof cellar should 1919 and 1920 settlers is owing to the 3 When a heating stove is warm, bright DRYDEN > : ce available, with adequate ventila- | fu ct that costs in their cases were ex- > ' 'Jlion to keep the temperature as con- |..ccive owing to the inflated prices of ee ! od VT, 1 a iL 4 land and supplies, prevailing at those} ! Oxdriit Co-operative Company, Ltd. and cheerful. The Quebec stove is bos os eerste beRte stant as possible around 36*F at all § & 5020060 : : ; Ti iful imes during the storage period. By}... his ntevenl ok hich all of that; besides, it is a beautiful hen Arne storage p ar periods. - The interval during which : : +] VW BRILL Mantoer Devd ; A ] GARDIN TR 10 means should a storage cellar be- no interest is charged will he of an - J. "BRILL, ger, Dryden 3 mitre for NE y : 3 SL =o 5 = 5 - NE . BO Hin 'ome excessively damp, because ex -| once assistance to the settlers and T. H. SCOTT, Manager, Oxdrift. real ornament in any home. No trouble General Merchant :essiev moisture favours the develop- |. 3; piviment they make ducing that = a = to keep gomg either; a shovelful of | nent of many of the common, Sisenes ittacking vegetables in storage, and | jaip indebtedness. nore especially when in warm, ill-| m4 fully realize the magnitude of rentilated cellars . Moderale-s'zed, | these concessions, one has oniy to 3 H ney 4 1 1 oct t . = + slatted bins or crates should be used | ootculate for the 'nterest oa faz 2n- 'or the storage of roots and Tia tire free period nd the Azer ob- 31 1 dadttad . > J . Zr mt un Toes ls es a CHOICE FRESH MEATS Tn A . 1 3 1 : belves or in bins. Celery is usually which would have been due under the = 5 tored in the root cellar. The plants : are stripped of all ro ough leaves and term will reduce the principal and AGLE RIVER. ONT. oe coal every few hours is all that is needed. Quality For all kinds of 3 AGENT FOR 1 SE | 8 Cockshutt Plow Go. Frost & Wood impismants 3 2 2 @ Surianat L HARD iJ WARE harnla'a firnaam CQanavatars gh hd hh 9 wiIvwin bid hd bl = former or unamendzd Act. The Dis- ; We also carry an ex tricts in which these amendrients ave Y excellent Stock of Raw Furs Bough! and Sold BI ERS UPDRS... nme | et Gate, Bn oe SMOKED & COOKED MEATS, in] < = : - ae NS tables are to be stored for household | 1.4 cultion ar 5 PE! ; : icture Frai difficulties are enzount ed thin in the = Piette o annng EMPIRE FIRST & SECOND: ise, and a basement is available, a], 1. sek of the i hs B U ITER, LARD ETC ssum Har dwall and Wood HAND STORE, : ompartment or room should be pro- | sener al progress of the settlers, is also =? 2 Fic - WEST END KING STREET sided therein, of such construction as : i : 3 ; > more masked; due no doubt to their : ; will poy highest apron tor i -0 exclude the heat from the furnace getermined pioneer spirit and to cen- POR K SAUSARES J and HAMBIR 1G STEAK 1 : connection Hand Goods. Anything Bought, Sol | 1nd with suitable vents in the vil to tain advantages of the district, viz, . 3 ht - : Exchanged. If vou have any articlt | wovide good ventilation. It is nob the vigor nature of the soil. However, made daily for which you have at present no nee¢ | ,dvisable to store a great : ak of oad Tondy In ThAnY paith, > ; & H ARRIS just take it to the Impire Store an | abbage or turnips in the and marketing facilities, is a serious SIRLOIN STEAK or : f 23 : : 2 > LOI / Ei get its value in cash or some othe' | welling house. A good earthers floor pan enh nat toutes meet Sioty ay i Qe Te per 1b .10 to 20 ASIF piece of furniture of which you hav | the storage room is to be preferred pn p comes > with westein grain' and sie weg he = ARE SEE po A BE 28 need. : o eement. here an earthern' floor! 411, Srowers orth toon wminrheln 3 = : Toe > > +30 g \ I 5 > . cattle growers, or the eastern markels," gor, 1NG BEEF per 1b ____.. .8t0.10 LAMB CHOP . 5 OSIER Among the heavy articles on sal | an be had in a well constructes ¥ de to font al Pransnoriation. eR Ee > t 2 IPE, S pr fr Pr Se .82 will be found--Restaurant Stools, on | regetable room, it is seldom necesza These handicaps are somewhat] poopy BOILS per 18 to .25 Seoked HAMS ( whole) per oe or 6-foot Show Case; Cream Separators 1 o store the carrots, beets, parsnips, {counter balanced by fuel conditions VEAL CUTLETS per 1b i 25 BREAKFAST a en po Sidebaords; Singer Sewing Ma nd potatoes in sand, because, asa 10!e jars and the ease with which the IVEAL STEARNS per 1b = HE ER ak per'lh 22 Washing Machines; Organs; les } wfficient moisture will escape from settlers can obiain employment dur- Een Ai eet 00 Shot Gone; Kitchen, Ranges; Cool an} he floor to oer the wit wot enoioh x; Leg and Loin VEAL per 1b -22 Premium Cottage ROLLS per 1h__ .40 Diy Goods Roots and Shoes ing the winter months. There is al- Fresh Butter & E lways ways, either pulp wood or cord wood ges always on hand . Wood Heaters; 1 Auto Knitting Mach | o prevent the vegetables {rom 'ine complete, also Mill Supplies. vithering up. Soh 3 r Pte ool . "Tardware and Farm Produce | : ssi to be cut and hauled, and this gives] : D. FRE]D, Proprietor ¥ Sau i Bought & Sold on Commission 2 7 MEET ARE COT bs Sod : 2 2 Goods Bought } Onions Soe quite different con home employment for beth men and! wrost & Wood and | W.E SPE ARS Prop igen, while in storage, to the other teams. Aga » cost of land here 5 wt Imolements & Lea = bly % ties of vegetables. A dry, eco), Tons than i - 28 is also the. as 5 > i RES EL SE - 3 er . = I] g dad : asi zoom fs is best 5 suited for this crop, al of build i 07777777: The Simmons atiy Lal lrat: H re vhere the temperature can be kept! 1p the oood days that are coming, Z a Label appears round 34*F, By no means ih : when the Ontario Government has con- De > Ui structed all the roads that should be vhere. it is possible to maintain a dry constructed, and the country is more § ool atmosphere. fully settled, transportation facil ig For Snappy Cash Prices on | Sus mi ew sous belyin isons and condoms improve in a i 'moderately Sr vet i with the corn, where a temperature of HO*F rez fe : ground for hope, we will keep right A genuine Ni 3 B= FAYY el) BERS 'an be maintained. Particularly care-i on building, we have the best district Simmons Bed, Spring i ;: ) ino 1 o TSE . ul handling is necessary at harvest'; 'Ontario. on each pi wnions be stored in a cellar, I : Hi 8) i = : ime if this crop is to be kept for any ree LIN ER : P and Si d 3 £3 8% NY 6 : H 10 length of time. Place the squash or ., 3 i : : rices atl can afjor en I en' S 1ZCS, ES : 0 sumpkins on shelves or on a table, in F. B. LI NDE HN, Notary, ete. 1 : El = single layer. Conveyancing Collecting « ¢ 2 < i dan isn LINE General Practice. Simmons Outfits cost no more Men's Brock 7-in. Leather Top, . MENS EXTRA SPECIAL ad gelab em DR YDrN ; snag Proof oo $3.45 + ' CLEARING LINE ? 3 than you are prepared to pay Men's Brock 9-in. Leather top, - Men's T-in. canvass top, black Rubbc | § andy 20 : 4 E. 0) ah : 2. fue HEE 4 song Prool oo oo ~ 3.90 Snag proof, Reg oo 2.0 0 JHE 8 £1 | i for hones st comfort and Men's Fargo 7-in. Leather Top Men's 10 and 12-in. canvass : om, blac: hd 134 SV BEE nAl e service "Gum Rubbers, Red Sole __ $4.20 'Rubbers, snag proof, reg $4.50 2.5¢ : : : Men's Vimy los Die Rabbere. fos dlp say Tihrantes your 6Wh Sothtaskion he havink pons orloes Ca To demonstrate the not-generally-known : orn ubbers guaranteed in good shap : 7 f h S; v Sl al it _-g.qp All Rubbers guarante a : : act that genuine Simmons Beds can be Tol Moe; While Boonie') 3.99 line a Rubber House was eloarin | t doesn't matter what your req: are, we can fi em also, : Men's Moody 3-lace, all White snag i il a ; . purchased at popular prices, we are featuring f Sn ale TE A out af 8 ig enap Ne are in a position to overhaul, paint, or = cars during 47 - the bed and Pet outfit illustrated, at the - moan Blech Go Rubbers 2.2% BOYS RUBBERS, Size tio 5 . Satisfactory work and moderate rates our sp tr price below, including, a i 3-lace Gum Rubbers Boys Brock 6-in. T saiher top, snag 2 : 3.95 proof _ _ g2.00 eon eat Simmons Bedstead --continuous posts of steel bing, 7-lace Black, all Gum Boys Simcoe 3-lace Black Gum : : : ' in any standard width, st crongly constructed, light in Rubbers 2.95 Trubhovs Dam weight, finished in ivory white, a en's PPark all white snag Bovs Laciet 3-lace Black Simmons Spring --gl nlmad erste d link. {256 proof -. 5.20 Rubbers -- oo me 2 strongly made, flat surfaced, non-sagging design, resil- Men's. Bute 3 -lace, all white snag Boys Blackfoot, 5-lace Leather top ient, comfortable and se rvicenble, and a a 5 2 n Bai OPE ete Si Simmons Mattress -- = throughout of & ine, clean, new Cotton. Sealed in dusi-proof carton, and delivered into your home in this same original carton unsoiled by. handling or by the grime or germsof the city streets. This is not a "special" in the 2 argain" sense of the word, but it zs an extraordinary vita yata price all can afford. 5-in. top, all Gum Black, leather top - Gu snag proof __...... 4.45-Boys J La a La = 2 YOUTHS RUBB ERS § IZES 18 to Youth's Brave, 5-lace all Gum bers 1.97 Price Bed, Spring Complete, and Le Case 10 230 1s noted for ite reserve For belt work this waa ver re oil "hilds Pa Ela - - = t 2 5 k Overs, regular Childs Brave, 5-lace, all Gam R Rub ywer. Owners state that these tractors 1 No Extras Hattress oe : 3 or H 75 5 n : ¥ {res ne el I hers, sizes Tio 0 = = = 175 ire always capable in emergency, for es lowing or for grades, -xtra hurd p g This 10-20 is recommended for pulling Tz ran a: P3 3 : {three 14 inch plows which it can pull proved its worth, : Ve also carry a line of bl wl a iy in sod or stubble. operation, burning kerosene successfull Jerry Top Over-Rubbers, Buckel Over-Shoes, in Men's, Ladies, ete. ' est muterinds, You 3 ih b It also handles other implements It is built of the fi SEE US BEFORE BUYING LSEWHERE ; asually requiring about six herses, such Li r money's Before you d J STOMER : ' nr STR we two 7 foot binders, two 20 shoe grain - CUSTOMERS, SAVE THIS COPY FOR FUTURE EEFERENCE 1% § "eo fue 3 ™ Site piniy neshowvyont 2 : drills, six section spike-tooth harrow, 8 You'll Dryden . Ontario to 19 foot donbhledise harrow, ete, KEROSENE | IF, T. RIISNALL TRACTORS Oxduatt, Oat | Built for Sleep

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