og HE G pont hh ep cr 2 ie in ean cl in rb Gee mir commen ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksmith & Woodworker -- Oxygen 'Acetylene welding in connection The Yard Where Service & Quality| Fat Predominate FRIDAY. SATURDAY _ ANYTHING and EVERYTHING FOR A BUILDING. A few of our lines: -- A CARLOAD OF B. C. SHINGLES | XXX and XX. * x kK A Complete Stock oof LUMBER of all kinds. Yood Fibre, Lime, An- thracite & Alberta Coal. Scranton Egg per ton del'd $24.50 The Laugh Sensation of 1922 HAROLD LLOYD | A SAILOR-MADE / and are b t Scranton Stove 25.00 apou Scranton Nut, ul 24.50 Talk ; Drumheller Lump ,, 5 414.00 Bargains Blacksmith Coal ,, (5 «25:00 We are putting on a Sale of J Winterbottom ALUMINUM WARE yg | December the first Lumber, Coal TEA KETTLES, TEA POTS, DISH and Builders' Supplies. PANS, PRESERVING KETTLES, DRYDEN ONT. PERCOLATORS, DOUBLE BOILERS MIXING BOWLS and BREAD PANS, 2806656 600000000000600000L These commodities have both advanced owing If you are in the market for a quantity likely to go higher to a large export from Canada. - of these goods, we suggest that vou place your order. early. 'We have another car of mixed Flour and Feed, .- due this week. AREF HONEY is a good buy to-day SUGAR has materially advanced. We are here to save our Customers Money. Oxdrift Co-operative Company, Ltd. J. W, BRILL, Manager, Dryden T. H. SCOTT, Manager, Oxdrift. ? At $1.49 each. Sale Commences. December 1st, 1922 EA KLOSE GENERAL HARDWARE. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Picture Framing Wanitoba GYpsusi i fibre, Ele. Undertaking in conmeion . mans. #3 tardwall and Wood | i'A.J. GARDINER }| General Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT. -- ~-- Price 16-37c. Matinee Saturday SED. (yeneral Merchant, <. OXDRIFT, Ont Dry Goods ~~ Groeeries Roots and Shoes *Tovdware and Form Produce srost & Wood and Cockshutt 'minlemen ~mpress Orange Marmalade, per 4-1b tin, 85 cts cash | Burdick's Pineapple Marmalade per 4-1b tin, $1.00 See the Grocery Window & HARRIS SECOND HAND coons| + IM MIX And Also For HICHEST CASH PRICES for any goods that you may have Round-Up MONDAY TUESDAY Our Latest Prices: AGENT FOR - THURS Gockshutt Plow Co. Frost & Wood § Sirlion Steak 33 Forts Crops 128 : Implements 4 1. 2 Round Steak, per I _o.eccm -20 Shoulders, whole eee 22 ® Sharnle's Lrsam Sensrsior eine Siviion Roast ovo i trie 20 Boiling Pork 2 : Raw Furs Bought and Seld 2 : Prime Rib Roast -- mmm .15 Loins and Legs, Lamb -- eee 37 006068658 656000800800000 Prime Rib, Rolled Roast -- eo 20 Lamb Chops' Rt; EE p= -- | Heavy Chuck Roast imme .10 Shoulders, Lamb oo cee + 2: |EMPIRE FIRST & SECOND- Boiling Beef _ .05 Loins and Legs, Veal --ooomoemeem 2 HAND STORE, iL Fox Pot Roasts _.10 Veal Cutlets al WEST END KING STRERT pre sents Loins and Legs, pork p50 28 Stewing Veal = 1 D. FRE]D, Proprietor. ¢ Whither Goest Thou?' ep? b.4 : T | D : : Fh k Dr d en A. It depends what is ment by 'valu- 7 ® y ation)' What, for example, is the to Sell 3 : = Story b wr "Le d Raine Dirrted by Jk: Reynolds W. E. : SPEARS, Prop. Epc Ties DRYDEN ONTARIO {qUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON FORESTRY By The Canadian Forestry Association Q. [What are the forest fire losses in Canada this year? 3 A. Final statistice are not available, but the number of fires exceed four thousand and the damage was above ten million dollars. ; Ee {Q. Has Radio Telephony been utiliz- ed yet for forest protection? A. Yes, in several districts and has been remarkably successful. The Air Board employed radio communications from their aeroplanes in Alberta and the system will probably be extended I next season. Q. Is the potographing limits from aeroplanes mercial success? : A. Yes, a company has been organiz- ed in Quebec and has.completed most satisfactory aerial photographs sur- veys for banks and lumber and pulp companies. Accuracy has been fully attained and the speed of such surveys is obviously great.' : Q. Has any valuation been put on the whole of he forest resources of Canada? of timber yet a com- value of a very young forest in pro- _|cess of early growth? There have " Iben rough estimates of the 'standing timber of the Dominion as worth up- 1 wards of two billion dollars, but the | figure s largely guess-work. Ready for Heavy Duties WANTED--TWO OR: THREE MEN to cut cordwood at $2.00 per cord. TO EVERY CLARENCE in CANADA i Dear Clarence-- 1 When Lionel, second song | {of Edward III of England, had the | {good sense to marry the heiress of} i Claro, a town in Suffolk, a Dukedomt was' created for him. This Dukedora town Clare and Lionel became the first Duke of Clarence. . Owing to Lionel's popularity, the' good people began to name their baby, boys 'Clarence.' For many years this honorable name has been the butt of silly jokes in the newspapers and ont the stage. This sort of thing should be stopped, and I am asking your co- operation in forming a 'National Can- adian Clarence Anti - Defamation League.' ~All the Clarences I have ever known have been good fellows and it is hight time that something was done toi stop this senseless ridicule. Therefore, for the good of the Cla- ence Cian, and yourself in particular, | 1 urge that you send a letter exactly like this one to EVERY CLARENCE vou know--at least four or five. This is the only method we have of spread- ing the good news. / Sincerely Yours : {CLARENCE SMITH 116 Jarvis St., ,Toronto Ont. i E a The Masquerade Ball, Friday night will be the biggest thing pulled off in Dryden for many a day. Most elabor-§ ate and extensive preparations have; been made to ensure the success of the! undertaking. ¢ Many Tickets have already been disposed of and a large crowd is, SEA DAN was called Clarence in honor of the: { assured. i Simmons Bed, Spring and Mattress aS complete = =u Ne HI ii 7 7 7 7 7 i; nn J: Genuine | Simmons Bed, Spring and Mattress Outfits Simmons beds cost no more than ordinary beds. The following offer demonstrates this fact in the most conclusive manner. The Bedstead in this combination outfit is of round steel tubing, very strongly made and very serviceable. It is an entirely satisfactory piece, made with the same care and exactitude as all Simmons Beds are made. The Spring is the well-known Simmons galvanized, twisted-link fabric, long recognized as one of the most practical, serviceable and comfortable flat-surfaced bed springs on the market. It is a spring of unsurpassed sanitary quality, "Built for Sleep" --no sagging, no let- ting down; resilient and restful. The Mattress is of pure, clean, zew Cotton--not made. of old, discarded "renovated" materials--as the price might indicate. Each mattress sealed and delivered in the original carton roll, protected from the dust, grime and germs of the city streets. The outfit, as illustrated above, special at i| Price Bed, Spring t1 Complete and '| No Extras Mattress 7, J. LATIMERS Hardware & Furniture Shop " The Case 10-20 is noted for its reserve ower. Owners state that these tractors are always capable in emergency, for extra hard plowing or for grades. This 10-20 is recommended for pulling three 14-inch plows which it can pull in sod or stubble. Tt also handles other implements wsually requiring, about six horses, such as two 7-foot binders, two 20 shoe grain drills, six section spike-tooth harrow, 8 10 foot donbledisc harrow,etc. CASE KEROSENE TRACTORS Tor belt work this tractor drives a Case 20x36 thresher, fully equipped silo fillers, hay presses, feed mills, ete. Tor all round use this tractor demands your careful consideration. It has long proved its worth. It is economical in operation, burning kerosene successfully It is built of the finest materials. You get your money's worth. yn Before you decide on your tractor, let | us show you the advantages of the Case line. ] be better able to Youll then judge. : | F. T. BRIGNALL Oxdrift, Ont J. BULLWER, Oxdrift Guarantee your own satisfaction by It doesn't matter what your requirements are, We are in a position to overhaul, paint, Needing Sleighs his Winter ? having your orders placed with us. 'we can fill them also. "Satisfactory work and moderate rates our speciality. H. ©. BICKNELL, I 'The Old Massey-Harris Stand or store cars during the winter. mplements Ontario ii Call and see the big displ ay of