Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 15 Dec 1922, page 2

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THE _ _OBSER RVER, DRYDEN, ON TARIO. For The New 1923 FIP JPERIOI eo . CE Sh \ipment SHOWROOMS: ig Opposite Royal Bank Expected Short ODELS Iy Ready for The Case 10.20 is noted for its reserve ower. Owners state that these tractors are always capable in emergency, for extra hard plowing or for grades. This 16-20 is recommended for pulling three. 14-inch plows which it can pull in sod or be It "also handles other fin ements nsually requiring about six herses, such as two 7-foot binders, two 20-shoe grain "4 ou the sdvantaes ofighs Cone drills, six section spike-tooth harrow, 8 jine Youll then be better able to 10 foot don ledise harrow, ete. indge. > : er = KEROSENE FF, T. BRIGNALL TRACTORS Oxdrifi, Ont. For helt work this tractor drives Case 20x36 thresher, fully equipped silo fillers, hay presses, feed mills, ete. ; For all round use this tractor demands your careful consideration. It has long proved its worth. It isreconomical in operation, burning kerosene successfully It is built of the finest materials. You get your monay's worth. 'Before you decide on your tractor, let A Few Suggestions: For Grandma-- Electric Warming Pad Hot Air Heater Ivory Comb or Brush Sterling Comb or Brush Table Lamp for Bedroom Earrings Spectacle Chains Brooch or Bar Pin For Grandpa-- Gillette or Auto-Strop Safety Razor Hversharp Pencil or Pen : Pen Knife Reading Lamp for Desk Or a Victor Reeord For Moiher-- String of Pearls Gold Brooch Necklace Ivory Toilet Ware Electric Toaster or Grill Electric Iron Percolater "(Electric) Electric Washer and Wringer Electric Range 7 OF Cleaner For Father-- ° : Fine Pipe Cigar Holder Ciga irette Case EVERSHARP Pencil Safety Razor Smoking Set . Book 'Ends Emblem Ring or- Pin Bedroom Clock a sh and' Con Set ~ Brus Good Fountain Pen Flashlight Or Good Watch For the Girl-- French Beaded Hand Bag ~ Pearl Set Necklet Brooch. Set Ivory Manicure Set Ivory Toilet Set Pretty Bedroom Clock : Pearl Strings with stone set clasps Or Elgin Wrist Watch : For the Young Man = Nice Ring Tie Pin Cuff Links Eversharp Pencil or Pen Safety Razor . Pen Knife Brush and Comb Set Pipe Cigar Holder Cigarette Holder Tobacco Pouch Or Pocket Companion For the Boy-- Watch Chain or Fob \ Stick Pin Kum-apart Cuff Buttons Pocket Knife Fountain Pen Eversharp Pencil Ring Flashlight Gram-o-phone Or Records the year round. names for Canadian butter is a furth- er disadvantage to our products and a | disadvantage that is hard to overcome. | price they command. EYE Cattle Export * x ok % (continued from last week) "I spent nearly six weeks in Great Britain, most of it in London or the near neighbourhood thereof, attending the conferences in connection with the "lifting of the embargo" question, but, as may be imagined, I had a good deal of time between meetings which I attempted to spend profitably Ly look- ing into our agricultural trade in order to ascertain the actual conditions maintaining on the beef, bacon, butter, cheese and egg markets; the gencral character of the produce shipped to these markets. from Canada and the esteem in which our produce ig held by the handler and consumer. "It is just a little unpleasant to have to say that according to statements made to me by some of the more iim- portant commission men and others interested in such produce as we ship to Great Britain, and to judge hy the reputation enjoyed by our produce some few years ago as compared with similar produce shipped by our com- petitors in Denmark, Holland, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Argentina, we, in Canada, have not been making quite as much progress in the improvement of the appearance and quality of our exports as have some of our abovementioned compet- ing countries, since, in many cased, produce from these countries looks better and sells better than similar produce. from Canada today. It be- came quite evident to me as I pursued my enquiries and continued to com- pare Canadian with similar products from one or another of our competing countries, that in very many cases in- deed were these competing countries sending goods superior in appearance at least, to those coming from Canada. One of the most striking peenlinpity in favour of many of the prod from our competitors, was the formity in appearance and quality as contrasted with the lack of uniformity in appearance and quality in our Can- adian products, this applying more particularly, of course, to bacon, chee and butter. : "In thé case of bacon, in which too great a proportion of the sides in ev- idence were too short and just slightly too thick as compared with the Danish which easily topped the import market and was usually selling for fifteen or sixteen shillings per ewt. (112ibs) per pound more than Canadian bacon wholesale, and to judge by what I could learn from retail sellers, which was very little, the difference was pos- sibly greater relatively in their case than in the case of the wholesalers. "Our butter, due to the variation-in quality is" at a great disadvantage as |: compared with butter from New Zea- land and South Australia, where the output of -individual factories is very great, and where cattle are on grass The lack of trade In addition, our packages. do not seem to be as well made and are certainly not as attractive looking as those com- ing from our antipodean competitors, and the finish on' the butter and the wrapping again show up to disadvan- tage. "Our cheese, whe Sill enjoying an excellent reputation, can hardly be said to now hold the first place on the British market since, while it may sell for only a few cents less a ewt. or pos- sibly the same price even, is not com- monly taken as first choice,' the New Zealand article now that. distinction, this being due, it was claimed by some J of the commission meu, to greater un- iformity, to better packages and to a smoother texture, "with "a cheese slightiy less acid coming from New Zealand. "In the case of eggs, I am glad to say that due to the grading so rigidly enforced by this department; our eggs enjoy a reputation second to none on the British market and show it by the "Our beef varies, of eourse, greatly from day to day. Om one occasion, when visiting the Smithfield market, I saw frozen beef from Argentina, chill- -| ed beef from Canada, fresh-killed:Can- adian beef from the lairages at Liver- pool, fresh-killed Irish beef and Scotch prime beef all on display. = The prices |- were iluminating. Canadian. chilled 6d. per pound; Canadian freh-killed from Liverpool at 8d. to 9d. per pound; Trish-fresh-killed at 8d. to 9d. per ib; Argentina frozen 8%d. to 4d. per ib; Scotch prime about 14d. per pound and the Argintina frozen selling at only 31%d. per pound, although considered somewhat better finished than thel Canadian chilled beef, was however, rather rough which of course would account in some measure for the very low price. {continued next week.) uni-| that is, somewhere around three cents | shipped from Toronto, was selling at in a few days. DRYDEN KITCHEN will be found at Klose's Store. - We are safe in saying that we show the largest and most complete line of kitchen Utensils and articles in this town and vieinity. Everything for the kitchen and laundery. FA KL SE [) A. GENERAL HARDWARE $C, Sere SUILDERS' SUPPLIES 1 Picture Framing Vianiloba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood Fibre, Fic. Undertaking mn 2} pi eontestion ANDERSON & HARRIS]: M. J. CRO IER General Merclie #1 OXDRIFT On Dry Goods i Roots and Shoes Tardware and Farm Produce zrost & Wood and Coch Shahi, I Sihisments ROBT. SWE ENEY General Blacksmith & Woodworker PRES, So Oxygen Acetylene Welding in Ct 1311 anecti: 341 $5800 0 ure ants biose sate J. GARDINER Merchant =. i cA A General EAGLE RIVER, ONT. : AGEN'L FOR Coshshult Plow Co.. Frost & Woo: Implements el a RRNA a hata Charnla'e Traam Camavatnen a WAAR IY NW WU Se see a pi Raw Furs Bought and Sold @ | BRGE SRDS Gu HEP OP PPP Bw TB BABEHDHLNBIFLIBHOGOIDGOOLH This Coal is the best that is produced in Western Canada. , A far superior Coal to Drumheller This Coal needs no intro duction to western people. : We could not pros Men's Fancy Box .of SUSPENDERS ARM BANDS, GARTERS AND TIES this Coal in the fall, owing to the tiie | n the western fields, We. now have the 'agency | for Galt Coal and will al= ways have 'this Coal in | stock. - . First car to arrive Book your; orders. ahead. Rok ok & |. Winterhottor Lumber, Coal ~and Builders' Supplies. = ONT. WARE THAT WEARS' EEE i ; E | ! FLANNEL JUMPERS, 'SERGE DRESSES ete. 'The Peopt 4 hristmas 100ds bE SE SS nr choice line of: -- CHRISTMAS CANDIES AND DECORATIONS We have purchased a $s ¢ § They are priced right and we will be glad to show them to you. If you are planning on a Christmas tree for the kiddies or sending a box of choice candy to u friend, we have sométhing that is choice and reasonable. Look these goods over at your earliest convenience and make your selection. We will wrap © them for mailing if you so desire. EOI Ilace vour order for Christmas Turkey early. Oxdrift Co-operative Company, Ltd. J. W, BRILL, Manager, Dryden REET, EE Chops 28 Shoulders, whole 22 Boiling Pork oo oa 20 5 Loins and Legs, Taal Ll ey 30 Prime Rib, Rolled Bonet ~~. 20 Lamb Chabn -- o. o0 a5 Heavy Chucle Bonne. 0 20 0 10 Shoulders, Lamb Boiling Beef Wann 05 Loins and Legs, Veal 23 Pot Bomsleo oobi ality 10-Veal Cutlets Lo. oo 0 0.95 Loins and legs, pork 0. 88 Stewing Yoeul ooo, 10 D. FRE]D, Proprietor. our Gifts Now that Christmas is only a few days away you will be wanting to ~ buy your Gifts. We have articles here that will make gifts to suit everybody SKATES, SHOES, HOCKEY STICKS, SLEIGHS SKIS ELECTRIC IRONS AND TOASTERS Why not have an Adjusto Read- ing Lamp, one tnat can reflect the light anywhere, only 45cC. We have Deen too busy to get out a regular - "Xmas Goods HT BUT Our stock is as near complete = as can be in all lines of Xmas Groceries:-- NUTS. AND CANDIES, all-kinds of Nuts, per ib mixed oom. .30 Coad Assortment of Candies," Bulk, per 1b .25 to .60 Chocolate Bars, bets., Box of Chocolates from 10 £0 -- oo . 4.50 POP. 'CORN, ANIMAL BISCUITS AND PAILS of BUNNY BONS 'Men's Women' s and Children' s COSY FELT SLIPPERS & BOOTS mail order price list. for Just the thing for the Ladies Husband or your Sweetheart Ladies" Fancy CAMISOLES; WAISTS-PLIATED AND PLAID SKIRTS, -A suitable "Xmas Gift for your wife or: sweetheart 7 oy Land for the children Santa Clause Stocking - Our China 'Department has many beautiful Handpainted NIPPON CHINA AND JAPANESE CHINA that will make: a most suitable 'Xmas Gift Xmas Specials s-- : ib 1h Pail PURE WHITE HONEY, pera Toa 0 .95 5 1b Pail DARK HONEY, per pail _...___. by 85 {4 I Pail ORANGE MARMALADE per Pail __.__. 85 I ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR, Cash ny 3.50 ¢ Our Prices not always the lowest but we always have the goods Dryden

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