Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 4 Jan 1923, page 1

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Sh eR we » Bread and Cakes on sale at the . Phone 86 The Dryden C server Dryden, Ont. January 4th' 1923 Number 31 reputation of a progressive © town been more closely knit with the personality of an individ- ual than has Dryden with that of Alfred Pitt, its popular Mayor. To resident and outsider alike, mention of one immediately calls up the other. And the election of ose will rid your horse of Monday last simply confirms the { opinion of the citizens themselves Il Bats and Worms. that the association is a natural and proper one. In the rather intimate condi- tions that prevail ina small town, the test of fitness for public office le package with gun, 5.00 is actually more severe than in LAE have the name and t and Worm remover) One y Package guarnteed Pri sule package with gun, 3.00] sule package, no gun, 2.75 worth treating E ly winter is a good time to treat infested horses A Well Dressed Man likes a good Dress Shoe, and you can now get! a pair at H. Willard's. rtment to choose from, 5 solid leather, and full vamp, A good every prices are right EEE 'MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, WORK BOOTS, MOCCASINS, 4 WOLLEN, LINED, NEE 7 PULLOVER MITTS, HOCKEY BOOTS, HOCKEY 4 STICKS, ETC. \ kK kk i i HARNESS and PARTS _ANKETS, COLLARS, .. ..| w SWEAT PADS First and foremost, he has the i all sizes reputation of being a good towi ¥ gdh man: which is popular acknow- ledgment of the fact that Mr Pitt puts the welfare of the town and its citizens in the forefront of his projects. No movement or plan of any size gets far without his being consulted; and no busy man ever was more easy of approach to the most humble of his neigh- bours. It is moreover a tribute to his judgment, and commonly ac- cepted, that his endorsement of, or co-operation in any activity is ; ryden Bakery assurance of its successful out- Skates for sharpening should be left in the moning to make sure of getting them the same day # A full supply of Dr Scholl's remedies always o hand at H. WILLARD, & Boot and Harness Repairer. = come. i ¥ WALTERS' DRYDEN MAID BREAD Ttis a favourite axiom with him i "It's wrapped" that sound business can never be ~ CAKES AND P ASTRIES altogether free from sentiment. : As a result, while he never HT emotion to hamper his judgment, 'peither do his business methods permit him to disregard the sensi-, bilities of other people. Punctil- ious to a fault, his lightest obliga- Bakery Special attention given to 'phone orders T. WALTERS TOWN OF DRYDEN. xk kX up to in the fullest degree, and his' personal integrity is never quest- ; "ioned by his severest critic. Notice of Registration of By-Law t [tis worthy of note that Pitt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT was the first Mayor when the a by-law was passed by the Council of {own was organized about ten the Town of Dryden on the 15th day of years ago. Things drifted along December 1922, providing for the Lithout any particular Progress jssue of debentures to the amount of ¢ + 5 few years. But again in the $9,000.00, for the purpose of complet {a5 two years that he has held ing the erection of the School building ffce, Dryden has ctrikingly ad- for Union School Section No. 1, Van ; + its affairs, must n talents or characteristics of unus- was week. Never even in jest has he been accused of diffidence or over- {that might lie disarmed by the naturalness and quality of the Not so much The Mayor larger centres. And a man who can live for more than a decade in 2 town the size of Dryden, taking continuously a prominent part in have displayed ual quality to win the sweeping expression of public approval that awarded Mayor Pitt this modesty, but with serene un- concern his private and business life has been open to inspection at all times, so that the verdict can in no sense be regarded as an ill- informed one. The Man vanced in educatinna: and indus- trial affairs. That of course may simply be a coincidence. The de- velopment of & comparatively small store into an immense de- partment and mail order business during the same period may also be the result of good luck. But the people of Dryden are eviden- tly more than willing to entrust the conduct of their municipal affairs to a man for whom Dame Fortune has shown such kindly partiality. No man in the district is more discussed or more criticised. His intense personality often incurs the accusation of irrepressible egotism. But there is a wide diff- erence empty vanity and consciousness of personal power; and any malice in the charge is thoroughly human Pitt temperament. that he is a good business man, tion, express Of implied, is lived 'or because he has achieved promi- nence in various ways, or because scholar and !sportsman: but principally from the fact that he is a dependable friend, agMcN he is a recognised general recognition of desirable neighbour third year in succession has fellow townsmen. between the egotism of an' and an. alt= might around citizen, Alfred Pitt for the goal been our selected to occupy the premier on the job, position in the esteem of his high and low were wasted. Twice | puck Chasers Circle | The Champions Corner Dryden Junior Hockey Team! Mr Derosier of Eagle River started the New Year right by! .; gy ge pe defeating the Crack rons Jane pa Dryden a visit Thursday. iors on their own ice in a 3--0° game last Monday. The game was itor to Dryden Thursday. a gruelling one, and would have: pr. A J. Gardiner of Eagle vis- been no discredit to any senior . team. One good judge remarked ited Dryden Wednesday. 'that a team that could put one! over Ignace was a pretty smart visit this week. outfit. ; Mr A. R. Hutchison left Thursday After a snappy tussle at the' er : outset, Dryden con cluded that for a onths visit to Wetaskawin, Sask. where he has a sister residing. goal was the weakest point in the: 'Ignace armour, and gave most of | their attention to trying out their'a theory. Success proved the! soundness of their plan of attack. . The Dryden's, keen to show their speed were gone like a flash. , this week. Ignace disliking this, showed the! Mr A. Sidey left Tuesday for Dryden fans and players that they Fort William to take a position were not the only ones who could with the Port Arthur Paper Co. work fast. The first period start-- ed fast and furious, play being" mostly around the Ignace net. Try as Rhodes, Wermworth and Par-' ker would, they could not beat] back the savage attack of the" Torr Dryden forwards. Although the a a Friday morning' fot > : 9 period ended with no tally, Ignace, : goalie was worried by the wicked® Mr Chas Wright of the Dryden shots from Kozak and Davidson, Paper Company Boarding House spent and came near losing his nerve several days of last week in Winnipeg. before the game was over. : Master Dennis Wright spent the The second period started with Christmas holidays with friends in Davidson receiving the puck from Winnipeg. Foot at the put-off. Down the ice the Dryden forwards shot with defence, enemy forwards on all sides. With good teamwork and improved combination, Davidson scored on a pass from Colliss, who! played the opposite wing. Then attended the annual C.P.R dinner started the real game. Parker the at Kenora and returned Tuesday first to be penalized for hip check- morning. ing the Kozak one. Two minu- ! . : / i) rest on the fence. Davidson Dryden Literary Society will hold : the first meeting of the new year on was served the sam ripping; re ip Sf Monday evening, January 8th in the referee De Tough takes no alibies , 00d Fellows Bait 'so. Dog went for the short rest. Miss Wright, formerly a teach- Rhoades, their star and trusty. er of Dryden and Wabigoon is the forward was sent on the same guest of Mrs T. Little, Wabigoon kind of stunt for trying to put Miss Wright is teaching at pres- Colliss through the board fence, ent in Kamanistka. bodying was the charge. So Rhoades being off, and Par- ker a short time before, gave the Dryden Juniors a little time to play on their weak spot. Kozak, Foote and Colliss chased the rubber down the ice through {their weakened forward and into: their defence. Kozak shot, Taddo istoped it and as it rebounded off : his pads, Foote scored. At the ' set-off, with the same combina- tion and more faith in themselves the same three passed the for- wards into the defence, where the puck got lost in th corner. Foote and Colliss playing this position while Kozak fought for that rub- ber, got it, shot it up the ice where Foote and Colliss played a small combination to their good front jand scored once more. Making the score 3--o in Dryden's favour, the play being mostly around the yIgnace net. The third period started faster and mor furious than the others. Ignace meant to win or die in the Mr Trask of Eagle River was visitor in Dryden Tuesday. Miss Minnie Shapland of Eagle River was visiting frignds here Mr John Jensen of Dyment was among the visitors in Dryden this week. Mr and Mrs Dan Hutchisonn Win- Mr and Mrs F. O. Baker and family returned Thursday after spending Christmas with Mrs Baker's parents in Winnipeg. ; / i Mr C. Hagstrom, with his wife 5 Tuesday, where they will reside in future, Mr Arthur Pulp Company. 5th and 6th, from 9 a.m. to 7 pai. introduce the 1923. «Cpevrolef." many years, of them. » i water power. tation from the mayor an trade of the city of Fort speak on the same question, an attempt. But if getting through River and Waldhof. Laok for osters the crack forwards was hard, it s=-----e A pl Sond er was harder getting through the EL'ZCTORS OF DRYDEN stiff defence. Hartnett and Kozak the defenders were ever on the : > January first wi job, and all their efforts to break by your ballots on far famed goalie never sleeps Yours trul and all their hard shots ours truly 5 --_---- Nr --r---- the star centre forward Parker broke through by some mistake, Horne, Wainwright and Dryden, and % os that such by-law was registered in the = a registry office of the District of Kenora R fy the 22nd day of December 1922. earrang ing Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first' publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. : Dated the 26th day of December, 1922; J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. { Dryden School Board has been obliged to hurriedly rearrange the scheool staff, to fill the vacancy re- sulting from the non-appearance of H. M. Jackson, whe is reported to have resigned. hs Miss M. E. Lucas has been appoint- ed acting Principal pro tem, and Mrs D. Lane was readily persuaded to help in the difficulty till final arrangements IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK can be made. Mrs Laws is, of course, KENORA Ont. |an experienced teacher, and her assis- mm =! tance is particularly valuable when the 'At Dryden, on'December 16th, to' mameval to the new school is a matter Mr and Mrs E. Brisson--a son. of the near future. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. School Staff Miss Lucas, who has been the beginning 'of the term, has already had experience in teaching class IV and preparing candidates for the en- 3 trance. She has accepted the position with courage, and the whole staff is co-operating with good-will to relieve the situation. The Board is already negotiating with new teachers to increase the staff after removal, and the friendliest re lations between the School Board and the remaining members of the staff furnish the best assurance that Dry- den Schopl will continue to make pro- gress. . » her since the tussle. and nothing but Shelley between him and the goal; but Shelley | darts out and takes the puck from ' him, putting it out of harm's way, though both had a nasty spill in: The play ended at Dryden goal, | hard pressed, the score still being =o. Kozak was sent to rest for two minutes for trying his be loved hook check on Parker. | SHOES and HOSIERY 'FOR THE FAMILY ii Dryden Ignace t Davidson forward Rhoades a ) Foote forward Parker' Colliss forward Wormworth G A T E = - Hartnett defence McNabb. : Kozak is Parker Shelley goal Taddo EEE eatamm = J. Foote spare Cullen WANTED-- PLAIN SEWING Umpires over Goals:-- I. Whiting and E. Pearce i i to do at home---apply ' Mrs J. HOUDE, Mrs Hannet of Eagle was a vis-! Darky Gordon paid Dryden a | Mr and Mrs M.S. Campbell: and family, left for Fort William Plagstrom having accepted a position with the Port Durance Brothers and Company are holding a reception and exhibition at their show rooms, opposite the Royal Bank, Friday and Saturday, January to Turn about is fair play. Dunc Reid has been cutting the Pift locks for, but this week the mer- ! 20th, at 2 o'clock. Officers for 1943 chant trimmed the barber for a change--which is a geat joke to both Peter Heenan, M.P.P., will address a meeting in = Winnipeg about our, He has also an invi- SR of view, which can be taken apart fo illiam to} tive use. Good seats ave still ave d in the: ! : ; able, so don't be backward i week of January 10th he will address nls, So ve Jeword Wm soma the people of Sioux "Lookout, Eagle, Your renewal of confidence expressed} Alfred Pitt - increase my zeal to serve during 1923 E. A. Klose.' ff, Wilde roan 7 en ie --_--m Albert St "Fighting Pete" i] 5 The Toronto Daily Star in "The Spotlight" says of "Fighting Peter" { The friendliest man in the leg- islature can address his friends with a license which most of his esteemed leaders could never emulate. Somebody telephones Peter--perhaps the mayor of a rising western city. The talk is about some slip-up on a meeting. Peter says "You're a liar." Then 'he listens, and in a minute $ays, "Excuse me, Gerry, it's myself that's the liar." And beth ends of the wire are content. Peter's speech hasn't that clear geographic ring that comes from. a Belfast mouth or Yorkshire lips. He leit Ireland with his parents at seven years of age. The family removed to Workington, the town on the west coast of Cumberland t where coal mines, blast furnaces | sustain a virile but not a pro- hibitionist population. The Irish hills, the Cumberland . shore, the volcanic valleys of Costa Rica, and twenty years of Kenora have , combined to produce a character and vocabularian viewpoint that are all Peter's own. ok } * 8 5S 5 Peter Heenan will be in Dryden next Thursday, January the 11th, at the Strand Theatre to meet his con-~ stituents. Fuller particulars will be given later, according to M. S. Camp-~ bell, who is in charge of the arrange- ments. tment = Up et The Annual Meeting of Dryden | Agricultural Society will be held ir 'the Town Hall on Saturday, January * will be elected. % % kK Tickets have nearly all been sold for the sparring contest Saturday night the Paper Mill Hall. A specially d- ' signed platform has been placed in th: 'centre of the floor to give a gor { : forward. : * kk Kk Kk i? The following are results of the | election held January 1st 19.8. For Mayor Duncan Reid ---- i [5 through was in vain. Rhoades bil i For Counci:lors . and Parker tried with 0. he pest, of Is spilt Cot 1 B. Beveridge ----mmmrmmmmmimsnne 3 ! operation as between Citizens and L. A. Klose and main to penetrate OUI Representatives in council will make a c. N to Cry 5 with long shots. But Shelley pig and better Dryden. ,C. Norgate ----..imemmmmim== : 3. Proudfoot PA. G. Ripley mi | J. Winterbottom --aeeuiae am First meeting next Monday at a.m. to swear in. : { The following are resulis of election for the Township of . Horne, held January 1st, 1923. Ho Reeve--E. W. Wice Gu Councillors--Fred Goldrup, John Kay, John Wilson st. C: C. Pilke; * kk kK KX : A Sunday School Social will be in the Oxdrift Community Ha! | Friday evening, September 19th, A collection will be taken, in ord obtain funds to buy books for the Library. Ladies please bring bas ------ NOTICE All Milk, Cream and Tee C dealers, that licences must k newed at once.--BY order ' |" LICENCE INSPEC

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