Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 12 Jan 1923, page 1

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| 2 24 capsule package with gun, 5.00 : 12 capsule package with gun, 3.00 - 12 capsule package, no gun, 2.75 'Dress Shoe, and you can a pair at H. Willard's. BLANKETS, COLLARS, .. - Volume IV. = "Dryden, Number 32 SEU CIN Le te RE An Old Love Story QUITE a little flutter. of hap- piness was stirred in the breasts of the fortunate ones last week, when they drew from. its envelope DRYDEN PHARMACY Ril hi A Sure Shot (Bot and Worm remover) 153, Dryden: 'Memories of other happy nights spent in such pleas-, ness with which all 'hastened to accept the glad summons to the banquet. One dose will rid your horse of Officially, the Rebekahs are the all Bots and Worms harking, back to the old-time TO- mance by which Isaac, the son of Abraham won his bride. id As the ancient chronicler tells it, a picture arises out of the mist of the old~world--a pastoral scene in the ancient land of Canaan, the promised land of the seed of Ab- raham, who one day were to be- come "as the sands of the sea- chore for multitude" and whose . Every Package Guaranteed Price:-- A horse worth keeping is a horse worth treating 'Early winter is a.good time to At the time of the evning, as a party of weary travellers paused to rest near the well which made life possible in that parched land, treat infested horses A Well Dressed Man likes a good oi: snpronchent. to ined DOW, get| water for the countless flocks and A good | herds scattered over j assortment to choose from, every Surely, they shoe solid leather, and full vamp, prices are right EE IE : they had numerous the dependents livelihood was wealth represented by his great droves of cattle. come to visits an whose We also have in stock i-- MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, WORK BOOTS, MOCCASINS, | 4 to guide WOLLEN, LINED, and PULLOVER MITTS, HOCKEY BOOTS, HOCKEY And as they waited for inspir-{ their action, it came to pass that a damsel, fair to look upon, came with a pitcher upon her shoulder, who went down to the well and filled her pitcher. the dainty invitation card of the Raster Lily Rebekah Lodge, No feminine portion of the Order of . Oddfellows, the name Rebekah children would inherit the earth. | they watched the group of maid- parents and stoppe the plain felt, a man of sub-' stance was this Abraham, whom! The Menu Tuesday. goon visited Dryden Tuesday. 'in Dryden Monday. Mr Archie Wright was jin Dryden "J. T. Brett, ex-Mayor of Kenora was | ami rn sno i: I PEOPLE of Dryden will wel- come the: announcement River were in Dryden last Monday. f alias "Darky Gordon" made a business trip to Dryden this week. Miss Margaret Scott is spending the Christmas holidays in Toronto and will visit, relatives in Parry Sound before returning. H. N. McWilliamson, Secretary of; the Keewatin branch of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, stopped over in Dryden Tuesday, on his way to Ignace. R. J. Pronger wishes to announce that his trappers' licence forms have arrived at last, and trappers can be supplied at any time. Mr and Mrs I. J. Clark, of Keewatin "and their two youngest children spent and New Years in Parry Toronto with Mr Clark's d over in Dryden 'on their way home Tuesday, visiting 'Christmas Sound and ob] friends. : { The Managers of the Skating Rink entertained the Ladies of Easter lily 'Rebekah Lodge "At Skating" Monday 'night. After a most enjoyable even- ing the Ladies repaired to Mrs D. drawn' from the pois where an excellent luncheon wag served. M. FT. Cook returned Thursday Morning with his bride. His many friends were undeniably pleased to : gee him and the more so that he re- turned not alone. if M. F.; makes goed as husband in a like manner to STICKS, ETC. ® kK HARNESS and PARTS And when the travellers ap- proached and asked for water, she: said "Drink, my lords," and let down her pitcher upon her hand tand gave them to drink. SWEAT PADS; So from this old story of Re- all sizes bekah we have the ideal of one; his success in the Agricultural Rep- | resentative field, the Blue Ribbon will he forthcoming without doubt. Bill Richardson the most popular s Tie Inspector on the whole line of the iQ. P.R. and one of the best all round i sports that ever struck Dryden, left who ministers to those in need, Jon Number Four this morning for rgd giving freely to 211 that they may {Tovonto, From there he will journey Skates for sharpening should be left in the moning to make sure of | getting them the same day fchapter A full supply of Dr Scholl's aga reed the remedies always O hand at satisfy their wants. : But turn up the twenty-fourth of Genesis, and once story for yourself. x kK ~OIXty guests of the Rebekah to Oshawa where he has a brother re- siding, later visiting Detroit. MUNICIPALITY OF MACHIN Th» following 1° result of the Tiections for : ae Township of Ma hin: ine ! Ns Reeve Lodge sat down to a table bount-{,, . Re H. WILLARD, fully laden with the finest of F. (DUE «non remermmtrmes 2 Boot and Harness Repairer. viands, provided by the ladies init 2 do ta] Bg, smear 2 2s = the lodge. The decorations were Fo Shoglatd eee oo ern en 3 roses and palms, very tastefully For Councillors y SHOES arranged, and six small boys B. DURAN. wm dor momenta 2 a9 | waited on the tables. Miss Farr a > Wofgnas hd ne and acted as toast mistress. > Sin silo ol ope The first toast to the King was' Si SR MN duly honoured by the standings wo i 2 HOSIERY iy lie the National 7 WHEE women z= Anthem. Miss Ingall, in a grace G. 'Malott .... ge ¥ FOR THE FAMILY 'ful speech gave the toast "Our FARM HELP ; at Country", and led in the singing of O Canada. The toast "To out} G A T = Gx Visiting Friends" was proposed Clerk. ! , 1923 TOWN OF DRY DEN x % Xk X Notice of Registration of By-Law NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a by-law was passed by the Council of 'by Mrs Larsen, and characterist- 4 § wi Beaton. MACHIN & TEASDALE Mrs Thos. Scott proposed To ~ ~ * 7] ir] » be 1 Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Our Subordinate Lodges," which {IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK |N.G. of Dryden Lodge 1.0.0.F. wh whose toast to the Rebekahs was NN er ----e---------- jreplied to by Mrs Adair, N.G. of O\ N OF DRYDEN. Lang Syne brought this part "of : : : "the proceedings to a close. Application will be received by teh un- : 192. pi . . : t, 1023 for io given over to social 1nter- two Auditors for the current year, at! curse, a whist drive an 4 - chet a salary of fifty dollars each: games, the whole being topped off Dated this 11th day of January The music, in keeping with all other features of the programme, was contributed by members of miring comment. With practi- cally no rehearsal, the effective- considerable and was altogether the Town of Dryden on the 15th day of | creditable to the individual play- December 1922, providing for thelers. Miss Fern Taylor and Mrs $9,000.00, for the purpose of complet- Adair (cornet) Mr T. Riley ing the erection of the School building (clarionet) Mr D. Lane (cello) for Union School Section No. 1, Van and Miss Jessie Taylor (piano), that such by-law. was registered in the square dances, proved a combin- registry office of the District of Kenora {ation hard to beat. : : on the 22nd day of December 1922.| A cafeteria lunch provided at lically responded to by Rev. J. M. was answered by Bro. H. Adair, KENORA Ont. Faster Lily. The singing of Auld ; The remainder of the evening dersigned until January 31s J. E. GIBSON, by a very enjoyable dance. the Order, and earned much ad- fess of the ensemble was at times issue of debentures to the amount of O. H. Pronger (violin) Mr H. Horne, Wainwright and Dryden, and with Mr Adair playing for the Any motion to quash or set aside the midnight again refreshed the Odd The Bureau of Colonization and Tm-| migration expects a large number of first class men from the Old Country during the latter part of March and succeeding months, some experienced; some partly and some mnexperienced young men; experienced married men; partly experienced married men, with and without families. Farmers with vacancies will kindly write H. A. Mae- Donald, Director of Colonization, Par- liapnent Buildings, Toronto, or to their Agricultural Representative for in- formation and application forms. pplications will be dealt with as far as possible in the order sn which they are received, preference 'being given yearly engagements. ! - (Signed) M. F. COOK, Agricultural Representative. BEDWORTH SCHOOL REPOR for the month of December Sr 1V.--Honours--Louise Monty. Pass--Irma Milanese, Jim Davidson. Sr. 111. --Honours--Mario Milanese. ~ Sr. I1-- Honours-- Alice Patricia White, Albert Maseetti. Pass--Lyla Clausen, Evar Moline. old Rutter, Guido Zentil. am, I---Honours-- Willie Evans. . Pass--Laura Davidson, W. Moline. 1 Jv. I--Honours-- Jessie Monty. same or any part thereof must be made Fellows, their wives and other | Pass-- Ernest Monty, Garde Rutter _ within three months after the first | visitors, forming an agreeable Bruno Zentil. publication of this notice, and cannot | interval in the harmonious even- Primary, Honours -- Ines Mascetti be made thereafter. ling, which kept the interest of the Dated the 26th day of December, 1922! company till the wind-up about J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. two o'clock. 'Walter Evans § Pass--Willie Rutter." ¥ " ! Mr Aldum and Mr James Gordon; | J hospitality. 564 prevented more frequent oOppor- "ihe was personally irresistible, he Jr. 111.--Honours--Alfred Milanese. Pass--Vernon Rutter, Agnes Clausen; mens Compensation. wilkinson, § °, On the platform Jr. II--Pass Florence Zentil, Har- MARGARET KAAKE; Teacher. evening of 'the 19th inst, beginn-| ing at'8 p.m. There will be a programme of | repeated in order that all may various numbers. Card tables) will be provided in two or of the up - stair rooms. by the ladies of the IIE, School Board Invites the Pu considerable merit in one of the | rooms, which will probably - bel pig opportunity. have an opportunity to hear the grown-ups, three | to Beersheba. Lunch | to state that this will be served during the evening | charge, visitors being received Women's |the guests lic | To a Reception to be held in the Ne J. D. Aaron, Postmaster of Wabi- | R Py : 1e New School er ar ET ES Later on a dance will be arrang- of the, ed, with Orchestra in attendance. | fF The w 'des C ALAS { : © iSchool Board of the Rece tion to, The whole idea, of ihe Board in : Mrs L. Wright and Mrs W. Wright 7 eld in the New Sch P arranging this affair, is to enable ant company quickened the eager--of Eagle be held in the New Sc ool on the eyeryon is intere to inspect it is opened to the pupils. Tt is the Board's desire that every person avail This, of course, 18 intended for and the invitation 18 general to everybody Irom Dan It ma Board. DOUGALD KENNEDY, M.P.] invited a number of friends and' supporters to an informal little! dinner in the Central Hotel here! Thursday evening on the occasion of the visit of his fellow represen- tative, Peter Heenan, M.P.P. The dinner was a purely social affair, entirely devoid of political significance. Mr Kennedy will shortly leave for Ottawa, and doubtless was glad of the oppor- tunity, during the lull before the political storm of the coming Provincial Election, to spend an hour with a few of those who honour and respect him as a friend and neighbour, regardless of party affiliation. Covers were laid for twenty guests, among whom, were Mayor Pitt; Hugh McKinnon, Kenora; of the Port Arthur riding; F. T. Brignall, U.F.O. District Director and a few others. During dessert, Mr Campbell nicely expressed the appreciation of all present, and moved a vote | Kennedy Banquets M. S. Campbell, LL.P. chairmanj 13 [Aeenan chairman, did not transgress in~ the manner suggested. He started out by wishing his audience a happy new year, and went on to tell them he was not there to talk party polities, nor did he standfor party in any sense, but' simply as their rpresentative. "My politics," interests of the district." Mr Heenan contrasted the "amount spent in the district under his admin- istration as being from six. to nine times greater than during the years immediately preceding. He thanked the Mayor and Councillors of Dryden for the resolution urging his appoint- ment to the vacant position on the Hydro Commission, and claimed that civailar action on the part of towns and municipalities throughout the riding had constituted an endorsation of his policy during tenure of office. He next drew attention to the im- portant part played by water power in the development of industry. citing the Dryden Paper Company and the two power stations here, which are expected to exert so considerable" an ie of thanks to Mr Kennedy for his Mr Heenan also felt inclined fo emphasize the value of such affairs in business and social intercourse. He remarked the growth of the custom among men in general, and said the effect was noticeable in the less kostile atmosphere that prevails among business men of late years. He regretted that the isolated posi- tion of our several communities tunities of a like nature. Mayor Pitt expressed some doubt as to whether he had been included in an official or a personal capacity; but as one naturally felt a desire to believe was going to give himsell the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, he had no hesitation in expressing pleasure at being present, and was thoroughly convinced that such friendly gatherings could be productive only of good for everybody. Mr Kennedy in his quiet way influence on the future of the town and district. % He explained the diverse claims of Manitoba and Ontario to control of the waterpower of the Lake of the Woods and the Winnipeg River, also the act of the Dominion government in stand- ing by Manitoba, where the federal control over the natural resources was complete. He told how the Dominion had nearly camouflaged the Ontario government into the passage of a bill innocent enough on the face of it, but with sinister possibilities, and further how he had, in the interests of his con- ctitueney, contrived the holding up of the bill and its subsequent shelving. The outcome of the matter has been a conference at Ottawa within the past month, at which the Washington government and the provinces interes- ted were represented, and the final arrangement of a satisfactory agree- ment to which all parties have or will soon hecome signatories. The new angements provides for the conser- vation of the water of the great water- shed to the south, and all discord has} been eliminated. Mv Heenan used a chart to show! how the proposed action on the part of! ove i's expressed his, satisfaction if he could contribute even 4 little to the social amenities, and felt Manitoba would have adversely affect- sd Ontario, his explanawtions being to sufficiently rewarded by their kindly acceptance of his invitation To crown a dinner which was a credit to the Central, Mr Grab- owsla then passed the Cigars, and th party adjourned to 2 public meeting in the Strand Theatre, where Mr Heenan de- livered an address to the waiting audience. ; Bk kok ok kx "Peter Heenan, M.P.P., drew a fair- sized audience at' the Strand theatre Thirsday evening, where he had been billed to speak on water powers and Ytheir: relation to industry, as well 'as ! the Mothers Allowance Act and Work- with him was Mr M.P. The chairman i Mayor Pitt, in introducing the speak- ters, remarked in a jocular manner | that while Mr Heenan could speak at {as great length as any politician he "had ever heard, Mr Kennedy was his 1 Dougald Kennedy, exact antithesis, and was apt to cut , his remarks too short. He then called on the federal member, and Dougald , ran true to form, being back in his chair ip record time. i Mr Heenan stepped briskly forward and mindful of the admonition of the ' pendents Th he point and extremely lucid. The Workmen's Compensation. Act was next touched upon, Mr Heenan contrasting the ease with which a disabled workman can obtain redress or compensation to the extent of 66 p.c of his earning capacity, as compared with the procedure under the old re- gime. The others' Allowance Act, e in the community, who, sted in educational affairs | == the new School before) themselvs of | as of Dryden School : % kekys, bearing ok mr | said the speaker, "are thei 'Notice To Parents Parents of all children of six years ; or over not at present attending school {and who intend starting _ attendance | when the new school is open, are re- i quested to forward th names of such intending pupils to the Principal, not later than Tuesday 16th January, to "facilitate enrollment when the classes "are formed. : M. E. LUCAS, Principal. . ANNUAL MEETING ¢ ¥ "The Annual Meeting of the Port Ar- thur and Kenora United Farmers Politicial Association will be held in !the Van Horne Township Hall, Frida" January 26th, at 3.30 p.m. BUSINESS: -- Financial Report, Tlection of Officers, and other matters ? ight be w ell: a full attendance is requested. affair is without! C. V. NORDRUM, Sccretery. LOST--A Watch Chain and bunch o identification tas: Tinder please return to office ¢ Agricultural Representative and 1% cieve reward. : For Sale-- CLYDESDALE GELDING 9 'years old, in good condition: geal worker--Apply to 2 A. ZALLNER, Vermillion Bay. ® ° EL] Ll Municipality of Machin Assessor Wanted Applications for the position of Asses- sor for the Municipaiivy of Machin aad unorganized terriovy, for the year 1425, at a salary of $100 69 will he received by the Clask up to Ssturda,, January 27th. CRORGE RULTE, Clerk NOTICE a All outstanding accounts due the Municipality of Machin are to be paid to the Treasurer from this date. January 8th GEORGE RUETE, 7 'Treasurer Municipality of Van Horne * % kK Clerk and Treasurer : Applications for the position of Clerk and Treasurer for Van Horne Council for the year 1923, will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.m. Friday January 26th. Abplication to state salary expected. : Lowest or any tender not necessarils accepted. Clerk's Office D. ANDERSON Dryden, Jan. 9, 1923 Clerk ASSESSOR Applications for the position of Asses sor for the Township of Van Horn and Glengolan School, for the yes 1923, will be received by the unde signed up to 6 p.m. Friday, Januar 26th 1923 at a salary of $100.00 Clerk's Office D. ANDERSON Dryden, Jan. 9, 1923 Cex Township of Zealand skosk ox 3K Asgessor A Special Meeting of the ~atepay of S.8: No. 2 Township of Zealand v be held in the Schoolhouse on Sat day, January 97th, at the hour o o'clock" in the evening, to 06 whether it is advis sean crete basement under the ! a furnace heating puild a Cloak Room School House. By Order of the Tiruslens W. W. WHITE, Sec-Tres Q. 8. No. 2, Zeal em ------------ TT TB" : NOTICE All Milk, Cream and Ice Cr with its paternal interest in the de- of citizens of restricted! means, deceased, was also dealt with by the speaker in a manner which evidenced familiarity with the subject. Speaking of waterpower, Mr Heenan gave it as his opinion that the Town of Dryden had in W ainwright Falls dealers, that licences must be newed at once.--By order LICENCE INSPECT NOTICE "To the benefit of Public He agreement one of the best contracts inj . " 2 {Be careful in buying cheap g Cutario today. The meeting closed with three cheers aad a tiger = for Fighting Pete. ; ) 'when you have to eat them. uy fresh groceries whic] sold at full value. On accot For Sale--BARBER CHAIR, ELEC- not having any old stock of er vr npr d Bands tO offer at reduced f TRIC HAIR CLIPPER, ELECTRIC, are giving away, with VIBRATOR and a complete set of BARBER TOOLS. Including RAZOR HONES, SHEARS, 2 pair CLIPPERS FANCY SHELF-BOTTLES, and BAR BER SIGN. -- Apply Mrs C. BE. SMITH North of Track. - } 'five dollar cash order, five p of granulated sugar free. day only, limited to the fir 1 customers FREE-- Five pounds of ulated sugar Saturday at 0 H{RRONG ®,

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