Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 16 Feb 1923, page 3

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- J THE PEOPLE'S PAPER Canada to Lead By J. Lewis Milligan E JE SE 2 The task of preparing the Presby- terian Church for Union with the Methodist and Congregational Church, to form one United Chuch of Canada, | has been undertaken by Rev. R. J. Wilson, D.D., at the request of the resbyterian Ccurch Union Movement, "smmittee. In order to initiate this great and inspiring task, Dr. Wilson has been granted three months' leave of absence from his ministry in Chal- mers Church, Kingston. 5 Dr. Wilson is particularly well qua- lified for the work he has taken in hand. He is a 'man of forceful but genial personality, has rare executive; ability, the gift of oratory, is a ready end incisive writer and has had a wide experience as a minister and as a man among men. Before moving to Kingston in 1918, he served with striking success for fifteen years as rainister of St. Andrew's Church, Van- couver. He has thus a first-hand knowledge of the" Carel, East and, Wiest, Dr. Wilson cones nes 'in his person- lity the traditional Presbyterian with the native-born, forward-looking Can- adian. He 'has a warm regard for 3 the "auld Kirk" of his LTE when the question of Church | Union was first mooted he was one. and of the foremost in opposing it. Later, United Church of Canada, and he has. not been untrue to that vision. "There is a thrill in this thing--"* can't you feel it?" he said to me the} other day. "I take no second place byterian Church, and if 1 thought that by Union we were to lose any of those placed Presbyterians in the front rank of thought and action throughout the world, I would be with Dr. Scott and Mr MacBeth to-day. But I am too much of a Presbyterian to be bound by an idolatrous servitude to the out- ward forms of tradition, and I am too much of a Canadian to be blind to the demands of the present day and the vision of the great Taine which lies before this Dominion." "You seem to be quite sure that 'Church Union will be consummated," "I am as sure of that as I am that the sun will rise to-morrow morning," "the doctcor emphatically replied. "Can you imagine a progressive people like Canadians never changing the form of their ecclesiastical organizations from that which was made for an entirely 'however, he caught the vision of a to any man in my love for the Pres wi vital and vigorous qualities that have | Don't Forget E333 i Saturday, February 17th, commencing at 830 p.m. There will be prizes , given for the best ladies' and gent's 'costume-- Hired, Home-made 'Comic. Admission, Gents $1.00, ladies are requested to provide lunch. Ladies without lunch .50 f different country and a different peo- ple? Such a static ceili would result in religious stagnation; and I am not so sure but this is what the churches are - suffering from to-day. Church Union will not usher in the millenium, and it will not finally abo- lish all the Jdifferences in form and creed among Christians; but, so far as Canada is concerned, it will be a stupendous move forward. We believe that the consummation of this Union | will give an inspiring lead to Christen- dom throughout the world. Church Union must come, and will come des- bps all these efforts that are being put forward to stop it. © Why ther, should we of this generation not share in its benefits? If we as Presbyter ians do not: take this tide of God 2' the flood, we shall spend the rest ¢" our lives in shallows and miseries." CHES. A. JRGESS / i BREAD, CAKES, CONFECTIONERY Metcalife's Chocolatés, Fresh Fruits LUNCH PARLO UR ICE CREAM BRICK Fpsiy Week- End wr Sa ne I I b: | ¢ 2 = 2 The Welcome re given this new car j shows that once more | ry [4 W.C. DURANT o knew what the public i FP needed. i MODEL A-22 TOURING $1280 f.0.b. Toronto, Ont. f Dryden District Motor Co Dealers DURANT : a pe men prise Nappa © J 0 mmm All $9) 10 FOR SALE-- Two Fresh MILK OWS--apply D. FREJD Municipality of Machin Applications will be received by tie | undersigned up to February 10th for the position of Assessor for the Muni- cipality - of Machin and unorganized ortions of School Sections for the sear 1923, at a salary of $125.50 gona RULTE, Clerk or TET 2: Huuicipality of Van Horne Clerk and Treasurer Clerk and Treasurer Applications for the position of Clerk and Treasurer for Van-Horne Township will be 'received by the undersigned ug to 6. p.m. February 10th, 1923. Applications to state sal- ary expected. The lowest cr any Tend- re not necessarily accepted. D. ANDERSON, Dryden, Jan. 27th 1923 - "For Comndilior Nomination for One Councillor will be held on Monday, February 12th, be- tween the hours of 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. in the Township Hall. If necessary, an election will be held at the same place on Monday, February 19th 1923, between the hours of 9 and 5 p.m. Clerk's Office D. ANDERSON Dryden, Jan. 27th. Clerk. Clerk. | DRESS MAKING : for Wom. n & Children Mail Orders Promptly attended to. EX 33 Out of Town Customers should send measurements, also color and kind of material to be made up JAMES McFADYEN REAL ESTATE AKD INSURANCE DRYDEN . our. FOR SALE Small Pony BUGGY and HARNESS. Cheap for cash TOM LEWIS, Dryden FOR SALE-- One Table GRAMA- PHONE, also 80 RECORDS-- $55.00 FRED GREEVES Contact Bay Mines, Dryden LULLUGAL UU Oy ATLILIUD) av ay savas FARM FOR SALE Farm for Sale, one half mile north of Oxdrift, 160 acres, 25 acres cleared, 6 acres plowed, 6 acres fresh seeded house finished with .V siding, 18x24, price $2500.00. For terms apply T. J. LATIMER, Dryden FOR SALE-- Good DRIVER, 4 years old, about 1100 ibs, sound, quiet and good worker. Price $100.00 cash. E. DAWKINS FOR SALE--About 20 tons of HAY in stack, $16.00 per ton, located north of Oxdrift--apply DURANCE BROTEERS , Dryden © - but plays any 'His Victor record with THIS MASTER'S VOICE" (OPYRIGHTER CANADA 5005 EMILE BERNER It is the smallest of the Victrola family, whieh only a genuine Victrola can give. Other models up to $615.00 Master's Voice"- a beauty of tone A demonstration will be gladly given at any His Master' Berliner Gram-o-phone Company Limited, Montreal s Voice" dealers A. G. Victor Records supplied by RIPLLCY, Dryden, \ The above, or any other model, and your favourite "His Master's Voice" Ont. The Masquerade Ball to be held ont and | Mrs W. H. EVANS with red clover, balance in hay. New. || Railway News SAR -- Ca here recently Yr. Grant Hall, Vice-President C: P. R., said his tri ip was simply in : the nature of an ordinary inspection tour and that the company had no wndertakings in mind connected with it. The new pier work will proceed as soon as possible. As far as he could judze from hia trip through the prairies and from reports received, big crop this year, and the company was making 'its usual preparations to handle its share of the business expeditiously. Asked if the big harvest and re- adjustment of freight rates would mean that this company would carry larger quantities of grain here this £all, Mr. Hall replied that it was a matter over which the Canadian Pacific had no control. "It all rests with the owner of the grain," he said. "We are prepared to haul it either East or West, just as he directs." Rumor periodically revives the story that the Canadian Pacific is about to electrify its mountain lines in British Columbia. In regard te this Mr. former visits here, that the compan is still conducting experiments ith a view at some later date of for- a1 proposed electrification. The im- ression he gave was that if the plan s pronounced feasible by its experts ° pol the company ig ready, it will proceed with the work. In any event tiuis is liable to be a considerable time distant. The vice-president was panied through the British Columbia division by Mr. F. W. Peters, general superintendent. He was met on arrival here by leading officials of the company and several personal friends. : Assiniboia, Alberta. -- A further programme of improvement of lines of the Canadian Pacific in the west was announced by D. C. Coleman, vice-president in charge of Western lines, who is on his way west. The largest item on the list was the relaying with one hundred pound steel of the double track Saggy Ignace and Kenora. A considerable number of bridges will, be replaced with more permar nent structures. With respect 'to werk on new branch lines it was announced that be existing gap on the Weyburn- Lethbridge will be closed; the line from Russell north will be coms- pleted; the first fifty miles of the Lanigan northerly line will be fully equipped for traffic; and the grading will be continued on the branch lines from Consul east. In this connee- tion, Mr. Coleman said: "We had" hoped to-.announce a larger pre- gramme of branch line construction but until the effect of the freight rate reductions just ordered on the revenues of the railway companies can be accurately determined, it is obvious that an ambitious policy ig out of tha miractinw i] out of the question." Port Hope. -- The C. P..R. Port Hope bridge is fifteén hundred feet long. It is an interesting question and the work. There are at present eleven men swinging the brushes; they will be busy for at least eight weeks and' thy is a big job and a tedious one. Men zo. over the entire structure with small picks and hammers removing 2ll the corroded parts after which it is brushed down with steel brushes. and it comes all ready prepared for the work. The wages of the men for this job will exceed two thou- sand five hundred dollars, gives some idea what the painting account for the C, Po R. would Toy int to each year. There are two ars which provide eating and sleep- gd 'quarters for the men. It is just ture was given a liberal coat of paint. * * x . Notice to Settlers Registered patentees or Barley, not for each sctiler. Department of Agriculture, or Lots will not be entertained wunles Master Applicant is the Registered Owner. Applications in respect of Unpaten Applicant of the Departr.ent. The applicaticns ll be forwarde: later than March 1st, next. BENIAH BOWMAN Minister of Lands and Forests there would be a 'Hall stated, as' he has on § mulating a policy in regard to the ° accom- | how long it will require to paint it how much paint will be used on | ee hundred gallons of | paint will spread over the long span. The work of preparing the girders § A graphite paint is used | which ! 'seven years ago that this big strue- - fo Biot yaa i ---- NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT BRANCH materia locatees | may obtain Sced Oats, Wheat and exceeding $100.00 in value Forms of application may be ob- tained froma the Crown Lands Agent, .or the District Representative of the the Northern Development Branch, Par- | liament Buildings, Toronto. Applications in regard to Patented accompanied by Certificate of Search from the Local Registrar or Local of Titles, showing that the ted Lots will not be entertained if the is not registered "as' the Locatee or Purchaser in the Records to the Local Crown Lands Agent not A Big Reduction TOWN OF DRYDEN. OK ok Xx 7 Tenders for Wood Tenders will be received until Feb- yruary 15th for the supply of 25 cords 10f Tamarac wood, delivered at Town Hall, Dryden. : Lowest or any Tender not necess- Tarily accepted. Tenders to be sent to "J. E. GIBSON, Dryden Golden Star Lod» No 484 AF. & A.M, Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. F. P. MATTHEWS, W.M. A. J. CLEMPSON, Sec. \ 1. 0. 0. I. DRYDEN LODGE, He 417 Tels at the Town Hall every ist and 3rd Monday of each 'month at eight Bk H. ADAIR, N.G. D.'M. KENTNER, Rec. Sec. meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m., in the Town Hall. dially invited. H. REHILL, Rei 8 I.E. GI ai NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &ec. Agent for COMPANY ONTARID DRYDEN Visiting Brethren Cordially Invited. LOL. DRYDEN LODGE No, 1694 ; Mr brie: WATKINS PRODUCTS Visiting Brethren cor- Ree, | wy " 'Health wh; Toliot 'i Positively no connections with suc = PGES BI WBE FPL 3 Pedy ap i POV We have just reduced the price of Electric Light Globes again We carry a complete stock from 10 to 200 watts. Anything from 10 to 60 watts, each heated 40 Ancther big shipment of the latest in Records 70c. each R. J. PRONGER WHY DONT YOU TRAIN BUSINESS? FO We will neea 1,000 girls and young men this year, We had more than 350 calls for office help between March 1st and August 1st. The demand increasing. Business is improving, and will be booming before you cow.- start plete your course, if you Success graduates are pref where. write for free prospectus. The SUCCESS BUSINESS COLLEGE Winnipeg, Man, now. Colleges in other Ciiies. means A nanes a ---- PEO pee BY LIE SBR CP ES PRD § ae Dick Trist Dryden Livery, Transfer and Exchange Bare DRYDEM OMT. DPS RPE VBEDESB RES lp oe 2 Bk £3 wa . Made in Canada k Specialties Largest business of its kind in the world ; THE ROVAL FIRE INSURANCE DAD ROWLAND, Retailer It takes loaves to 0 the give satis i Cd Need i] 1 H. C. Bi The Old A this number of daily Bakery to provide Dryden and District with Bread. from our Every i is made of the purest , and is care fully ba best action to =~ Yr ond Arle SHEA results and every cussiomer Sold by every Stors The Dryden Bakery i. BALL, Proprietor --X-- CKN RRR EL ing Sleighs this Winter ? Guardntes your own satisfaction by having your orders placed with us. It doesn't matter what your requirements are, we can fill them also.- . We are in a position to overhaul, paint, or store cars during the winter, Satisfactory work and moderate rates our speciality.

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