Volume Iv. Dryden, Oat, May 18th 1923 What Toroanis Thinks TORONTO, May 9--Few acclama- tions can be expected in a contest so 'bitter as the one about to begin. Peter Heenan, the Farmer-Labour member for Kenorz, seems to have the best chance of escaping a fight and being 2 Irish he does not care much if he is opposed. Peter's persistency and husky brogue has saved Kenora from bankruptey, secured her industrial activity that is the'envy of surrounds ing communities and kept the town on the map. He is the hero of the town and scarcely less so of the settlers in the district who have shared in the general prosperity. Kenora once upon a time was Rat Portage. Its name might well be changed to Heenanville. Anybody who runs against Peter will be wasting breath and money--Tor- onto Daily Stay. @ Pianos ND mgton Typewriters Sold by -- - Douglas Lane (Post Office Building) DRYDEN ONT. i -- C. B. GAFE "(Opposite C.P.R. Station) x * 3k Lunch Counter and Dining Room! Meals served at any hour \ * kx Cooking and Service unexcelled wk ok Clealiness & Quality Guaranteed ®* Kk XK * TOBACCOS, SCFT DRINKS CONFECTIONS | CHAN BING ~ Celzbrated Forsyth Shirts Guaranteed RE RJ WHY PAY oa PRICES Brits When you can get the very best at the lowest prices at PROUDFOOTS FF ok Shoes Just Arrived--Large Assortment of ; OXFORDS Hk osk ok T. PROUDFOOT Tailor and Gent's Furnisher you lave no use for Ea or Write to New & Fecond Hand Store H ighest Prices Paid LN 'Proprietor | 3 Mr and Mrs Brown Kaleidoscope LIE 2 3 "Win Parfitt of Kenora, is in town. Seeding is general over the whole district, and everybody is busy. Mrs Er N. Beveridge is from a slight indigpositi on. Mrs Little of Wabigeon was in Dry- den the other day. suffering Miss "May Lewis spent the week- end in Oxdrift. Mrs Merrill town Saturday. : Mr and Mrs M'Allen, Ignace, were visitors to Dryden, Monday. of Wabigoon was in Victor Nordrum, Wabigoon, made a trip to Dryden last Saturday. Oscar Kurtz and his sister Betty, Waldhof were in town Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Crosier motored down '| from Oxdrift Tuesday afternoon. Mrs Wm. Sufton returned from the 'old country Tuesday. p Mrs Ponton of Wabigoon was in town early the week. Mrs F. W. Jackson, Oxdrift down to Dryden Tuesday. was Mrs Weare of Minnitaki was among the visitors to town this week. Mr W. East is spending a few days in Winnipeg» Mr and Mrs Stedman left for Buff- alo Wednesday morning. Mrs Geo. Ruete, Minnitaki, was in town Wednesday. Miss Anderson, Hagle River, in Dryden Wednesday. was Steve Kozak came back to town the other day. R. D. Trist has te his livery. added a Star . Opprtunities are mot s rare as are men prepared, to receive them. Leo Hucklo returned Wednesday from a short visit to Fort William. Mr Albert Johnston expects to make a trip to the old ountry early in June. Mrs P. H. Ball, Kenora, was on a visit to her son Gilbert and Mrs Ball HLL week. Miss Laura Foster is staying a few days with her sister Miss Edith, on . the way to her home in London, Ont. Miss Clara Smith is visiting = her parents, Mr and Mrs Dryden Smith, this week. Mr Pateman and His mother-in- law, Mrs Neely, Oxdrift, were in town Tuesday. Mrs Letchiord and Mrs Millings, of Eagle River, were down Wednesday on a shopping trip. gf JC" Dusty Warren is building a new house on the lot he purchased from F. Foulis. - : Mrs Fleming, who has moved to Arthur Street, has accommodation for a few more boarders. have moved from Transcona to take up their resi- " dence in. Dryden. Jim Morton of Cairnbrogie and F. T. Brignall, Oxdrift, each shipped a carload of stock east this week. Chuck Godfrey & Winnipeg O'Brien left for the States Wednesday morn- ing, under contract with T. C. Otis. Otto XKellberg drove his new Star car other day. Ben Hardie, roadmaster from Ken- ora, came down Wednesday to see the Minstrel Show. 2 Hal Dingwall unloaded another car of Fords this week. This makes the sides one of tractors this season. ~ Mr A. Dempster from Scotland is visiting his brother here, on the way to Keewatin where he will take up redidence. Winnipeg, where he met some friends from California who are touring the west. : : Ir and Mrs Shepherd gave a an e- | well party Monday night for Mr and nescday morning. Dryden District Motor Co. unloaded a carload of Star and Durant cars vesterday, which had already found purchasers before their arrival. Mr Robt. Milling, Quibell, came' down this week for the Minstrel Show and sang "The Children's Home" with | his usual success. A trainload of Star and Durant cars quirements of the west. This is the first trainload of autos that has ever c gone to western Canada. ments.---Judge. cari out to his farm in Waldhof the! third carload of passenger Fords be-| J. M. Cuddy spent the week-end in' Mrs Otis, who left for Buffalo Wed-| went through last Tuesday, for the re- | 1 Woman's place is in the advertise-' Inspector Mills met Dryden School | 'Board Tuesday evening, and discussed matters relating to the work of the Continuation School. Mr Gerald Wheeler, who came re- cently from England, is the guest of Mr on a Pt i intepds to be J. Wilde is in town for a few 5, his ready wit and ingenuous con- tions being quite an 'accession to the Blackbi rds Show. ! A. R. Hutchison, proprietor of the Tourist Hotel, Kenora, camme down to see the minstrels Wednesday eyen- ing, and will be around his old home for a few days. Rev. J. M. Beaton, accompanied by a representative of the Press, visited Aubrey School Wednesday afternoon. Mr H. H. Humphreys was unfortun- ately prevented from taking part in the Minstrel Show by illness. Hans Kellperg made the first deli- veries of Star cars this week to Wn. Jahnert and Otto Kellberg. Mr and Mrs F. W. Ashdown, who have spent theh winter in California, are spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Tom Scott, en route for their home in Rosseau, Ont. R. J. Pronger has returned from Fort Francis to attend to some business matters requiring his attention here. Ralph finds his new business a splen- did proposition, Fort Francis being within reach of two or three consider- able towns. He admits likewise that he finds it hard . to be away from Dryden, where he hs so many good friends. Thidk i Quer! Much flattering comment has been heard in regard to the tasteful Menu Card to be seen on the tables of C. A. Burgess. Just take a look at them next time you drop in for a cup of tea or a dish of ice cream. It may add some to your pleasure to know that the Card was designed and printed in Dryden, that the high-qualityspaper is the product of Dryden paper mill and supplied by a Surely your money is better directed through such channels than sent ou of town, since it all helps to provide somebody in town with a job. Think it over. THE PLEASANT HOUR. The Adult Class of Union Church meets at 11 o'clock. extended fo everybody to attend and take part. "Reformers" might well be used as a title for the lesson which is "Klijah." The special passage for study is 1 Kings XVIII. 30--39. 1~What are' the differences between false worship and true. _ 2. There are many reform move- ments today. What part would: Elijah 'have in them were he living now? 3. Should. idolatrous practices in India be suppressed by the British Government ? ' Union Church Sorvicen at Aubrey and Glengoland-- | Mr J. P. Cooke of Victoria College has arrived, to continue the Union Church Services in Oxdrift district which were started by Mr Strapp last summer. This coming Sunday, May 1 20th, the arrangements are as follows: { --Glengoland at 2.30, and Aubrey at ; 6 o'clock. NOTICE TO | CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received 'by the {undersigned up till Noon of Monday, (the 4th day of June, 1923, for the stumping and grubbing of the centre thirty-three (38) feet of the right-of- way for the Keewatin-Manitoba Boun- dary Road from Mileage Seven (7) to | the Manitoba Boundary, in the District tof Kenora, distancd of approxim- ately twenty-three (23) miles. Plans and specifications may be seen "andForms of Tender obtained, at the 'offices of this Branch situated at Ken- ora, Dryden, Emo and Fort William (289 West Amelia St.), or at the office of the undersigned. : Tenders showing a, mailing later than June 4th, will not i goign i A marked cheque for Pine Hundred Foie ($100.00) must accompany tender for each section. The lowest or any tender not neces- carily accepted. C H FULLERTON, Director Northern Development Branch Parliament Buildings Toronto, Ont. a the ribbon by which it was bound was Dryden merchant. and it may be that they don't appear poset m--------------) An invitation is" date | E3FT where it should be: were certainly strucly by the letter of "Enquirer ldst week," said Dave Anderson, Secretary of Dryden and District Agricultural Society. "At first sight it seems discouraging to us to find that cur attempts have met so little apprecia- tion. However, on second thoughts if there are people who think and talk that way, maybe it's better that it should he given the air and discussed openly, and possibly some good may result for our Annual Fair: Maybe the writer didn't mean all he said but his own letter would supply answers to some of his questions. The very fact that he did not sign his full name would seem to prove that' the idea of secrecy is not all on one side. If he has been a resident here all that time and a member for so many years, why dosen't he. come openly to the meetings and give us the benefit of suggestions? I am sure the directors would be glad to see him, and would promptly accept all the help he could give, for nobody knows better than themselves how far short the Fair is from what it could be. But they are at least giving hele time and knowledge to improve things as far as they may, and their princi- pal difficulty is getting people like Enquirer to do something other thar criticize. It takes a lot of energy tc rouse up enthusiasm for the exhibi- {tion and get the grumblers to take an interest in their own Fair, when the people should bestir themselves and allow the directors to give all their time to improving the exhibition itself. A man like Enquirer should not be sitting back waiting to be drag- ged into , the thing; -he should get around and boost the Fair on his own account if he is a public-spirited -citi- zen. Surely he doesn't need someone else to remind him every year that the Fair is coming along. Of course, a great deal of the work done by the directors as a body or in the different committees is not seen. to do much. But anyone who has had <perience' of + this kind "of - thing knows how much needs to be done. g Pe proof of that is that it is so hard ! to get people to accept office on the ® board of management. Everybody wants the job done, but they want the other fellow to do it. Maybe that' 'what's the matter with Enquirer. It is so much easier to criticize other people than to get out and show how to do it. This kind of critic is gen: erally somebody who is seeking a cheap way of getting a name for being anxious for the public good. If he really believes he could get things better done, let him prove his earn- estness by coming forward and we'll be glad to give him something to do At the Annual meeting, besides publishing a notice, we send out post- cards to every member; so Enquire: to turn out and take an office along with the rest of -us, instead of putting us to the usual trouble of leaving the meeting to hunt up a quorum. Things are more advanced this year, than last, and maybe our 1923 show will come nearer meeting his approval than some of those in the past." We are still working at it anyhow." Township of Van Horne Soko ok PROCLAMATIO NOTICE is hereby given attend at the Township on Monday, May 28th, . the hours of 1 p.m. receive nominations f or the balance of, { ; Notice, is also ffven that if more candidftes than af required be nom- inated, a poll will be held on Monday, June 4th, 1923, between the hours of 9. a.m. and 5 p.m. rail, D. ANDERSON, Clerk I will "Dryden, , between d 2 pm. te F one Councillor year. o- MUNICIPALITY OF VAN HORNE Court of Revision NOTICE .is hereby given that the Council of the Municipality of* Van Horne will sit as a Court of Revision in the Township Hall, in the Town of Dryden, Saturday, May 26th, 1928, at 2.30 pam. to hear and determine appeals against the Assessment Role of said Township, and Glengoland School Section, for the year 1922. D. ANDERSON, Clerk Dryden, May 14th, 1688 (THOSE of us who have been doing, what we could to put the Annual Fair must have got his and it is up to hiwr fmany friends in Port Arthur, THE great Minstrel Show, for bn expectancy had become worked up to! the highest limit, was presented to the : ] nesday and Thursday this week by the Dryden Blackbirds. The cause for which the entertal fin E ment was got up being a worthy one 'may have had something to deo in. creating interest and attracting the erowd: but those who saw and heard the performances were agreed that thei H benefit of such musical effort was' enough to stand on its own merits. As a matter of fact, apart from any advantage to athletics, the splendid work done by those who gave their time and talent to theMinstrel Show rendered a great public service to the Town. The cultivation of talent, and the encouragement of its public performance, has long been rec- ognized as a factor of value in social progress. And the amount of avail- able talent in Dryden is great enough to justify anyone with the necessary culture and public spirit to keep up| the choral training for which the ground-work has been so efficiently completed. i Wk sk ok ok The boys certainly had the hall fix- ed up right for the show, and when the hall lights were darkened leaving only the glow from the footlights and proscenium arch, the double row of shining eyes and gleaming teeth showing out of .the ebony faces made a thrilling scene. And when the rousing chorus burst forth, embellisi ad with orchestral effects, one felt that Dryden had at last found a worth- while way to entertain itself. The chorus on the whole was dis- {inctly good, having volume and spirit, sometimes a little weak in attack, but in places rounding out into good, rich tone. The full orchestral accompani- ment was something of novelty too, in Dryden, and added considerably to the fine effect. It would be impossible to describe 'n detail the long programme. The mimitable, solds of Ira J. Wilde, with chorus, made a great hit. While on che other hand, the sentimental bal- lads sung by Mr R. Milling (Quibell) | reached the hearts of the aud lignce and also won an encore. A song started in medium voice by Mr A. urton, 'con- Jnued in the deep bass of Dr Wood, and completed in the high register of Zrnie Payne, was a clever, idea, and earned the heartiest applause. Duets by A. E. Berrey and Frank Porter car- G. H. Ball was another singer new to a Dryden audience who will be sure of a welcome on any future appear- ance. And Dr Wood, a bass singer of anusual quality, was another favour- te. t A quartette composed of F. Porter, A. BEaBerrey, F. M. Offer, Dr Wood, sang "Kentucky Babe" in a manner which was not excelled throughout the evening. | ES £14 And the end men! "Wha could re-: produce their jokes, or convey any a of their fun- making? DM. . Campbell, M. D.. Hambly, Ira J. 3 ilde at one end, while H. Adair, Hal lively at the ther. In the eenire, grave and severe, sat the Interlocutor, Mr Pitt, who hgs had all the fun of ;raining" tho sous and listening to ; vation "accepted. musical | Gun ried the appreciation along, and Frank |- n the role of soloist rather astonished | his friends. ¥ Dingwall, and Arthur Pitt kept things {ED 2 Passing the Buck | The Minstrei Show TOWN oF DRYDLN. kok oa NOTICE -- Tenders will be received by the un- dersingned until May 31st, for exea- on construction of Pump House at the west end of Arthur reet in Town of Dryden. Low- any tender not necessarily Pariculars may be obtained on application to St og 7] COP A. G. RIPLEY YDEN PHIRMAGY Jergen' s Lotion 'of Benzoin and Almonds Softens and Freshens the Skin It is "Medicinally" COT RA BEN-HUR-- The Perfume that ; lasts BEN-HUR-- pleases BEN-HUR---Face Powder (nv) | that stays on We have just received a Nod shi Lk of Woodbury's Toilet rations --" A POWDER, TALCIUMS, soar TOILET WATER, VANI SHING FACE CREAM, COLD CREAM, etc. The demand for Ansco Cameras Toilet Water that and Supplies is far exceeding our highest expectations EE 4 FCR SERVICE & QUALITY. Try the Drug Store First ANNE Sy IRF I. WILLARD ALS Boot and Harness Repairer. 7. ik 0 "Guaranteed" Money refunded if not satisfactory' y' Small Box Large Box A good assortment of: WORK GLOVES & BOOTS, 'DRESS BOOTS and RUBBER BOOTS Just the sort you need for this weather. Some of these lines. are waterproof. 8 A Good Supply of: HARNESS and PARTS CATE or RS SWE T PADS #® aw o% * x A full -supply of Dr. Remedies always on hand AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE or © mm UNDER INSTRUCTICNS RECEIV- FROM THE ONTARIO PUBLIC TRUSTEE subject to a reserved bid. SATURDAY, '19th day of May, 1922 the rehearsals of the various units. Harry Gammon, of course, was' in' charge of the orchestra work, and; assisted by Mrs Cooper at the piano, has attended all the rehearsals. { The proceeds of the entertainment' vill be devoted to the promotion of, Sport during the summer. °° ol , Sontori--Shophord, § Rev. 4. A. Teur of St Paul's, Port | Arthur, officiated the other day i) the? marriage of Sybil Shepherd, daughter | of Mr and Mrs C. Shepherd of Dry 0 formefly of Port Ar thur, to Herman Sanders, only son of Mr and Mrs H. Sanders. The ceremony took place at 4 o'clock, at the home of Mrand Mrs M. Campbell, 14 Marlborough Road. As matron of homour, Mrs Campbell attended the bride, and the bridesmaid i 1 i watch; to Mrs ir a gold bar" pin set with pearls and to Mr Camp- bell a Masonic ring. At the conclusion has, aving resided here with her parents prior to served. Mrs Herman Sanders moving to Dryden two years ago. TERMS: -- was Miss Mae Byrnes. DM. Campbell supported the Spa The groom's gift to his bride was a gold wristy. of the ceremony wedding supper was § t 1st--8e at « The Dryden Hotel Dryden Ontario at 2 p.m. The following property belonging to | the Estate of S. T. Kolden, deceased, situate in the Township of Zealand, District of Kenora:-- ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town- ship of Zealand, in the Districi eof Kenora, and known as Parcel 7393, inn the Register for the District of vKenora being composed of the west' 57 acres of. broken lot number 11 in the 6th concession of the Township of Zealand and all mines and min- erals which are or shall hereafter be found on or under the said lands. 10 p.c. Cash, balance in Thirty Days on Completion of Sale* Auctioneer, J. V. JOHNSTON Solicitor, H. P. COOK, K.C. 1 Ontario Public Trustee, OSGOODE : HALL, Tor onto. For Service--Pure bred (registered Shorthorn Bull at Lot 8 Con. 6 Van Horn--apphy JAMES HATCH \ BCt and Worm Remover There will be sold by Public Auction, Scholl's #