) THE DRY Diy OBSERVER _ ANY MESH OF 4, te "WIRE FENCE you wish we can supplys We keep a full stock of wire goods on hand at all times. will figure up the cost. headquarters your barn; hen house, garage, etc. REx w E. A. KLOE DRYDEN - ONTARIO 4 Tell us for | what purpose vou wish it and we | We are | for all hardware, tools, small goods, etc., needed in Tantioba Sypsom Herdwall and Wood tibre, Fic. tannection ANDERSON & HARRIS DRYD me ONTARIO MEW KD OF HEAT! inYour Stove 30 Days Free $A The are Qil-Gaz Burazer Docs away with cool 2nd wood -- cheaper. Hake: your stove or - range am Gilogas stove. Three times the heat. Keeps home warmer. No firea to make. Mo i 5 SE a, smoke, or, chopping. shoveling, ca ing dirty coal or wood. Saves hours of SL Makes your stove heat or bake better, cleaner, quicker, Doesn't change your stove, simply seta in firebox, easily slipped_in or out, absolutely safe. Lasts lifetime. Makes its own gas from coal-oil {kerogene) at small cost. Oil is cheap 2nd getting cheaper. ~ Gives even heat instantly, much or little, by gang turning valve, Fits gan stove. es money, Ring labor, heal . Olaf Isakson DRYDEN ONTARIO tog A. Klose Care of E. a CHA > = BURGESS OUR SODA FOUNTAIN Is now in full swing, with all the good qualities of last year, and is i : 4 AT YOUR SERVICE a -- Visi? os ~~ New Parlour " Seld by:-- ; FA RMERS ! We have in stock, a good supply of ~ Land Plaster We are gwing away a splen- did book of Practical Homes || and Barns. Call at the office and get your copy Agent For-- HARTFORD FIRE INS. and , - GALT COAL interhott J. Winterbottom Lumber, Coal : and Builders' Supplies. ru - 7% 3. RIPLEY Dryden, Ont. p cone wh oy Eden sesvorse e086 i Dick Trist Bryden Livery. Transfer § and M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce 'Frost & Wood and } DRYDEN - = DPeeed £ BIVCSOGHE LT ONT, Cockshutt Implements RI EE RRA SE CS rh [GAR ih Vv » An old range may (hn more than a new Garry costs Every woman knows Bok dreadful an old range with a poor oven can be. How much coal it wastes! How often it ruin good food! It i is really an economy to have a modern Gar ry with its white nickeled steel oven (washable) and its smooth, glistening exterior. Easy to care for, easy to clean, a' sure baker! It's a comfort 'every day -- a range you would certainly be proud of enjoy 1 = J. JAN Hardware & Furniture Shop 43 \ change Barn §¥ Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer all guestions on Public Health matters through this eolumn. Address him at Spadina Heuse, Spadina Crescent, Toronto, Ont. dso ok xk In view of the tremendous advances made, in Public Health work in this Province during the past decade it is | interesting to recall'what was being dene prior to 1912, and how the Pro- vinelal Board of Health, honth at the ti handicapped ack of funds, wevertheless carrying on an active mn, in many Felds 2 of Public activity. Here is pi interest- 'ng account of the work, taken from the Canadian Magazine of Novemeber 1812. . " Bs "Advanced indeed have been the steps in the last seven years for the protection of public health. Milk, that prime incubator of germs and dissem- nator of disease, is now produced and marketed under. sanitary conditions. an 18909 the Government appointed a Milk Commission. whose members awakened province to the evils arising from unclean dairing and care- less handling o fmilk. The recom- mendations of the commission are em- bodied in one of the most progressive statutes of any state. The consumer now receives a supply measuring up to a strength and delivered as care- | fully as testing and inspection ins ensure. "Rivers and streams are no longer allowed to he polluted with sewerage. Tuberculosis is now classed as a com- munieable disease, and every medical man is compelled to notify the local and provincial officers of health of all cases ¢f communicable disease coming under his care. Vaccination is com- pulsory, when in the opinion of the authorities public health is menaced. The Province has been divided into health districts and each district is in charge of a medical officer with ample T the hh C lassified LE FOR SALE -- CABBAGE PLANTS, outside grown, will be ready in two weeks, only best varieties grown. Special prices for large quantities. We also have coming on, Tomato Plants Cauliflower, Pepper, Celery etc. apply 1---6 McKELLAR & SPENCE FOR SALE--RASPRERRY CANES, strong, sturdy stock, heavy cropper, per 160, $6.00. Also STRAWBERRY PLANTS, varieties adapted. for 'these parts, strong plants, per doz. 50cts. 1--6 3 § FOR SALE_A or: year old SOW | due to farrow August. Also quantity of voung PIGS of Registered York- shire stock, will be ready first week a sune--apply: ' 1--6 McKELLAR & SPENCE road, ten minutes from station--apply 1--6 JAMES SPENCE FOR | SALE--HOUSE and LOT, No. 18 Duke St. Dryden. Must be sold | to settle up estate--apply, Wm. MILLER, Trustee Dryden, Ont. 1--6 FOR SALE--MILK COW, due to # | freshen about middle of June--apply Arriving every Week V McKELLAR & SPENCE Wn Worlion] FOR SALE--A few nice LOTS, re : of Grosimer Ave., east side of morth , FOR SALE--YOUNG PIGS, ready to leave by 1st of June, others later on 2B--6c JAMES ann 25--5¢ JAMES HATCH FOR RENT-- Dunlop FARM, being Lot Nine (9), Concession Four (4), Wainwright. Quite a large clearing. | power to carry out the law. He owes, his appointment to no local body and. ig' therefore beyond local influence. The sanitary campaign is being waged diligently. Travelling exhibits show how to ventilate the sleeping room fand the sick room, how to feed the baby and how to care for the consum- tive. : "He who runs may read circulars, pamphlets and booklets issued under' government auspices on all subject; s pertaining to sanitation and heali/n, Prevention rather than cure is the n'ew gospel. The physician of tomorrow 'lis the sanitarian. , "The baby is an object of no./small concern. Infant mortality occurs at a rate that is an economic loss. Infant mortality is about twenty-eight per- cent of the death rate, while the rate for consumption is not, more than eight percent. Nearly ten thousand children die in Ontario' every vear. The, campaign of education in charge of Dr. J. W. W. McCullough, Officer of Health for Ontario who is, assisted in this particular branch of the work by Dr. Helen MacMurchy, is being diligently carried on, that, the given a chance." Rod and Gun / LE | The Yrothethood of dito ought: ito! issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, / be- Chief mother may be informed and the child §, I ; Dryden. J. A" KINNEY, Barrister 25--5 Kenora, Ont. | FOR SALE-- Registered J ersey Cow | in good condition, due to frphen latter | part of May--apply STEWART & CURT S POR SALE--40 h. p. STEAM ENGINE tion--apply, BOX 25 OBSERVER OFFICE for Sale or Rent.--apply to R. J. PRONGER Fort Francs, Ont. One year old in June. A fine individ- ual--apply. STEWART & CURTIS FARM FOR SALE--Adjoining Town good s bil, opposite: Nymark's. for put chaser, either for cultivation or as resi ential "property. Apply to M. NYMARK,. 30+--~5 | Box 38 Dryden, Ont. vem pc FARM FOR SALE 121 acres, 1% miles south-west of St Lot 6 Con. 4 Township of Van Horne on shore of Lake Wab- 5 roomed house with cellar; email] fruits, vegetables or poultry. be particularly pleased with theh J gme | An ideal place for summer home with | excellent sandy beach--apoly cause it is the Fishing Number, / and | generously. of attractive material that it is certain | to be an absolute treat for fishermen all over Canada. "Fishirg ' on the Great Slave Lake" is a rattling good story and illustrated "Spearing a Devil-Fish" is a yarn, that is different, while there are many | others equally as gbod. But non-fish- | ermen are not forgotten in this num- ber and . there are other = features. There is a big generous Guns and ley's new "Outdoor Talk" department, as well as the other regular depart- ments, and a large collection of mis- cellaneous material that vounds: ou a top-notch magazine. Rod and Gun in Canada is publ ian monthly at Woodstock, 'Ontary o, by Ww. J. Lote, Uibed. j / ROBT. SWEENEY General Blacksriith & Woodwork er Oxygen Ar etylene wel fing in cop, nection profusely, % Ammunition department, W. C. Mot- 2(;--8 S2con d Haid Store West End of King STEWART & CURTIS becuse it features that splendid sport NPE MATIN WA WAS NINNING PAI. TINS In fact, the. June Jissue, which is now on sale, is so chock-full | ¢ i i, HAY FOR SALE--Thirty tons of paled hay, prime quality. Also small stack of loose hay alg $17. 00 jper ton--apply, R., H. PRONGER, Dryden / ee WANTE D-- W ANTED-- All kinds of team work. 5 decial atti>ntion paid to furniture 'moving. Alse gardens ploughed. Ser-" vice a all hiours--apply JAS. O. TAYLOR Street; Dryden, Ont. "= wm Tr ------ 7 he BISS SELL DISK HARROWS cited for GREAT CAPACITY, Light DI1IAFT, & Vionderful DURABILITY: Tianished in 2, 3, 4 and 6-horse size, in: In-throw aml Out-throw types. . Also in DOTABLE-ACTION TYPES, for use with all' Standard Tractors. I have the Bissell Agency for : DISKS . PACKERS "ROLLERS, f and SILOS ~S ys = For sale Tay - a HN WiOORE OXDRIFT. FOR, SALE--Two Fresh MILK COWS i A en TRE me io ¥ ear-mounted; in good running condi- : DRYDEN BUSINESS & PROPERTY FOR SALE--- Pure-bred Jersey BULL' of Dryden; 80 acres more or less, all | A snap igoon. barn 20x28; hen-house 14x36; shed 20x25. This is a five location for ] ----NOTICE-- |= BUILDERS Si UPBLI ES Hed ait 5 Talks | Rev. W. E. CHRISMAS, Divine oy \/ | Picture Framing a So a wi Tt i "The P eopie's Store' * koko aa Yar Fresh S tock of \ FRUITY anp VEGETABLES NA bid 20--6 UBRICK COLLEN i + Wabigoon, Ont. @ Ee b = \/ GROCERI®S, CURED MEATS, \/ Oxdrift Co-operative Compa gy, Limited. TRI RAE othe ince MENS i Fi Fresh BE COOKED 'Phone No. 6 EF, PORK, LAMB & VEAL H:MBURGER STEAK Made Fresh Daily * kk Kk A Select Line of always on hand MEATS [ZBI D. FRE]D, Proprietor. KEROSENE SAVE YOUR Y well as the driver. horse" F. OXDRIFT 7 ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your team as How about pulling a load besides? In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the heavy farm work such ag discing can be done most speedily and economically with a Case Xeros ene Tractor. or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ft. double action dise harrow set to full depth. Busy farmers can work the "iron day and night if necessary. tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl- inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The all cut steel spur gears are fully enclosed and run in cil. of the Case 10-18 is only about 8,400 Ibs. this, with the liberal sized tires prevents soil packing. explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking. Let us tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Tractors, T. BRIGNALL TRACTOR S HORSES» The 10-18 Don't forget that Case The weight® Other important features ONTARIO "EEE BEI ER EIREER NEE EEE EE ERE R BERN Child's White CANVAS LACE BOOT, sizes 5 to 10 sale __. ' Misses' White CANVASS LACE BOOT, sizes 11 to 2, sale __..._ Ladies' White CANVAS PUMPS, sizes 2 to 6%, sale _____.._ Ladies' White CANVAS LACE BOO TS, sizes 3 to 614, sale (High Heel or Low Heel) Ladies' White CANVAS LACE BOOT (Rubber Sole and Heel) The first shot from the gun on Reduced Prices WHITE CANVAS WEAR with leather soles 'Just theh thing for home or house-wear, or for school gorls as follows: Child's Black CANVAS SLIPPERS, sizes 5 to 10, sale -- ow _..__... $1.95 ~ § Child's White CANVAS SLIPPER sizes 6 to 10, sale ____.__.__..__. 1.45 ; Migses'" White CANVAS SLIPPER, sizes 11 to 2 sale ume... 1.60 . 1.95 Zara lta Ty as 2.05 Tr I' Dryden "Ye Oldé Firm" Treintznrm & Company, F ae Kenora Branch "The best in PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS Old instruments taken in exchange. New instruments sold on easy terms FREE Jans J. ups in charge STIEDIORY VIBOPFRVIUV IT fA. a GARDINER - {zeneral Merchant EAGLE RIVER, ONT. } AGENT he Cockshuit Plow Go.. Frost & Wood linplaments Charnla'e Nraam Canavninre CHUL EI V Viva Gupurasele Raw Furs Bought and Sold 2900909090000 000000900000000