Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 1 Jun 1923, page 1

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od * © Pitt, Mrs J. V. Johnston. way PAY HIGHER PRICES Just Arrived--Large Assortment i Volume IV. Dryden, Qut. June 1st £925 Number. 55 Women' s Institute EX EXT The Dryden Women's Institute held its regular monthly and annual meet- ing on May 25th-in the Town Hall when the following officers were elec- ted for the years 1923--24: President--Mrs M. S. Campbell. 1st Vice.-Pres.--Mrs M. Mortis. 2nd Vice.-Pres.--Mrs Dr. 'Dingwall. Sec.-Treas--Mrs W. J. Wilkinson. Directors--Mrs A. M. Taylor, Mrs A. Auditor s--Mrs T. Scott, Mrs D. Hut a chison Mrs T. J. Latimer. District Director--Mrs T. J Abit, During 192 2-25 this branch raised nearly $1,900.00, so that we. must} thank everyone who helped in making' "this 'year so successful. Mrs M. S. CAMPBELL, President Mrs Ww. iF WILKINSON, Sec.-Treas. N\ Pianos AND VARIORUM. qo ok ¥ Aviom Pitt returned from t Monday morning. G. Tucker, of Dryden Gold Co., has gone to New York. At Dryden, Wednesday, May 231d, to Mr and Mys Silas Cole a daughter. Mrs Hartnett and Miss Kathleen Miss Florence Dickson is home on a visit from the head of the lakes. Mrs Arthur Meighen is in town, and is the guest of Dr and Mrs Wood. Mrs Browning, Oxdrift, town Wednesday. was in _8. Daiter is in Winnipeg on a buy- ing trip. ; Mr Chas. Wright of Wabigoon was' in. town yesterday on business.. Mike Gallagher of Kenora, known baseball player is in town to- day. sd . 5 : After trying out other makes of cars, Mr Harold Morton is the owner of a new Star car. j "Queenie Thomas left Wedntudny to spend her holidays at Bridgebury, Ont with her mother and brother. Richard twenty-five Trist says he is getting miles per gallon ® of gas jout of his new Star car: \ Mr I. Katz, of the Commercial Hote], Kenora, dropped off Xe L 'the other day. Magistrate Pronger made an official Remington - "Ty pewriters ® Sold by: -- Dodalis Lane (Post Office Building) | visit to Vermillion Bay Monday, to pass decision 'in an assault case. Mrs Mike Morris is a perfect driv- er after thr ee one- -hour lessons in her Star car. Myr Chauncey Depew, of the - Y.M. "1 C.A., Ignace, came up to Dryden on business last week. Mrs J. S. Corner and Mrs Jewell were down together fron Oxdrift on Monday. Mr Hans Kellberg was in town this : DRYDEN SoA OND, I) a ] > Guess Again! I J. S. Corner Believes that Oxdrift: "community hall has the best floor in the district, and that good policy zays that the music should be in keeping ; when they hold a dance there. ; The committee who made so great a success at the ~opening of the hall has: heen asked. to secure the best talent to ! iurnish music for the dance next Fri- day, June 8th, and have secured the | promise of 'some of the cleverest in- strumentalists to sive their services on that occasion. 'This, with tlie new © piano, should guarantee the fullest en- | joyment possible tn Ei who go. Come, and get a surprize. Finest mus ie----best | floor--summer- weather--romance ! | Celsbrated Forsyth Sh irts Guaranteed Tea y for 8 ; uits Ww hen you can get the very "best at the lowest prices at PROUDFOQOTS Hk kK Shoes, of OXFORDS T. PROUDFOOT Tailor and Gent's' Furnisher T jou have no use for Call or Write to S. DAITERS/ New & Second Hand Store Highest Prices Paid. week, with Mr Jahnert's Star car from | Wal dhot. ; Tn A. R. Hutchison proprietor of the Tourist Hotel, Kenora, is paying a . visit to his.daughter, Mrs D. Frejd. Mrs D. Hutchison made a trip to Minnitaki Thursday on a i: bus-§. iness.. Lor Another shipment of New Supexi { Chevr rolets is expected shortly by Dux- ance Bros. Judge Chappel arrived from Ken- ora Thursday, to hold the Court of i Revision for the Municipalities of this division. Someone remarks that now would ,be a good time for the local branch of ' the Motor League to show a little 'pep. F..T. Brignall reports that Leni re- {sults ave shown following the trac- 'tor course held hore in February by , the J. I. Case Co., for whom he is "agent. : "Victor Nordrum, - Wabigoon, secre- tary of the Port Arthur-Kenora U.F.O. Political Association, has spent the week in Dryden. Miss Jessie Wormworth, broke her journey from Ignace to Winnipeg, %o spend a few days with her aunt, Mrs Mackey. 3 T. H. Lewis was in town Wednes- day and rode home in a new Chevro- let special purchased from Durance Bros. - : Ignace gave a great reception to Peter Heenan Tuesday evening ie acknowledgment of his great/services to the town and district. Mr and Mrs A. M. Young came up from Ignace yesterday, and will be guests of Mr and Mrs R. Foote for a few days. ~ - Mayor Pitt, M. D. Hambly and M. 8. Campbell, of Dryden, were guests! at the Tourist Hotel, end of last week says the Miner. A man who is not afraid of getting Kenora, at the Kenora himself- disliked has been shooting off i Mrs te Jim Gough about who is the most likeable girl in town. get in bad only for the good judge- ment he showed in picking the winner. j A dance will be held in Bedworth! school, house on Friday, June 8th under the auspices of the TU.F.O. Admission, Gents $1.00, Ladies free.' Lunch will be" provided and good: music 'will be supplied. This guy would, { t ¢ § § H he citys have returned from their eastern trip. seized | | 2 £8 'Mrs Berrey; Mrs Offer; Warning Parents | Fr Four youthful haled before delinquents were iss, charged with atiempting to enter Dryden Jobbing Co. by night. The accused pleaded g guilty, and were each fined $5.00 and costs. The parents of the offenders were present in court and the magistrate the occasion to impress: the seriousness of the charge, and stated' i that but for their youthfulness the } Faceused' might have incurred a jail * j sentence. He 'hoped the lesson might' "much for them to handle it all in time, |W a warning to them and to others ho might be tempted to do wrong. 'District School Championship: re The School Fair Lists, now being well- issued by M. F. Cook of the Depart ment of Agriculture, contain the an- nouncement that this year he will in- stitute a' district championship for: winners at th® Schoel Fairs. . The; contest will be held in a special' sec- | tion of Dryden District Agricutural | at the post office when the staff Fair on September 26th and 27th, in co-operation with the Board of Direc- tors. L] : The Championship will be open to children who have won 1st, 2nd or 3rd prizes at their School Fair, in compe- tition with all the other schools in the district. No entry fee will be charged, and the Department will supply the judges. Prizes will be offered by-the man- agement of Dryden Agricultural, and in addition the Department will give a medal to the competitor winning the hifhes st number- of points. THE PLEASANT HOUR "Jeremiah, the Prophet of Courage" is the study to be taken up by the Adult Class of the Union Church on Sunday morning. Read Jeremiah 85: 5--14 18 19. To properly understand the meaning of this prophet's message the story of the kings named in chap- ter 1:2 and 8 should be looked up. They are found in 1st and 2nd Rigs and 2nd Chronicles. p : 1 Is civilization a mistake? See v. 7 2 How about testing a person's fidel-§ ity? See v. 5. 3 Are we less Ti to God 'than to others? 4 Who were the Rechabites? there any such among ws tala... there any such among us today? Are The baseball games scheduled for June Tth has been postponed to Sat- urday, June 9th. Keewatin team is booked for the date, playing two games, afterroon and evening. An effort will be made to close the stores and make it a holiday. A number of people constantly en- quire of us as to whether any woman in Dryden would do a little sewing or mending for them, or even some washing. They would be glad to pay for such services, and there is a chance for someone to earn a little pin-money. If any woman cares to send her mame privately to the Dry- den Observer, we could recommend them free of charge, and will only give the name to responsible people. Everyone who has tried out a Star to be able to say, are all now proud owners of Star cars. rs should 'therefore' before buying be sure to make arrangements with the Star representative, Tommy Graham, to have him call and.give a free dem- onstration as to the high qualities of the famous Star car. In addition to the Kenora and Kee- watin delegates, the following ladies are here attending the annual meet- ing of the Women's Auxiliary of the' Diocese of Keewatin, being held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in! St. Alban's pro-Cathedral: Dryden-- Mrs Dixon; Mrs Gibson. Eagle River--Mrs Wragg Cross; Mrs. McCarthy; Brown; Sioux Lookout--Mrs . Invitation to Women: -- The W.I. extend a welcome to all » women and girls over fourteen to attend the lecture to be given Tues-} day next; June 4th in the Town Hall] at three o'clock. Mrs James Patter son, of Gadshill Miss Ethel and Miss Agnes Pope,' Ont., the lecturer, has visited Dryden well-known in Kenora, passed through previously, and her pleasing presen- Dryden Tuesday on the way to Tor- tation of subjects have made her very onto. at the local depot. Mr Dan Wright and family, popular. who are old friends, met their train pencils, and spend a Rte hour '¢ Bring your notebooks and with the Institute. Magistrate Pronger on ation of your ny morning by Constable Col- patch and i d steal from the warehouse of oe Early Mailing ® sist PSR TEI i Early mailing ensures ny prepav- letter or parcel for dis- its getting away on the first available mail. Remember, you are not the only person who sometimes waits until eve- ning, or near the time your nail {should go out to mail matter, and when a lot of people do this, it is apt to mean, as you may imagine, a-greas rush at the last moment for the post office staff, in order to get the mail fall ready for despatch by the proper train or cougjer, and if there is too (it may be your letter, your order for goods or the parcel which you want delivered promptly which misses the mail and is delayed accordingly. In any case, since post office employces are only human . there is more chance of a mistake being made in the hand- ling of your letter or parcel when a juse the utmost care ® igreat deal of damage. ting shipped from: Vermillion Bay each car so far this season, we are pleased | Ing Shivhed Wie oaiflion Boy Prommedliis buy- | rush of work is on. Just as you get : better service in a store during a slack : hour, S0 you may get better service has time to give your mail; matter more careful attention. Insure your parcels at the Post Office. ! BUSH FIRES "RAGING As a result of the continued dry weather bush fires have broken out in several parts of northern Ontario, and are doing a great deal of damage. Unless a heavy downpour of rain soon arrives it is feared that many other fires will be started, It is to be hoped that camper, anglers and settlers will in 'putting: out camp fires so that they may not be] the cause of he eavy loss fo the district. A very bad fire was raging this side of Ignace on Sunday, close to theC.P. R. track, and delayed No. 1 for over an hour. It is said to have been con- fined to a small area, and is now Jrat, tically out. A-large fire has been re ported near the mouth of Rainy River on the Can- adiah side and is said to be doing a The town of White River 'on the C. P.R. north of Lake Su perior was thy catered by a bush fire "which almost surrounded the place on Sunday and many people packed up their valuables to be ready to move. Volunteer fire- fighters kept busy all day putting out small fires near the town, started by blazing embers from the raging for- est fire. : Mugleets, Pi ha a nth to decide. ~KENORA EXAMINER. Mr Robert Wachman, president of Wabigoon-Contact Bay Mines, made = | day, co: ducting a number of gentle- | men who came to examine the prop- erties for large New York interests. | This financial group, who accompani paperman, closely inspected the mines | of the above company, as well as] those of neighbouring properties, such H were as the Redeemer and Contact Bay Mines. They secured fifteen hundred feet of movie films of the properties. and surrounding country to take back | with them. { A very satisfactory®showing was found, from two shafts which were' recently pumped out, and valuable ores were also secured from several | blasts made on the "surface. Many | samples were taken by the visiting ' gentlemen, who left for New York Saturday morning. { The Company intend to start oper-- ations on a rather large scale toward ; the end of June, on the completion | of the plans now being carried out. SHOULD WE FIGHT PETER? one who had made himself thoroughly familiar with the public affairs of the province, especially those affecting | this district. He'remarked in opening that the meeting had not been called for party purposes, but to inform the people, as he had dene in other parts of the district, of the various Acts that had been passed by the legisla- ture, and what he had done to serve the interests of the constituency. ' Of course there is an election now pend- | ing, and as there did not seem to be a fight for the representation of this district, Mr Heenan said that, having ¥ been Sing for the people of this! part of the province for the last four years he. did not think he should be called upon to fight for the seat in the house in the next four weeks but that was for the different parties to After ten years of service at Dry- den Paper Mill, Mr Albert Johnston) started Tuesday, for the 'old country, stopping over. at Ignace and Quebec en route to visit: relatives. HON. MACKENZIE KING Vermillion Bay on Monday and found of assaulting his brother Gustave. As Williara will spend the next thing, days in Kenora. . In consequence of about two hun- dred men working in the vicinity of Vermillion Bay, putting in new steel on the C.P.R., Louis Laliberte is able to say business is betfer than ever. Fire, Rangers and farmers of Eagle River and west are all thankful for the heavy rainfall on Monday. Same trol the numerous fires. Forty to fifty boxes of fish are be- week by Dave Gilbert and Les Stev- enson, the local fishermen. .The new management of the mill has evidently decided to proceed with the extension and improvement of the Paper Mill which undoubtedly will benefit the town. Last week they awarded two contracts to Messes Bergman and Nelson of this town, those contracts covering 110-foot ad- dition to the old recovery room and a William Gangloff guilty on a charge a result of his unbecoming conduct, i i being very badly needed to help cor) McKenzie King, premier of Canada, The shove ls a snapshot of the Hon. taken when he was delivering a short open air address on Forestry. =Follow-| ing is part of what he said: "Is it reasonable that, year by year we sould permit 4000 forest conflag- rations, due for thesmost pare | to our own carelesshess? "I appeal to every loyal citizen to play fair with the Forest this year. new steel trussed roof on the screen room. Messrs: Bergman and Nelson ave also beginning to excavate. for the new manager, Mr H. ¥. Bullard's res- 'idence which will cost about $25,000 , Mrs. Wil-! Hams; Mrs Badger--Kenora Examiner when completed. Some very helpful articles referring to postal service have appeared lately in this paper. They are so good that we hope no one has over-looked them. Mrs Evans has started to build an tid for living rooms. JANITOR WANTED Applications will ba received by the undersigned for the position of jan- itor .of = Dryden Union Church. Full particulars can be had on application to the secretary, F, MARDER, Drydea o - "most practical and popular car for the careful jweek since three well-known farmers 'superior Bros. additional floor over her store; to be 'thim the other day. Let us regard every acre of timber land as a source of natioal wealth, in the ownership of which unborn gener- ations stand as equal partners with ourselves." So { The, claim that 'Chevrolet is the farmer gains strength this judgement with have bought new Chevrolets "from Durance They are Adam Kellar, Phil Carr and Robt. Pickering. . That the car is as serviceable in town 'as on the rough country roads. is the opinion of Bob Eliott and one other Kenora gentleman, who have halso purchased Chevvies this week from Durance Brds., who 'also disnos- ed of another baby grand to a visitor who took it back to Winnipeg with have backed their their money and trip oui to the gold mines the other | i KEEWATIN, May 28th--Mr Heenan," _{ when he arose to speak, was received with Pine applause, and spoke as FOR SERVICE & = First Hand Knowledge | ids STRARD - SAT. June 1st Theatre yy 2nd The Coolest Place in Town d hy a New Vork 'news-! | "Rich Mens Wives : One of the season's biggests hits. We are pleased to offer Dryden people this wonderful picture" Now playing {in the finest Biases in the country. ADMISSION AA Children--16e, Adults--30c. Coming, Laugh first at "Safety Last" RYDE \ re fr eer mE War Declared ! On the Moths, Mosquitoes, ete. We have a full line of ammunition for this Ss campaign: INSECT POWDER FLY PADS, SWATTERS, ete., and = FLYOSON"The new 100 p.c. active .insecticide. Spray it around your home. Tt will not mark of stain hn most delicate of materials, Harrie © i human beings but Deadly to that arrier of Disease--THE FLY. A complete stock of: DISINFECTANTS. use them freely FoR Rox A We cordially invite you to come in and browse around our Library. bi won books to choose from. Your first book will only cost vou 50c. and you can exchange it anytime for 5c. kok ok ox : 3 A full line of all the Popular © Magazines Cok kok sk H. WILLARD, Boot and Harness Fepairer, Dress Shoes and Boots QUALITY y Just the sort you need for (this Ww cather. . 3k sk kom A gobd assortment ots WORK GLOVES & BOOTS, Bok kop C.C.C. Bot and Worm Remover : "Guaranteed" Money refunded if not satisfactory * bi ei a Good Supply of: HARNESS and PARES COLLARS SWEAT PADS 3 A full supply of Dr. Scholl Ss Remedies always on . hand i FOR SALE LOTS 46 to 47 North Side Florence Street, @. Of LOTS 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140 141, 142 and 45 south side. First Street. 1.OTS 232, 253, 254, 804. Noth side First: St. and Grand Trunk Ave. LOTS 343; 344, 345, 395. South side Second St.'and Grand Trunk {Ave, all in north Dryden. LOTS 252, 253 254, So4, 305 3 343 and 345 are all in one block along Grand Trunk Ave. at attractive prices foro immediate sale--see, A. CG. RIPLEY 54 be Ll

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