THE DRYDEN OBSERVER 3 PENI Co de : i . - \| or more examination. i | Senior IV, Honours-- ji Frank Kerney, 5 " Ni Pass-- ir Rore, BE iw | Thorp, G / ® 4 ° Bryden Public School © for the month of May * BFE : + 1 Names in order of merit. 2 Those marked I absent for one 3 Those marked * equal. Clive Dorothy Bigelow, Frank Colliss. Reany, Wilson, Doris Verne Campbell . Kenneth B May Hutchison, ude Doudiet, Dwight Wright, Margaret Dora Nelson, Minnie Reic. Mylo Upton, |' Latimer, |'" " Health Talks By Dr. J. J. MIDDLETON x ok ok Dr. Middleton will be g a Ais all questions on Public Health matters through this column, Address him at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, Toronto, Ont. At the recent meeting of the Ont- ario Heath Officers' Association, there as an interesting symposium on Can- cer. Statistics showed that cancer was on the increase but whether this was due to the present mode of civil- tion was a debatable point, as was® the best means of eradicating it. : however, all those tak- | On one peint, Hugh Pronger's Novelty Store We handle a full line of: STATIONERY, OFFICE SUPPLIES, MAGAZINES, BOOKS, PAPERS and a LIBRARY containing, a selection of 250 Books. 1 am adding to this business two news boys who will deliver to your door, the Free Press and Tribune for 5¢. a copy or 20c. a week as you wish. 'We are also agents for: BUTTRICK PATTERNS, SINGER SEWING MACHINES, PIANOS, GRAMAPHONES bi fan AE Whitel Kate ing part in the argument were agreed, Record Exchange, 10c.. each both for cylinder and disc Records y mi Re, Reid Bil and that. was the paramount import- Sheet Music, a large selection, can have it tried before you buy - > lay, Gordon Reid, 4 mniette | Sn eT : : Y | arreddo, Stan Eities, Beatrice Dizon. |70cc of an early disgnesie' If taken MOUTH ORGANS, VIOLINS ACCORDIONS, MANDOLIN, our : : tems iN Te ee % in hand early, most cases of cancer BANJOS. ; a Pass---- , ass could be checked it was stated. : : Tallis | Halla Ts Mane i sortment of Flash Lights. : v . Nellie Cullen, Olive Moore, Ethel} phe symposium of cancer was open- | A Large Assc a sh 1g. f i Davidson, Louis ~ Sfreddo, Constante {.q by Dr Adam Wright, chairman of! Se o t ny (0) By ree io" Dennis Wright*, G. Lappage. [the Provincial Board of Health who L ¥ | Senior III. Honours-- raised the question as to whether or: \ Nl Jesse Fleming, Minnie Reid, Alice not it was advisable to alarm the pub- i / i Special Interest "Tobert, Eva Kentner, Almina "Black, {Edith Howarth, Gladys Nymark. Ern- est Klos se, Marjorie Taylor, Walter lic as to symptoms which might or might not be indicative of the disease. | Constipation, he stated, was one of the nan [ : § entaster, Clive Lewis, M. Hunter. chief causes of cancer. Indigestion | ; : ; , j To Vi A manufacturers lot of FANCY ii | Pass-- was a danger signal. Faulty food, or: ; 4 WORK SAMPLES, bought at a §| George Martin, Eldon Wight, Nell too much food should be avoided: | Our Enlarged Store ' Sah ; Professor Clarence discount; pased along for your Be om George Cutty, Violet Shel- tarr, Toronto, * hd 23 He gh RN a bd to see any lady on a warm alter Sahin son, Grace Le Alma Larson® . ee ne 1 = = a guaranteed to fit as well as made-to-order, all sizes __.._____..__.__ 19.50 nw noon, sitting on the shady side of I Robous Borvey*, Bogs Davi, Willian Wiesisas now, Jub Whener Ws 18 New duk brown Suits, good heavy tweed 17.95 bi the house, making up next Christ- Koshon, Joan 'Offer, 'Edward Sher- | due to present methods of living is, : 1 : mas presents. 4 wood, Sidney Lappage, Lillian 'Pilkey, {questionab] e, although the habit of | A good assortment of second - hand Handkerchiefs .10 each or 3 for --e20 iN : ¥ Gladys Noble* Nellie Davis*, Ronald' ttaking hot foods = followed by cold' Suits, all styles, sizes and colours. 1:Muleskin Gauntlet Gloves __.._ .65 v v Whiteley, Ethel Anderson, Phillip drinks was conmmienil) on in some am sure that you can't go out of the ! Muleskin Gloves from .40 to __...... .6D i Vs Ldgar, ore MecBratney, Rolph Nel- quar ters. Treatment of malignancy, store without buying one as the price Mopshite Gauntlet Gloves re Ty 1.10 | son, Genevieve Theakston, Willie Sil- | he said should be radical with the is small and the assortment is big. Horsehide Mitts ES 65 id ver, Victor Nymark, Vietor Oliver |? ige on's knife being called into ac- i Now is you opportunity to match | Men's Light Summer socks, all sizes NV] Albert Robinson, Lula Hunter, Violet | t -Radiation treatment was useful "your pants if you have an odd jacket, and colours Bs / Smith; Kathleen Petch, Winnie Moore-| re the growth was inaccessible to : or if you have an odd pair of pants Men's Dress Socks __..____. (| Fdward Louttit, Blizabeth, operation, in helpin to relieve the pain you can match you jacket. We have |Men's Heavy Silk Socks \/ / ; of the patient. The medical aspect a very big 'stock in odd pants and|Men's Wool Socks __.____.__.__. Wi : hI Hemp was commented on by Dr. W. Goldie, jackets. : Men's Black Wool Socks: with fancy- § ; ; : i Tey Ra bh Cha r! who also Sa the i ER, nae work at sides : .65 N : . . ? jot an early diagnosis and the sym- Pants per pair ----.oooooo 2.95 | Ladies Light Stockings Black, Brown W Palm Beach Quting Suits toms of indigestion. . Dr. Grant Flem- iat San 00 toi i Be or White : ; 25 ; | ing, Toronto, presented some statis! New Navy Blue Serge Dress Pants, |Ladies' Black Silk Stockings ---._-- 50 Dd made to' your measure. Over a 3) Tikit, Pimcn, Rows Suen t ATE) tics "in regard to cance Twenty! per pair 4.25 | Ladies' Seige coloured silk stockings. : 8 samples to pick fro a Br Doudiet™ Patty Blair Ethel Wil- vears ago deaths from He disease (ottonade Pants from 2.45 to __. 2.95 | Ladies' Canvas wear at cheap prices. \/ L in two piece Suits, any gn i Ed 0 1d ; Arth wil. Were one in twenty, now they are one Corduroy Ponts, oie 2.75 i Ladies' Slippers fice 3.45 Bi] style. Priced at, $30.60 and $35.00 and prawn. RABIN, Srna, "in ten. In Ontario deaths from this Khaki Pants, 'st ke 2.10 | Ladies' Dark Brown Slippers 3.95 iA La an a al $55.00 /{jliams Thos Yaworski, Daisy. Howarth aki Pants, strong make _--..._.. ; POOLS min % ery » P f Er $ Sandl' Wilson, John Witlords - Bhiaes cause in 1922 numbered 522. | Army' Cotton Breeches o_o... _. 1.50 { Ladies' Comfort Boot, black only, all 3 : - Why not get one of thas or the Bi Wie Sentnatle eld, Musanret Mires Dr. L. Hess, Hamilton, showed how ' Corduroy Brasilien. io Lan l. sizes : 3.50 \ Y : hot weather? i Voie d, Elmer Silver. Pauling Pinker ton. € X-ray had been utilized in fight- Khaki Army Breeches 2.95 |Special in Ladies' Hoa Top Boots oi ) Toor BL. SE 5 ug the disease, a number of lantern Qveralls Blue Stripe or plain blue, | Per pair. : 1.25 V Tel rr fae Lh slides of X-ray photographs of can-'gstrong make, all sizes --_._.----... 1.95 | Ladies' Second Hand Boots __.._- 1.65 i HAY oe BLE i 7. Hh jeatens gromihs being sergened, Every Army Smocks and Jumpers, all sizes, Boys' Boots, from 3.40 to ems, 8.65 8 pace uleer he stated, should be regarded as' ,so strong that you can't wear dir Boys' Canvas Boots .._f.__. ___. 1.60 ; | v Phil Wright, Douglas McBratney' a potential cancer. out 5 Boys' and Girls' second hand Boots J IN Vath Bo i Ai ; Lad The discussion was closed by Dr. H. Imitation Tweed Rain Coats ____ 7.50] = per pair 1.65 Mii) oa ee > i le rs ' as TW. Hill, Western University, London, Boys' Bloomers __..__.__.__..__. 1.35 | Men's Work Boots, black, good, com- ; a 4 Lov gad EA Fig who stressed the necessity of educat- Boys' new blue Suits __...____._ _ 5.50 |fortable wide fitting shoe __..__.. 3.35 o A SA = Ne rn oe wy in the public on the matter and teach- Good heavy blue Chambray- Shirt 1.15 | Dark Brown Work Shoe, double soled, Looking Bu Pr Ce or re ing them where to look for the first Light Khaki Shirt __- _ 1.451 shod heels 4.65 : : : \ A ol ay, LAYS. TIBWEe™ . ions of trouble. Black Work Shirt __...__. o-oo. 1.25| New army Boots __..__. le AE 4.90 in the Men's Window you will 3 ew re = wos Nice grey Summer Shirt, good wear- [Black plain toe good Work Boot 4.15 see' a man's wide fitting, fine 4 Senior IL Pass-- A LS Brie on pt | ing 1.35 | Dress Boot, medium toe __..__._ _ 4.50 workmanship, heavy mule upper, i Aophen Rigbey, Vorgmroh Andon, e Olde Firm EN Tokl Flannel SAE _ 1.20 | Dress Boot, medium bulldog toe, Tub- working BOOT, wth leather sole. i ey oi Crops Quills, Tai Ramen Company, TY Grey Flannel Shirt 1.35] ber heel ; 3.95 / This boot is absolute comfort for 8 ip = ey Dixon, May Bartlett, aria Tvs {Nice Dress Shirts, all sizes __..__. 1.25 | Bulldog Dress Boot, jextra wide fit hot weather, and is priced Very \ 1 aii i nnn ! The host in Dress Shirt with attached collar 1.40 = per pair 4.95 low, only Sid ws $4.75 A Harold L viruice Ivan Klose, Wal. P ANOS AND PHONOCRAPHS : Flannel Dress Shirt, a collar of the|Men's Oxfords, dark Brown ives $25 It is really worth the money, with leer Pavin, @ I j same materal goes with the Shirt. Men's black Oxfords _ .. 3.50 which you will agree when you \ er Davis, George Sherwood Edward Old instruments taken in exchange "A very good Dress Shirt with a silk |Ladies' second hand Skirts --.____ 95 iuspection at the swme bargain, Piease ask to see them, and inci- dentally nothiay locks nicer than " hie Hi : : Bvelyn Adair, Grace Gough, Grace in the scrolls of Egypt and in the | writing of Hippocrates, who lived 500° Charlehots, Ernest- Curley, Dick Cole, er, Howard Ayres, Ruby Reid, Ceo s New instruments sold on easy terms Blacksmith & | Geoneral | said that records of cancer were found We have a Stock of Goods to suit every Customer 'New Navy Blue Serge * Hard collars, each .10 or 3 for .__ 25 Good assortment of neckties from .35 Suits, 'well-tailored, straight fronts, latest styles, examine the boot. The upper is sl ri Tiare Rta we i front and silk cuffs __..____.__... 2.65 | Good assortment of Ladies' Suits, the so good that it will stand a second (g i Sn Ha i OR, | A : | Light Underwear, two pieces, per gar- fvery latest style, all sizes, from 6.00 sole. wi en: | IRA J. WILDE in charge | ment, from .80 to --...._.... 2d JH EOL LAR 10.00 i Td ! EG Ladies' Voil Waist --_.____ a5 = Light Combination Und a oll Walsh wore } i Hugter, SL Page, Nell, - 8h RL Gy bre Ladies' Sateen' Ra 1.95 ardy, Jimmie Hill Thelma Sri ; i 3 . pa V ett Toit, len Novae, Billie Bak- | ROB 7 ow E ENEY Soft Collars each --___.__..____.__ .15 | Just Received 150 pair of second hand army boots. It is advigiable to get a a CL TT LL a LT me Ld a RT LT I Br A rm A TL EB a LL LS BE LE Tn TE Or oo md Le Cd J I BE nT om re al 2 FL eB re EF A ME rrr TE SE ors TL TE Br 0 LL HE ra a A I EL I i oN Es BOM Ta 7{Runions, Mona Proudfoot, Marjorie I % 5B i a pair while; they last. 0 Crt i 12 ; he ie ureau Searls teint i E Soni s sien Woodworker Lo per pair ee... .2b | Boys'Jersey Sweaters Fo \ Y Joilve Dia, Anite Varoduk Leis x ' Heavy Police Braces ____..._.__.. .50 | Towelling, per yard [____.____.. \ | McMaster, Henry Sfrecido, Jimmie] OXyzen Acetylene ! YE a Tia or 50 to 120 as Won it bt 4.00 \ Baker, Fred Lappage, Jack Bartlett, welding in id ow FT J Pas Do 20 ge Also '| Rose Yaworski, Mamie Reany, Mar-! in connection pra OT I Wi a > 1S, 720 and 38-78 } 4 Brat Hunter: Olas ertin. Brig Ls : ; ; Shoe Laces, 3 pair for -- 10 | + We wish to let the public know 'that in the Ladies' Window there is a $ Bartecka, Gweneth Jomes, Aileen iy 1 of d [oe Seton per pkg... 15 [we are Peping in this 'week, a good display of outside stitched, wide- 9 Brookes, William Hardy, Alymer Wil-] LASSIE RE Se : 3 wl 5] EE, id also in SRE 3 3 hn LE iA ay > : \ " ! ' lair Brushes .45 1 more Coo oves and R . ind- fitting Children and Misses Shoes. i" son, Francis. Ernewein, James Brookes "ROOMS TO LET, on Duke St--0ply Pocket Combe : we Een ii ay " They are of the highest grade, 0 Kenney Kerney, Charles Madder, Jean THE DRYDEN OBSERVER ha ; ; ¥. inaDect oun, ia oak tan soles, and guaranteed to VY | Dempster, Bianca Cova, Lawrence LL Tien Side Sombie n28 Bargains. wear. Infinately more satisfact- i Stratton, ten Bigelow, Joseph Koshon.] FOR SALE--MILK COW, due to | sor ory than canvas or rubber, be- A | Junior Class-- freshen about middle of June--apply : cause far easier on the feet. Suit- \/ Bonnie Kentner, Sylvia Dixon, Eve-, 20--6 UBRICK COLLEN | 96 able for either boys or girls A line Miller, Bobbie Hawke, Wilfred] Wabigoon, ot. - PRICES :-- \ Moors, Oscar Nymark, Ray Hatch, | +1 have a vod HE AVY TEAM for a " 3 Vi 1 Mar Si o i P Sizes 8to10Y2 ...... vie ely $3.00 i Area Lorn Bertits Boy ' 32,000-1bs" weight;- also Harness and 4 don Robinson, Marie Ball Nyck Si- Wann Avpls ) | wicki, Andy Volkmar, Junice Runions, Gh: : Y| Phitip Charlebois. Td SRR Bey. ) ' A ¢ Junior Primary A-- Ye OTS 46 to 47 1 North Side of ¥il Elva Curry, Alma Brisson, Joseph Florence Street: Bartecka, Marion Beck, Yohn Mayer, TOTS" 133, 139; 137, 138, 130; 140° | Lloyd Adair, Lillian Brookes, Joe Cook 141, 142 and 43 Seuth side Tirst' 4) Harry Marstenden. i Street. i | Class B-- LOTS 252,°253, 254, 894. North 9 Isabelle Norgate, Garnet; Theakston, , side First ' St. and Grand Trunk Esther Robinson, Gordon Moore, Clay- Ave. Bizes tT 402 Loui 3.50 land Store, (Onpasits Town Hall) , Sadi In the Bigelow Building, y APU INP KEEP_TUNED UP It is quite as important to have your Car sundlh up tr an expert, V/ Ann Shith, needs, and charges are reasonable. B A ton Bolley, Ernest Hutch:ison, Carrie LOTS 343, 344 305. South as your piano. Only when ever ything is perfectly' adjusted can = R|poudie Vivian Wice, Billy Wigle, side Second St. and*Grand Trunk .you have perfect satisfaction. : oh Eddie Shelly, George Erne:wein, Mike Ave. all in north Dryden. " 1 : J Semak, Violet Baurock, Robert Clark, TOTS 252, 253, 254, 804, 895, 343 We make all kinds of repairs and adjustments that, your auto rand 345 are all in one block along] | Grand Trunk Ave. at attractive! OUT- OF- TOWN prices foro immediate sale--see, 17 | Pinkerton, Evelyn: Smith, Lillian Davis A. G. RIPLEY \ Pete Cook, Gladys Byington, Duncan Turner, George Hunter, Aubrey Moore WANTED--YOUNG GIRL 0 'assist | J Moore, 'Anne .Baurock, John in general houshold. -No washing ORDERS ESPECIALLY caterED TO Poon i erreaotrs Central Garage : H.C. BICKNELL, Proprietor ii ss Com i ¢ nes Sfreddo, George Davis, Aubrey ; DRYDEN, Ont. Siwicki, Angus Allen. Mrs G. HUMPHREYS, Cabin, Dryden b>