TE: CRYGEN C = QUALI TY MEATS Fresh BEEF, PORK. ; LAMB & VEAL HAMBURGER STEAK FRESH DAILY MADE COOKED MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND "Phone No. 6 ET RS ERE 8 i 5 0 SO HE Yi hn ything aid Everything for " THE BUILDING EEO 28 D. FRE]D, Proprietor. TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF THESE Fire Insurance Companies Represented by Douglas Lane British North-Western Fire Insur- ance Co. | Cornmercial Assurance Co., London, England. A cores stock of :-- 3 Canada Accident and Fire Insur- LUMBER ance Co. LATH 4 Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co. HINGLES Sa Wes 5 Guardian Assurance C., Ltd: of SASH & DOORS London, England, established 1821 CEMENT 6 Cs Animals Insurance Co. of r a E anada ig a, 7 The London and Lancashire Insur- . ance Co., Ltd. ORY ALBERTA 8 Nova Scotia Fires Underwriters' ' 4 Agency. Agent For-- 9 Northern Assurance Co., Ltd. of HARTFORD FIRE INS. London, England. ; and 10 National Fire Insurance Co. of GALT COAL Hartford. PE 11 Northern British and Mercantile Insurance Co., Ltd. - yy Wi pterbottom 12 Ocean Accident & Guarantee Cor- i poration, Ltd. Lumber, Coal 13 Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd. 14 The Sun Insurance Office of Lon- and Builders' Supplies. don, England (founded 1710, old- TO BACK BRITISH POLICY A special despatch from Washington to the Herald today says: "The Uni- ted States may be found actively back- Leadon, England, established 1714. ing the new British reparations policy, JAMES McFADYEN municipality, and fix the amount of which Premier Baldwin is expected to} REAL ESTATE remuneration, fees or charges he is to lay before the House of Commons be- : | receive for the performance of his fore Thursday. Secretary Hughes is ANA duties; and if a vacancy occurs in the keeping in closest touch with all pha- INSURANCE o.ce, the council shall fill the same ses of its development. DRYDEN ; ONT. forthwith. A EAA rue CH ---- (2) The council may by by-law CHAS. A. BURGESS In these hot days, what is nicer than a good cold Drink or a. Dish of the best Ice Cream-- "Lets go to Burgesse™ This popular little Ice Cream Parlour has become the . household word in Dryden. There must be a reason EVERYTHING IN FRESH FRUITS AND CANDIES Fok ok kX Bring in your Films for Development ROBT. SWEENEY 'General Blacksmith & I oodworker HAVE Just Received A LARGE SHIFMENT of Oxyzen Adpiviee \ME ; MINU ENAMEL and ALUMINUM » welding WARE in onLeotion ® ¥ ko { ® ; You are invited to inspect these Picture Framing Manitoba 6ypsum Hardwall and Wood goods. Kettles for preserving in all sizes. * kok % Fibre, Ele. E. A. KLOSE Undertaking bh onnartion Dryden-- : --Ontario " ES | ANDERSON § HARRIS Ltd. of i Tr Sr oo ne municipality may, and upon the peti- nion. Assurance Soclety tion of fifty or more fatepayers shall, "| fore the provisions of this Act in the {Office of the city. * {a railway company the notice shall be BU LDERS' SUPPLIES The Noxious Weud Act wEEP 1 This Act may be cited as "The Noxious Weeds Act." 2 In this Act: - (a) "Non-resident Jand" shall mean land which is unoccupied and the own- er of which ig not resident within the municipality. . (b) "Resident land" shall mean land which is occupied or which is owned by a person resident within the muni- | cipality. . 8 Every occupant of land, or if the land is unoccupied, the owner shall cut down or destry all the Canada thistles, ox-eye daisy, wild oats,, ragwood and burdock growing thereon, and all other noxious weeds growing thereon to which this act may be extended by by- law as hereinafter provided, so often, in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their sced, if sach cut- ting or destruction docs not involve the destruction of the growing grain. 4--(1) The ccuncil of any township in which there are any large tracts or blocks of waste or unoccupied land | may upon the petition of not less than thirty ratepayers, by by-law, suspend the operation of this Act in respect of such waste or unoccupied lands. (2) The by-law shall define the tracts or blocks of land so exempted and shall remain in force until re- pealed; and whiel it remains in force "v the land therein described shall be ex- empt from the operation of this Act. i 5 The council of any local munici- pality may by by- -law extend the op- erations of this Act to any other des-| cription of weed, or to any diseased growing crops, which are by the by- law declared to be noxious to husban- dry or gardening, and in that case the 'provisions of this Act shall apply to | such noxious weeds and diseased grow- | ing crops as if the same were enum- . erated in section 3. 6--(1) The council of any local appoint at least one inspector to en- divide the municipality into sectons or divisions for the carrying out of this Act, and may appoint inspectors for such divisions, whose duties and pow- ers shall in all respects be the same as those of the township inspector. 7--(1,) The inspector shall give no- tice in writing to the owner or occu- pant of any land withing the muni- cipality whereon any of such noxious weeds or diseaser crops are growing requiring him to cause them to be cut down or destroyed within ten days : from the service of the notice; and it shall be the duty of the inspector to give such notice for the first time not later than such dates in each year as 1 may be fixed by by-law of the muni- { cipality. Such notice in the case of "yesident land" in a city may be given } by posting the same to the owner or foccupant at his addresss, if known; but if such address be unknown the 1 notice may be addressed to such own- or or occupant at the General Post (2) In theh case of the lands of given to a station master of the com- pany resident in the municipality, or {if there is none resident in it, to a station master resident in an adjourn- ting or neighboring local municipality. (3) If such owner or occupant of land refuses to cut down or destroy all or any or such noxious weeds or diseased growing crops within the period mentioned in the notice, the in- Take i Tie A Dance will be held in the Oxdrift community hall on Friday 'night, July 20th. Russell Pollard Charles Skene, Stanley Browning will have full charge. = Another will be held on August 10th with Harry Patman, Wm. Jones and JI. 8. Corner in charge. (a) In case 'of a railway company} 2 the statement and notice may be served:-in the manner provided by sub- section 2 of section 7. © (2) If the owner or decupant deems such expenses excessive, he may | appeal to the council within thirty days after the delivery of such-state- ment, and the council shall determine the matter in dispute. days after such request for payment, the claim shall be presented to the council and the council shall audit it and allow it of so much of it as it may deem just, and order the same to be paid from the gener funds of the corporation. (4) The inspector shall also pre- sent to the council a similar statement, verified by oath, of the expenses in- curred by him in carrying out the pro- visions of this Act upon any non-rei- dent land; and the council shall audit and allow the same, or so much of it as may be deemed just, and shall pay so much of it as has been so allowed. (5) The council shall cause all such sums as have been:so allowed and paid to placed upon the collector's roll of the municipality against the land described in the statement of the inspector to be collected in the same manner as other toxes. 9--(1) Overseers of highways; or other municipaly officers charged with the care of highways, shall see that all noxious weeds growing upon the highways in their respective divisions are cut down or destroyed at the prop- er time to prevent the ripening of their seed, and the work shall be pre- fermed as part of the ordinary statute labour or be paid for at a reasonable rate by the treasurer of the munici- pality as the council of 'the municipal- ity may direct. ' (2) In the unorganized townships where road commissioners have been appointed every owner or occupant shall cut down or destroy, at the pro- per time to prevent the ripening of their seed, all such noxious weeds growing. on any highway adjoining such land from the boundary of such land to the centre line of any high- way, and in case of default after not- ice from the road commissioners re- quiring such work to be done on or before a day named in the notice, such owner or occupant shall incur a pen- alty of $5 for edch lot or parcel in respect of which default is made, and the penalty when recovered shall be paid to the road commissioners and be expended in improving the roads in such township. h (3) Where such default occurs the road commissioners may perform the work in place of such owner or occu- pant, and the cost thereof at the rate of $2 for each day's labour invilved shall be recoverable as a debt due by such owner or occupant to the road commissioners in any court of com- petent jurisdiction. : ¢ Any owner or occupant of land who contravences any. of the pro- visions of this Act or, who refuses or neglects to obey any lawful order 'of the inspector given under this = Act shall incur a penalty of not less than spector may enter upon the land and cause them to be eut down or destroy- ed, doing:no unnecessary damage fo other growing crops, or he may lay information before any! justice of the peace complaining of such refusal or neglect, and such owner or occupant shall incur the penalties provided by section 10; but no inspector shall have power to cut down or destroy or to require the owner or occupant to cut down or destroy such noxious weeds "or diseased growing crops on any land sown with grain not so diseased. (4) Where such noxious weeds are growing upon non-resident land it shall 'not be necessary to give any notice before proceeding to cut down or destroy them. 8--(1) The inspector shall keep an account of the expenses incurred by him in carrying out the provisions of gis Act with respect to each "parcel of land entered upon, and shall deliver "a statement of such expenses, describ- ting the land entered upon, and veri- "fied by oath, to the owner or occupant 9 of resident land with a notice requir- i him to pay the amount. ; 4 * destroy the germs of such $5 nor more than $20 of every such offence.. 11 Any person who knowingly sells or offers to sell any grass, clover or other seed, or any seed grain among which there is seed of Canada thistles, ox-eye daisy, wild oats, ragweed, bur- dock or wild mustard shall for every such offence incur a penalty of not less than $5 nor more than $20. 12 Any person who sows any wheat or other grain infested by the disease know as smut without . first using some proper and available remedy. to 'disease, shall. incur a penalty of not less than $5 nor more than $20. 13 Every inspector, overseer or high- ways or other officer who refuses or neglects to discharge the duties im- posed: on him by this Act shall incur a penalty of not less than $10 nor more than: $20. 14 The penalties provided by this Act shall be recoverable under "The Ontario Convictions Act", and' except 2 provided by subsection 2 of section , shall when recovered be paid over to the treasurer of the municipality in which the offence is committed. Cy (3y If the owner or occupant re-|- 'fuses to pay the same within thirty lad . For The Canning Season We have on hand a full line of :-- PRUIT JARS RUBBER RINGS : METAL RINGS, Etc. --Price Right-- tr ea ERT AE --RNEerien -- Ni Oxdrift Co- ii Company, Limited. jood Place to Spend Your Time Whenever you get a spare hour, it will surely pay you to come in and look * over our new and second hand Furniture. We just received a good line of new Bed Springs which range from $4.95 to 7.50. We also Rave a good supply of white enamel and walnut bedsteads. Mattresses, all sizes; Bedroom Dressers and Washstands; Round dining room Tables. 'A nice big 'Golden Oak easy Rocker Chair; one sold leather Par- lor Suite; Baby Carriage, just as good as néw; one man's Bicycle, will sell cheap; Wash Tubs and Wash Boards; I'rying Pans; Pails; Flower Pots; New Oil Cloth; second hand Linoleum;Window Blinds; Saws and Axes. A BIG SUPPLY of 4 and 6 lid ranges wth copper reservoir at side. selling at a very reasonable price. : Also small cook stoves One 4-spring Columbia Gramaphone; New extension Couches, can be used single or double, good felt mattress goes with couch at small price $12.00 Anythi » You have no use Any one leaving town, see us first togive you a pr ice on your house Furni- ture. It will save your time and we can buy everything in the house. DRYDEN ONTARIO New & Second Hand Store Highest Prices Paid A. 'MILLINGS, BAGLE RIVER A a ad Fresh Meats BEEF, PORK, LAMB, VEAL, MUTTON Fresh Sausage, Bologna, Summer Samsage { The Practical Butcher KEEP TUNED UP. It is pile as important to file your Car tuned up by an txpert, as your piano. Only when everything is perfectly. adjusted can you have per fect satisfaction. We make all kinds of repairs and adjustments that your needs, and charges are reasonable. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS ESPECIALLY CATERED TO wr -- pe 2 Central Garage H. C. BICKNELL, Proprietor rs 'S telty Store Drone s Novelty Store LATEST SHEET MUSIC ' Sweet Anabel Thru the night Carolina Home Apple Sauce Forgotten ; I'm tong y for beautiful girls ALSO LATEST RECORDS Beale Street Mamma 'Barney Google Old King Tut Louisville Liou auto Old King Tut. Dearest * Aggravatin' Papa. You tell her I S-t-u-t-t-e-r. Mr Gallagher and Mr Shean. You've got to see Mama every. Night AAPA rrr Sr WHY BE WITHOUT A BOOK? . Join our Library. Only 40cts for the first book and Bets to change. hundred books and two hundred novels to choose from. Seven AGENT FOR: --Singer Sewing Machines, Columbia, Brunswick and Edison Gramaphones. Doherty Pianos, Butterick Patterns. Notice! { We are in the market for orders on all kinds of fresh Fruit in season for preserving. ! APRICOTS--To arrive the first of the week. \ D. W. SCOTT Dryden bh