: CHAN BING hg, Observer Co Volume V. Dryden, Ont. July 27th 1923 Number 9° Fire INSURANE Pianos Remington T ypewriters Sold by :-- Douglas Lane (Post Pome Building) Sm ------ PR (Opposite C.P.R. Station) Lunch Counter and Dining Room Meals served at any hour Cooking and Service Sie eciicd * % * Clealiness & Quality Guaranteed TOBACCOS, SOFT DRINKS * " CONFECTIONS Proprietor GET - YOUR Summer Suits Shirts Boots & Shoes Gent's Furnishings FROM T. PROUDFOOT Tailor and Gent's Furnisher & DRY DEN ONTARIO TOWN OF DRYDEN Tenders will be received b ythe un- dersigned for the errection of a power tansmission line from the Town Hall, Dryden to the Dryden Paper Co.'s power line, a distance of approxim- ately 3500 feet. All material to be supplied" by the Town and work to be performed ~ under the supervision of the Town Electrician. Plans and specifications can be seen at E. A. Klose's hardware store. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned not later than August .15th,*1923. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated at Dryden this 26th day of July, 1923. ) J. E. GIBSON, Clerk If you want a good 80-acre farm close to Town of Dryden, an excellent position for somebody, apply to the office of the Dryden Observer for par- ticulars. "Wins Honours at Pelican Camp:-- Thos. Foote carried off the highest honours in the various contests held at the Pelican Lake Boys' Leadership camp, according to the announcement of results made public recently by those in charge of the holiday activi- ties. In all he was successful in ob- taining seven badges, canoeing (red), entertainer (red), jumping (blue), public speaking (red), skating (red), "snowshoeing (red), and throwing (blue). niumber of badges were: G. A. Col-: pitts, five; J. G. Dewar, five; Edward Goodeve, six; W. Setka, five and Ci, Ww. "White, five. Defends Title The boxing bouts held last Monday ;in the Paper Mill Hall by the Dryden "Boxing Club were real humdingers. be lareg crowd was in attendance and Bill Faulk 0 hi he boxers gave them a real live eve- i aulkner visited Osaquan this' ning. The main event was 'a ten week. } between Billy Groff, Mrs L. Sadler, Oxdrift shopped in' welter-weight champion of western Dryden Monday. { Canada, and Kid Kelsey, a coloured Miss Mavis Reid, Oxdrift, was in' fighter from St. John, N.B. town this week. : 4 In the first round, the attention of 5 ART ARI i. Yeast Cakes Trnie Payne spent the oirens inl Winnipeg. Miss Jessie Woritinn left Monday . on a visit to Port Arthur. Iround bout he fans was drawn to Kelsey's speed. trip to Dryden Monday. The way he dodged and side-stepped Lil Baxendale has Toit Wabigoon'S some wicked jabs from Groff brought and veburned home to HL onote (loud applause from the crowd. / This {round ended in Kelsey's favour. E. Monty of Barclay, was in 1. town) The Bill Jones, Oxdrift, made a quic Mond second round was much the onang. same. as the first except that Kelsey R. E. Barker, Oxdrift, was down had to work harder to keep out of early tis week. ! Groff's way. When the bell rang the Mr Pocock, student-in-chatrge at ! aio s were in a clinch with Kelsey 'Eagle, visited Dryden Monday. {taking severe body punishment. This Oxdrft, came down round was a draw. In the third, Groff stepped right in 'and Kelsey's fast footwork did him i little good this time. Groff evidently ! thad no intention of tiring himself spending 2' 1 cine Kelsey around the ring and tdrove him to the ropes or into a Mrs D. Neely, Oxdrift, was in town" gorner instead where he slugged him Monday. i right and left. In the clinches, Groff's Jas. Spalding, Oxdrift, paid a visit short-arm jabs and kidney punches to Dryden Saturday. i took a lot of Kelsey's speed out of Mr and Mrs Herb Martin spent al him. busy day in Dryden last Friday. { Groff started off the fourth by forc-~ q!ing Kelsey" to the ropes and knocking { him down with a right to the chest, | Kelsey "quickly got to his feet but Mr Rourke, government enginoer, Groff followed up his advantage, an d visited Dryden for a few days. | with a left to the heart ended the Barnett Levinson, Kenora, made a fight. business trip to Dryden this week. The preliminary bout wos a gt Mrs MM. Wright. and Miss May of rounder between Art Boyle and Jack Eagle River were in town Wednesday. Ferguson, which Boyle won on points Mr J. P. Cook, of Oxdrift Mission This fight was full of action from the Field, was in Dryden the other day. {sound of the gong. Boyle, who has Miss Ida Trowel, who has Hd appeared in the ring before, showed | visiting Mrs Baker, returned to Win- pops ERE and Ferguson is) : , also coming ahead THRE. Welnaiog: i The last item was a physical culture Miss Margaret Scott returned the "exhibition by Harry Franklin, who end of last week from an extended : tried to beat his record of two hundred : ¥isli dowh. cast. f repetitions in the floor-dip exercise but | Alban Dunlop, sr., from Oxdrift, wag only able to do one hunderd and | spent a day in Dryden at the end of sixty. A prize of ten dollars 'was | last week. ; offered to anyone who could do half | /Mrs Wm. Rhoades, Fort Franeis, is of this, but nobody was willing to try. paying a two-week visit to Mrs 0. BH. + Pronger. _ Miss Robinson, con Monday's local. Miss Nellie Elsey, Fort William, is. visiting Mrs Henry Hardy. Ralph Davidson is week's holiday in Winnipeg. Alex Morgan, Fort William, visite the Dryden merchants Wednesday. THE PLEASANT HOUR Sunday morning at 1lo'clock, the Union Church Bible Class will discuss "Matthew the Publican." 9:9--13 and Luke 5:27, 28, and 32. When Matthew was called to be a disciple, he represented a most unpop-. Lewis Sanderson left for his home in the west Tuesday, after a visit to Mr and Mrs S. W. Jackson at Oxdrift. Mrs S. W. Jackson, and son Noi- man, from Oxdrift, were in Dryden on Monday- (ular class, and Jesus went against all Ed. Blake and children, Kenora, the dictates of worldly wisdom in his: visited his mother-in-law, Mrs Findlay 'getion. The effect, however, was to this week. Read Matt. Change The Br-Law ALL other topics for conversation are being discarded in Dryden these days to allow free and full discussion of the alleged inequalities of the early clos- ing Bylaw. The particular cause of the dicus- sion--two cases of infringement which and by their very insignificance threaten to produce a distorted view of the real point at-issue. The question whether or not this town has arrived with other communities and legislate itself into an organized regulated Town. A short time ago Council attempted to formulate its views in the form of a bylaw, and the two cases which came up this week really and working qualities of the same. Under the test it has been shown that the bylaw in operation might easily be made to appear ridiculous, or might produce effects never con- templated by those who designed it. came up in the local Court--are t00 | trivial to be worth a moment's thought | really begins at] at the stage where it must align itself | became test cases as to the validity | . Taylor-Beath | THE home of Mr and Mrs A. M. It may be recalled that, owing to {Taylor was the scene of a pretty the abrupt resignatin of their School wedding on : Monday July 23rd, when Principal at the end of last year, Dry- | Klsia Fern Taylor became the Pride den School Board was left in rather a "of Lewis Millar Beath of Sioux Lc difficult position just at tiie time when | Out. they were to occupy the mew school. | The marriage was quietly celebrated * In the emergency they were com- *at the hour of noon when the sun was pelled to make some swift decisions, 'at its meridian, in the presence of the jon short notice. They selected Miss, parents and other relatives of the BE. Lucas frm otheir staff, promoted | WO families. Rev. J. MacLean 'ther to the position of acting principal, Beaton of Dryden Union Church per- and placed her in charge of the senior: 'formed the ceremony. Miss Jessie 'pupils, with the happiest of results. Taylor was bridesmaid, Mr Wm. Cole Out of twenty-one applicants for: of Sioux Lookout acted as best mar, 'the Entrance, no fewer than seventeen _ 'while Mrs Bailey, sister of the bride, have been successful, which is a very "played the wedding march. gratifying situation indeed. The bride was dressed in ivory sat- Miss Lucas herself, and the whole, 'in trimmed with' radium lace and of the School Staff who loyally sup- "pearls, the bridesmaid wearing an ported her, are to be congratulated on ivory silk, with overlace. White car- their splendid work, which has secus- "nations formed the decoration of the e ed results so pelasing to parents and home. creditable to the Town of gions Following - the wedding lunch. the Se ~ | happy couple left on the afternoon In either case the proper remedy is; , train for a short honeymoon. The bride amendment to bring the bylaw "n | wore a travelling dress of navy blue accord with justice and commonsense. "trimmed with silver gray, with hat to match. Detailed Result on page Two. | 7 xcellent Record | | A By-law to , for taking the of Dryden on the following question: "PASSED the 13th day of July, 1923 WHEREAS it is considered expedient and desirable to obtain the opinion of the electors of the Lown of Dryden, qualified to vote under the Municipal Act on money by-laws on the foliow- ing question: "Are you in favour of] fixing .the assessment of the Dryden Paper Company, Limited, at Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for the year 1923, only?" and to pass ithis by-law for the purpose of enab- 'ling the said electors to vote on the isaid question. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal "Council * of the Corporation of the Town of Dryden enacts as follows: -- 1 The votes of the electors of the | Corporation of the Town of Dryden ' who are duly qualified to vote under the Municipal Act on money by-laws the 18th day of August A.D. 1923, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five 'clock in the "afternoon at the following places, and by the following * Officers, namely:-- Town Hall, Dryden. J. E. Gibson, Deputy Returning assessment of the Dryden Paper Conipany, Limited, at Five hundred thou- sand dollars ($500,000.00) for the year 1923, only?" shall be taken on the said question ont Mr and Mrs Beath will malic their TOWN OF DRYDEN home at Sioux Lookout, where Iir : * A Beath is engaged in the jewelry By-Law No. 165 business. . he QUESTION votes of the ratepayers of the Town "Are you in favor of fixing the = [DRYDEN voce] PHARMAG negative on said question. 3: On the 20th day of August, A.D, SIREN emp aeE 1923, at the hour of.ten o'clock in the torment tom nal ne tl Soo 3 with an ato wm ol oAnsco Camera loaded with an eAnsco Film. proposed By-law. DONE AND PASSED this 13th day Result--a better, clearer picture. of July, A.D. 1923, as witnessed See our Window by the Corporate Seal of the | said! Town and the hands of its proper Practical Results obtained by taking the above advice officers in that behalf. IT'S GOOD IF ne Re A. PITT, Mayor J. E. GIBSON, Clerk * XK ok x TAKE. NOTICE that the above is a 'true copy of a question that, if as- 'sented to by the ratepayers, will be taken into consideration by the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the ] Town of Dryden and a by-law pre- pared in accordance therewith. SE And the votes of the Electors of H. WILLARD, the said Town of Dryden, who are] A. G. Duncan, with his wife and daughter Mildred, is visting his par- jteach that He came not to call the * i righteous, but sinners to repentance. j In his work Matthew became above i Deputy Returning Officer. 2 On the 17th day of August A.D., qualified to vote under the Municipal Act on money by-laws, will be taken Boot and 'Harness Repairer. m------ ents, Mr and Mrs J. L. Duncan. Froome Johnston of Wabigoon, reg- istered at the Dryden House one day this week. all else, the faithful reporter of the: teachings of Jesus. It was a practised and an assiduous and an understand- ing pen that took.down the Sermon on; the Mount and siezed with such cof- vectness and such insight, the terrible sermons of the Master's last week of preaching. Is it the duty of Christians today to keep more in touch with the world or to keep away from it? Can modern competitive business be Christian? For debate--Resolved: That in order to meet her present needs, the Canadian churches should adopt the plan of having lay-preachers. The famous Ford is still being sold. Hal Dingwall unloaded still another carload this week. g : Mrs Chas. Smith, who has just re- turned from a trip round Ste. Marie and Duluth, is again ready for orders for dry cleaning and pressing. Mrs Ross and family have returned to their home in the west after spend- ing a holiday with her parents, Mz and Mrs Martin. : Mr Lorraine Pidgeon, with his mother and sister, Mrs Otty, eame up from Wabigoon, Tuesday, on a visit- ing trip. ; Provl. Constable Hake returned from Toronto Tuesday, where he had been to attend the funeral of his mother. Henri Larsen went up to Winnipeg Thursday in search of supplies for the photo studio he plans to open in Dry- den next Monday. rss A IGNACE EXAMINATION RESULTS The following pupils were sucessful in the recent examinations in Ignace: Graduation Form I to Form II:-- (Pass) Willie Cobb, Albin -Hal- quist, Joe McNabb. Entrance to High School :-- (Honours) Vernon Leworthy, Claude Robertson, Elmer Shaffer. (Pass) Willa Callan. A company of ladies-including Mrs C. Larsen, Mrs F.. Wainwright and Star car ofr his livery business. Miss W. Weeks, were in town early in] Richard Olson, of the Wabigoon- the week to promote the campaign for j Contact Bay Co. is back from New a new piano for Eton-Rugby school. York. Other who obtained a large Mrs Wm. Stinberg and Mrs R. While honest rogues still pound the Aspland of Oxdrift north, came Sn sidewalks, Justice now rides trium- to attend the Strand theatre las Fri- phant in a Ford car. day. After he show they motored to The famomus Waldhof Brass Band Oxdrift to take in the dance in the scored another success In its engage- community hall. "ment at Oxdrift Community Hall last Friday. Mr Fisher, Winnipeg, spent a days in town this week, making ar- rahgements to publish a Directory for the Town of Dryden. He has now gone to Sioux Lookout on a similar 'errand. These Directories will contain ! much handy information and will be issued by the various business men. in | cov Before Magistrate Pronger this week W. McKee was charged with theft of money from a dwelling house. Owing to his youth and previous good record, and taking into account the was let go on suspended sentence after paying costs. vai Dick Trist hen purchsed another. vestitution of the stolen money, he| 11923, at the hour of 12 c'clock in the {forenoon the head of the Council of {the said Corporation or some member of the said Council appointed for that purpose by resolution, shall attend at the Town Hall in the said Municipal- ity, for the purpose of appionting, and, if requested so to do, shall appoint by writing signed by him, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk and one person to 'attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interestd in and voting in th affirmation on the said question, and a like number on behalf of the on the 18th day of August between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Town - Hall, Dryden, and the head of the Council of the Town of Dryden or some member of the Council thereof,}: duly appointed, shall attend at the ! Council Chamber at the hour of 12 o'clock noon on the 17th day of Aug-} ust, 1923, for the appointments of persons to attend at the polling places' and at the final summing up of votes. J. E. GIBSON Clerk, Town of Dryden C. C.C. Bot and Worm Remover Dated at Dryden this 14th day of "Guaranteed" Dress Shoes an Boots 'Just the sort you need for , weather. 1 this * kk ® i A good assortment of: WORK GLOVES & BOOTS, 7 * kK Rk July, 1923. i Money refunded if not satisfactory " COLLARS A Good Supply of: TIE HARNESS and PARTS { EE IE EE BE A Sy A Truly Great Picture That everyone in this District should see, 'great lesson in re- forestation "A full supply of Dr. Scholl's __Remedies always on hand _ 121 ACRE FARM Here's the chance you're looking for: "To get a good Farm including | equipment, ready to go to work and make some money from the stait. . Only 1% miles from Dryden by road, Aflame" as it carries a MO ONDAY i or 2 miles by water. Southern boun- dary is Lake Wabigoon, Plenty of Buster Kehton in The Frozen North ; standing putpwood and fire wood, good barn 20 x 28, with attached hen-house +g TUESDAY $14 x36. Soil is mostly sandy loam, Guy Bates Post $s especially adapted to early garden in { crops and small fruits. About % acre The Masquerader 'new red raspberry plantation, also csr ~ THE BEST Coming-- AUGUST 17---- "DOWN TO THE SE Will be at the "Capitol", Will 'be shown at the STRAND other small fruits. I For quick sale owners will include ~ 2 horses and harness, Jersey cow and | heifer calf, plow, 2 sets harrows, : { wagon and other tools including com- : bined planet Junior drill and cultiva- | tor. Quick buyer gets all crops be- sides stock and equipment with im- | mediate possession at $3,200.00. Will "sacrifice farm without equipment at $20 per acre--apply Dryden Observer, IN PICTURES iA IN SHIPS" Winnipeg, next weel ----AUGUST 18