3 3 pr ¢ pA ssw nue Sasa is £5 Wr 54 3 Sere SS a Some Things indicating the wonderful purchasing ability of this Store MEN'S CLUB BAGS made of rubber, 18-inch, Special ..:.. vn... $7.00 kk kK Xk kk LINOLEUM SQUARES US RO) pews susie mw nae nde nem iw an hoe www $ 9.00 i: iy a ER Ge 11.00 LIE IE Re Be ER PURE 12.00 lL RR TL eRe 14.00. One roll of EXTRA HEAVY LINOLEUM, entire- ly different to the ordinary, made to wear for years, 2% vards wide oie $2.00 One roll of samc cloth but 4 yards wide ...... 4.00 wr 4 * kk kK [) "MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Men's Dress Shirts with collar, a large" range of patterns and all sizes, $1.75 each or 3 for ..... $5.00 ® ok Kk HEAVY WOOL RUGS Specially heavy Wool Rugs, beautiful colors .. $7.00 A line of Towelling, per yard ......coooviinnnn 13 A line of Pillow Cases, each ................. .25 A line of Dress Muslin, per yard ............. 75 A line of Tweed, 54-in. wide, per yard ........ 1.50 ¥ 3k kX § MEN'S GLOVES AND MITTS worth up to $1.00 per pair. Displayed in the win- dow, and all to be sold for .35 per pair or 3 pair for $1.00 0% TEA wpe alee a Yh 8 ee yee Regarding these lines, these were purchased for a bar- gain to the Community and are offercd until the end of the month' These goods are for CASH, and are here to offset the hot weather-dullness. Put these prices against any merchandise in Canada to this Store's advantage. Ng i Fresh Cahbage, per 1b ...... Feil 4 New Potataes, 3-ibs for ..... 25 4 ; CUCUMBERS TOMATOES A ONIONS | | Gropefruit, each Nice ROOM TO LET, hyt the week | ox month--apply Week End Specials or two for i BANANAS "ORANGES APPLES i kk 3k E. LAWRENCE, Grocer Phone 82 Py Block Classified ~~ Ries RAY, Duke St. House 22x 28 one at a TRA storeys with two acres of land for sale. Good soil for garden; well; chicken house and 35 chickens; on Van Horne Hiroet, | close to School, within town tW, a. MILLROY, Brion Hi = cope A few more boarders can' find % | accomodation, at reasonable rates, at 'FOR the Fleming Boarding House, Arthur Street, near the Skating Rink ~~ 27--7 SALE-- Registered JERSEY : COW, fresh one month, and heifer lcalf--apply DRYDEN OBSERVER FOR SALE--Thirty tons of baled | may, prime quality. Also small stack of loose hay at $17.00 per ton. R. H. PRONGER, Dryden 1: Sh #4171 have 160 acres one-half mile west of the paper mill, which I propose divid- ® \ NY oz, SRN / {ing into 10-acre lots, facing the road ranning west on the north side of the 'property. Parties wishing to secure a location for a nice home would do well future.--IDA M. RHODES. Mr. BEEKEEPER:-- our lowest prices and-let us save you money. Gis Do you want to buy Bees or Sup-, plies? Consult us. STEWART & CURTIS Box 121 'ery Barn, or call at Mr'B. Blair's. > TVR 3 / PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERN irs EVANS _ attention. arived from Winnipeg to enjoy Jothy, 2 Mrs H. Beaton. : 5] Misses Lena and Amy O'Neill of 'A Big Surprise for'c our Patronizers ¥| Lemons, per doz. 45t0 ...... .C 60 iB | i limits. | | For particulars apply to J. E. Gibson," | or to the owner, 11 10--8 to see me, or A. McPhail, in the near Before ordering your supplies, get : Ignace Events Mrs T. Dunnett and family life at the lake. Mice 38 Story of Swan River, is spend- ing a otic ay. with Irs Rhoades. i i ,. Dor- visiting Mrs R Stuart hie and daug of Fort William, are Fort William ave spending a few day Re 'Underwear, Caps and Felt with Mrs F. Canan. i" et Mrs J. Wilson left for Fort Willan . yesterday. On Dress Shirts, Light Summer Weight Murs Hargrave and daughter of Ken= Hats ora are visiting Mrs T. Thompson. ] Our Patrons were not disappointed A: McArthur and R 2 who have been the guests of | bi .. Synder, left on No. 2 to-day ; (for a William. : Mrs Blennherast and daughter, of Fori William. spent a week with Mrs Carson. i / Miss Q. Carson returned from Ken-} ora on No. 2 to-day where she was pending a week's holidays. of Fort spent a day with Mrs Carson. Mrs Hollinsworth and son, : William Mr H. Loney has returned to Fort William after spending a holiday at | Bast Beach. Mr C. O. Banks of Swift Canadian 'Co., Winnipeg, ness. Lieutenant P. Husband arrived from Winnipeg last week to labour in the interests of the Salvation Army. Mr and Mrs F. E. Skinner and fami- ly, of Winnipeg, are campig at the lake. Mr J. Kennedy and family RL from Kenora on No. 2 yesterday. i Mr J. M. Wallace, student-minister, left on No. 2 Monday for Dryden and! conducted church service in Dyment on Tuesday evening. Mr and Mrs H. Brown and family left on No. 1 Monday for Kenora where the y will spend a few, thence pro- ceed to Winnipeg for-the remaining part of their holidays. { Mr W. Purnell spent the week-end 'in town after playing for the foot- 'ball team at Dryden Saturday. He returned to Winnipeg on No. 1 Mon- "day. 'On Friday evening the committee that 'arranged the sports programme , for July 2nd, met to dispose of busi- 'ness. The financial statement dis-| 'closed that the total receipts amounted to $101.00, while the total expenditures were $81.05. Hhis left a balance of ; 1$19.95, and the committee agreed that SHOP--One _door south Wilson's Liv- this money 'should be handed over to the. footballelub to help carry on its programme for this season. On Saturday the attention of the Ignace people was drawn to rather an interesting and voluntary piece of work that is being carried on in con- nection with fire prevention in Ontario A few members of the Northern Ont- ario Fire Relief @ommittee arrived by special car on No. 3. Mr Rhoades, the "Reeve, and Mr H. A. Thompson took them to see all the places of interest _ around the town, and in that way they "were able to study conditions regard- . ing fire prevention and the advisability 'of forming a station to. save future | destruction of valuable timber. The : work of this committee is surely com- : Mail orders will receive special mendable, he more so since it is being done by men not for pecuniary gain, land. hut out of love for their native VAAAAAAAARL AS SEPA The entire produc 3 Canada. FORD, - : DRYDEN-- - 975% Made-in-Canada with the exception of very few parts (2.83 per cent.) is FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED. ONTARIO DINGWALL Ford, ed in A GARAGE --ONTARIC -- daughter surprse them by giving a from $2.30 and up. was in town on busi- "blue navy chambray Shirts __.... 1.10 Black Shirts, summer weight __... .95 , Grey summer weight Work Shirts, ! good wearing, easily laundered __ 1.35 'A very good make of Belgian Pants, ] 3 dian Voll Walsh. ins Men's Bathing Suits __._o__..__.. .95 Boys' Bathing Suits a + Boys' Jersey Sweaters ER 11 last waolt when we said that we 'would reduction on our Shoes, and you will hot be disap- pointed this week. ! O j NG For Your Vicotion? ? Be sure to come in and see us abami a suit case or club bag which range Also small Bus ter Brown suitcases, suitable for lunch or your books, each __.__.__..__.. .60 We have a couple of second hand trunks whch we: will sell reasonable. a Work Shirts Dark Grey flannelette Shirts which are known as a 'good shirt __..__.. 1.35 Khaki flannclette Shirts --..__..__ 1.45 Ls ® 0% EF ox LE : 4 'Pants I for dress wear or for work Cottonade Pants coisa oo 2.45 Cottonade Pants, all'sizes __..._.... 2.95 good wearng, cuff finish __..__._ - 3.25 Moleskin Pants, good big make, with nice cuff finish, most all people know that they are good wearing 3.90 Heavy khaki Pants with cuff figish, each 2.10 Navy Blue Serge _.....l _.__.. 425 Boys' navy blue tweed Bloomers__1.35 Cottonade Bloomers --...._.. Hp k Xk Xk ¥ Belts rubber or leather, all colors and sizes, silver plated buckles, each --_..--_..» .25 Good heavy Police Braces __..__... .40 Light Dress Braces, nice pattern...50 Neck Ties, from .85 t0 ----eeein 75 Bow _ Ties 25 Briar. Pipes" 45 Corn Cob Pipes, .10 each or 3 for_..25 Bachelor Buttons; per pkg. --_.._.. .10 STEER i LR 25 Safety Pins, 2 cards _.onivevie--.. 05 Shoe Polishs all colours, P fOr mae 25 Sleeve Holders, .10 per pr. or 8 for .25 Sewing Thread, per spool _--_.__. 05 or. 6 spools for --... ice... 26 Second hand Razors & Safety Razors Collar and Sleeve Button Sets from J15 to 25 Collar Pans to Li your collar together from .15 to . SR Second hand Watches at reasonable ~ prices. Soft Collars nth omega brmsmmiin 18 Hard Collars, each .10 or 3 Zar re AT Extra large-sized coloured Handker- chiefs to go around your neck .._.. .25 Men's big size white Handkerchiefs, 3 for .25 or per doz. __.. 95 Ladies' A .05 Sach c or per > doz. 55 Se 1 mt Corduroy Pants TE Second hand Pants __...____.... zn Whipcord Breeches __.__..._.__. 3.75 Army Cotton Breeches __.__.__. 1.25 A good big make overalls, blue stripe and plain blue, all sizes --_..__..__.. 1.95 Second hand Smocks . and Jumpers each RRR Boys' Tweed Bloomers, all sizes, from 2.00 to ha 2.25 Meleskin Bloomers, all sizes, from 2.00 10 i : -- 2h Heavy khaki Bloomers, all sizes, Lromn 100 10, simmons sini Lol Boys' blue serge knee Pants __... 1.00} Handkerchiefs, red and blue __.__ 15. Ji Mitts & Gloves Muleskin Mitts Muloskn GIOVE iii rms immbons « Muleskin Gauntlets __ . .65 Horsehide Gauntlets, muleskin fronts, per pair X 60 Horsehide Gauntlets __.__.._-... 1.00 A good supply of Men's second hand Felt Hats at reasonble Friegs Cake 4 4 Socks gStockings White and black Sh Stockings, from .50 to 95 Ladies' light summer Weight Stockix black, br own and white... a... 25 Men's summer weight sox, black, brown or white __. Mer's Heather Sox 25 or 2 pair for __._. } ers io Men's heavy silk Sox, per pair ..__ Af or Spairfor A... - 1.25: Boys' Stockings, all sizes, from__ .20 THe Bd Ts 25 * sk ok ok Shoes Men's and Ladies' . Men's dress Shoe, bulldog style, good wide-comfortable Shoe, rubber heel, welter sole 4.50 Men's medium point shoe from __4.25 1 FSU AN 4.75 Ien's round toe dress Shoe _.... 3.95 Men's Black Oxfords __.__.__.__ 3.50 Men's .dark brown Oxfords --_.., 8.95 Men's Work Boots, brown or black, plain toe cap iii. 39D Men's brown Work Boot with TLL _ pep pair... 3.95 Men's black Shoe with toe cap __ 8. 85 Our Leader Shoe, genuine regulation army leather, waterproof, guaranteed to wear good mr TS Dark brown Work Boot without toe cap, double sole right through welted, sole half iron shod JERE Rr 0 Boys' black Boots, all sizes __.__ 3.25 Boys' brown Boots __.__.__. SL 3.65 Ladies' high top boot, french heel 1.25 Ladies' high top black boot, low heel, good comiortable width, from __.. 3.25 BO calbindin SE rer ty SEEN) Ladies' 2-strap slippers with military heel, extra good calf leather __.... 8. 75 One lot of white canvas wear left, will be reduced to a cheap price Men's second hand Army Boots_.-2.50 Ladies' and Children's second h BOnly : erin rig en ¢ Shoe Laces, all colours, 8 for __... .10 All our Shoes are priced at last week's reduction. Ladies' Calfskin Slippers, 3-E width, per pair 3.95 ¥ ok Suits Men's and Ladies' Men's new blue. serge suits, well tail- @ ored, good fitting, straight fronts 19.50 Dark Brown tweed enw Suits -_ 17.50 Second hand Suits, from .A_.._.. 7.00 (TTA EE oe 17.0 Qdd Coats, form 2.00 to .._ 8.0 Odd Vests, from .50 to __..____.. 1.25 Ladies' Suits .....-iieeimegiom wi 4.8 Ladies second hand Skirts ---..c.... .75 All alterations on Men's new and sec- ond hand Suits made free.of charge. In the Bigelow Buin (Opposite Town Hall)