THE DRYDEN OBSERVER umn MACHIN & TEASDALE 5 Barristers, Solicitors, etc., TMPERIAL BANK BLOCK Stae Lode No 484 AF. & aM, G.R.C ; ~~ Q kirets ip the Masonic Hall, Dryden, ihe Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. A. E. BERREY, W.M. A. BURTON, Secy. i 0 (4) F DRYDEN LODGE, Me sd Ll ®. e 417 meets at the Town Hall every 1st and 8rd Monday of each month at eight o'clock. HERB WILDE, N.G. D. ANDERSCN, Secy Visiting Brethren Cordially Invited. L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1694 meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight, in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren cer- dially invited. J. E. HARRIS, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy 1. E.GIBSON, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &e. Agent for THE ROYAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY DRYDEN ONTARIQ Ke odak A) you Zz 0 "Barefoot boy with cheek of tan!" --here he is~--you'll meet him afterwards in your Kodak album. With a Kodak you bring the trip back. Let us show you Kodaks from our com- plete stock. They're priced as low as $6.50, and they're a// auto- graphic. pugh's CONFECTIONERY STORE (Green Feed and Its value tes (Experimental Farms Note) 'The utilization of green feed in some form is rapidly becoming recog- nized as the most economical method of stock feeding. Not only can more live stock be kept per acre, but it can be feed' at proportionally less cost. For example, on the Experimental Farm, at Nappan fifty head of dairy cows were carried through the summer season on twenty-five aeves of pasture (twenty of which was very rough, poor pasture) by the aid of green feed from four acres. There was no appreciable decrease in the milk flow, other tha nthe natural falling-off to- ward the end of lactation period; fur- ther, the cows were in good healthy condition in the fall. Oats, peas and vetch, when sown to- gether, make an excellent mixture for green feed for dairy cows, because it is rich in portein and carbo-hydrates. Green feed will do much to reduce the cost of rearing calves. Ten pounds of good oats, peas and vetch have ap- proximately the equivalent in feeding value of three pounds of ground oats. In other words, if oats are worth $37.60 per ton for feed, green feed from oats, peas and vetch would have a feeding value of $11 per ton. When green feed in the form of clover, rape and oats, peas and vetch is provided for our brood sows we are able to reduce the meal ration from six pounds per head per day to three pounds, which is a saving in mill feeds of three pounds per day, or 5 cents per sow per day. The following method is adopted for supplying green feed for pigs: A small area near the piggery is sown with common red clover and alsike, with a cover crop of oats. As the o6ats reach the milk stage they are cut and fed to pigs in pens. The clover will come on early in the following spring and be fit to more small paddocks are sown with rape as early in May as the soil is fit to work. This is usually ready for pasturing from the first to the middle of July. A third paddock is sown to oats, peas and vetch. This is cut and fed to pigs in pen, being ready about the last of July. In this way there is provided a continuous supply of green feed for the brod sows and growing pigs throughout the greater part of the season. Oats, peas and vetch are mixed as follows: Banner oats, 1% bushels; Gold Vine peas, % bushel; vetch, 1% bushel; and sown at the rate of 8 bushels per acre. Rape is seeded at the rate of 8 .pounds per acre, broadcast. Common red clover is seeded at the rate of 10 to 12 pounds and alsike at the rate of 2 to 3 pounds per acre. It is not a good plan to turn 'the pigs in on the oats, peas and vetch es there is too much waste from ltrampineg. In feeding the rape, allow "the pigs two or three hours per day at first; later they may be allowed full range of paddock. If the practice of growing green feed for stock is once establisheed, its value as an econ- omical stock feed will soon Become apparent, } W. W. BAIRD, Superintendent (X24 "Here," said the is a pair of pajamas you'll never wear out" salesman, "Yes, they are rather loud for street wear, arn't they?" Staying Power The phenomenal sale of Star Cars in Dryden and District since the season opened settles every argument as to its pop- ularity and merits. We haven't had a single complaint--never a kick. Every customer is satisfied. Don't form your opinion of the Star until you have ridden in one, and asked your friends about their Star Cars. Let the smooth running engine and luxurious springs and cushions tell their own tale. Tor case, comfort, durability, low fuel consumption the Star has made its own records and will stand the test with any other car on the market. The creation of the Star is the most brilliant accomplishment of any auto builder since the industry started. Smartness in looks, thoroughness and modern design in a low-priced car have never been so skilfully combined until the Star Car was designed by W. C. Durant, the pioneer builder of automobiles, whose reputation was identified with the success of the Buick, Oldsmobile, Chevrolet, Durant and other famous cars. ok ok kk Free Air for every car user. .Gasoline, Oil, and every necessity for your needs. Ne have a full supply of parts and equipment on hand, and will look after your car in every respect. esr MR Be creer. See the beautiful new Durant Sport Model in our show rooms at SELF'S GARAGE istrict Motor Co. 2 ; i i on gL i pasture off by the middle of June. Two { M. J. CROSIER Cakes an nstry Tata al WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF WEDDING CAKES, AND BAKE CAKES OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER FOR EVERY OCCASION. OUR BREAD IS SWEET AND NUTRITOUS QUALITY GOES INTO EVERY LOAF Twine in the New Big Ball THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST IN THE END ORDER YOUR TWINE EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT Agent for: -- ------F ee KEROSENE OXDRIFT A new and more convenient size of twine ball is now beng used by Can- adian farmers. This new size occupies very little more space than the old- fashioned ball and carries almost twice as much twine. This in itself represents a big saving in time in the field. The new ball is made in the old, reliable, time-tested brands--MeCor- mick, Deering and International--and is guaranteed for length, strength and weight. There are no thick, bunchy spots to catch in the needle and no thin places to break in the knotter. The twine flows smoothly from the twine can to the needle and binds a clean, neat bundle with a knot that is just as strong as the twine itself. Every year you have an opportunity to buy low-priced, low-graded twine. You rarely can save more than a cent | SAVE YOUR HORSES «pm 7 ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your team as * well as the driver. How about pulling a load besides? In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily Bj and economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor. The 10-18 or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ft. double action dise harrow set to full depth, Busy farmers can work the "iron horse" day and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case | } A tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl- inders, The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The all cut f= steel spur gears are fully enclosed and run in oil. The weight of the Case 10-18 is only about 2,400 Ibs. this, with the liberal sized tires prevents soil packing. Other important features jem explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking. ; Let ug tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Tractors, ¥. T. BRIGNALL a pound on such twine, and counting tme lost because of breaks and grain wasted by reason of broken bundles, it is more expensive in the end. Cheap twine rarely contains the full weight or length, which is another way you. lose. Insist upon the big ball. J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Ltd _-------- TRACTORS ) a Id " | | | ONTARIO NE : BE 2 General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO ® x FF Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Frost & Wood and . 5 Cockshuit Implements WATKIN'S PRODUCTS FOR FARMER or CITIZEN Special for Summer Seasoni;-- FLY OIL & PADS, DISINFECTANT COSMETICS OF ALL KINDS SUMMER DRINKS Camo DAD ROWLAND, Retailer