Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 10 Aug 1923, page 4

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+E DRYDEN OBSERVER DRYDLN. | QUALITY MEATS |Waldhofs big Day TOWN OF WALDHOF, Ont--A very interest- Tenders will be received b ythe un- ing meeting was held in the wWaldhof dersigned for the errection of a power Fresh BEEF, PORK, ; hall last Saturday by the Waldhof tansmission line from the Town Hall, : : Dryden to the Dryden Paper Co.'s U.F.0. \ LAMB & VEAL Mrs Tuckey, the U.F.W.O. Director power line, a distance of approxim-|' Yi ; 1 » i. 7 = PA gy ; y r { ; ; of this district, gave a very snappy ately 3500 feet. All material to be a ' § : : ro H TT eral ig Arn Be & l OTTAT TTY IIT REST 51 « TT H AMBURGER STEAK address on the aims of farm women's supplied by the Town and work to be v ( QU ALITY. THE EES [--PRICES RIGHT ; organizations and wondered if people performed under the supervision of [mm ; Hy J ; MADE FRESH DAILY thought that the U.F.0. was dead be- | the Town Electrician. i Fresh Vegetables and Fruits always on hand cause it did not happen to carry a Plans and specifications can be seen \/ } i } COOKED ME AT S majority in last election: but she de- at E. A. Klose's hardware store. i Will have: \ clared if there were any such they Tenders to be in the hands of the} § et " ] ALWAYS ON HAND were badly mistaken. No, we ave still undersigned not later than August PEARS, PLUMS and PEACHES § : ive er : ide inde 115th, 1923. The lowest + any tev i 3 4 oe . \ alive and very much alive indeed. She} 95% Slowest or ay I for canning about the 20th. Get our prices on these 8 pot necessarily accepted. - A Dated at Dryden this 26th day of 2] July, 1923. x : further stated that she hoped to see D. FRE]JD, Proprietor. |every woman and every man in this : oR I -- community enrolled as a member of ' = io wi the United Farmers of Ontario. : » ] The next speaker, Mr Fred Brignall, Anything and Fire Insur ance Companies started to explain some of the difficul- : - Represented by Douglas Lane ties of the Board of Directors of the - re | : Hereand There AREER U.F.0., and he said we were foolish ! a i n 1 Everything {or British North-Western Fire Insur- enough to indulge in some family : ne Lat ' x trouble and consequently the other fel- Seeding in Alberta was two weeks h wy, RE 4 # SHE "= JE -- J. E. GIBSON, Clerk "Phone No. 6 or ee rift Co-operative Company, Limited. RRR USER ST TR : ance Co : j : Sn y ; PLY rth t THE BUILDING Commercial Union Assurance Co. low got the best of it. Yes, farmers mies SHS your Wem ii 2 = 2 mm ' he Sa Ltd. 'of London, England. have a lot to learn yet, especially in A second party of Swiss immigrants DRY] & Second Hang Store ONTARIO organization and politics. recently arrived at St. John aboard . Soy . our benefit to come and sed us. If you are leaving town, don't the Melita and are en route for the Canada Accident and Fire Insur- nf After this little talk Fred introduced | ; : : ; ; West, where they will engage in +t being able to sell your furniture or anything else you have A complete stock of :-- 1. UMBER ance Co. : Wis sil a 1 We idelitve : : Lis silo and gave us a real interesting | _ J. > LATH 5 8 Dy Fire Insurance Co. talk on the subject. He explained iy agriculture. in he house fo I All you have to do is write or Tet us know and I will SHINGLES Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd. of detail how it should be built, and Twenty-two thousand i igrar Bo * nu oe ' oh DO house Kooning. oll SASH & DOORS ; os thought it not a difficult or expensive to Canada from the United States need to worry about starting up house keeping, & London, England, established 1821 : z Pas ; ) ; ' apy h : were inspected on t and high- : is come over to our New and Second Hand Furniture Store CEMENT General Animals Insurance Co. of matter at all. The only outlay would} & 088] ttl ints fro oe ow ; i : i be around a hundred dollars for fit- Way crossings ap aac points from | and you will find a ou need. We also have a line of dishes and 00D FIBRE Canada. € s 10 Port Arthur to Kingsgate, B.C., dur- is * : 1 i 4 £55 s ° c ue rave a oood cuonly of cook stov d OL LIME The London and Lancashire Insur- tings and about 5000 feet &f lumber. | ing March of this year. 2 RUS can Tagen supply 0 goon» yes an ranges ANTHR ACITE and ALBERTA ance Co., Ltd. He thought that the simple home built wh dk Too : Wi Baby Te at price. Our'leader New 2 hn : ; Fo date the port of Vancouver has | Eo I Mattress at $12.0 mplete. : ; aL Nova : Scotia Fire Underwriters' silo was doing better than the expen-| ¢pinped or a 17,000,000 bushels i : ig H oom wo v i find the ; A)! ! Agency. give advertised one with many frills.| of wheat to the Orient and South a oe -- your ca mogne. on Wn oe the Agent For-- : Northern 'Assurance Co., Lid. iof In filling the silo and cutting the | America. The railroads expect ab Don't forget to give us the first chance if you have, HARTFORD FIRE INS. London, England ' ' silage is where co-operation can do fost 2,500,000 additional bushels to 1 , ave buying anything and everything. gon, . ol J ] J : : , | be shipped this way in the nea? : and | National Fire Insurance Co. © wonders. A corn binder could be} gyrure, LE whine f P : P id GALT COAL Tartford. ( owned by four or five parties or by id Ling : £4 Ig aes TICES ai kkk . Northern British and Mercantile the community, likewise the filler. Ln The Ce carly mission= | om = : fe a course it is an absolute waste ol nian uy 3 A i 1 Insurance Co., Ltd. money ' to have a complete outfit at| Railway, and se A 5 a a es J. Winterbottom Ocean Accident & Guarantee Cor- ; ; pe & Ll poration, Ltd. every farm which would only be used | extensions of their | § 84 NY Yi Kipawa and Quinze - aX I UL : : pl Vicals | BENE, PORK, LAMB, VEAL, MUTTON, sh Sausage, Bologna, Summer Sausage : erhaps two days in the whole year. Ly Lumber, Coal Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd. i tr Ti eariy members of and Builders' Supplies. ie Sm Thence Office of Lope", Tn 70220 to man owes ad prov-| iron which did so m Se L don, England (founded 1710, old- ed that they would grow and grow | colonization of the country. 'good--15 to 20 tons to the acre, and edhe CAR 'RADIATOR EXPLODES AND est Insurance Company in World.) 2° = ° 4 ASE . WOUNDS MAN Union. Assurance Society Ltd. of Z0ions 18 not am exception. i Sl ee SARNIA, Ont, Aug 8-Fre d Smith] - London, England, established 1714. In seeding he used a common drifl On il i ot His oth wes ily Sedlded when : 2 wih mo Doles prlpged 30 Hag UL When srented and Tun hig of 3 8 or 2 La eed will drop in rows of 8 or 3% feet machines, will con the radiator of his automobile explod- JAMES NMcFADYEN apart, giving plenty of room for cul 350,000 Gditions) cor ed while he was, attending to it about | REAL ESTATE tivation. Six pounds of seeds to the To 2 oh 7 four miles from the city. He had AND acre proved to give the best results. | 5,000,000 cords of pulpwood noticed that his engine was overheat- : INSURANCE ~t On answering questions Fred was senting the growth of a century, of Th 3 : ° ; ed. The explosion was probably due fai quite at home. Somebody wanted to | TOTE O% 1,250,000 acres of land. ne Practical Butcher per iy ; DRYDEN ® ONT. know if there was salt put in a silo XA 'new service Tor motor ton on SIT GS RAR | 1: ater. The speaker stated that his { desiring to pass between the 1 experience was that sunflowers left at land and Vancouver 1 y inaugurated between j y Fy % i: La : Wh i the groud for a week or ten days gave ; x gd funy 4 He 1) in : [ny : better results than the ver ; Victoria. ~The Motor 5, WwW BAH gg iN : ° ® efter rosulis on the vary green § , capacity for fifty automo 4 lp 3 i Ho ones. Salt is never used in silos. In] 250 passengers, plies twice daily be- to a plugged overflow pipe. yegard to sweet clover he reminded mc It is quite as important to have your Car tuned up by an expert. the audience that we had great trouble ind to as your piano. Only when everything is perfectly adjusted can: 2) QL . - to get rid of brush, and he could see {jo continent. i you have perfect satisfaction. ney «1 0 om 0 ] : ora Dish of the best Tee Cream-- Let s go to Burgesse 10 sense in introducing it again in the gy all kinds of repairs and adjustments that your auto form and under the mame of sweet In produced : needs, and charges are reasonable. il ; - ; \ 1 ce. valued at $54,381 A EVIRT ree TODINOTAT household word in Dryden. There must be a reason clover. Moreover he could tell that 1,899 a » TOWN ORDERS ESPECIALLY CATERED TO Tie : cattle did mot want to eat the bloom- valued at $42,719, according to gov : : : ing stuff, and worst of all it gets] ernment figures: There are a num rf Glauber TT nm Ko 4 Ly . entral Garage EVERYTHING IN FRESH FRUITS AND CANDIES mouldy in the silo; so he decided no ber of immense de : 5 : : : el salts in the province of Saskatch- : H. C. BICKNELL, Proprietor In these hot days, what is nicer than a good cold Drink Fh wn av} re o. This popular little Ice Cream Parlour has become the X: ®oE a i V or i Rat l i ; ad de a _-- de ewan, which are at the present time Brine in your Films for Developme . Another man asked about the finan" y only in the initial st of develop- Uy £ ¥ D Tone cial end of the story. : Fred had nearly | ment, but it is antiel ted that the a next few years willisee a considers : He positively stated that the cattle he The Canadian e fed last winter (close to a hundred | ish Empire Exhibition, to be held in London from April 20th 'to October ihead) gained 25 p.c. in weight and ni, nts be finer he py Shy A ey DON'T FORGET TO ORDER YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS EARLY z srmemarm w= | overlooked that and was glad to be pt ew year 500) ; d : J reminded of this end of the question. shies inorense fb produanen sd 9 ov : la . in 7 ST Td 3 : £ : 1ibit at the Brite J (40 ] | 3H Love?' v * : z sold for double the price they were trolled and 'directed' by the Federal bought for. Going to Toronto market { Government. The estimated cost is {| SET OF mS, 97 plec Ea all 46.00 there were 5000 cattle, and out of $1,000,000. The two Canadian rail- ; ; Sh v i {hose 5000 eight topped the market roads are plone exhibits on ad | Ukulele, from 4.50 to till, Still With Me s ; s joining sites, each with a floor space a La LL gre el Nr 91, vith 8c a pound and one of those eight |. ot 10,000 foot. The cost ny the Canar | Aordeons ron fou to na i > Si o Init was owned by Mr Fred Brignall. } gian Pacific exhibit is estimated at ial double reed Accordeons ---- 9.40] lad : {Surely a better advertisement for silo $300,000. ' oo v ¢ __. 26.50 J Good Bye, Beloved, Good Bye is hard to find ; PERE AY ry Tuitars ii hoe 1B0 EThe Danube River a WEA The Canadian' Pacific steamship @ pa i As far as cattle raising goes Mr | «mmpress of Lussia," upon Ler Inst CO ee 9.00 EM reille 5 1 | Brignall does not believe we can do it{ sailing, carried a shipment of Cana- yer Rolls, each es 12D La Vierge a la Creche ] without losing money and losing heav- dian frogs for Japan. Cool space phones, from' 50.00 | Andanta--Symphonic Espagnole ily. As long as the west is close by wa yonerven In oe hold of Hi ue fot 395.00 Air--Turkish March--Ruins of Athei Li / > Yl ond the travellers were well pace ; ae A Fa : as it is now, we easily get all the oe On taken ashore ab = ai a Soli bin Gramaphones, form __115.02 cattle we want in the fall at a price Yokohama th -ogs will be gradu- | Recoras-- to... 1165. : {we could not raise them for. Of} ally warmed until they are ready t@ 7 Have no Bananas. Gramaphone Cabinet, to fit No. i 20 ¥ HC } 771 i el at tend Wo i 1 course on man can raise even the poor- be os loose, W hen they ue Ritzi Mitzi 40 80 Bditon wl _ 923. i : : OF~1 "erated on the lawns © an elt al ine = : up {ost animal profitably at 1%c a pound. | importers, with the idea of giving After Toiling, Come to' Rest | Doherty Piano, cash price ____.. 365.00 A Nr N FY it po-{ tL 'panese a new industry in the | ; \ } : ne oe No, to be correct, it is not clear pro- | the Japanese a new J 2. A-sclection of 800 records to choose from at any time Sold by:-- Yt 8 : fit. But at least he stated that he is production of frogs legs. y J : jy \ ah 2 A Ey : tle tok his land in 4 r t i Join our library---700 books--40 cents to join, b cents to exchange ry A tt 4 : op ' k A. G. RIPLEY 'Dryden Ont. J 2 0 10 gop ms angen eo yeryy on The Canadian Pacific Telegraphs J : i: Th, 5 . .Ycondition. Every day in the winter{ have announced the following re- ; QO. H. PRONGER, Prop. duced rates per word for cable mese. . i e--------! {170 loads of manure are applied to per. ¥ e me the fields which guaranteed a 'good | To 4. to (the following countries } ; cfoctive to-dayi--Austria, 30 cents, ONLY TWENTY ROBT. , SWE ENEY : stand in the next' season. Anyway, | poloium 23 cents, France 22 cent, {Mr Brignall is very much pleased with | Germany 25 cents, Great Britain and as Ireland 20 cents, Greece 35 cents, i the vesul h i General i Blacksmith & teivesult, and he Pp ir = be Hungary 33 cents, Daly 2 cents; ra an centa, more silos built. gal ! : Spain 33 cents, Switzer] i U vl 3 i § WH poll SL THE Woo dworker sure money-maker. : The 25 cent per word rate to Great { ST Someone put the question about a| Britain and Ireland is still in effect : i ; > : LEFT ; SALE TO CLEA? ON BOYS & GIRLS RIDING BREECHES for special rush cables. Corresponds A7QUST SA } 0 j +vl dairy and Mr Brignall stated he could} i Lit o 1 pone x J ink eas thi .. {ing reductions have been ma e im | 4 a These we will sell for one third off, viz Xys iil Ne y ene moh ope a. hd the rates to ether countries iin AND OVERALLS Re > Gs 73) in deer pr . A Ll and beyond via Atlantic cables, and | nies i aa Peailion, Win ed 4 oi ; Regular $4.50, Sale Price mee $8.00 ! : 8 ! make good. He is also wondering why | the new deferred rates will Yo ong | Boys' Khaki Riding Breeches, siz es 28 fo 82. ats $1.90 Regular $3.50, Sale Price __.__.. $2.36 in cor nection the Kenora dairy did mot stand the half of the full rates quoted abeve | Boy's or young men's heavy Ridin g Breeches, sizes 32--34 ____ 2.60 Regular $2.50, Sale Price .__. $1.65 § T= == mRTEEEE m= ot. Kenora is one of the best situ- except 2 Te Brits ii Don ! Boys' or young men's Riding Bree ches, sizes 32--36 Le Sega i i : ike i : 5 T . nere the existing deferred raig SY Rh nara izes 47 years Size 2ft, 6inx 6ft, Gin. only ~ 9 ated places in Ontario to start a dairy. ne rte per word is unaltered. y | To oe sizes 4 7 JORIE re oii i 25 ; : x BUIL DERS SU PPLIES Dryden would be a good place too. oy ga ye -- -- ; ; 5 . : / Bw, 3 al s - = rls' Blue Denim Comb. Uverais red trimmed __._.. 0 B avg a. Ean Just consider the amount of butter, Ee on HY ime - 8 : malt Fas Boll Banks wa wlll one Picture Framing | eee and ice cream imported into this 'applause followed, and the young peo- Girls', 8--10 yrs, grey or blue Comb. Overall, trimmed 1.50 ized a little a cradf istrict : ed i ple. quickls Vianitoba § = wat and Wood | district day by day. But then Fred pie qu 7. tie. : Shines Si Hara would not go into the dairy business; jand kept swinging around tll clese hk kx bre, Etc. ; if he hates anything it is milking cows , midnight. The president thanked Mrs Tuckey | E. « CA. K - L 0§ E Undertaking 10 wo din and Mr Brignall for their not only in- | Quite a few of our boys W il > { 1 ; a cash discount of 25p.c.' See our window for prices, These are real snaps and should not last long at these prices v Keep in touch with us and leave us your order for all kinds of Fresh Fru B® ox ® in season. tr : teresting but very practical speeches, to help ANDERSON & HARRIS and hoped it would not be the last! Tiigs 'Olga Fischees : + 3 ff : time they would be in Waldhof. Warm fe fun at us --Ontario Dryden-- i all, «you pe Ea pln lpn S al tlhe hhh tect Sols EE TEA a Bp SE ot Lira Le Ste Sn appr VAR Aw lB ip niet

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