Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 10 Aug 1923, page 5

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THE peyDey OBSERVER o Public Meeting Municipality of Yan Horne ® ok x % Unless the Public Demand it. At He alos se = Tuesday's meeting Notice ' 1 Mayor Pitt raised Applications for Collector for the that a been frequently {Municipality of Van Horne and Glen- to when the public |goland School Section at a salary of to consider the matter of | $100.00 will be received by the under- essment for Dryden Paper signed up to noon of Saturday, Aug. 25th, 1923. GEORGE WICE, Clerk & Treas T P of Van Horne} ICE CREAM SOCIAL DYMENT, Ont.--A pie and icel cream social was held in town last Thursday evening in aid of the mis- Deron wish dsionary work that is being carried on me ci Umar by Mr J. M. Wallace. A large gather-{ ] ing enjoyed a splendid programme ar-{. and 5 i apne any Fai 1 Men's imitation Tweed Coats, water- Khaki Pants 2.10 hl 8 1 by the ladies. The sum ofy | 7000 Qa] 3.91 v P 2.75 2 Co d was $20.00. Mr Wal. |Prool. reg. 7.00, Sale... 95 Corduroy Pants \ i was 00. Mr Wal- Y Fir 5 % i 7 by sh : Just received a mew lot of Canvas] Whipcord Breeches .__.__.__ _.. &. 75 ace expressed the desire that this : i VA ~ : Toes. pore a a ® i i 1 aver = Shoes and Boots . We are putting | Navy Blue serge Pants ..__.____.. 4.25 fie zens themsels noney shou urend over to tl ; : : aN Ti 4 haem 2 stepotad Io wolte re a p ° { Sather thas leon themout at __.__..____.__ .____ .95|Second hand Pants, blue serge and e Clerk was in ted ri e mission fund rather tha y SL z - LE) + + ~ ger; asking whether - er i 1 he these shoes are wor th examination. other colours... i. i= 2.75 W {7 o 2 ate Ton 1 Sa gut tw mselrt. 5 2 A * ® Manish > Moma» i We also received a lot of men's Work Boys' Bloomers, khaki, from __. 1.05 7d would consider the administration hi \ hv-Tawe nt 6 small salary : A Boets which will be a great special,] to __. 1.20 ' $ he Town by-laws at a small salar; 8 ! i ily ? : Lol A dns nly Classified Cper pate LLL Le 2.95 | Tweed Bloomers, from 2.00 to __ 2.25 id Shi ihe ie : do not come late as we haven't many | Moleskin Bloomers, from 2.00 to 2.25 ( - 4 a Sr Having no stable accomodation, I of them Nav blue tweed Bloomers __..__.. 1.35 BID 3 : Tos tle 33 2 La i Wa : DAFT Ees (am reluctantly compelled to dispose! meayvy pure wool Coat Sweaters, also'{ Men's cotton Breeches __..__. ._._. 1.25 x \/ : ors ol] ye / bl Dvedon Baseball toms played Ken- of several choice yearling Heifers, all pte pullover wool Sweaters from |Men's Overalls, blue stripe, from 1.50 f i A ry PE ; : : of heavy milking strain. 4.25 to 4.95} to ie 1.95 A ora and Keewatin on their home Al ivan We. Boot freeads nt - 5 = 5 ' / 'grounds Wednesday, winning both 150 Wo, <-yeal ol, due to Ireshen| Mews lights Caps, from .50 to £-.. L153 Men's Blue Overalls 0. _. 1.95 \/ Ii is Tha srove ab Wedwalln, 5. September and October. These two§nen's new Hats, all colours and sizes, | Men's new blue and blue stripe smoks 2 Rei imei ' * © Iwill stand inspection and will be sold reduced to low prices. each : 1.85 \ '1 playing twelve innings; at Kenora, 12 reas hable, I ! 8: il a (av Inning J. Miller pitched > ve kk ok o% Vi na 4 (six donings).: $ p Aberdeen Angus Bull, two years old, a | both games. Dryden now stands a good chance to win the second series. | 2 von Sood snfmsl Wien your herd, Working Shirts Men' S & Ladies' Stes : ; Vill sel h is- Next Wednesday Dryden plays Kee- Will sell any of the above at a dis count for cash or on approved joint Black Shirts «95 |Men's heavy black or brown work | watin: at Kenora, to play o ff the tie ote--apply, Blue Chambray Shirts __..._.__.... 1.10 | Shoe wit or without toe cap --_.. 3.95 game to decide the winner of the first D. MeKELL AR [Khaki Flannellette Shirts -_.__.. 1.45] pen's regulation army leather Shoe, series. J Gray Flannellette Shirts __..__.._ 1.35 waterproof, good wearing '__.__. ATS 5 : SHORTY inp Lu {FOR SALE--HOLSTEIN BULL, 1%] ben oy and Blue Shirts very Te enn wy Shoe in a dark brown y % 9 : years old. For particulars apply to ring 3 I 9 {chocolate co our, double sole, half shod In the Men's Window Sunday, August 12 17/8/23 W. D. NEELY, Oxdrift }Khaki Drill Seis mb 1.35] iron heel ee 4.65 ; oo IT ant Presches, Revo A. TO Wik Ch i Men's high top Work Boots __.... 4.75 One Hund ed Pairs ef VV {liams, B.D., missionary from Honan, ane 0 BUvtall MOUST, Ds Sh © |Men's medium point Shoe for dress Lou \ Yl ? : Send particulars to ress Shirts * |wear, black bro hocolat 1 : Via 3/8/23 BOX 210, Dryden {rmtintion. voce tlle thiere mute roy WY) TROUSERS : © 7 p.m.--Preacher, Rev. Rann, B.A. | aE Imitation raw sill Shirts, extra good | per pair 4.25 \ © Vllof st. Micheal's Winnipeg. GOOD BOARD & ROOM can be had Value, collar of same material --_.. 145 | Men's half Bulldog toe for dress wear, 7 : $ "Ml Parish Notes said only one service at reasonable rates at the Fleming jSame Shirt without collar .____. 1.30 per pair 3.95 i For the low pr Ice of on that day, but there will be two as Boarding House, Arthur St, i Silk front and cuff Shirts, very pretty | Men's full Bulldog toe Shoe for dress gE ; stated. Skating Rink 17/8/23 Datterns i hed dier 205. WeBE, VOry comfortable and :good wear- RT EE EC A SET -- Linen stripe Shirts, all colors and sizes ing 4.50 & 2.95 . FOR SALE--Good FORD TOURING| at 11% | Men's extra fine leather dress Shoe, : / SPECIALS CAR. Tires nearly new; in good run-f Dress Shirts with collar attached 1.26% peripair 4.75 ning order. Snap at $225--apply Flannelette Dress Shirts, all sizes 1.2% | Women's and Girls' high top Dress. . a \ Se i DURANCE. BROS. & Co. (Towelling, per yard __...._..__.. .2( Shoe _ 3.25 Do not take my word . BEETS a, RI Ook Opposite Royal Bank Boys' jersey Sweater .. w= -50§ Women's high top Shoe with. French ih | i || ONTON, per buneh _ 06 TRACTOR PLOUGHING. Sod $5.00, Mer's Se BE To as Le whether they are wort CABBAGE, per ib __..__.__.__.__ .08 Breaking $6.00 per acre. Satisfaction Wi ily eT pe 5 Sen 2-strap slipper of ign : : ; NEW POTATOES, 4%-Ihs ______ .25 guaranteed--apply er ia a : > . 2 A ' or per doz. -9¢ | Women's extra good fitting 'strap slip- this or not; Examine them APmiCOTS, per gos ns eid 3.50 24/8[23¢ ARTHUR ' Men's coloured Handkerchiefs __. .1E pers in 3-E a LE os ul i eit Wren PP Ioen's large coloured Handkerchiefs to] Men's black Oxfords ho. 5.50 yoursel VES. i a 5 = 2 FOR SALE--MOTOR BOAT in first-] tie around the neck ____._..__ .2£ {Men's bfown Oxfords __. pics 3.95 ANY os class order. Apply to A great assortment of Men's neck ties, | A good supply of Women's ard Child- | LUM ln PLN Mrs J. H. HILL, Dryden reg. 1.25, Sale __i-ioio_ie.. .65]ren's second hand Shoes .._.... = - 1.50 i : NEN ! 3 2 - ri PW Knitted Ties --_....___..____. __.. .4L|Second hand army Boots __._. ... 2.50 ) % ok kok ouse 22 x 28 one and a half storeys g;.. assortment of men's cling Boy's mew Boots, brown or black, from - | Candies of all sorts at_the right prices with two acres of land for sale. Good pipes from 20 to flo. 88] 895 to Zn 3.89 A 25 +t : in the Ladies' Window A : En soil for garden; well; chicken house Men's light Dress Braces __.__.. .50 Su 3 A IN and 35 chickens; on Van Horne Street, Men's heavy Police Braces _. _ .40 ; / E. LAWRENCE, Grocer close to School, within town limits. fe. } > 2 i a ak ] Vi Boys' Braces form 20 to... BE OX toe ings Odd Lin es. of Phone 82 Bigelow Block For particulars apply to J. E. Gibson,l nieve hard collars just received in our ie . fue or to the owner, ton Ge dd a o5 | White and black Silke Stockings, -50 Mr. BEEKEEPER:-- 10--8 W. A. MILLROY, Dryd EE at Ed Les ae PRIMI i black, br grey SUMMER SHOES e : . : Uhrig » UTyden. dott Collars ries 220} £ n own, rnd Before ordering . your, supplies, get | FOR SALE--HOMESTEAD IM.-J}Men's Bow Ties, from 2046 L040 on ---- Silk Stockings oh For the pri ce- of per pair | jour lowest prices and let us save you ,PROVEMENTS near Dinorwic. 3)Belts with silver buckles, rubber or Sead 0% i tockings, black, w. he : ' te.) \V/ | money. Youlior LLL i > en wn, all glges 0 10 {| Do you want to buy Bees or Sup- fron steel, ut stumped, good land Same * x Boys' Stockings, al sizes, .20 and .25 4 plies? ? Consult us. --apply . Men's light summer Sox, black, brown E. W. WILLIAMS, Dinorwi $1 23 STEWART & CURTIS ? ILLIaMS, Dowie] Mitts & Gloves aan A 2 L in Ll [en's heather Sox, per pair/__.__ .35 i Hox 121 hs SALE Th Sone ey a Horsehide Pullover Mitts from ... 30} ". g pair for __.. Pe Bi 1 00 So i ; 4 v SHOP--One door south Wilson's Liv- ok Sh ett 00 Er ay to ir Te 18 Men's heavy Silk Sox ] 45 ! ® [) \ B ; ; : i s . i " y pi € ! IX mim mm mie To be tried ofl In the Store i Sty vom, or coll ot Mv B. Blair's 'R. H. PRONGER, Dryden Pon LE, AE = Men's black wool Sox with clocks .50 S * Nl I tr ee uleskin Gauntlets Gloves ._..__.. . 2§ Men's Wool Sox, from .25 tro __..._ 30 d Nop § d i A ° b ti \v ' Gauntlet Gloves, muleskin back and Children's Sox. in 25 and paid for. Approbation vl | : Ga ildren's Sox, from 25 ta ____. .35 horgehide front 10 0h. 69 S088 Horsehide Gauntlet Gloves _ Horsehide lined G Sth 8D / ' fc THE 1 PROOF eit lt Men's Suite 3% 7 J Leh New and second hand Suits, all olan OF QQ ALITY © Urn derv 7 ear and sizes, from ._.__. ---- 7.00 up = : Balbriggin 2-piece underwear, per gar-| Men's new Suits, very good values, MGA om LL JO from 17.0040. 5. ou 0 _ 19.50 Cotton and wool 2-piece Under wedr, Men's odd Coats, from 2.00 to -- 6.50 ver garment Loo ty 9% Men's odd Vests, from .50 to __.... 1. 25 interferes with the regular § Stock, as many of these ; Shoes are worth, twice the price : ° FOR twenty years Ford WITTY Cotton and wool €ombinatio Lae 95 foe supply of Ladies' Suits from = boii Balbriggin Combinations .__. An 1.4Q7 oto Fr = ; cars have passed Dark grey light Combinations __.. 1.40} kiadies' Skirts __... smi 598 y g thr ough every test re- p : Sewing Thread, .06 per spool or sixilf vou are going for! your vacation, ; og quired to prove their : for i eeeo_l_.__.. .25icome now and get a Club Bag or Suit quality. § 188 Garters 0 oo. oi 208Co%e, We have 'a good supply of : : Sleeve Holders _....__ ER 10] them and prices are much better than The present Ford car is Bachelor Buttons, per pkg ____.__ 10 AR I old Spe i Shoe Polish, 2. for «ob oo 25 f Nice Big Sleeping Doll __....___.. 1.75 the culmination of , this . Laces, S pale for 0. 0 nol Hg Cne Mandolin to sell quality at a price lower rain Fancy Lamp than ever before. Pants & Overalls Good assortment of Rifles and Shot ¢ Guns Let us explain the Thrift Cotton Pants oo. ob 10 2.453 Two single sets of Harness, just as * Plan of purchase. Cottonade Pants "mim mie 2.95 § good asgnew. Will sell reasonable. / Good strong Belgium Pants, good and! Also odd Parts of Harness which will i] i roomy with a cuff finish __.__.__ 8.25 : sell cheap. 4 Moleskin Ponts 0 ov 0 - 8.90 Carpenter Saws oo... 140 ¥ g " Dingwall Garage Dryden Ontario AR] { p | DRYDEN, Ont. FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA; LIMITED FORD, ONTARIO 5323 and Store (Opposite Town Hall) SS Seat Ep = See San FL In the Bigelow Building, 1}

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