THE DRYDEN OBSER V HR ZEEE EE i so ZZ cr SRE aE Gay FETS a SIE Be 2 Siro SSS Seer OCS EBS HE £2 as SS PRS ST Ze HES On a hot /day, the receipt of mackinaws, blankets and sweaters makes it hotter. And so with the thousands of dollars of winter goods coming in, we are beginning to wonder what to do with summer stuff. To offer to give away summer wear in this present period ¥of rain and coolness might seem foolish, but there is a little weather prognos- tication afloat. Someone says that the end of our August and September is going to be glorious stuimmer time. Therefore the various summer lines marked down throughout the store from now until the end of August, should find responsive buyers: / N ii | life too soft in New Ontario. | far as dependence on government ii ishare of the Easy Mon EN 0 in Mr W. W. French's letter i \ Soft ng ESE WALDHOF, Ont--Much surprised to read that fine piece of writing of Mr W. W. Freneh. So I eannot 41 course this to his credit. But what surpriseed us most is that life is so very easy in New Ontario. We are not complaining it hard work or hard times, but = | Mr W. W. French, WE never fou goes, if this is true (and we s reason to doubt Mr W. W. French's honesty in this matter) certainly we here in. Waldhof have been done. out ;1of it, and we must now try to get a Mr French refers to. To tell the truth, we neve: did any gravelling in the winter, 'and we get very little in the summer time. So we figure that either the people in Minnitaki- must have a special privil- ege, or otherwise Mr W. W. French is not well informed. ! Now as far as the right or wrong goes of bur present road building policy, please does Mr French think we do not need roads? Does he think for one moment: we have too many roads? Or does he believe our road system is already perfect To be cor- rect we might state that there are '1settlers in our district for over fifteen years, with clearings of between thirty | and forty acres, without roads--of course that is outside his narrow circle. In the Township of Langton fare six settlers, some thirteen, some & | twelve---none less than ten years--and they cannot move a binder from one place to the other. They never had any road work either in the summer or in the winter, and none have less reply in the lofty style he used." Of : assuredly, § Now as Capival. .Jdevelop as he expects. will yet be amply demonstrated. | pevival in Gold Mining Mr F. H. Sangster, one of the real old-timers in the great days of Wabi- } d mining, now of Toronto, was town with Dryden Smith erday. Mr Sangster, who used to] ice law, is still optimistic as to! the prospects of mining here, despite discouragements of the early , which he attributes chiefly to in- rienced management and lack of In fact he admitted the _|probability of his return here to take up residence in Dryden, if the present indications of revival in gold mining The mineral wealth of this country, he is assured, around Municipality of Van Horne Notice Applications for Collector for the Municipality of Van Horne and Glen- goland School Section at a salary of $3100.00 will be received by the under- signed up to noon of Saturdey, Aug. 25th, 1923. GEORGE WICE, Clerk & Treas Township of Van Horne Classified Having no stable = accomodation, I am reluctantly compelled. to dispose of several choice yearling Heifers, all of heavy milking strain. Also two, 2-year olds, due to freshen September and October. These two will stand inspection and will be sold reasonable. Aberdeen Angus Bull, two years old, than fifteen acresof cultivated land. \ than a boost for Mr Keefer at the ex- / (pense of the settlers of this district. { Well siy, it might be that Mr F. Kee- fer knows thé distriét thoroughly, as | Mr French remarks; but we are sorry {to say we do'not know Mr F. Keefer. | The only thing we know is that the J gentleman was defeated by a Farmer- . Sher man in the last Dominion elec- tion. Of course that would not be Mr i W. W. French's fault we suppose. In any case, if the facts as stated are true, we should appoint a Royal Commis- V3 Ji | sion and have a thorough investigation 9. the matter. VE hope that the government, be it Lib- CAR. Tires nearly new; in good run- In the meantime we il eral, Farmer, or Conservative, will go and see to it that it] pioneer A Le his homestead. 3! And, finally, Mer French, we invite :you to come and have a look at our I community, and see that we--without | |evavel hauling in the winter and less fthat enormous road grant in the sum- i'l , mer--have cleared and cultivated | Ine to two thounsand acres of heavy bush in this for eighteen years per- feet wilderness, and you will omit us | (in your next letter) from your black | list. \ Yours for more and better roads 2 ONE WITHOUT A ROAD / ; 55 h we 4 PREMIER AIDS FOR A | NORTHERN ONTARIO A EXHIBIT i | Premier - personally ordered from the 4 i | display space in the new International i products of the Northland. il cial order, ; \ Big Space Will be Used at Toronto Exhibition Toronto, Aug. 1 Plainly Fergu- \| son has already taken the first steps toward the fulfilment of his promises to Northern Ontario. = Receently the officials of the Canadian National Ex- hibition over 18,000 square feet of Building, which will be clusively to a splendid devoted ex- collection of Not only has Hon. Mr Ferguson given his offi- but he has promised that \[he will take a close personal interest in the success of the new exhibit. But it appears to me that all this stuff of Mr French's is nothing else og a real good animal to top your herd. Will sell any of the above at a dis- nt for cash or on approved joint note--apply, D. McKELLAR FOR SALE--HOLSTEIN BULL, 1% years old. Fer particulars apply to 7]8|23 W. D. NEELY, Oxdrift WANTED TO BUY--Small Hous, Send particulars to 3/8/23 Box 210, Dryden GOOD BOARD % ROOM can be had at reasonable rates at the Fleming Boarding House, Arthur St, near Skating Rink 17]8/23 FOR SATE Good FORD TOURING ning order. Snap at $225--apply DURANCE BROS. & Co. Opposite Royal Bank TRA CTOR 1 PLOUGHING. Sod $5.00, Dread king $6.00 per acre. Satisfaction pus aramteed---apply 24/3[23c ARTHUR MUSHLIAN : Oxdrift, Ont, FOR SALE--MOTOR BOAT in firsts class order. Apply to Mrs J. H. HILL, Dryden House 22 x 28 one and a half storeys with two acres of land for sale. Good soil for garden; well; chicken house and 35 chickens; on Van Horne Street, close to School, within town limits. For particulars apply to J. E. Gibson, or to the owner, 10--8 W. iy MILLROY, Dryden i TTS il y | [FOR SALE_HOMESTEAD IM- Dinorwic. 3 FROVEMENTS near 'acres clear ed, not stumped, good land ond creek--apply i E. W. WILLIAMS, Dinorwic FOR SALE Thirty tons of baled HAY, prime quality. Also small stack of loose hay at $17.00 per ton. E. H. PRONGER, Dyyden Mr. BEEKEEPER:-- Before ordering your supplies, get our lowest prices and let us save you money. Do you want to buy Bees or Sup- Men's imitation Tweed Coats, water- proof. Jiast received 'a new lot of Canvas vo. 7.00, Sale... 3.95 Shoes and Boots . We are putting them out at __.__ +85 these shoes are worth examination. We also received a lot of men's Work Boots which will be a great special, VOY paly LL a 2.95 do not come late as we haven't many of them Heavy pure wool Coat Sweaters, also white pullover wool Sweaters from 428 to o.oo OR Meu's lights Caps, from .50 to __.. 1.15 Men's new Hats, all colours and sizes, reduced to low prices. / PET Black Shirts .95 Blue Chambray Shirts __.__.___. 1.10 Khaki Flannellette Shirts __..__.. 1.45 Gray Flannellette Shirts __.__._ 1.35 Light Grey and Blue Shirts very goo wearing FS Khaki Drill Shirts SR ear 1.35 Dress Shivis Imitation raw silk Shirts, extra good value, collar of same material __.. 1.45 Same Shirt without collar .____. 1.80 Silk front and cuff Shirts, very pretty Palterns oo io bs - 2.05 Linen stripe Shirts, all colors and sizes at REE Lg bY Dress Shirts with collar attached 1.25 Flannelette Dress Shirts, all sizes 1.25 Towelling, per yard __...____.__.. .20 Boys' jersey Sweater _. mbt ia a DY Men's Bathing Suits __.__..____ .80 Boys' Bathing Suits __..__.. ___. .85 Men's white Handkerchiefs, 3 for .25 or per doz. .. 95 Men's coloured Handkerchiefs ARE | Men's large coloured Handkerchiefs to tie, around the neck _.__.__...__ 25 A great assortment of Men's neck ties, veg: 1.25, Bale [oi hah Knitted Ties... oo. loi ay Big assortment ot men's smoking pipes from 10 to =. 8 Men's light Dress Braces __..__.. .50 Men's heavy Police Braces __..__ .40 Boys' Braces form .20 to ..____.. .: 36 Men's hard collars just received in our shipment. .10 each or 3 for .___\ 25 Soft Collars ' .20 Men's Bow Ties, from .20 to __..._. .40 Belts with silver buckles, rubber or leather TE x % Xx Mitts & Gloves Horsehide Pullover Mitts from __ .35 BO a 1.10 Muleskin Gloves __.____..__ Nai nis oD Muleskin Gauntlets Gloves __..__. 65 Gauntlet Gloves, muleskin back and horsehide front... J = 69 Horsehide Gauntlet Gloves __.__.. 1.00 Horsehide lined Gloves __..__..__. .85 Hk kok oA og Urderwear Balbriggin 2-piece-underwear, per gar- ment _ 70 Cotton and wool 2-piece Underwear, per garment... 205 Cotton and wool Combinations 1.95 Balbriggin Combinations 1.40 Dark grey light Combinations __.. 1.40 Sewing Thread, .05 per spool or six plies? Consult us. {or 25 STEWART & CURTIS Garidie Na Box 121 Sleeve Holders _ i Le SHOP--One door south Wilson's Liv-|Bachelor Buttons, per pkg _._ ..10 ery Barn, or call at Mr B. Blair's. Shoe Polish, 2 for... .25 "| A meds A pale for i 10 Working Shirts we 2.10 Lr 2A . 8.75 4.25 Khalil Bombs roi Corduroy Pants __ Whipcord Breeches ..____.: Navy Blue serge Pants Second hand Pants, blue serge and other colours Li... bono 2.75 Boys' Bloomers, khaki, from __.. 1.05 to 1.20 Tweed Bloomers, from 2.00 to __ 2.25 Moleskin Bloomers, from 2.00 to 2.25 Navy blue tweed Bloomers __..__.. 1.35 Men's cotton Breeches __.__.._ i 1:25 Men's Overalls, blue stripe, from 1.50 to. c. 1.95 Men's Blue Overalls __..____.__. . 1.95 Men's new' blue and blue stripe smoks each 1.85 kk kok Men's & Ladies' Shoes Men's heavy black or brown work Shoe with or without toe cap... 3.95 Men's regulation army leather Shoe, waterproof, good wearing __.__.. 4.75 Men's army Shoe in a dark brown chocolate colour, double sole, half shod iron heel ; 4.65 Men's high top Work Boots... 4.75 Men's medium point Shoe for dress wear, black brown or chocolate 'colour, per pair 4.25 Men's half Bulldog toe for dress wear. per pair 3.95 Men's full Bulldog toe Shoe for dress wear, very comfortable ancl good wear- ng 4.50 Men's extra fine leather dress Shoe, per pair _ 4.75 Women's and Girls' hi 'gh top Dress Shoe 3.25 Women's high top Shoe! with French heel... ii 1.25 Women's 2- en slipper of oeltin leather _ oh . 8.75 Women's extra ed fitting Sap slips pers in 3-E width 5. 7 3.95 Men's black Oxfords AER TBO 17) Men's brown Oxfords . 3.95 A good supply of Women' s ond Child- ren's second hand Shoes FRONRESID TL Second hand army Foots __.__ 2.50 Boy's new Boots, brown or black, from B28 tn Ll a 3.65 ¥ kw Sox & Stockings White and black Silk Stockings --- .50 Extra good value in blac fawn and white Silk Sit Rings Ladies' Cotton Stockirigs, black, white and brown, all sizes __. 25 Boys' Stockings, al sizes, .20 and 25 Men's light summer Sox, black, brown or white, all sizes 1 25 Men's heather Sox, 1 per pair __.__ .35 or Spairdor ooh 1.00 Men's heavy Silk Sox SIR RN Men's black wool Sox with clocks 50 Men's Wool Sox, from .25 to 30 Children's Sox, from .25 10 nn 285 Men's Suits New and second hand Suits, all colors and sizes, from. __._ i..." ~ 7.00 up Men's new Suits, very good values, from 17.00 to oan A 1 LL Men's odd Coats, from 2.00 to _. 6.50 Men's odd Vests, from .50 0... 1.25 Good supply of Ladies' Suits from 4.59 to Hol i LER 7.50 Ladies' Skirts wR If you are going for your vacation, sfgcome now and get a Club Bag or Suit Case. We have a good supply of them and prices are much better than you would expect Nice Big Sleeping Doll __..____ 1.75 One Mandolin to seill §| been enthusiastically promised. Northern organizations has already Phone 82 E. LAWRENCE, Grocer Bigelow Block ES In the 2 Bloglow Building, The old log cabin, which for many igen Fancy Lamp /\ [vears past has housed exhibits from SPECIALS Good assortment of Rifles. and Shot | Northern Ontario, is to be supplanted Pants & Overalls Guns by this new display which is to be PEACHES, POT Case oun} 2.05 Hin on mmo 245 § Two single sets of Harness, just as [more in keeping with present condi- POARS wor bow. Le 4.00 on onade Pants _.._..__._..__. 2.950good as new. Will sell reasonable. ¥ [tions and which will aim to represent VIENS, vir core a ood strong Belgium Pants, good and {Also odd Parts of Harness which will {| progress wheh the newer section of the APPLES, per box Li _ 3.95 ee yo a cuff finish __.._.__ 3.25 sell cheap. province has mude in recent years. TOMATOES, por To. iy oeswin Pants on on ~ 8.90 Carpenter Saws _.._. 1.40 ¥ Boards of Pade in many northern CABBAGE, per ™ o_o .._ .08 {| cities 'have felt for some time that a SPANISH ONIONS... 06 : false impression was given by the log | GREEN BEANS Lo 0% poi Ee 7 cabin and have coem to a decision that GREEN PEAS... Ting the time has arrived to begin the cor- OUGUMBERS, 2-5... 25 v rection of this Impression. FOTATORS, 8.05 i 7 ap Mineral, agricultural, natural and BEETS, per bunch... .__.._ 05 manufacturing products will occupy : i the chief booths of the exhibit this a ps Rl Si ; : : 7ilyear and the. active support and co-| Candies of all sorts at the right prices be : i [operation of the more important of the % % % Qe : a | {0 If (Opposite Town Hall)