Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 14 Sep 1923, page 3

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ie 2 vr A dei THE DRYDEN OBSERVER power outfit, smoocoth- running, tractor heretofore produced. 1 Powerful Engine 2 Removable Cylinders 3 High Tension Magneto ¢ 4 "Throttle Governor 5 Accessable Construction 6 Efficient Lubrication 7 Ball and Roller Bearings Agent for:-- A two plow tractor with Ball and Raller Bearings long-lived, ecenomical. at 29 points. The McCormick-Deering has 14 Sortie: features: 8 Three Speeds forward : Adjustable Draw Bar 10 Efficient Final Drive 11 Durable Clutch 12 Large Belt Pulley 13 Water Air Cleaner 14 Serviceable Cooling System EE J. S$. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY of Comets, Lid A real Years ahead of any Canada's bill for damages IE by reason of forest fires during the past five years averages $14,500,000 averaged 5779 a year and the causes of this shocking display of vandalism ; 14 Millions Lost in Fires People 'annually. The number of forest fires i Want To Be Spoon Fed Winnipeg, Sept. 6--Representatives loan and mortagage companies, banks, the Canadian Manufacturers' | Association and the Retail Merchants' were nine times in ten human reck- ' Association met today with members lessness. Camper account for 24 per; cent of all these fires; settlers burning slash started 22 per cent; lightning 10 per cent; and railways 26 per cent. The figure charged to railways however, an unfair index of responsi- 'bility. In the first place, practically all_fires started, or said to be started, from railway lines are instantly re- ported. This is not true of campers, settlers and lightning fires. Again, the majority of railway fires, being _ quickly detected, ave quickly put out so that as timber destroyers the rail- way lines have fallen to a minor posi- tion. The problem of land clearing fires started by settlers and running into the green timber s one of the most aggravated and complex. Settlers in "newly developed districts must use fire to clean up the debris and naturally wish to choose hot and dangerous weather when burning conditions are best. This inevitably means that for the clearing of farms, Canada has paid a tremendous forfeit in destroyed . timber. Much has been done, however to make the process of land clearing safe by issuing permits for burning . and supervising the operation through officers of the Forest Service. Look over your heating apparatus if and you need Stove pipes, Heaters or Cook Stoves we have a large stock for you to choose from. We now have a man to over: haul and put into good condition any kind of Furnace or Heating System. ! * kK % Zz. Aa. KLOSE «e ROBT. SWE ENEY Gener al Blacksmith & Woodworker RICE, JEN Oxya ren Acetylene welding In connection General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO go RR Dry Goods 'Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Frost & Wood and : Ceckshuit Implements : {Agent For-- WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF WEDDING CAKES, AND BAKE CAKES OF ALL KINDS TO ORDER FOR EVERY OCCASION. OUR BREAD IS SWEET AND NUTRITOQUS QUALITY GOES INTO EVERY LOAF wanmesssses® by using bee-escape boards fitted with "In Sto ck Fok Hk ! DRUMHELLER and . GALT COAL® HARD COAL to arrive in the early part of this month. LE I J. Winterbottom Coal Supplies. Lumber, and Builders' ard HARTFORD FIRE INS. | Toney can be extracted more readily The Canadan Forestry Association has repeatedly pointed out that the wood-using = industry of Canada ac- counts for a national income of 500 million dollars a year and cannot con- tinue indefinitely unless every safe- guard is thrown about the limited pos- sessions of the Dominion. | EXTRACTED HONEY Honey should not be removed from the hive until it is ripe, otherwise it! is likely to ferment in a short time.: 'The combs should be at least two-, thirds capped before the honey is ex- tracted. When the time comes to extract, the bees may be cleared from the supers bee-escapes. = The wood-wire board fitted with two escapes is a rapid super cleaner. The board can be easily put, in place beneath the supers and if done in the evening the supers will g usually be cleared of bees by the fol- lowing morning. Before putting on the escapes see that the springs are spaced properly to allow the bees free passage through them but not wide | enough to allow them to return. If, bee escapes are not available the bees can be shaken or brushed from the, 'coming. This excites the bees too much. . As soon as the supers are removed | from the hives they should be taken | to the honey house, which must be Yo proof, as the odor of the honey will attrac the bees and likly start them robbing. All uncapped combs can lataer be returned to the bees to be filled and capped. HY if done while it is still warm from the hives. Before extracting the honey must be uncapped. A steam heated knife is best suited for this purpose. BUILD Picture Framing Manitoba Gypsum Hardwall and Wood over a proper receptacle, such as a Fibre, Etc. Undrbaking 0 in connection ANDERSON & HARRIS ERS' SUPPLIES Keep the uncapping kife sharp, warm and clean so as not to tear the combs. As' some honey will be removed with the cappings this work should be done capping strainer, capping press or melier, as described in the supply cata- logues. As the honey is extracted it is strained and transferred to refining tanks. When a large quantity is to be extracted it is advisable to use a honey pump. The honey can be strain- is, 'next session for farmers, relief. 'of the Provincial Government and of- ficials to consider the credit situation in rural Manitoba. Plans were out- lined by Hon. D. L. McLeod, Provin- cial Secretary for the formation of a 'debt adjustment bureau for equitable 'distribution of the farmers' crop pro- ceeds among their creditors and a committee was appointed to consider the scheme. oe Gevernment Wonld Acti-- Premier Bracken and Attorney- -Gen- eral Craig made it clear that, if the farming community were pressed too strongly: for payment of debts which they were unable to meet without be- ing forced off the land the Government would bring down legislation at the The crop in Southern Manitoba would pro- duce "five to ten bushels per acre of low-grade grain and the proceeds, said the Premier, would not meet the ex-? pense of putting in the crop. Mr] Bracken said he would think about calling a special session of the Legis-f 'lature to let the farmers and the bank- ers debate the subject. "Calamity Howling" C. W. Rowley of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, declared that merchants and others had to be considered. Mr Rowley said he had just returned from Europe and he had heard more "cala- mity howling" in three days in Win- nipeg than in six months in Europe. There was nothing the matter with the country, but the people wanted to be spoon fed. T. A. Burrows, a lumber dealer, de- 'clared that many farmers had been 'wiped out by rural credit societies. He believed the farmers were suffering from an abundance of credit facilities 'rather than lack of credit. "Ye Olde Firm" Breintzmem & Company, Ly Kenora Branch The best in PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS Old instruments taken in exchange New instruments sold on easy terms EAE IRA J. WILDE in charge more rien At the old Rhodes Stand JOS. A. STRUTT GENERAL BLACKSMITH & HORSESHOER The phenomenal sale of Star Cars in Dryden and District since the season opened settles every argument as to its pop- ularity and merits. We haven't had a single complaint--never a kick. Every customer is satisfied. Don't form your opinion of the Star until you have ridden in one, and asked your friends about their Star Cars. Let the smooth running engine and luxurious springs and cushions tell their own tale. For ease, comfort, durability, ow fuel consumption the Star has made its own records and will stand the test with any other car on the market. The creation of the Star is the most brilliant accomplishment of any auto builder since the industry started. Smartness in 'Yeahs, thoroughness and modern design in, a low-priced car have never been so skilfully combined until the Star Car was designed by W. C. Durant, the = pioneer builder of automobiles, whose reputation was identified with the success of the Buick, Oldsmobile, Chevrolet, Durant and other famous cars. sk ook ok kok Free Air for every car user. .Gasoline, Qil, and every necessity for your needs. We have a full supply of parts and equipment on hand, and will look after your car in every respect. SELF'S GARAGE TOAST ARES SZ SR Se i ; an SRS ES All work done promptly ® ER DRYDEN peice REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE DRYDEN w ONT. Gi WACHIN & TEASDALE Barristers, Soliciters, ete. (MPERIAL BANK BLOCK KENORA . . Oath! Golden Star Ledgs No. 484 WATKIN'S PRODUCTS Complete Line FOR FARMER or CITIZEN Special for Summer Season:-- FLY OIL & PADS, DISINFECTANT 'COSMETICS OF ALL KINDS SUMMER DRINKS Nt TI5-piece CHINA TEA SET dor. JUST ARRIVED: -- Yow Shipment of CLOVER LEAF CROCKERY. Line to choose from, and priced exceptionally low O. H. PRONGER, Prop. DUE] DAD ROWLAND, Retailer ATR ER } Pronger's Novelty Store The Very 7 Latest : PITTSBURG G1 ASS SOUVENIERS of Dryden. Different styles| containers it must for thirty cents each. FANCY CHINA TEAPOTS, each . THE LATEST IN SHEET MUSIC & RECORDS A Complete tainers. ed by passing it through a strainer into the tanks; double thickness of : hesseclath is satisfactory. Some bee-! keepers prefer the gravity method by allowing it to stand in the tanks for a few days and then skimming) the surface, Care must be used in extracting, especially if the combs are new. It is a good plan to extract only part of the honey from the first side of the combs and then to reverse them and empty the other side after which the first side may be finished. Do not turn the extractor too fast. the tanks for two or three days be- fore placing it into the final containers do net leave it long enough for it to begin to granulate, or the sugars to separate. : After the honey is drawn off into be tightly sealed and kept n a dry place. Extracted id os honey will keep from one year to an- 5 other if kept in a suitable place. All ° Canadian honey will granulate in time, this may be retarded if the honey is headed before it is put into the con- Granulated honey can brought back to its liquid for and fla- vour by heating at a temperature not higher than 156 degrees I, | Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, It is well to let the honey stand in ° be! AF & AM, GR.C. ' the Second Tuesday of each month. Visitors Cordially invited. A. E. BERREY, W.M. A. BURTON: Boey rm LO. 0. F. DRYDEN LODGE, Ko | 417 meets at the Town | Hall every 1st and 2rd Monday of each month at eight o'clock. HERB WILDE, N.G. D. ANDERSCN, secy Visiting Srebyien Oonginlly Invited i L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE No. 1694 , meets the first Wednesday - H of each month, at eight p.m. in the Town Hall. Visiting Brethren cor- ! dally invited. : J. BE. HARRIS, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Te AR Rat Rete Y. =, & 1 B Ss ON, NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER, &c. Agent for Lin ROYAL FIRE INSURG NCE COMPANY SR RC DRYDEN ONTARIO OUT-OF-TOWN It is quite as important to have your Car tuned up by an expert, .as your piano. Only when everything is perfectly adjusted can you have perfect satisfaction. We make all kinds of repairs and adjustments that your auto needs, and charges are reasonable. ORDERS ESPECIALLY CATERED TO ii Central Garage H. C. BICKNELL, Proprietor KEROSENE TRACTORS SAVE YOUR HOR SES« ALKING over plowed ground all day tives your team as [i well as the driver. How abeut pulling a load besides? In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily [5 and economically with a Case Kerosene Tractor. The 10-18 Ld or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ft. double action dise = harrow set to full depth. Busy farmers can work the "iron {§ horse" day and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl- inders. The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The all cut steel spur gears are fully enclosed and run in oil. The weight | of the Case 10-18 is only about 3,400 Ibs, this, with the liberal 20 sized tires prevents soil packing. Other important features explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking, BN Let us tell you more about the 10-18 or larger Case Tractors. Ld ¥. T. BRIGNALL OXDRIFT ONTARIO

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