Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 26 Oct 1923, page 4

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER = FY A DISTRICT NEWS = 3 £] Ei] SEE Cr ES ZEEE 23 « ZA Sige SSS i se Ser SE hepa ESS passe aia Ps = SE EIEN i NSN Le I have a very large range and choice of Boys' Cloth- ing, and it is a line I want to discontinue. I am puting about 25 Suits in the window at ridiculously low prices, which will pay you to investigate LFRED PITT, DRYDEN, Ont. Sr IDr. W. T. Allison of the Department @lof English will University of Manitoba Extension Department. Under arrangement with the Exten- sion' Service of Manitoba University, lecture in Dryden Union Church on, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Allison is considered 'the best lecturer in the west, and his address on "The Real Robert Burns" will furn- % lish a most interesting evening. Dryden is indeed fortunate in being i included in the scope of these lectures, {and it is te be hoped that many will at make it a point to hear Professor Alli- i son, who is cone of the most notable among educationalists in Winnipeg. = | Since it is not the purpose of the bis University to derive revenue from the Hon. Mr Lyons, Minister of north- seen farms comparable with any that existed in any part of the Dominion. It 'was the intention of the government o develop the great area of agricul- tural lands which were capable of pro- ducing all that old Ontario produced, with the possible exception of fruits. During his trip he had found that \/ intense interest was felt in the sub- ii ject of roads and he advocated the] An excellent judging committee Ladies' brown calfskin Slippers at a 2 building of a highway from the Soo has been secured comprising: His clearing price of eco. 3.50 \/ to Winnipeg. He had found that the] Worship the Mayor, Mrs D. G. Ding- Ladies' black kid 8-strap Slippers IN road from Kenora te Winnipeg pre- wall and Mrs G. N. Dechert. with military heel, 3-E width.... 3.75 \/ sented no difficulties, and that from If you have not yet decided on a Patent leather one strap Slipper with | i {Kenora to Dryden would be easilycostume, better get a move on, as you suede trimming, regular __..._.. 5.50 A made, as would that from Dryden tofhave less than a week and if you miss Special 3.95 {Fort William. The only portion thatfit, don't blame anyone else. Black 4-strap house Slipper __.__ 3.25 jo presented serious obstacles was fromjProgramme:-- Ladies' black Oxfords, low heel, good 4 Port Arthur ot the Soo, and he hoped Deep in Your Eyes. IB Se I BR "1to have engineers at work to survey Why Dear. Ladies' felt House Slipper, leather sole \ a road, that 'would be one of the finest Sporty Maid. and heel, black fur trimming, red or i scenic highways in the werld, round Kiss a Miss. brown 1.95 Althe north shore of Lake Superior. Barney Google. Boy's Shoes, black or brown, from \/ Thousands of cars: would use such a When the Tide Comes in. i road, which 'would make possible an Paul Jones. all-Canadian route from Montreal tof I Love Me. vi Vancouver. Mello Cello. a Those who grew accustomed to the Yes! We have no Bananas. / luxuries forget that they owed all this to the of civilization were apt to A courage, hereism and endurance of the pioneers. Turning to the timber resources, he ) said that the great menace was from fire and that his department was go- ing to work to use more efficient meth- service, a nominal charge of 2be. only, WABIGOON, Ont.--Mr Hill of Tor- onto and. Mr Hammond of Beacon, N.Y., have been here for a few! days looking after their mining interests at Gold Rock. Mr and Mrs Chas. Colleen and fam- ily are moving to Kenora where they intend spending the winter. Ire Little has returned from Winni- peg where she has been spending a few days with relatives. y Mr M. Kennedy attended the Teach- ers' Convention last week. He spoke ly of the way in which the gs of Dryden and resident s provided for the welfare of the visiting members. Mr John Nordell, our local fisher- gone to Porcupine where he d employment for the win- {avourab away. An excellent programme has been arranged which, subject to alteration, is printed below. The supper ararngements are in the hands of Mrs M. Hellem and will be served at midnight so that the boys whe are working from 3 to 11 will have time to get in on the eats. Naughty Waltz, Drifting. / Oh! Harold. Kiss Me Again. Paul Jones. Old King Tut. Wonderful One. Sporty Maid. Mr Daiter has gone to Winnipeg on a buying trip, returning Friday October 26th with a full supply of winter stock. Be sure to come in and look it over, as the prices will repay your visit. er ---- Price Boots and Shoes Mens' high top Boots, fall wear .. 4.50 A good, wide, comfortable Work Shoe, welted sole, vamp, all around shoe, @ 2 ie Calfskin leather Work Shoe, without vill be mo yb lult Class. | nd ; on, hw oy bin 75 4 wi pe wana oe Mrs Chas. Ellis of Winnipeg is a on SE rm 3 - 35 tow Saat ; ts t ay ck Shoe, double SELLE bo (Ds, | Spending a few days with her parents j-nocoiate co ow wot 2 i VISIT Bo hn as ron. Mrs alveirom. sole, iron shod heel 4 A § Al S. Bee nd Mn SCR Hats len Heavy Army Shoe ii. 4.75 | Black Work Shoe, water proof, welted . {spending a few days with Mr and Mrs i: Ulm development, spent Sunday in Aran : sole _ wl mB 00 i Dryden. Accompanied by Mr Bullard,{ = Shoe Packs __ 2.95 Althe Mayor and those of the Council} Men's Heavy Work Shoe, large sizes ' \ who could be reached by phone, he 2 THE MASQUERADE only, Mg speelal 00 2.95 7A made an inspection trip to Eagle |Preparatons are well under way for{nen's fine Dress Boot, medium toe, ¢ Liver, the big masked ball on Wednesday @ or laos ; \/ Hon. Mr Lyons alluded to the tripjnext, October 31st. The hall will look J same Boot in bull dog toe .....- _ 4.50 i just finished through the Kenora and its best with decorations and coloured f iya1¢ ound toe Dress Boot _____ 2.95 ¢ Dryden districts, 'as well as at the illuminations, but 1 must not say too§ Men's Black Oxfords ._ Lage 3.95 $l thead of the lakes, said that he hadjmuch or I will be giving the game Men's Brown Oxfords __..__..__. 4.25 Ladies high top kid leather Boots with military heel, big special 2.490 Ladies high top brown calfskin leather Boots, low heel, 3-E width ____ 3.95 Ladies' high top Boots of black calf- skin leather, low heel, good wide fit, @ PIERRE £131 Ladies' high top pointed Boots with French heel 1.25 BB 0 i B50 Children's high top Felt Boots, from - 2.25 to 3.10 Children's patent leather slipper with cushion sole, from .95 to __.__. 1.40 Chidren's button or lace soft sole shoe, Hr oe PEIN LL Men's brown Rubbers .. Ladies' Rubbers, all sizes Big supply of lour well-known Second Hand Army Boots, all sizes 2.50 Ladies, boys' and girls' second hand Boots 1.50 Al ods of protection and he believed that Dearest. \ dbetter protection could be given at less Lovely Lucerne "4 2 " ? cose. Ontario had lost a million acres April Showers. OOoX & Stocking 8 A of 'forest in three years, sufficient to Honeyland. Men's grey wool sox, four pair __ 1.00 § make a strip of timberland one mile Whispering. §Dark grey wool sox, heavy weight, \/ wide from Halifax to Winnipeg. The Sunshine of Your Smile. per Sar 30 i city of Fort William was deeply inter-§ Note--The Orchestra respectfully § pron's Cotton Seeley lo nib 25 \ / Sain in pulp manutacture; in Sn request that nobody unmasked wil} Men's Black Dress Sox, English Wool, Jif {there were now $140,000,000 investedfdance before midnight, excepting fancy embroidery at side __.__.. . 65 A in pulp and paper plants and by 1925 {members of the orchestra. Brown Silk Dress SoX ----.... 45 v this would have least grown to $190,- ; Ladies' Cashmere stockings, in black, / 000,000. It was hoped by the govern- Classified brown or fawn -....... 65 i ment that it would be able to link up 5 : Ladies' silk dress stockings, black, 9 the esiablishient of pow voip WIsIenR SALT SELATAN MART, nik] Drown sow, Bi Cat aie hd with new settlement areas, each indus- years old, 1600-Ibs., good fast walker; | White silk Stockings, a special __ .40 A try serving as a nucleus for an agri- cultural settlement. They had propo- guaranteed free of bad habits. apply-- Kiddies Sox __.. .25 \/ sei eet fg, ume H. HAKALA, Quibell = Ladies cotton stockings, all colours, rp Se iia SL wie Aa ay ? Tn ) > A > 23] WANTED--Competent GENERAL J Ladies' Handkerchiefs, per doz. __ .55 \/ a > a i) ey i Ly MAID. One who can sleep at home] Men's Handkerchiefs, per doz. ..__.. .95 i eir requests, as they neede z e cap- preferred--apply, Heavy Police Braces -..__.._ ._. . 49 ) ital, the labor and the settlers which Mrs M. S. CAMPBELL, {Mens Dress Braces, .40 to __.___. 50 \/ they would bring in, and they intended EE Box 1201 Boys' Braces, .20 to Eh 35 ifto get these so that they could main-; i Men's Belts with nice silver buckles, § tain their A 8 le 0 OR SALE BD TOLL HIITHRRY Tl ree \ i ii at Lot 10, Con. 2 Wain: Ha i CEN dio 5 NA Siavlyime : wright--apply, ; ; ory, alate. i gr a ae in this pe the pera. in 0k J. MARTIN, Dryden {Men's Collar and Cuff Button Sets, 4 r Lyoyns said that he was of t ° i : : per set __._ > Fi 45 Na opinion-that no pulp or paper concern : Arm Bands % 10 /\ [should receive any special priviliges er SALE--Two good second-hand Cortops 25 \ from municipalities. The pulp and CUTTERS. Would exchange for hay Wellington Smoking Pipes _..._. .7H i paper industry is one of the basic in- °¥ grain--apply, : Cheaper Pipes a, 26 /\ ldustries of the district and should be | H. A. WILSON, Liveryman Corn Cob Pipes, & oT ) 05 \ able to stand on its own merits with-! Bachelor Ditton, Ber a x i out any aid from the cities. He re- FOR SALE--Smith & Wesson, six-{ Sewing Thread, 6 £pools oo 25 minded he audience that the govern- ment was very deeply interested in the industry, having control of vast areas that contain the raw material. And the Mr Lyons said that F. H. Keefer was proving a valuable link between this district and the government, hard- chamber . REVOLVER, .455, latest pattern, new and perfect, $11. Seen by arrangement at "Observer" Office. Safety Pins, 2 cards for __. Cigarette Holders, .05 .10 and __... .056 15 List. Men's Wool Mufflers __...____.__. 95 Silk Mufflers 95 Pants Whipcord Heavy Pants, in a good Salen Sete Th Ce 3.75 Moleskin Pants Cottonade Pants Cotton Pants Cordurey Ponts oo.) no 2.75 Bhald Pastle «oii 0 1.95 Navy Blue Dress Pants __.__._ - 3.95 Navy Blue Serge Pants with a neat 1 stripe : 4.60 Same quality in a good brown color and a neat stripe 4.60 Whipcord Breeches, size 32 to 44__3.50 Khali Breeches ..._._.. .... 5 3.50 Second hand Khaki Army Breeches, per pair 2.50 Pottees, per pale i .65 Second hand Pants in good serges, per hale... 2.50 Blue stripe Overalls, 1.50 to __... 1.95 Plain Blue 'Overalls DAE We A ME 31 1 Blue Overalls, without bib __..__.. 1.60 Smocks in plain blue or stripe __.. 1.85 Second hand Army Smocks __.__. 75 Army Jumpers rks} Boys' stripe Overalls 0... 1.25 Boys' Bloomers, .95 to ERASE A New Sheepskin Coats, whipeord top, each 8.00 Mackinaw Coats 6.75 DV. se et om srw em ems ir Sim A Sweaters Men's Heavy wool Coat Sweaters, from 42840 0 te ah Men's Heavy Pullovers __.._.._ +: 8.75 Men's cotton and wool Coat Sweaters, each 2.25 Boys' Pullover Sweaters ..__..__.. 1.25 Boys* Coal Sweaters ._.... 325 Girls' Sweater Dresses __..__.__. 175% Men's Overcoats, from 7.00 to. 18.00 Underwear Men's 2-piece fleece lined Underwear, Poy garment oe 0h Army Underwear, per garment __ .75 Heavy wool Underwear __.__._ =. 3.25 Heavy pure wool Combination Under- wear, each _.. 2.95 Middleweight Underwear, per garment -95 or per combination __.___. 1.95 Write Geo. Fiddyment, Kenora. WANTED TO BUY-- One young JERSEY COW and CALF--apply, Good assortment of Mens' Ties and Bow Ties from 25 to cui ils G5 Pocket Book with Note Book attached BA Suit Cases and Club Bags, from 2.50 MV a 7 EMIL HELSTREM to. -- we 5:50 i Te Bi is Toronto from 2/11/23 Quibell, Ont. Shoe Laces, 8 pair --._.__..._.__. 10 A him. He said also that this trip was © i Shoe Polish, 2 for ooo 0. i on one that was the first of a series, as' @ W. T. Haney, E. J. Zavitz, chief for- i he intended to vsit the district twice FOR SALE--Thirty tons of baled \ (every year, and next spring he was go- HAY, prime quality. Also small stack of loose hay at $17.00 per ton. \ ling to come here and spend a few days ) 3 BR. H. PRONGER, Dryden i on the roads so as to give personal attention to trunk road construction. Accompanying Mr Lyons, and the A guests with him at the luncheon were ST ! COLLECTOR WANTED Tax collector for 1923 for S.S. No. 2 Zealand Township at a salary of 335.8 For further particulars apply to, Ww. W. WHITE, Bedworth ester, and T. E. Simpson, M.P. of '] Sault Ste. Marie. JF { Int ; Balbriggan Underwear, garment__ .70 or, per combination... ..... 1.40 Heavy Combinations .._______.__ 1.50 Ladies' 2-piece fleece lined Underwear per -garment __ 95 Boys' fleece lined Combination _. 1.25 Shirts Heavy Grey Flannel Shirts ___- 1.75 Flannelette Khaki Shirts __..__... 1.35 Grey Flannelette Shirts __/__..__ 1.35 Khaki Drill Shivts. 0 5-0 1.35 Blue Chambray Shirts __ ma Blagk SNe ot ns oe Ee 0 A good working Shirt in dark grey each _ 1.30 Flannelette Dress Shirts, with soft collar of same material __..__... 1.25 Sport Shirts _. 1.25 Linen Shirts 1.15 Silk Front and Cuff Shirt __...__.. 2.45 Mitts & Gloves Horeshide Pullover Mitts with elastic, Fi der SR EER GR eV Muleskin Pullover Mitts __..__.__._ .35 Muleskin Gloves o.oo... 85 Pigskin Gloves... 00 = = oes Horsehide Gloves, lined __.__.__. .85 Muleskin Gauntlet Gloves __..__... .60 Horsehide Gauntlet Gloves __..__.. 1.00 Dress Gloves for fall __..__..__ ... 1.60 Winter Caps all colors and sizes, from .95 to 1.10 Don't forget our well known second hand Army Shoes, as we have just re- ceived a big shipment. Also ladies', boys' and girls' second hand shoes 1.50 Now is the season that you must come in and see our supply of guns and rifles. We trade as well as sell them. New Felt Hats will sell at a big special, also a good supply of Second Hand Felt Hats. :

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