Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 2 Nov 1923, page 4

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER pig? AE ) Say ESS HOSS ER 3 x 22 ry : NRE EE Tr -- SEES Sr range and choice of Boys' Cloih- ing, and it is a line I want to discontinue. I have a very large I am puting about 25 Suits in the window at ridiculously low prices, which will pay you to investigate i Ne 2 lthe evening. wi Dear Mr Lditor:--I i off by our school children last Frid ® {an apple or potato or someth Vi bot Ne A think by 4 . i . $ { i she is such a nice lady and they love NOTICE ! W. A. Amos, president of the UFOQ. ! ay to attend the meeting of} nadian Council of Agriculture ipeg, will be here the morning ther 12th. He will hold hold meet- in Dryden at two o'clock, and in ft Community Hall at eight in He will also stop over Kenora. av Shaver by Hott tell just want to sle what a i pulled for the hospital was, which was Ten's Pullover Rubbers, .95 to __ 1.25 Ladies' Rubbers, all sizes, Black and Brown, from .65 to ... 951 dren's Rubbers an inthe Chile Boots and Shoes Mer's Felt Boots, with leather sole; 1.50 waterproof, 4.65 You see, all the scholars from hoo! down to the tots arten were asked to each b ¢ in aid hospital. Well, would size of some of the in- dividual parcels brought in by Sammy Smith and Teddy Jones and even Curly Adair that they might possibly land 4.50 'and e up under Miss Morley's care some day Military Boots 4.75 and she, knowi what a good little Elk Boots 3.95 hoy or girl they were to send her all Black and Brown Boots, without toe those good things, would console them ~~ ¢aps, waterproof . 3.95 by telling them she would not give Heavy Work Shee, double sole, iron them any bad castor oil, but camo-' shod heel 4.65 flage it just the same, or was it that Dress Shoe, medium pointed toe, in mown or black oi ASE Brown Dress Boot, half Bull Dog, per our you the H tn a Boety, Mant Men's her just the same as their teachers. 3 i However, they were not slow in on] PAY - 3.95 #8 lswering the eall for help. Bulldog toe Dress Boot hn ~ 4.50 Men's Black Oxfords .._.._..___ 2B 7" The school! Principal had arranged ho A \/ a \/ 9 the hospital going for some time, for] from .95 fo 1.50 at of pretty shades of Te vd . MAD ane ne mm -- no ---------- -------------- o_o -- Lo 4 #gyou know when you are real sick youy L i Hr ¢ can't eat and as soon as you get your SOX & Stocking S ls Shires, tollor of Te iid a Men's heavy grey wool sox... -25 [Silk front and cuff Dress Shirts... 2.25 ee INT . Bey heather Weel sol lib 30 got Collars, all sizes, each 20 : : Mors Dress Sox, heather and black, * apd Collogw, enol too C la 881 fied = pure wool, stamped from the oe Men's dress Braces, from .40 to ..__ .50 , en : i YY OV Men's heavy Police Braces .......-.. 40 FOR SALE--Fifty Hens $1.26 each, fpr. »0 i. ry Tn nan a. Boss CHE : A : ear i dalle. ak Men's light heather sox in different Boys Braces, from .20 to .__.__._ .35 Milaying over 1 dozen eggs daily. 501 Moll, 35 pov une obi Stes 1.00 z A some Black Minorca Pullets--apply, M rN Hi ry iy iis re A Carters, per Pair ..--vmmimen 25 y Wm. J. MARTIN ome cotton sox, cifferent colors. 25 A oyent asortment of Men's Neck Ties v hs iat heavy wool = stockings, all and Bow Ties from .25 10! mii mins +B i FOR SALE shades, POT PAIY oo 65 Men's Belts with mice silver buckle, ) We've fifty hens, each one a peach, URE ET Cr AM NR 1.257 ench ee \/ A dollar and a quarter each. { Cashmere stockings, black, brown and Men's Briar and Wellington erin i And in the trap-nest every day, Es A i Rg 65 pipes also other makes, from .25 to .75 A At least a dozen eggs they lay. FoF 2 pois for mire 125 Corn Cob pipes, each CALI a Vl Alas some Pullets, Black Minorcas, Ladies' light stockings, black, white or' Shoe Polish, 2. for i B5 A I tell you boys, these birds are ein i rm ttt i Lee 22D 6 spools Sewing Thread . wri aD \/ corkers. Ladies' heavy silk St rockings, white, | gatety Pion, Zeardn. oil 0B H So if you'd make them your for certain fawn or black, from 40 to rim 60 Shoe Laces, 3 Balm ae i Just write to W. J. Martin. . Ladies, try our silk stockings, they Req and Blue Handkerchiefs, 2 for .25 Vv will be just as warm as cashmere. Extra large Handkerchiefs for neck, i WANTED TO BUY--Good Fresh Boys' and girls' heavy rib Shocking same color 25 AR " x 3 ri AE om er A |MILK COW at once--apply, suitable for fall wear, sizes 5 to 8, Per iWfen's hig white Handkerchiefs, each ; JAMES HATCH i Ta se ewe & Hy aeons EEE \ sizes 8 to 11, in colors black or Ladies' Handkerchiefs 1 05 i FOR SALE--CABBAGE for Sour- brown ace s B0} ia a 55 A ; ¥ F & J 8, earn mk mee ls i is tn 3 0 SIF Ta i per 7 Ta Youths' Little Sox, from .25 to -- 45 Towelling, per yard ........._.__. .20 VY cKELLAR SPENCE ; Caps Pocket Books with ig pad 2h AN al : and -_2B ..Men oM__ 2.3.. ms. ther Alror NT---Tw NGER SEW. = 3 ; FOR RENT---Two SINGER SEW- wons and Boys' Fall Caps, from__ .95 'Collar and Cuft Datta, per set__ .10 \/ ING MACHINES, practically new, one 1.75) and 15 ' a Machine, one Webber Men's Wool Sones rE sme ntitie, +00 SCT Holders, Ainge 0 Ley v : "0. H. PRONGER | oz 33 =F Zs PID aN i § \JuRsBY COW and CALF--apply, ton the case, they hunted up the care- 2[11(23 #1to have Pitts deliver one of their larg-| Boys' Boots, sizes 9 to 18 .._.. - 28 lest packing cases to each = school to}fTOM L105 cir 525 £2 place the donations in as they arrived. Girls' Boots, sizes to 8%. A good, Bi well our friend Pitt gets some pretty heavy calfskin leather, welted sole at the low price of' Ladies' black calfskin Boots 3.25 Ladies' black kid leather, high top, 3-E width, good and comfortable at he ddwarieatel ot fa pon +» 8.95 Ladies' brown, high top boots, calf- skin leather, low heel, 2-E width... 3.95 Ladies' brown kid leather boots, high top, military ee ll 2.40 Ladies' high top, pointed toe Boots, French heel 1.50 3-strap slippers in 3-E width, military heel Loi 3.75 Brown 2-strap slippers, military heel, 'sizes 4 and 5 only la OY Patent leather Aiinets, grey suede trimmings, very latest 3.85 Black: house Oxford ooo L020 Felt House Slipper, with good heavy leather sole, all mlaen, red and brown per pair. 1.95 Big sale of Boys' and Girls' High Top Felt Boots, leather vaimp, black only, 1 Yel EEA Rl EMR CY Also Brown in all sizes, 2.25 to_. 3.10 in at times and die were two he notchers. These were packed to the limit by the feach- ers and you couldn' get a five cent piece in between the parcels. Trist Iwas acquainted with the fact that the cases were ready for delivery to the hospital, so he sent two of his largest and strongest men for them. When they arrived and tried their strength taker and the trio could not budge it, so they consented to go home and eat lots of beefsteak for supper and break- fast and come back in the morning. In the meantime the caretaker called on the teachers and told them the dray-men's troubles and they at last consented to allow the things to be sorted out and put inte sacks, which was done and amounted to two sacks of potatoes, one of apples, one of turnips, one of cabbages one and 2a half of carrots two of pumpkins, beets, onions and parsnips. There was also butter, eggs, canned corn, soup,{Men's Horsehide and Buckskin Mocea- ter, eg ny oranges, pears, grapefruit, grapes and] SIS en 175 pickles in jars. Insoles, .10 per pair or 3 pair for__.25 Now Mr Editor, don't you think Men's House Slippevs >... 85 that is pretty zood. That should keep Kiddies' Slippers and Bootees, all sizes FOR SALE--A TURKEYS for Thanksgiving. 15 Ibs, 45c. per 1b. cooking--apply, limited number of 10 to Dressed ready for Mrs E. DAWKINS FOR SALE--BELGIAN MARE, nine years old, 1600-1bs., good fast walker; guaranteed free of bad habits. apply-- 9|11i23¢ H. HAKATA, Quibell WANTED--Competent GENERAL Log Gee who can sleep at Liome S. Mrs M. CAMPBELL, Box 120 Cabinet: TRUNKS. WANTED TO BUY-- One young EMIL HELSTREM Quibell, Ont. J i Underwear (Men's 100 p.c. heavy wool combina- tions lallisdebe 0 oT ogy Woollen Shirts and Drawers, from .95 TE SU ed = REL Cy Light w eight Combinations from__1.40 to " Men's 2-piece light weight underwear, from .70 to 95 Boys' Combinations, fleece Tofod 1.25 Men's Fleece lined Combinations. 1.95 2-piece fleece lined Underwear, per garment : 95 Ladies' 2-piece fleece lined Underwear, © per garment ... 55 Ladies' medium weight combinations, TER 5 2 +. 5.85 FERS Hr ee JB) HL Sweaters No doubt they will sell good at our low prices. Men's heavy Coat Sweaters from 3.95 to Ri ten Men's Coat Senn n S, cotton and wool mixed \ 2.259 Men's Pullovers, all wool, different shades ... 3.75 Men's light wool sweater, in different shades . diss 2 1D You sure have been waiting long en- ough, but you have them at last: -- Young Men's pure wool Pullover Sweaters without sleeves 2.25 Girls' and boys' Pullover wool Sweat- ors, from 1.28 4n So ta aan Boys' Coat Sweaters, cotton and wool mixed 1.25 Girls' Sweater Dresses ..__..__.._ Hig Bir Shirts Grey Flannelette Shirts ..._..__.. 1.35 Khaki Flannelette Shirts .__..__. 1.85 Grey Flannel Shiver = 75 Khaki Drill Shirt .. Good Strong Work each Black Work Shirt... Blue Chambray Shivke... Navy Blue heavy far oiotte Shirt, could be worn instead of Mackinaw, cn Eel yD SNE --1.75 Shirt, grey mixture MALE Men's Horsehide Pullovers with elas- tic at wrist, at the small price __. .95 Buckskin Pullovers .. Heavy Muleskin Pullovers with elas toe gbwiler Co Cia ah Cen Muleskin Pullovers 3a Imitation Persian lamb Mitts with a Ladies' Persian lamb Mitts PRS By Military Wool Gloves 40 pair .._ 30 Boyt' lied Mitte oo 0 0 To 40 Boys' Gloves Lu W335 A big assortment of men's inside wool mitts, from .35 to 40 Pants Heavy tweed pants, all sizes ..... = 2.95 Cottonade Pants, from 2.25 to i 2,95 Molealin Panta 3.75 Khaki Pants 2 1.90 Cordnvoy Ponda T0000 ln DTH Whipcord Pants 3.75 Navy blue serge Dress Pants, with a very neat stripe ~0 0 4.60 Samein brown on Ln 4.60 Blue serge Panty 00. - 3.95 Heavy black mackinaw pants __. 3.25 Same mackinaw in Breeches ____ 3.25 Whipcord Breeches ime ODO Khaki Breeches _ 3.50 Second hand Army Breeches ____ 2.50 Second hand civilian pants __..__ 2.50 Overals, plain blue and stripe, from 1.50 to EA 1.95 Same in'Smockes .... _.._...: 1.85 Blue Overalls without bib ...m__.. 1.60 Second hand Smocks and J umpers... .75 Boys' Tweed Bloomers, 1.95 to __ 2.25 Boys' Moleskin knee Pants .. Boys' Khaki Bloomers, 1.00 to __ 1.10 Boys' navy blue knee pants ..____ 1.35 Mens' Khaki combination overalls 3.25 Suits & Odd Coats Second hand Suits, 7.00 to 14.00 New Suits, brown and navy blue, from 17.50 to 19.50 In the Bigelow Building, '0dd Jackets, al sizes and colors, from k 300 to Si mere E00 Men's and boys' Overcoats at a good reasonable price. For a small price a vest would feel pretty good for the chilly days, from 60 to _ 1.25 Heavy large military grey blankets, "i Wool, early ola, tL sa Men's Sheepskin Coats .. wa 8380; Puttees ... [65 SECOND HAND ARMY BOOTS, per pair .. Ladies', boys' and girls' second hand boots, per pair . 1.50 Military 2-piece underwear, per gar- ment : 75 Suitcases & Club Bane from 2.50 to .. 5.50 School Satchels 75 Good supply of second hand skates at reasonable prices. A few Rifles and Shotguns. We are also buying rifles. Harness Parts to sell. Set Dog Harness will sell at half price as good as new. { Opposite Town Hall) BARGAIN.--Columbia Gramaphone with Record has been slightly used. Also an assortment of DISHES. 90 Horsehide front ..._.. 1.10 Gauntlet Gloves ..__. oe 1.10 Horsehide Gauntlet Gloves 221.00 Muleskin Gloves .__..__.___ a ny Lined Horsehide Gloves .__.____. 85 ns OBE Mitts & Gloves Heavy fleece lined Canvas Gloves, per a 2.50

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