Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 14 Dec 1923, page 4

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rns de Sidi tl ALA THE DRYDEN OBSERVER EE Lh Edo A= Dd Tegel \ B1 i i Christmas Preparations IA : ° ° : : 3 7 A This Store is more completely | 3 J . ° Vv. assorted than ever in the various | oN and ! As each day passes, these are ] i 'being presented to the public in their variety and beauty. | ; A iL A ih 4] A / i i _ ape | DRYDEN, Ont. Ens Ft thousand miles of automobile road had id Is it to be assumed that the greater ¥ where did most of the money they did cities. they ale justified, and very little fur- @ ther. ; { propaganda, i is a play to the big money EE i. Yi ; \ ; billion dollars : 'which many people think she would! SESS phy if gests, that Mr Wydeman was actuated VE : 73 WHen he i . designating them "stuff" he certainly {choppers to commence work immedi- On Free Speech. Mr Editor: Kindly permit me to express, ;through your columns my appreciation of the sympathetic attitude taken by 'Mr Van Winkle in your last issue re- garding a few remarks I made in the letter "Highway Fad" of two weeks ago.. That the gentleman is a lineal decendant of the celebrated Rip of twenty years sleep fame I do not be- lieve, he is a much too erudite writer possessing the ability to arrive at logi- cal 'conelusi Ag an illustration of this automobile highway crusade, = let me guote the Kansas City Star of recent date. In support of the campaign in that region it quotes conditions in the province of Quebse, stating that ten years ago theer were few tourists visiting that province, but since that time some six been built and last year seven hundred thousand tourists visited the province. part of this tourist raffic was Ameri- can bootleggers? How much of the millions expended in construction and nukeep of these roads did they contri- bute? Did the money they left in the country compensate the damage to the roads they did? It did not. And leave go? Why! to the big hostler- 'ies at the pleasure resorts and in the Just so far as these ' roads benefit the rural population who bear 'much the greater part_of the expense, Thati s to say this tourist traffic Lord Shaughnessy Passes Away Xk ¥ Died after brief illness at his home in Montreal---had a busy day en Sunday was taken by seizure Sunday evening. Montreal, Dec. 10--Terminating an illness of scarcely 24 hours' duration, the death occurred here at his home at 7:30 this evening, of the Rt. Hon. Baron Shaughnessy, fellow of the Roy- al Colonial Institute; Knight Comman- der of the Royal Victorian Order; first Baron Shaughnessy of Montreal and of Ashford, County limerick, Ireland and chairman of the board of directors of the Canadian Pacific railway. On Oc- tober 6 Lord Shaughnessy celebrated his 70th birthday. During his brief illness, from the moment of the seizure on Sunday night, Lord Shaughnessy retained his usual clarity of mind and purpose, re- cognizing all who spoke to him, and particularly His Georges Gauthier, who was at his bed- side half an hour before death ended the career of the great railway man. There were present at the bedside, Lady Shaughnessy, Lt.-Col. the Hon. W. J. Shaughnessy and Mrs Shaugh- nessy; Mrs H. W. and the Hon. Mre Beauclerk; Mr Rene and the Hon. Mrs Redmond; ' Hon. Marguerite Shaugh- nessy; Father McShane and Doctors D. F. Guerd and C. F. Martin. Dr. Guerd, family physician, and Doctors C. F. Martin and C. B. Keen- an, in a statement issued tonight, said 'and polities. There are those who appear to miss "they wilfully misrepresent them, pro-; 'bably the the latter, as I have written plainly enough for those of average intelligence." I object to the expendi-' {ture of so much money at the present: time at the request of the joy-riders who are meg for this "across its ad- | Jon such as the Sioux Lookout | "spur" (Mr Lyons). When the ortl A war mad it was obligatory that Canada should do her duty, and the ¢ world says she did it. Incidentally,: however, she added two and one half} to her mational debt "better direct her energies to paying; than in catering to the minority at the' .expense of the majority by the ex- penditure of the vast sums required . \ for the building of said highways. lines that make the joy of giving, As to the so-called criticism of the Kenora Examiner, I will tell the gentlemanly editor for his own per- sonal benefit, and also of his paper, that the general public had thought ibetter hings of him than he himself, in that article, portrays himself to be. He betrays an entire lack of any in- hibition as to his own self expression. Is it possible, as Rip Van Winkle sug- {by ulterior personal considerations at the prompting of outside influences? dismisses the opinions of .some of the better and most popular part of the press of the continent by 'presents a case of such monumental segotism as is rarely shown. When he . chides the editor of the Dryden Obser- jver for permitting such an article as "The Highway Fad" to appear in its {columns he abjures all newspaper, .ethics and proclaims' himself an advo- vate of Press Autocracy. When he ' assumes an attitude of superiority to our editor, as he does in censuring 'the latter gentleman in such a patron- !inzing manner, he becomes to the ; beople of this district amusing. Fie! Mr Wpydeman. O tempora! O mores! ICONOCLAST Classified WANTED--3 experienced pulp wood GUS. JOHNSON Eagle River ately--apply FOR SALE--1 Team GRAY HORSES weight 2800 to 2900. For particulars gjsie FOR SALE--Registered Pure Bred | AYRSHIRE BULL, 2 years old, from {heavy milk-producing stock. A bar- gain.~--apply 14112 J. H. PARR A i Ee Ormsby Fayne, register No. 436770, 5 years old. ED PITT, | § FOR SALE-DRY POPLAR CORD- fWOOD. | Please leave orders at bi 15]12{22 apply to H. WRIGHT, Wabigoon POSE FOR SALE--HOLSTIEN BULL, Also team of bay Horses, weight 2800, 8 years old. 15/12 "A. SPENCER, Eagle River $5.50 per cord, delivered. the point of my humble protests or { The last public appearance of Lord that his lordship was taken suddenly ill while at dinner Sunday evening. Though the patient rallied for a time little hope was 'entertained. 'Death was dué to heart disease and compli- 'cations.: Last Public Appearance: -- Shaughnessy were on Sunday. In the morning, accompanied by 'Lady } Shanghnetiy, he attended high mass at St. Patrick's church. In the after- [oon he was present at the dedication of the new building of the Montreal council, Knights of Columbus, and t theer he delivered an improptu address { From this function Lord Shaughnessy 'returned to his home and there was {taken by a seizure after dinner. Grace Archbishop) a Revolution Promised Here "Within ayear there will be a revo- lution in Canada. It must come. If you will give us guns we will do some- thing. What kind of justice is there in Canada when there is so much grain in the elevators, when the working people are suffering an injustice? Within a year we will seize all that grain. The school buildings here are very fine ones, but the teachings the children are getting is just serving the capitalistic class and is not like the' teaching in Russian school." One of the witnesses at today's trial named Cybulski, giving evidence be- fore the Port Arthur assizes in favour of 'that section of the Ukrainian so- ciety seeking to prevent an alleged "red" element from seizing their buildings and possessions in Fort Wil- liam deglared the above statement was made by ine of the Winnipeg labour speakers imported here this year. = Se > Pronger's Grocery Just Arrwed ORANGE JAP ORANGES GRAPE FRUIT LEMONS BANANAS MALAGA GRAPES EMPRESS GRAPES CELERY HEAD LETTUCE 3k 3% 3k kok FRESH GIFCO SAUSAGE in and price us first. EEE eee Before sending your order out, come You sure will realize your savings. Specials Men's Gum Rubber all sizes, buckle or lace, in white or black with red sole height from 7 to 15 inches, price from 5 2B 5.50 Men's, Ladies', and Boys' Overshoe Rubbers, all kinds, all sizes from .65 raat oe are RCE EN - 1.40 { : Men's one buckle Pullover Rubbers per pair ork i 1 2.20 Men's two buckle Pullover Rubbers per DEI onl i mit 2.65 Full supply of Work and Dress Boots for all the family. Wool and Fleece Lined Underwear for Men, Ladies and Boys. per garment, PE 95 Men's Wool Underwear, from... always on hand. also The afternoon. Father McShane, of : St. Patrick's, and Father Groves, also lof St. Patrick's, were summoned and radministered the alst rites of the "church. The funeral will take place Tours. : day merning to St. Patrick's church, where solemn high mass of requiem will be celebrated. From tomorrow morning there will be a lying in state at the family residence. Burial will take place at the Cote des Neiges cemetery. Gogh Confectionery for Ice Cream Brick __.. oo ___ ~ 40 Eskimo Pies, 3 for 25 fie fromm HUMAN PORCUPINE TO FOOD WOLVES Winnipeg, Dec. 10--The ferocious wolves of Northern Ontario, many times credited with having taken hu- man life, are in fer a hard winter if Stanley Carlson, of St. Paul, Minn., is successful in wolf-extermination plans. ubbed by his friends the "Human Porcupine" Carlson claims he' will re- volutionize the wolf hunting field with his atest anti-wolf equipment. It consists of a cow-hide suit, cover- ed with spikes an inch long, while a helmet and wire mask will protect his face. The uniform weighs 23 pounds and has 1,200 nails at half inch inter- vals. He also has spiked gloves. The plan of extermination is very simple, according to Carlson, who leaves for. Port Arthur shortly. He will enter the wolf country dressed in his 'armor plate,' the hungry wolves will surround him and while they are endeavoring to find out whether he is a new kind.of porcupine or pine tree he will simply hit them over the head with a hand axe and collect the bounty. Ee ---- Mr Bert B . Colin, Chicago, TI. Dear Sir: Our sister country of Canada has set an excellent example to the nations of the world by trying to pay, if pos- sible, her debts herself. The patriotism of the Canadian peo- ple is splendidly shown by the manner, in which they have subscribed to the loans of their country, paying them- selves the interest and promptly tak- ing care of their obligations. The example of Canada and Great Britain should be an inspiration to the foreign countries not to avoid honest obligations, but to endeavour on com- mon sense. lines to so amortize them that they would be certain of pay- ment within a reasonable time. COOKED HAM 'BACON, BOLOGNA FRESH FISH, etc. | M. J. CROSIER General Merchant, OXDRIFT, ONTARIO : TERE Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Frost & Wood and ) Cockshutt Implements, TOWNSHIP OF MACHIN : Eagle River, Oct. 12th, 1923 _ By virtue of a warrant issued by the . Wool, Cotton and Silk Sox for family. Full "Supply of Pullovers and Coat Sweaters. Work and Dress Shirts, all sizes and a good assortment. Big stock of Men's and Boys' Mitts, . Pullovers and lined horsehide pullovers per pair .. 95 Nice assortment of Ties. ® kok ox kX Good assortment of Pants, Breeches, and Bloomers for work or dress, Over- alls, Smocks, Winter Caps, new and second hand Suits, Odd Coats and Vests, Sheepskin Coats, Winter Coats, Suit Cases , Club Bags and Packsacks. Prices guaranteed not higher than the catalogue. Machin bearing the date of the 29th day of September, 1928, commanding me to levy on the parcel of land there- in described, for taxes respectively due thereon, together with the costs incurred, I hereby give notice that, un- less the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said land for the pay- ment of the said taxes-and costs, on the 19th day of January, 1924, at three o'clock in the afternoon at the School House of Hagle River, in the Town- ship of Aubrey, in the District of Kenora. Township of Aubrey Assessed to George Wear. E side Lot 22. % acre. Taxes and arrears $22.74 together with the costs incurred. GEORGE RUETE, Treasurer ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day or Night Calis Promptly Attended to, PHONE-- : Day, 62R 2; Night, 62 R 4 REAL ESTATE ANB INSURANCE PRYBEN s ONT. Give KODAKS for CHRISTMAS Yours very truly, BOX 129, Dryden JNO. M. PARKER, Governor Prices $6.50 Reeve and Council under the Seal of i the Municipality of the Township of - LEB Don't forget to come and look over our 2 Xmas Toys (you will find that you can get a nice "Xmas Gift at a very small price. * kk Xk We also carry some new and second hand Furniture. Howe se ok sk ke Big Supply of Cook Stoves und Hest- ers, One Columbia A Grama phone snd one 250-3000 High Power Savage Rifle slightly. used, to be sold, at half price. sold. Any household, of furniture tw be sold let us have the first chamee. --o000 New § Second Hand Store (Opposite Town Hall) up at Gough's Confectionery Goods of every deserir tion bought and! ro

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