Volume V. Dryden, Ont. January 1ith 1924 Number 32 REF Pianos AND Remington Typewriters Am SNANS Sold by:-- Douglas Lane "(Post Office Building) If you need a New Suit see T. PROUDFOOT The Tailor 'ONTARIO DRYDEN January Sale. For Cash Only £ XXX Amongst these are a few pairs of waterproof, solid leather WORK BOOTS DRESS BOOTS, High Cuts A few pair of :-- RUBBER BOOTS Four or Five Pairs Of :-- BOYS SCHOOL BQOTS (Size 4 only) Don't miss the chance of getting a goed pair of Boots cheap, the quality of these gOods is so well known that they won't last long. * % % # A few HOCKEY STICKS, have got to clar them out. During the 12 days of the - sale, there will be 10 p.c. discount on "all SKATING AND HOCKEY BOOTS AND MOCASSINS. ® RRR H. WILLARD, C. B. CAFE (Opposite C.P.R. Station) Lunch Counter and Dining Room Meals served at any hour Cooking and Service unexcelled Clealiness & Quality Guaranteed '"OBACCOS, SOFT DRINKS CONFECTIONS CHAN BING ' 3 Proprietor fa good Lodge is a powerful Jing of a new and glorious day. Lodge Nigh? draws attention to some activity o other in connection with the varicu Lodges. It may be the election of new officers, or the visit of an official of high rank in the Order. In ecithe: case we are apt to read the paragraph j & without giving much attention to the matter. But when one thinks it over, is it not the case that the benefits of such organizations are tremendous fo good? How many young people have their minds given a serious. turn through the work and associations of some Lodge, that might otherwise be diverted to less desirable pursuit? Although the absence of a husband from his home for an occasional even- ing at the Lodge has furnished mat- erial for a deluge of cheap wit, how many wives have had to mourn be- cause their men have remained with- out this pleasant and profitable diver- sion! How true is it that membership in instru- ment for civilization, the reach of its influence deeper than the seas its teaching greater than the thunder of guns, more potent than the tramp of armies. Wio said 'Local Paper? Some are born to fame, some achieve fame, and others have fame thrust upon them. The "Cbserver" report of a small meeting held here to discuss the pulpwood embargo, containing one or two well-known Dryden names, has been reprinted in every important magazine and journal in the United States and Canada interested - in the pulp and paper industry. The com- tions would positively bring the opin- Results at Eagle Monday's election at Eagle River; made practically no changes in Council. Figures are given for poll, but as yet we are without the] official results of the referendum en exemption of farm buildings. For Reeve:-- th P. Duce... ~. B53 Acer fd ee a 2 Councillors :--- I LE RC _ 65 RDunea vol on B85 C. Hampe 64 D. PF. McKenzie 0." 71 Every so often a .small news item | Note book nnedy, M.P., returned Tuesday, leaving the day attend the gathering of sive party at Winnipeg. rein e teaching staff of Dryden school | back at their posts, and the He is again functioning with its med efficiency. lucky ones who own cars are ng En regularly this season, the time this has been the case in Dryden in winter time. With so many January sales going on in Dryden stores, the wise ones will be able to provide econom- cally for future needs, the bined circulation of all these publica- ; 3 lon of the men of Dryden district be- i fore well over a million readers. # loti "this week the | I days : i Farmers Organizing | WALDHOF, Ont.--The farmers of | this district are arranging an organi- zation campaign for which a series of meetings is planned. © We hope they will not overlook our little town. | Organization, Co-operation and Edu- cation will be the chief numbers on the programme. The wind carries a whisper that Dryden is standing just at the morn- Great things are in the air regarding indus- trial expansion, and development of enormous water powers north of the Town. Of course it will take time, but it seems the wind comes from the right direction. : { A very sad accident happened at a "I neighbour town just a few days before Christmas: Little Joe, our distinguished boot- legger and moonshiner, had everything in line to celebrate Xmas in a worthy way, until some good friend of Joe's gave him the wink that certain officers were very much interested in his movements. Now little: Joe is really not big, but he gathered his full barrel and opened the cork and--Ilet 'er go. Just let it go in the bush !! Result: We had a real dry Christmas celebration. Bushmen are very joyful because the snow they have been hollering so long for arrived at last, and work is progressing now more rapidly. Mr and Mrs Yew arrived from thie old country and hope to make their homes at Waldhof, where they are staying now with Mrs Sehroden, their daughter. Mr E. Bayer and his brother left for Upsaler to engage in bush work for the rest of the winter. % The Moeser brothers left for Sioux Lookout. They took over a large con- tract hauling ties . Considering the prize offered, Fred and Bill should do well this winter. Bill Richardson took in the game at the Amphitheatre, Winnipeg, on Mon- day, when the valiant Selkirks got away with the hockey gas from Port Ar . Rev. Bishop Dewdney, D.D., of ar Die ess of Keewatin rented at both services in St. Luke's last Sun- day in the interests of the Mission Work of the Church. By 'invitation of the School Board Peter Heenan, M.P.P., will be at Bed- worth on Friday, 18th January, at the opening of the mew school. Anyonc who has some queston to lay before him will have an opportunity to mee! him on that occasion. EEE Mrs Henderson, Eagle River, oy in town Monday. was ". Johnson, Wabigoon, was in tow: T ug Jno. Adams, Oxdrift,' was among the visitors to Dryden. : J. 8. Corner, Oxdrift, was down t¢ Dryden on business Wednesday. Irs Geo. Ruete, Eagle River was ir do Monday. B. Levinson, Kenora, 'was in towr on business. S. Daiter returned Monday from Wi nnipeg. ; Oxdritt, was ir Luella Cr osier, i town Wednesday. Wm. Parfitt, Keewatin, paid a visit to Dryden Monday. Taylor, Kenora, spent a few in town the first of the week. gq. . Sam rs KE. Humphries .was down from e River Wednesday. [] " Lummis returned Wednes 1 her trip east. fen, Ont., on Thursday, Jan Pog to Mr and Mrs Errie Payne a son rs Ball, sr., came down from Ken- "ora Soro Mrs. J. Harris spent a few days with her parents in Oxdrft this week. A. Levinson, Kenora, was in town or Mon day. Sam Stevens, Oxdrift, was in town this week, Mrs Jas. Spence is visiting with Mrs M. Davidson. ss Morley, matron of Dryden Ref H. W Ys : { Cross hospital, returned on Saturday from her visit to Toronto. Ira J. Wilde, returned to Kenora or Saturday after spending a couple of days in town. Mrs S. Daiter returned home Wed: nesday after 'spending a few days ir Winnipeg. Miss Ina Findlay -came down from i Kenora Saturday for a vilgit with her parents. Miss Lyons, Oxdrift, spent the week end in town the guest of Mrs S. N Dixon. Miss Rissa Adams returned to Eagle River Monday after spe: ic a few days in town. Rev. J. M'Lean Beaton spent a few days in Winnipeg this week on churel business. Mrs Edgren and children returned Monday after spending the holidays ir Pot Arthur, Mr Wn. Aldum, Eagle River, went up to Winnipeg Wednesday, to visit his wife, who is in the Vietoria hos- pital there. Mrs Aldum was operated upon for appendicitis ancl for goitre, but is now reported to be gaining ir strength. TEE UNION (HURCH. Sunday January 13th, 1924 11 a.m.--Enthusasm in Christian work. 7 p.m.--Report on Older Boys: Parlia- t, by Tom Ifoote. day School. 3.30 J.0.Y. Class Pleasant Hour theme will be-- pking of a rpodel Statesman' esis chapters XXX VII to L. i ssage for the day is Genesis XLVIL 019, : SUR Waly | Healled on to the same tune in the east Bro. Duncan. Reid, D.D.G.M., of the 1.0.0.F. accompanied by Past Deputies Dougald Kennedy, M. P., and F. Pink- erton, paid an official visit, Wednesday te Minnetonka Lodge, Keewatin, for the installation of officers of that lodge! and its sister lodge of the Rebekahs. pi Thursday night, he will conduct a! joint installation of the Kenora lodges, proceeding later to Sioux Lookout. ). 5 2% pak % ES In hi sermon on Missions in St.' Luke's Sunday evening, Bishop Dewd-* ney made striking reference to Gy iN part played by the representatives of | the Christian Church in carrying thet white man's civilization to the Indians. Ny "The one protection between these', people and the greedy and sometimes' degenerate white man is, in many} cases, only the missionary. WE announce 8 } On Wednesday, Jan. 2nd, the usual' 4 Tuxis meeting was held. After the \/ business an intellectual evening took" ii 7\ place. Speeches were given by H.1 ¢ Gough, A. Offer and J. Foote for badge \ tests. After that, stump speeches AN j s€ein or be were given by the boys songs and \/ posing also. Next Sunday night after ) Boys' Pariament will be given by Tom \ Foote in the Union Church. bt It Speaks O. G. Snider, optician, will be in you may buy Dryden on Monday, Jan. 21st, when he can be consulted over W. H. Evan's store by those whose eyes require ex- \/ pert attention. y J. K. Livingstone is the authorized 8 agent for the Family Herald andj #eekly Star, and while he is going the rounds he is 'also acting as representa- tive for The Dryden Observer. El satisfaction of | To the Electors of Dryden: -- On taking a seat in the Town Council as your representative for the third time, I wish to thank you andj assure you that I am prepared to de- i vote my time and the experience of ' \/ the past two years to serve your inl {i ° terests, to the best of my ability. \ with the E. A. KLOSE 9 \ em z : i Willie a Winner :-- y A DRYDEN PH bE An Announcement We always strive to offer the Community the best of quality and so it is with pride that ment as sole Agents for the 'McLagan' This Instrument Superb can heard at the church an account of the doings of the § P h armacy any time. For Itself disc record, with t will be played in all per- fection on your "McLagan." | Come in and ask to hcar the Phonograph 18 soft mellow tone. ik our appoint- Phonograph. Pre any make of | the full knowing that bee beautiful TA FEES OXDRIFT, Ont.--Mr and Mrs Wm. V : Jones arrived here last week after a i on : a 'ew weeks honeymoon in the east. \/ oN \ Bill was not so slow as some people] imagined, everybody thought he was a} confirmed old bachelor, but got nicely; § fooled when they saw him step off, train No. 83 one morning last week. On Tuesday night of this: week the. Oxdrift musicians, whose music has: been pent up for nearly two months, 'et loose--some music too. Oh, boy! William, being a good hearted old soul * and always up to these capers himself, responded very liberally, especially when you consider the fact that he was . Vocalian wear for the same good cause a few weeks EBEHIEGE We are also Agents for the i ecords. wonderiully clear and will Come and hear them on the 'Mcl.agan' and get a 1924 Catalogue. SORE They are- igs ¥ i 2 well. » ago. The boys then retired to the store of H. A. Jewell & Co. to blow the result of their labors. We welcome Mrs Jones to our com- wnunity, and one and all wish both Mr and Mrs Jones a long, happy and pros- perous married life. BAND MEETING A meeting will be held in the Towr Hall next Tuesday, Jan. 15th at eigh- o'clock sharp for the purpose of re- organizing the Town Band. Everyone "Invited. BAND COMMITTEE PREIS ARP USI APU RIE Regular Meeting of Dryden Lodge [.O.O.F. No. 417 on Monday night, Tan. 14th, at 8 o'clock. Installation of officers. : D. ANDERSON, Secy LY YT ari aa Pa Fe] LEAVING KENORA - At the dinner given by Mr A. R. 'Hutchison at the Tourist Hotel Tues- day, Col. H. A. C. Machin made the announcement that it was his intention to move with Mrs Machin and family to Toronto within a short time. The' announcement/came as a surprise, and, was heard with much regret. How- ever, Col. Machin will still retain his | connection with the mining interests | of the district, and will be engaged in advancing ifs progress, which will. mean that he will be here from time to time.--Kenora Miner. Resclveto- -dayte carry svificient Fire Insvrance m 1924 TOTIORROW DIAY DRING REGRET Je have the remedy GIBSON, ONTARIO SOVIET COMMERCIAL AGENTS 7. E.G WILL LEAVE PARIS FOR LONDON : DRYDEN PARIS, Jan. 7--The entire Russian' soviet . commercial organization in Paris, it is reported, will be transfer- | Notice red to London in the near future. i The annual meeting of the Directors The reason for the soviet attitude is of Dryden: Agvtonlunral Solely will Te found in the reecnt decision of 2 p14 i the Town Hall, Dryden, on I"rench civil tribunal that as France Friday, Jan. 18th, at 1 p.m. has not recognized the soviet rule, acts D. ANDERSON, Seecy.-Treas. of the soviet representatives have no! Pastry For the Week-end ER EO 2 W are making a special showing of Pastry, including delicious Cream Puffs made from genuine cream for this week-end. The prices will be within the reach of all and we guarantee the quality to be the best. Extra Special For Friday and Saturday only. We will sell Neilson's Delicious Chocolate Creams absolutely fresh, assorted flavours for the two days only in pound lots at 50 th FRUIT, LETTUCE, CELERY AND CAULIFLOWER always fresh kk Xx Gough's Confectionery Eh C. Corneuin Mr. The annual meeting of the Dryden sequently goods nationalized by: the Agricultural Society will be held on coviets so far as French law is con- Jan. 18th at 2 p.m. in the Town Hall, cerned, are still' the property « of the Dryden. ' legal validity in France and that con-; original owners. § D. ANDER SON, Secy.-Treas. i 197 '8 {to held in i Ton or Mr and Mrs Robt. Sanborn Friday evening, Jan. 11th, at o'clock. A welcome to all who care come. :