Ac es Tr eR tr, PST AE lr A a AA A SI on A Tut Vo Rs ath Tod Sd pb SLE hts des er er Ba gh rr ts ee cao tf api ull hh es SE Tt tl i BC sh SER lee LE Ta Kn Re el Fe he it hci hd oe te pl TE et a eb ol) Set cm a 0% Bo ie St ES cl he ler ie de ITAL RARE SC SL lL Se Re nl I i SAE ie FW Le a LBC CS Sr i nL ek Ee SRT tind ror SSL Sa RIEL et RN NRL Sh Sms RE BG ie a © A ct Se AUB CBE SR 1 a PL DE IL HE Ba i Ba ck a ui BIEL 4 BUR SLI SUL LRH ST BAL REN RS EI AT ATE i, MATH i NFO TE Sr A, i red an ed a Um LB RAE Sr Sa ie URE a SAA Fo SE ee ae ia YP SETS a TE EY So SOLELY TR Ea Th Cl Se VATE Sl a a EB BE LT Lr a fo a a td eZ SEE LW RL TS pn he di ae Buy vour Groceries THE DRYDEN OBSERVER [CARN for Cash, and save on your money borrowed. been buying TATION MI ae Sil I SIINATR, BIDS 0 vials vy shad Ten Bi 08 .ORAD GES, rail Ane ES Seti) CREAMERY BUTTER... ..... hed in .49 DAIRY BUTTER Lo i Bl bh, 49 FANCY MIXED BISCUITS | ni .35 Special a> Burdick' 5 PINEAPPLE MARMALADE » per ON], AE CE NE 31 5 2-1 -Ibs 2 a vl a ab ER Bre 35 ES eh pL 35 a eee LS 25 SBE en Spe RR 2% Es PE hws ep I3 BISCUITS, tr om .40 to',. .60 MI O XED CANDIES, per... 035 {IARRY HAINES CUST ARD POW DER, mE IE a i ee .55 Heinz Goods: -- : BRIO unl ees Ay a rh 40 CED DEANE, 25and «0. vd snare 45] 11 GROUND COFFEE, from one of the st beans, per Er ANA rh Sa 45 i ih lots, por DR Le IRE Se Tg 43 T7158 LY BI ROYA I. ANNE CHERRIES, per AR TIRE a nT ea 49 LIBY ACHES, per Z=iniving 0. 45 DEL. MONTE APRICOTS, ait... 45 FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, 1% ting .. 40 DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE TE An 45 SETS SARE REIT FUE RTF a 0800 USUI IRIR FINI PURE FANCY QUALITY FRUIT SA LAD, per STU ORR Vi AR NE SRE CSE ey .35 DONAILG PEARS oretin i 2 0 ". .35 DONALCO PEACHE per Pin hee 35 ER om TARE SUPER I0R HERRING, Rs se Ne Ce 2% 136-0z. tins MAPLE 3Y RHEL he 3-25 MASONS GRILL :S/ , bottle 0.0 .29 KING BEACH CRADAL FILE TEL Y. por 4-1 pail 1.09 EVAPORATED LOGANBERRIES, 3 phys Ce age Ol pewter eR fe OL 1.00 Meats +-- BACK: BACON, per on Doran ils e, 45 SIDE BACON parila 0 .35 A mr TB aie en ame ads 49 eral le ye 10 BOLOGNA, Der ih nade a SIR 18 GIFCO. PORT SAUSAGES berih. 0. 28 Lard :-- ho no utr GOO a &o an RRL Origin of Cancer While the Canadian National Exhi- bition wag in full swing last fall; a' very interesting stranger had a talk with me in the Provincial Board of | Health's exhibit in the Government, Building. He was an Englishman, well | educated and well read, who was in, Toronto payng a visit to his son. This: man asked me if we had any pamph-' lets on cancer, and although he was no, doctor, said he was much interesed in: inding out all the latest ideas about the cause, treatment, ete., of this great scourge of mankind. I told him that the origin of eancer Was still unknown but theer were many scientists today who were beginning to feel that our present custom of eating foods not in their natral states had something to do wth the cause of stomach and intestin- al cancers. Prolonged irritation of the bowels due to constipation or to gastro- intestinal stasis may have a tendency to .cause malignancy, while by the toxins resulting from the gastro-intes- tirial stasis being absorbed into the blood. Of course there is much differ- sideration of them will not do any harm from whatever angle they are viewed. This visitor of the Fair had a sug- gestion and an inquiry of his own to offer. He wondered if the increased use of serums and vaccines hypoder- mically had anything to do, with the supposed increase of cancer in late years. On this point I was unable to give any 'definite information because there are no available statistics on the subject, and besides it would be difli- cult to associate the one with the other as cause and effect. However, I ob- tained the opinion of a prominent phy- sician who was especially interested in the subject of cancer, and he gave his opinion as follows: -- First--There is considerable differ- ence of opinion that cancer has in reality increased, but even if it were so it would be impossible to attribute this to any one factor since the cause of cancer is unknown. Second: --It has been suggested that the alleged in- {crease of cancer has coincided with intensive production by machinery, commonly associated, as it is, with a comparatively sedentary life of the op- erators. Third:--One might hazard Joxide fumes notors wtih the deterioration or low- ering of health. Fourth: --The "weaz- greater intensity of modern life induc ing a mush a2 lian R7g:88 emile state ing a Jigr which we nd is conductive to malig- nant disease. Fifth:--Notwithstand- ing that serums and vaccines have been used for more than thirty years, no single case has been reported asso- ciating their use with cancer. Sixth-- Coley's Fluid as you know, has been used for at least thirty years for the treatment of sarcoma. : ence of opinion on the points but con-§, such another suggestion as the poison- ing of the air of cities by carbon mon- | from the exhaust of! ing out" of our body cells due to the RZ i Ten i Wm K 'PHONE 6 Now is the time to lav in a winter's supply of BEEF, AND Cut up and delivered to your door. HINDS, per RICA a HEAVY PIGH 4 FRONTS per Ib ______ .06 'LIGHT PIGS wooo 16 mS NAAS FR: : Meat Market ET BE PER EE TE TEE Eireann _ PORK. ELSO Waldhof Notes WALDHOF, Ont.--Last week our settlers got a sorrowful surprise when the Dryden Paper Co. put a stop to their bush operations. Possibly a few suggestions. in connection with this matter are not amiss. We are inform- ed that the chief difficulty today is a triff wall which practically bars the products of our paper industries from the American market. Our paper makers must compete with the Ameri- can manufacturers and, in doing so, try to overcome the duty of 25 p.c. plus freight to the U.S. This we can realize is a hard proposition. We have in this district quite a few : Wabigoon u. F. W. 0. ; WABIGOON,; Ont.--The U.F.W.O. of Wabigoon held their concert and dance in the Imperial Hotel on Jan. 17th, It was certainly carried off with flying colors. The solos, duets and violin sel- ections were really well worth listen- ing to, as was the play entitled "Dr. Cure It." - Just a word to Tone who wish to re- duce, like the very stout man who, when told to touch his figners to his toes, lost his balance and fell with a crash that shook'the rafters. Likewise to those shy young men who want to, but hardly know how. They should have heard Uncle Peter making a horse deal. His deep, resonant voice politicans. How about getting these to work--some real hard work--and try to remove or reduce this duty? Sure- ly we all could agree on the question-- Conservative, Liberal, Labor and per- haps Farmer too. Moreover it is a ing too much if we declare that our success may depend upon this problem. Tow about putting the harness on our member in the House of Commons, Dougald Kennedy. The Dryden Agricultural Association seems to have a very active set of officers this year. They ate making § 'hay in January alright. Yes sir, they" are touring the district and making | arrangements for the Fair to be held' next fall. crown the efforts of such an aggres- give policy. How about our making it a success by helping * them? Suppose we do something just to show our good will, district ! Mrs John Moeser and family is back again from Kenora where John was working at the C.P.R. Yen there is no place like home. Somebody told us that the Dryden Creamry is lost. Finder will get re- ward, apply at the "Observer." Mr A. Crane, chief engineer of the clean and noble issue, and it is not say-! Surely success is bound to and help to advertise our wonderful |s yoad work in this district, is making: reminding his Polly of thirty years before, but he at least got what he went after, even if he did have to hide behind a horse deal. % To those who are hungry, just a (word of advice.. When asking a deaf 'woman for a little to sustain you, 'please take pencil and paper, then she will not misunderstand you and think . someone is dying. The ladies of the club served an ex- 'cellent lunch and the balance of the 'evening was spent in dancing into the cwee sma' hours of morn. arrangements for vod Shik this com- ing spring and summer. He looks ver y optimistic and hopeful and thinks he will be able to do great things this summer. Sometimes dreams come true. The Waldhof Masquerade was a great success, though the very cold weather kept some of our more deli- cate visitors at home. = The costumes and characters were very pleasing and fitting and the judges had a very diffi- cult task in awarding the prizes. Out of the three most outstanding costumes for ladies, a Witch, a Spanish Signora and a Scotch Highlander, Miss Mona Morris, in the last named "ear- ried off the prize. The best gentlemen's costume rep- resented a Russian army effeen, by Mr W. Kurtz pb at 'predominance. Proof that Ford predominates is to be found in the fact that 50 per cent of all cars in Canada are Fords. i Ford predominates because it supplies the essen- tials of adequate, economical transportation. F ord has been the pioneer in the automotive in- dustry; has blazed the trial in every fundament ally sound transportation principle. Ford service is an outstanding example of Ford Authorized Ford service is to be found wherever motor cars are used--always capable, business-like and prompt. 'More than 4,000 service stations in Canada are assurance of this. See Any Authoitued Ford Dealer