ee aa a \ al EE McCormick=Deering BALL-BEARING CREAM SEPARATORS FIVE FACTS That Prové Dairy Farmers Appreciate Easy Turning, Slow Crank Speed and Long Life Already, thousands of dairy farmers in every section have invested in McCormick-Deering Primrose Ball-Bearing Cream Separators in preference to plain-bearing machines ! Satisfactory performances in everyday service explains' this instantaneous success. McCormick-Deering Primrose factories are working at the topmost peak of production. This year more Primroses will be built than ever before, in an attempt to keep pace with the growing demand for modern equipment. Letters from enthusiastic McCormick-Deering Primrose owners point out easy turning, clean skimming, slow crank speed and long life as results of the McCormick-Deering Primrose advanced design. McCormick-Deering Primrose success has spread rapidly. Already dairy farmers are demanding ball bearings in the cream separators they buy. Only the McCormick- Deer- ing dealer can supply such modern machines. The easy-turning McCormick-Deering Primrose takes the hard work out of an every-day-in-the-year job. It runs easily and skims clean. It makes dairy farming a more profitable and pleasant occupation. J. 8S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. Agent fori-- INTERNATIO ERE NAL HARVEST RE RE RE a CRT RE ER COMPANY of Canada, Ltd RT Tn EL EA RUMELEY Qil-Cooled Engine The only Perfect Engine on the market TRACTORS h-% CLOVER HULLERS ] SEPARATORS OIL PULLS BURNS KEROSENE Lowest Operating Cost on Test COAL PRICES REDUCED Coal for the balance of the season: -- GALT COAL, per ton ..--.-- _ $15.50 DRUMHELLAR, per ton ...___ 14.00 % ok : ANTHRACITE STOVE COAL Lee 22,00 ! NUT COAL oi hin 2200 dod Rok Ae Pn AMONG OUR . ovssnonn wanes | J, Winterbottom vou will find everything a good house- : 4 : keeper could ask for, and more besides. | There is every kind of kitchen utensil | E88 Bam of the good old kinds and many new devices to make kitchen work easier. In the way of cutlery our asortment embraces everything from a small paring knife to a handsome carving set. COME, LOOK AND ADMIRE LR) KLOSE WATKIN'S PRODUCTS Complete Line For Farmer or Citizen REMEDIES, SPICES, EXTRACTS, SOAPS, TOILET PREPARATIONS. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES Best for over 50 years E. A. The Dependable Hardware E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND Try our Delicious Milk Loaf Cakes of all kinds The DRYDEN a4 M0 BAKERY We are reducing the price of Western REPORT FOR JANUARY ® kK XX Those marked with a * equal Senior 1V. Honours-- Evelyn Spicer Margaret Latimer "+ Ada Wilson or : Eric Whitely Gordon Reid Ella Holm Katie Findlay Kathleen Oliver Arthur Clempson Gertrude Doudiet Pass-- : "Bessie Blair Nellie Cullen Ethel Davidson Reggie Dixon Beatrice Dixon Jumior IV (Class A) Honours-- Grace Gough Jessie Fleming Pass-- Astrid Edgren Gladys Nymark Eveyn Adair . Junior IV (B) Honours-- Madge Hunter Millie Herring Grace Robinson Alma Larson Robert Berrey Ted Sherwood Grace Hardie Howard Kentner Forest Plotts Pass-- Gilmore Tatosky Marjorie Taylor Olive Lewis Jack French Claire Barber Senior III Honours-- Gladys Noble Ethel Anderson Winkie Edgar Lulu Hunter Walter Herring Sidney Lappage Edward Louttit Lilian Pilkey Elizabeth Trist Joan Offer William Koshon Albert Robinson Violet Smith Rolph Nelson Ronald Whitely Pass-- Victor Nymark Victor Oliver Rosa Davis Junior III Honours-- Nona Reany Arthur Williams Rettie Edgren Duncan Mercer Alta Volkmar* Jeanette Reid* Pass-- Francis Foulis* | Hazel Wilson* Elmer Silver** James Smith*# Patty Blair Arthur Doudiet® John Willard* Gerald Plotts Charlotte Dixon* Julius Volkmar* Ruby Nelson** Ethel Willard** Hugh Barber*** Edna Buchanan*** Thomas Yaworski Albert Berrey* . Gordon Mackey* Dora Dean* Roma Spears David Williams Senior II Honours-- John Ayres Elsie Moorehouse Pass-- Phil Wright Irma Pepper Cecil Law Alice Bigelow Edward McMonagle Phyllis Hawke James Yaworski Vada Robinson Duncan McKellar Lenore Stefaniuk Austin Andrews* Edwin Lindquist* Wilbert McQueen Absent for all or part of exams-- Bella Blake Gordon Campbell Charlie Gammon George Gough Fred Yaworski Kenneth Williams Thomas Turnbull Junior II Honours-- Stanley Hudson James Rigby Margaret Anderson Dick Cole Phyllis Barber Walter Davis Pearl Stefaniuk Pass-- Evelyn Hudson May Bartlett Charlotte Dixon Yola Sfreddo Elsie Findlay Dryden Public School Senior I Honours-- Elsie Hunter Billie Baker Eunice Gough . Ernest Curley Lloyd Brisson James Hill Ivan Klose Nellie Hardy Pass-- Ruby Reid Evelyn Strutt Lewis Thompson Vera Bailey Lloyd Wigle William Moline Thelma Brookes Lily Lewis Junior I Honours-- Katy Chaschowy Mamie Reaney Edna Runions Madge McKellar George Runiong Billy Olson Rose Yaworski Aylmer Wilson Mona, Proudfoot Betty Swanson Margaret Hunter Marie Ball John Chaschowy Margery Crawley | Pasg-- Lena McMaster Jimmie Baker Katy Bartecka Lloyd Offer Phillip Moline Harold McQueen: Annie Yaroshuk Olive Burton Eileen Brookes George Moore Francis Ernewein Gweneth Jones Joffre Dixon Senior Primary-- Bobby Hawke Ray Hatch Andy Volkmar Sophie Trasiewicz Wilfred Moore Joseph Koshon Lavern Smith Mary McMonagle Neil Campbell Evelyn Smith Eveline Miller Junice Runicns Aubrey Pinkerton Dorothy Walmesly Shalin Olson Allen Moore George Hunter Bonny Kentner Lillian Davis Olga Steiner Inig Sfreddo Lola Dean Anne Baurock Pete Cook Gordon Robinson Junior Primary-- Carrie Doudiet Isabelle Norgate Aubrey Moore Werner Nelson Tan Bigelow Leslie Herring. Gordon Moore | Bill Wigle 1 Edward Bullard - Ernest Hutchison Gladys Byington Duncan Turner Grace French Vivian Wice Mike Semak Fanny Olsen Esther Robinson Clayton Bailey Barbara Jones Anna Andrews Alma Brisson Kathleen Millroy Billy Reid Geraldine Duncan Elva Curry Marion Beck James McMonagle Lila Buchanan Hazel Adair Esther Mercer George Ernewien Mary Livingstone Ann Smith | Robert Clarke j Class B-- : b Billy Matthews Marguerite Nicoll Leila Foulis Arnold Nymark Bryan Barber Clifford McGuire Doris Hilton Tommy Crawley 4 Norman Hardy "Class A-- Alfred Trist Joe Cook Agnes Smith Jessie Cole Violet Moline Joe Bartecka Clemmie Wright Dorothy Stratton Colin Proudfoot Frank McMonagle ° i Kindergarten Primary (C)-- BINORWIC SCHOOL REPORT For the month of January Senior IV--Fanny Ovenstone, Fritz Eger, Rocco Zoccole. Junior IV--Waino Hanta, Huckell. Senior III--Richard Eger. Junior Ill--Hedwig Eger, Violet 'Wright. Senior II--Saimi Ovenstone. Junior II--George Huckell, Lillian Wright. ! : Senior Pr.--Mary Eger, Joe Zoccole, Jenny Wright. Junior Pr.--~Walter Huckell. Ilobert Hanta, Johnny Eger, William Miss E. G. WRIGHT Confectionery "AND Fruits x OK XK kk --Trye-- Dorothy Kingston Chocolates They're Good [3 Mrs W. H. Evans Agent For-- PICTORIAL PATTERNS General Blacksmith & Woodworker Oxygen Acetylene welding in connection | | Devden Livery, Transfer | i a and : NV Exchange Barn 1 i a i Emer SSeS SEE ROBT. SWE ENEY (0.0F. DRYDEN LODGE, Xe ¥ Meets in the Masonic Hall, Dryden, hi !the Second Tuesday of emch month, Yes, we have no Bananas but all kinds of 'Fish Chips Just the thing to take home for dinner or supper. Come in and have a feed. sti aun Fresh Bread Daily RHIND BROS. (In the Bigelow Block) ZT age reine epee an MACHIN & TEASDALE Barristers, Solicitors, ete., IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK KENORA . » Ont. 417 meets at the Town Hall every 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at eight o'clock. ¥. COOPER, N.G. 'D. ANDERSON, Secy Visiting Brethren Cordially Invited. L.O.L. DRYDEN LODGE Ne. 1694 meets the first Wednesday of each month, at eight p.m. in the : Town Hall. Visiting Brethren cer- .dially invited. : J. E. HARRIS, W.M. BADEN SMITH, Secy (Golden Star Ledy~ No. 484 AF. & AM, GR.C. hl EE Visitors Cordially invited. A. E. BERREY, WM. A. BURTON,, Secy. KEROSENE SAVE YOUR and economically with a Case steel spur gears are fully enclo Let us tell you more about the OXDRTFT ST TRACTORS HORSES ® 7 ALKING over plowed ground all day tires your team as : well ag the driver. How about pulling a load besides? |bad In these days of scarcity of horse and man power the [¥] heavy farm work such as discing can be done most speedily § or smallest Case Tractor can pull an 8 ft. double action dise harrow set to full depth. Busy farmers can work the "iron horse" day and night if necessary. Don't forget that Case |] tractors operate over dusty fields without dust entering cyl- inders, The Air washer fully protects the Motor. The all cut, of the Case 10-18 is only about 3,400 Ibs. this, with the liberal sized tires prevents soil packing explained in full descriptive literature sent out for the asking. {7} ¥. T. BRIGNALL ua Kerosene Tractor. The 10-18 [Jf sed and run in oil. The weight" | | Other important features 10-18 or larger Case Tractors. [ ONTARIO i Zellmond Fystrom Arthur Rhodes Gladys Buchanan Nellie Sfreddo Alma Nelson Charlotte Davis Violet Baurock '} At the old Rhodes Stand JOS. A. STRUTT - GENERAL BLACKSMITH & HORSESHOER All work done promptly DRYDEN . J