Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 15 Feb 1924, page 4

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® vd Councillor Gould Bereaved| ? | ¥ | day from Campbeliford, Ont., where he | had been called by the sudden death 'of his brother L. F. "Gould, roto ne | |g severe stroke. The funeral was held} February 1st from the residence. The late Mr Gould spent his holidays last summer in Dryden and Fort William, where he made many friends to whom the sad news will come as a shoc 1 1 Square Store 3 "~~ THE DRYDEN OBSERVER "Coun. A. A. Gould returned Satur-| g th in by her sister. office, Dryden, was a week-end visitor, v ¥ pin i Senet emer IE OXDRIFT ; schoo! was held here st under mew management, ere } heen none for some time. Migs Lyons spent 2 éouple of cays Winnipeg the end of last week, re- morning gecompanied the west where he has been working, ' sye. gt Mrs turned 1 Sunday on J. S. Corner and children re- the beginning of the week from amongst friends near Toronto. village blacksmith, Mr Tom Williams, is a busy man these days, choeing all the horses between here and Kenora. There is a great streak of businessj g being done this winter in the wood} § line. "No clover seed' seems to bei ¢ hard on the wood lot. > unday le urning Sunday Miss M owis of the agricultural Sunday afternoen. eturning on "Mr Jas. Bullwer has returned. from rer : New Stockyards Announcement 5 made that C.P.R. Fl plans to build new stock yards at P Dryden this summer. : & At. Ignace a new eastbound yard band V.M.C.A. will be built. pu Chall=nges * Dryden School Board take this op- portunity to challenge the Dryden Town Council to a game of Hockey to be played either on skates, felt thoes or rubber boots. Merely by way of | Variety An Advertisement of Butcher Shop The married men, who have not played hockey for some time past, a, challenge the single men who have not " played hockey in the last few years, to a game of hockey. No player allowed on either side who is practicing or has played lately. Everything But Money WALDHOF, Ont.--We all enjoy the ; splendid winter. Tt is just fun to live ) in such a time, and every old timer ® agrees that this is the best winter for & work and everything except money. Of course a fellow is getung used to being poor as long as the rest is all right. Some time 'ago there was a notice about a creamery in Dryden and we have watched very closely for the pro- gress of the idea. Then we find the d idea was lost and, after enquiring, we Q discover that nobody has claimed the " yeward. i Now since this not a political seec- tion, perhaps it is safe for our district representative to do some stirring. We might also expect action from the ® farmers themselves. But then it takes 8 long--indeed very long--Dbefore Col- "ossus begins to move. Wonder if he ever will again? ; Some of our settlers who started a silo last year are very much pleased with results. The cattle are full, and, as some say, just crazy for the bloom- in' stuff. So we look for more activity bin this direction. One sure thing, the silo is coming and will stay. Meats £ Beef, 1b 10 to 20¢ Boiling Beef ,, 0810 09¢c ; Round Steak, 2-1bs 35¢c Roast of Pork, 1b 18 to 5c Roast © rozen Beef by Quarters Pin Fronts, per 1b 06¢ Hinds ,, 09c Hog ol wr 14c AT IPIIRIPII INST 'Y oo TENDERS £ Tenders will be received by the under- & signed for the building of a school house on Lot 20, Con. 9, Zealand. > Plans and bill of material may be seen ) at the office of J. Winterbottom, Dry- 2 b, den. All tenders must be at my residence not later than ten p.m. Feb. 26th, 1924. : : Halibut, per 1b. : * ny, : Lowest or any tender not necessarily Salmon . * ind Ad 6 Gy of the trustees. White Fish . ie 16 $ Zealand es ont. 3 Pickerel . ' ' 12 ¢ Ei Sam Bish, ©, a W088 Pronger's Novelly Store Just Arrived Fresh Herrings, 4-1bs . Bloaters, Kippers, Haddies, 1die Fi rn ologa ~~ § SRLECTION of VALENTINE Haddie Fillets, Boneless Cod, & S558 CARDS & FOLDERS Loe = : from IC tO «ovvvnevnnn: 25¢ Norway Herrings. Latest in SHEET MUSIC AND RECORDS 8 Come in and hear these numbers: "Just A Girl That Men Forget" "Dreamy Melody." "Gittin' In A Corner." All at Reasonable Prices : and others Agents for:-- : 2 RPUTTERICK PATTERNS a SINGER SEWING MACHINES & BRUNSWICK, COLUMBIA & ; EDISON GRAMAPHONES Fresh Killed, Silo Fed Juicy Beef If you want it, just give "Last Night on The Back Porch" SES === -- ; = Cod J lave "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" r \ Cr --, OU A Few of the Victor ecords we now have in our stock. LOVE, HERE IS MY HEARTJTHAT'S MY BABY A LITTLE LOVE, A LITTLE} vocal Records: -- KisS-MeCormack THE WEST, A NEST FOR A DREAM YOU FOR, YOU ALONE--Caruso INDIANA MOON ; Dance Records :-- AN ORANGE GROVE IN TAKE, OH TAKE THOSE CALIFORNIA LIPS AWAY. TITTLE BUTTERFLY as We are prepar- ing to getina full supply of Spring} OA A LOVE SORG Stock Instrumental :-- TWEET, TWEET SOUVENIR rs I'VE BEEN A FOOL SAXARELLA Khaki Whipcord Breeches, regular ROAMIN' TO WYOMIN' IMIGHTY LAK A ROSE price, 3.15, Bald omer ron 2.10 Khaki Wool Breeches, reg price... 8.76 a AE AT ER LE Ra Le 3.10 Few pair heavy Mackinaw Breeches, regular, 3.75, Sale iene 9.05 Army Khaki Breeches, Regular __2.50 . Sinlain oh CT el plied wi 1.95 Army Khaki Pants, Regular ..----- 3.25 Bale is ne _ 2.65 Dark Tweed Pants, good make, re gular 8.25, Hale or i riper 2.50 Navy Blue Dress Pants, special ---- 2.95 SUCCESSOR TO ANDERSON & HARRIS Winter Caps, reg. 1.35, gale co 6B : : Tumbermen's Sox, reg. 95, Sale__ .65 oF Grey Flannel Shirts, re ular ._.. 1.95 Contractors and Builders I Ty ; y Moccasins, size 6 to 12, reg. ------- 1.65 Cull Stock of LUMBER, Sash andl t og "a Puttees, reg. .65, Bale iil 50 Children's all-wool stockings, size b%2 Doors, Shingles, Wood Fibre, to 7, reg. 50; Slats on real . . All-wool Stockings, 7% to 10, reg. 60 Brick, Lime and Cement. EE Boys' 160 p.e. Wool Combinations, will also fit small men, reg. 1.95, sale 1.55 tes @ reely Given Men's Wool Combinations, to size 44, EE NE CREE reg. 2.95, Sale mmm meee 2.40 Men's and Women's Fleece Under- wear, reg. .95, Sale .80 per garment] Men's Fleece Lined Combinations, reg. 1.95, Sale commen et 1.60 Boys' Fleece Combinations, Teg.---- 1.25 Sale men EE a 1.10 Men's Wool and Cotton mixed Undex- wear, reg. .95, ale in LT 5 Piece Velvets Men's and Boys' Sweaters reduced to lowest prices. Celors: DARK RED, BROWN, GREEN, NAVY BLUE and BLACE Men's Felt Boots, worth ri reg, 8.50, Sale oo mommies 2.95 to clear at per yard $e 90c, Same Boots in Boys' sizes, reg 2.90 Suitable for Women's and Children's Dresses, Boy's Suits, ete, Sale mone mire pe - 2.55 Women's Felt Boots, reg. ..----u----- 2.95 5 T 4 \ ] 4 Sale thm pm tp om A bn et me 2.65 ! See Our Dry Goods indow Kiddies Felt Boots hight top, from .85 0 Dn Fle oe sd sien bk al Lh ne ee 1.95 : Boys' Tweed Bloomers, Teg. 1.95--2.25 Bale mmm mmm 1751.08 Watch out window Big Special in Women's New Winter next week fof Coats with nice Beaverette Collar pd 5 of and Cuffs, to clear af ..owmmv 8.50 CHINTZ REMNANTS, special price per FOP inst mre .30 ; > . ih alt nrle GINGHAM REMN ANTS, special price, per 0 CRE o 28 hi Vercoais id ali price ; STEELCLAD GALATEA REMNANTS special price, per yar ,33 {Boys New Coats, aC ----ui--mvm-- 6.50 Ladies' and Children's Black HOSE, reg. price .35, SPECial ome mm mri = 25 [Army Tunies emir mmr meme 95 A good assortment of Mitts and Gloves reduced 25 p.c. from regular prices. We are letting go all our Rubber Boots also Pullover Rubbers for all the fam- ily at Sale Price. These Prices ate for Cash emely low priced considering wholesale prices asked today and and are extr by buying early last £211 we were able to get these prices. me erm Brushed Wool Scarfs, TZ. mmm .90 " Fale em tems 65 {Women's and Girls' Spats, reg.--- 1.10 ) ry ef Bole on mmm inits <DO The above mentioned are only a few 0. H. PRONGER, Prop. RINK RATS vs. TUXIS BOYS The Rink Rats and Tuxis Boys play- their first game on Tuesday night, the Tuxis Boys winning 5--4. These boys are going to fill in any nights that the ring has spared for practice games. As soon as the teams can show pretty good work we'll let them play a game for public approval. ! Rink Rats--Geo. Louttit (g.), Count Sfreddo (r.d.), T. Hartnett (1d), Jim Beddome (c.), Ernie Louttit (Lw.) L. Sfreddo (r.w.), H. Kentner (sub). Tuxis Boys--J. Offer (g.), J. Foote (r.d.), A. Clempson (Ld.), T. Foote {¢) Frank Kerney (r.w.), ¥. willard (1.w.) Bud Offer and Geo. Wigle (subs). us a call ED PI11, DRYDEN, Ont. LS of our specials in need of Boots or Shoes for the family you wil find a good supply also in clothing ready to wear. Something New in Ice Cream mer) 0 ------ INDIVIDUAL SUNDAES all ready for the table, put up 'n attractive Cups with Spoons. SNOW BALLS, these are Chocolate covere rolled in Cocoanut. ESKIMO PIES, at sc each, the individuality of these dishes will appeal to your company. HOLLAND ICE CREAM BRICKS d Ice Cream 9 w & Second Hand Stor (Opoosite Town Hall) Ne GOODR OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO!] BOUGHT & BOLD v ( CHAS. A. BURGESS

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