x ®Bitish Ei Volume V. Number £8 La Pianos AND | Reign - Typewriters ANS IANS Sold hy :i-- Douglas Lane (Post Office Building) For Your NEW SPRING SUIT SEE T. PROUDFOOT The Tailor New Stock of Just arrived Sn prem. Dress Boots Work Boots High Cuts BLE OE H. WILLARD, FOR THE pire 'Exhibition and Ensure the Accomodation You Wish CANADIAN PACIFIC Agents will gladly make ties arrange Passports and give full information. Direct Through Train Service ASK YOUR AGENT TODAY CANADIAN PACIFIC GC. B. CAFE (Opposite C.P.R. Station) Lunch € ~~ Meals served at any hour Cooking and Service unexcelled Clealiness & Quality Guaranteed 'COBACCOS, SOFT DRINKS CONFECTIONS CHAN BING a 5 Counter and Dining Room Proprietor ammering ids 1 Pur 0S en Fi TE 3] ~ ATE > 1% OND OPEN LETTER VERMILLION BAY IN writing my second letter 1 have read the first. If you have not, "Observer" dated February 15th. purpose just now, to get this Distri Het, and on its feet, and--wander point--I do not care whether it is private capital, and I am more than pleased with the letter of Mr Schoonenberg in this paper; and with the letter 'of "Old Timeg" although I wish he had signed his real name. The issue I have provoked was intentional, because experience has taught me that controversy creates interest, and I started out ib the wish to have everybody tall, and 1 am partly succeeding. : 3 Eighteen farmers have written me up to Wednesday night with definite offers of support, these eighteen formers actually having one hundred and ten cows which they m increase to two hundred. This is wonderfully encou ragi and I feel we are getting somewhere, because only of the District has replied. I urge again, please write me, givin vi cows you "have now, what cows you could maintain. aforesaid definite letters received, and others SO teint - are all intensely interesting, and disclose t to the thinking mind that all 1s not well with the farmers of the District. ty There are things not stated in these letters--but there just the same--that male me determined this Creamery must be put across. Some say, a Creamery will come sooner or later. course it will, but please by vourselves, by your clubs, help me to do it NOW. I said in the last issue, that there are many who for reasons of their own, do 'not take the "Observer", and unless they hear from some of you, may never sce these letters. ITelp me get letters from these people. I shall close the file on February 29th and hope interest will warrant going A SEC must i ok one monient. from done co- operatiy £ A ot OF by your neighbours, Soy vou can hear the Band forward. = ALFRED PITT Remarks { Change Hall On page three you will find some in- teresting letters in regard to the pro- ; posed Dryden Creamery. ! Mrs Johnson, Oxdrift, was a visitor Friday epening everybody wants to hear the Band. To arrange this sat- isfactorily, the Literary will meet in to town Monday. (the Union Church Auditorium at 7.45 Jim Gordon, Eagle River, was in to spend "An evening with Dickens Dryden Monday. I ang Thackeray" under the able lead of Miss Gertie Gangloff was down from : Prof. Kirkonnell of Manitoba Univer- Fagle River the other day. alts, The change of place is necessary Re Tattiven Hon ih i town Cecause the membership has grown on business early in the week. {Poyoad.oll omen aa Baie ' , ._ lures are so thoroughly interesting to Mrs Geo. Ruete, Eagle River, was in } everybody. town this week. Then after nine o'clock we shall ali ceed to the Carnival, to watch the Miss Clara Self has returned from a 1 c00 sp ort, week's holiday in Winnipeg. when the $75.00 in prizes will "be competed for, besides the Te $5.00 gold piece to be drawn for ever person admitted. That may be you. Mrs Weare, Minnitaki was down to Dryden Wednesday. Mrs A. Reid, Oxdrift, was shopping in town Wednesday. : S. McClellan, Minnitaki, paid a visit to the "Observer" this weck. Rev. S. N. Dixon spent a few days in Winnipeg this week. Jim Duncan, Ignace, was a visitor to town last week, Miss Ella Russell is spending a holi- day in Keewatin the guest of Miss Francis Hanlon. H. C. McWilliams, of the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Keewatin, was in town op business Wednesday. Miss Alma Anderson, of the Store, Eagle River, was in town lagi ; week, - } A. Bridgewater was among those who attended the big carnival at Win- , nipeg last week. \ A. R. Hutchison, of the Tourist Hotel, Kenora, met a warm welcome when he paid a short visit to Dryden i the end of the week. Mrs R. Foote left for Winnipeg or | Wednesday to meet her brother from Seattle, who is coming to reside in , Dryden. ah Ag 4 NN PN CP RP ws Pus WOMENS INSTITUTE The next meeting of the W.I will be held in the Town Hall on Friday, Feb. 29th, at 3 p.m. A demonstration of "Brown Bread Making" will be given. Everybody welcome, a | | a FR el aad Pf RA NIRA RE 2a NI CRUSHED BY FA LLING SHED. £ Gnce again the commu red by a double fatality rly shocking nature. Or reaching Ble ce Tuesday evening J. H. Sherwood was alarmed to find hi ig down and no signs of life aro he His anxious search soon discovered the lifeless bodies of his little six-year old daughter and his sister-in-law Miss Ida Shepherd, face down on the hay where they had been erushed beneath the falling roof. Mrs Sherwood had heen over to visit a neighbour when 'he accident occurred, and it is sur- mised that the two were caught while after hay for the home-coming team. The family is so well and widely known--Mzr Sherwood being district secretary of | of a partie- SFY 1 the U.F.O--that a sense of disaster is felt over the whole dis- NOT TO BE PRINTED! To the Editor: -- In view of the fact that you are one of the champions of a Dairy for Dry- den, I thought that you might be in- Lerested in the article T am enclosing, and perhaps if you have space enough in your paper you might publish it, as it might help some of the 'people around Dryden to take up Deipying 3 15 you ther day, I did not gued to see what Real Insurance means Service plus Ithough I was hi again the ability to pay in the event of loss. To insure your insurance 3 tit Si SH > i Ir rath as 10.0 en would be or F the have it written with Cel Doe to THE HOME I ut that a Insurance Company ming t r Pitt for t it started, Fo te the Represented by art I hope he will i wound through the Het { of the waltz Tigi g n The Garden on the: evening of St. 5 Day that shed their out- in the anteroom of the Mill 1 and with your fair a the floor while on V4 "Kiss-a-Miss." : Even the Girls' Guild, which is i famous for the elaborate care it takes| sto surpassed the entertain its patréng, has never: splendour of the decor- ations used on this 'cccasion. From one end of the hall to the other, on' both sides, long chains of Chinese lanterns and coloured balloons delight- ed the eye with their soft effulgence: Along the walls -in - all - directions, | hedris of every 'déseription were strewn; while the platform was taste- fully furnished as a drawingroom. "Fame IBLY you were one of the joy- | everybody it should earry 'the best night's entertainmeni the ever witnessed in Dryden. To arouse - interest they invite you 'to write. {which the prize of $5.00 is offered-- fabout 50c a word. {Maybe you can beat that. and Fortune For Dryden Poet Within a day or two you will see some attractive posters around, TR the appearance of The Dryden Follies. To most people the title en the nature of the entertainm To assurance of ent. one line of a Jimerick, for Pretty good, you'll say i-- The one who is anxious for fume, Who can think of a suitable name, Or successfully jolli The great Dryden Follies a five-spot to blow on his dame. KO ok ok ok ies Gets If you can, A great variety of novelty dances featured the evening, as in the spot- ight and balloon dances, where gro sque figures dimly seen' in the Snvonng light joined in the scrim-; age, while the livély music was punc- 14 11 te te embarrassing to diffident, shy maidens, who were observed sidling up to the 'grand specimens of noble young man- hood and grabbing them away from bold rivals less active on their feet. You can understanl, too, how the said gallants obstructed the grabbing pro- cess by trying ostrich-like to hide themselves in the glare of the spot- light. : : Not less interesting was the Honey- moon dance. Everyone was given a ticket bearing the name of a station. As Dr. Wood called off the names, the couple holding the ticket sat down The last couple called got a prize in the form of a beautiful heart-shaped fany of these verses (limericks) Letter a by the pop of bursting balloons YA The leap year dance proved terribly * got to it and win the money. All you Amateur Contest Creates Interest "Win One of the Splendid Prizes Costs Nothing to Enter With Your Own Camera, To secure a good picture of thsi part of the country, and to encourage local amateurs with a camera, Gough's Confectionery is offering a prize for the best picture taken with your own camera of any winter scene. There is no restriction as to size, or whether the picture is a landscape or from the life. You may choose your own subject so long as it is pertaining to out-doox winter life. Bring your films to the store for" development, where they will be dis- played with only a number attached for the public to vote on not later than March 24th, The first prize, a $7.50 box of have lo do is to write the last line of than the one given and forward your Tort to the "Chserver" office not later than Saturday, March 1st. But you | must beware of the fate that is liable' (all any poet:-- Win the prize offered free by the; Guild And with pleasure and ih you'll; # be filled, i Make a verse that is funny You'll sure win the mone Vem f you don't in the meantime get killed. : : | TR TE Or how about this one. The thing, doesn't seem to Jingle, somehow, May- | he vou can fix it up bet tier: -- There was a young lady called Bell | One day on the sidewalk she fell, When a man full of guile' Came along with a smile, ! And went away laughing like any-' thin 1g. ese Ri nt box of candy, donated by Mr H. F. Bullard. © Miss K. Hartnett and Mr] Fowler being: the lucky ones, amid much hilarity paraded to the front for; the presentation, to the strains of thef 'Wedding March from Lohengrin. Owing, doubtless, to the long infer val since a previous social event, it: seemed that everyone had decided to appear in a new gown. What an opportunity for an artist to describe ctive: and striking costumes! But before en an array of oy supper hie ii oe irls, ted by various young men v s, as would naturally be expecte from a group that has won the a i ship of everybody for the high stan- dard they have always maintained in their various entertainments. And we cannot refrain from pra for the excellent music all through the programm By turns it was peppy, dreamy, en or jazzy as the occasion required. Every way the affair was a grand success, and here's hoping the Girls' Guild is back on the in the near future. Re & 8 de cte licious a ise BAA FER A HOCKEY-- Well, the Benediets won, as. th married onlookers expected they would Te one big consolation of a married nan is that the snapped up first, as indicated his hockey game. The game was a thriller and productive of bad and indifferent hockey, though the single men set th > which was fast, they looked a whole lot frecher than their married oppon- ents, which is not saying much. Although this was a bitter pill for the bachelors to swallow, thev don' feel a bit discouraged and are to play another game and get their revenge. wd an a rarin' ASSESSOR WANTED Eris wanted for S.S. No. 2, town- ship of Zealand, for 1924 at a salary of $40.00." Applications te be at my residence no later than Friday, Feb- ruary 29th, 1924.. : ; By order of the Trustees. W. WHITE, Sec.-Treas. 8.8: No. 2 Zealand meme 0 QO - TENDERS Tenders will be received by the under- signed for the building of a school house on Lot 20, Con. 9 Zealand. Plans and bill of material may be seen at the office of J. Winterbottom, Dry- den. All tenders ngs be at: my residence not later than ten p.m. Feb. 26th, 1024. Lowest or any tender not necessarily C. NORGATE 1.E.GIBSON, Ltime to best of him seems icy Anyway, you're 2 ing to have a get me r inspiration RE For the pres just take the tip and 'reserve the Si March 4th, for the! show, and get your tickets early at the Dryden Pharma 3 { ~ Hear the Fol & £1 T Tha il your seat .in advance And don't take a chance, If you wish to be sure where to sit, | RETA DRYDEN lies for music and wil FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD 6G ) are certain to. make a great hit FURNITURE and PGTATOES. and get a bargain at once.--apply 29|2|1924 Neilson's chocolates, will go to the 'picture getting most votes. An additional prize will be given for those who vote. For every voter a ticket will be deposited in a sealed box, 'and when the competition closes some- body will be asked to pick a ticket, and the lucky one will then be given a box of Neilson's best, valued at $2.50. v0o Week-end Specials CRLERY, Wb ia i .i8 'HEAD LETTUCE, head ..__..._ gE GRAPE FRUIT, each ..__.._..____ 15 Two for 25 { ORANGES, doz., from ..____.____ 25 to itl) LEMONS, doz. 40 ' APPLES, extra fancy ..._.. : 5 DELICIOUS... _ 50 | WAGNERS & SALOME, 8 Ibs for 3 i BANANAS per I = 00 20 TOMATOES ARRIVE SATURDAY MORNING * Gough's Confectioners Agent ba NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES KODAKS & BROWNIES CGDS Cg' C. H. DAViS D. Lane House, across the track the worl 1d hasbeen cost--savings you can share: For one thing, we've lately r some Gold. Girdle. T Pocket Clip or Gold Ring foriri chanical perfection and wear! 'Toronto, with The | Busleid Jz. 85 -- By order of the trustees. W. R. LILLIE, Secy. Zealand 8.8. No. 8 Dryden, Ont. Same except for sige You save $3 by our Large Produltion;. and we guarantee Pont 25 years gy == 100, 000 Parker Pens a month is the rate at which buying these classics for more than a - year. This tremendous volume has brought large savings in his was $1 extra--now free. Neat Gold We guarantee the Parker Duofold Point 25 years for me- Higher priced pens cannot match the beauty of this black tipped, lacquer-red classic, or its super-smoothness and bal- anced symmetry. Yes, the Over-size Duofold is a $10 value . for $7. At good pen counters everywhere. THE PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN CO., Limited Ask also for Packer "Lucky Lock' Pencils 25 Year Point Lady Duokold £8 With ring for chatelaine einforced the cap with a hand- bborn or chain also included. Qntario Rivals the beauty of the Scarlet Tanager Made its Canada--Same Price as in the States