Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 14 Mar 1924, page 3

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THE DRYDEN OBSERVER Ro Crow's Nest L CROW'S NEST. ON THE WAY TO CROW'S NEST--THE HIGHEST WOODEN BRIDGE IN THE © WORLD. : -» olling up to the Crow's Nest Pass are olive green foothills without. a tree upon them--natural cattle runs clothed with sueculent sh Here are seen occasional outcrops of rock, which in their four gins height show all the characteristics of a mountain range; miniatures of the Bodhies with crag and precipice and col reproduced on the smallest Bead Fan & bog of salt one could lay on glaciers, touch the peaks with white and room with advantage to herself and her pupils. Canadians east of M dicin. Hat know too little about the construction of thi a gesipns Shere ing of Noe 5 Sovinent ul wit 1% onsider the Crow's Nest itself. The namePorings before seme schedule of railway-rates; to others, a series of coal i ik These "lib by ative impressions. The original Crow's Nest is a mountain rising to 9,000 feet and more above sea-level and visible for many miles. The rock-pesk as one looks from the foothills is set like a fuzzy, round crow's-nest en the guns Leading up to it are the olive-green billows fading into a safe, Yeio In the distance near the peak is a snow-white precipice, which us is two miles wide and a mile high. It is all bt ut ii is Ops vas Yosaty Tiles Bh a : gleams like the fangs of a wolf e rock-face of Turtle Mountain, cleft fro i , the gastrin of Yas mining town of Frank, ahi Gitar had . To-day the whole valley, two miles wide, is a t white stone blocks, some of them as big as a house, bf nous hans of and sharp corners. They are piled from fifty to one hundred feet high above the original valley level. The railway line climbs over the debris, it lies the broken city. On either side of the avalanch Jenesth houses, windows out, glaring like skulls upon the SH Tn valley spells terror and tragedy. Bven yet people talk of Pompeii and terrible fate of Frank erculaneum, but they are like to forget the mo Ly rock by 'millions of tons fell a mile out of the id § will be sure of obtaining the desired RAISINS, Seedless; EGGS lout. ver pond Lr Jniperidozen. ti. 0 35 and 39 Apphnaion gb from i : Agricultural Repiesentative. HONEY GINGERSNAPS : --- - 5b Pails .....o.onnes TE 89 Two pounds for .....0.....05 .55 J British Empire Exhibition a ee a RR 1.79 : : je rae ey : ~ DDIISG In April the eyes of Canada and th C H E ESE i C RAN B E RRI ES I LE iy 4 bay i a PEP DO a Shh lh og Two pounds for ............ .39 most stupendous exhibition ever atl- : tempted in the British Empire. Canada 3 has double interest in the big exhibi- BULK COCOA ORANGES re be held in Wembly Park mine Se LE TRY 28 Ser dOREn sins are AAD London. First of all because the Special for SATIIRDAY ONLY Celery per n. Cooked Meat Counter - SPruini. HAM BOLOGNA {| CHOICE BACK BACON range which any astern schoolteacher could set up in her clags. _. experiment, and the SEB a complete report of the results ob- 2 per porn] Ce TR S3iaticed, per BU. pi A5 COOKED HAM, per tb ..... 49 | CHOICE SIDE BACON STERLING DAMS, per ih.. 35 sliced, per I. oo von tins nv s COTTAGE ROLLS, per Ib... 32] Drop in the price of Butter-- 'JELLIED VEAL, per 1b ... . CHOICE «CREAMERY, 1b.. .48 Sunday, Breakfast SAUSAGE-- | Saturday-- VL CHER RN eg ed .25 1b prions, per To. ea .22 Canadian building is the Ford Motor BOLOGNA, in piece, per 1b.. .18 3-1b pails, per pail .......... .59 company of Canada. This Company EINER vero a, 10 5-1b pails, per pail ........... 95 | will display all models of its cars and BEER perdi 10 4- STRING BROOMS each. . 75 present a graphic history of the auto- NEARY, per IB a ivy vies 10. With painted handle ....... 70 motive industry in Canada. It will also Special on (Three cents less if not sliced) 5 ithe main building alone is 415 ft long 35 Decline in price of Lard, starting ; | Church for the last yearly period are "ing the year. od Co-operative Experiments in Field Husbandry, 1924 & kok % Agricult'l' College,. Guelph--Members oi the committee on field husbandry of the Ontario agricultural and experi- mental union are pleased to state that for 1924 they are prepared to distrib- ute in Ontario material for experiment with fodder crops, roots, grains, gras- ses, clovers and fertilizers. Fully 2000 varieties of farm crops have been test- ed in the experimental department oi the Ontario agricultural College, at Guelph, for at least five years. These consist of nearly all Canadian sorts, and several hundred new varieties and new strains, a few of which have done exceedingly well in the carefully com- ducted experiments throughout 1924. i . Each person in Ontario who wishes | 1 to join in the work may choose any {one of the experiments for 1924, fill out the accompanying form of applica- tion, and return same to the director of co-operative experiments in flela "husbandry at as early a date as pos- 'sible. The material will be furnished in the order in which the applications ave received, until the suwpply is ex- | hausted. A. sheet containing the in- [ structions for conducting the chosen blank form on which to report the result of the work, .will be sent to each experimenter at (the time the fertilizers or seeds are 'forwarded. All material will be fur- 'nished entirely free of charge to each 'applicant, and the produce of the plots | will of course become the properly of 'the person who conducts the experi- 'ment. In return, the committee on ex 'periments desires to ask that each ex- perimenter will sow all the plots be- longing to the particular experiment which he has chosen for 1924, and. that he will be very careful and accurate in his work and forward to the director tained from the test, as soon as pos- sible after the plots are harvested. All seeds and fertilizers will be sent in good time for spring seeding, pro- viding the applications are received at "an early date. The supply of material | being limited, those who apply first mother country is sponsoring the dis- play; and second, because Canada is to have a big industrial and agricultural exhibition in the large Canadian build- ings. Several exhibits, consisting entirely of Canada's natural resources, have already arrived in England. Many more are en route overseas. Shipments will be continued at regular intervals until early in March; then everything will be put in readiness, and the world will be "shoyn." by a series of fine ex- hibits, the unprecedented advance made in Canada during the past few years. Practically every branch of the government will bave an exhibit in the main building. An idea of the size of the Canadian Exhibit may be gained by the fact that and 300-ft. wide. There are two other large buildings for Canadian exhibits. Among Canadian industrial concerns which have an exhibitA in the main show the overseas territories to.which it 'distributes the Canadian-made Ford car, so that overseas visitors may gain Tdome conception of the extent of the large Canadian industry, which last iyear exported goods to the value of $27,500, 000 from its plant at Ford, Ontario, to-overseas territories served by it. Recently the prime minister, Right Hon. W. L. MacKenzie King and the High Commissioner, Hon. P. C. Larkin in company with a number of other overseas premiers, made a tour of in- _spection of the buildings now nearing completion in Wambley Park. Hund- reds of Canadians have already signi- 'fied their intention of attending the | British Exhibition. § WOMEN AND MISSIONS. Receipts of the Women's Missionary i Society of the Canadian Methodist {yeported as $457,707.01; of which $437- 1543.94 was raised by Auxiliaries dur- The Open Market -- FARM FOR SALE -- South half of Lot 9, Con. 2, Wain- wright. 160 acres under cultivation and ready for crop. Good 7-roomed House, cement basement, cement walk, good well close to house. Bank Barn, new, 60 x 40, with water in the stable. Reasonable terms to suitable purchaser Apply to HERB. MARTIN, 4/4{24 Box 9, Dryden P.O. -- GOLD .RAIN ..OATS. -- Grade 1. Per-cent ger.: Im six days 95 p.c.; in twelve days 99 p.c. Certi- ficate No. 43-3193 Price per bushel, 90 cents.--T. H. LEWIS, Oxdrift, Ont. FOR SALE.--Team of BAY MARES. Weight 2800-1bs.; good workers, quick! and quiet. Also set of Sleighs, prac- tically new, and good strong service- 3 Er aa I Have a Selection of my own Cured and Smoked Meats 3} on hand for this weekend HAMS that do not require par-boiling can be had here; also mild SUGAR-CURED BACON that appeals to every palate. One trial will convince vou that getting up in the morning will be much easier if you have Kelso's CURED MEATS for breakfast. KELSO Wm. PHONE 6 Meat Rariket able wagon. Cheap for cash. Apply C. L. DRUMMOND; 2813[24 Oxdrift, Ont. FRESH COW FOR SALE. At Lot 7, Con. 6 Van Horne Township, one Newly Calved Cow. five year-old. 14|3(24 E. W. WICE. -- EGGS! -- { "Ips early Chicks that do the tricks." Get good winter layers, bred for seven years from trap-nested O.A.C. hens. 1 have the best, price $1.50 a setting, , or $8.00 per hundred, cash with order. 14]3c H. WRIGHT, Wabigoon. FOR SALE--T of the Famous TOGO (train BARRED ROCK COCKERELS These were purchased from J. R. Guild & Son, No. 1 Pen. The best in Canada. $3.00 each.--apply DAN WRIGHT FARM FOR SALE--South half of lot Two, Sixth Concession of Sanford township. Cheap. Terms.--apply 4|4j24 W. C. DOYLE, 501 Ovelette Ave, Windsor, Ont. FOR SALE--i-ton FORD TRUCK with express body. Nearly new. All new tires and chains. In good condi- tion. Cash or terms.--apply A. MILLING, Butcher, Eagle River FOR RENT--Comfortable FURNISH- ED ROOM in private home. Very central.--apply : of DRYDEN OBSERVER poration, Ltd. . don, England (founded 1710, old-! Fire Insurance Companies: M. J. CROSIER Represented by Douglas Lane British North-Western Fire Insur- ance Co. General Merchant OXDRIFT, ONTARIO Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. of London, England. Canada Accident and Fire Insur ance Co. PL Pie ive Tavmanre (0: D200 & Wend auld ; Cockshutt Impiements New York. o-- H. A. JEWELL & Coy. OXDRIFT -- ONTARIO dd Kk ok Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd. o. London, England, established 182: General Animals Insurance Co. of Canada. : The London and Lancashire Insur ance Co., Ltd. Nova Scotia Fire Underwriter: Agency. Northern Assurance Co., Ltd. of London, England. National Fire Insurance Hartford. North British and Mercantile In- surance Co., Ltd. Ocean Accident & Guarantee Cor DRY GOODS, GROCERIES BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, HARDWARE, etc. Co. of Maple Leaf FLOUR & FEED Massey-Harris IMPLEMENTS House of Hobberlin (men's wear) * Rk ¥ FRESH DAIRY BUTTER and NEW LAID EGGS. FRUITS IN SEASON EE EE JE J PRICES RIGHT Queensland Insurance Co., Ltd. The Sun Insurance Office of Lon- est Insurance Company in World.) Union. Assurance Society Ltd. of London, England, established 1714. Niagara Fire Insurance Co. Crescent Ice Cream Bricks __..__.. .40 Eskimo 'Ples, 80h .nomrmibisomnre = 05° Sunde SWRRlY iets thi 11 _GOUGH'S CONFECTIONERY ANDERSON & HARRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day or Night Calls Promptly { Day, 62 R 2; We appreciate your trade. Give 'us a trial order. Mail Orders promptly attended to. az JANES WMcFADYEL REAL ESTAYE : ARD : IRGURANOCE DRYBEN s Attended to. PHONE~ Night, 62 R 4 ONT. efficient operation. damentals. The Ford is without superfluous parts, yet has everything needed for Like all great engineering accomplish- ments, it has progressed through simplification--the reduction to 'fun- Experts agree that they are ideally suited to the small, light car. Another feature is the Ford magneto, so remarkable'in principle and so suc- cessful in practice that a complete unit was recently presented--by re- quest--to the Smithsonian Institu- tion. y fis This process of simplification has' brought into being many of 'those distinctive features which are found exclusively in Ford cars. The Ford planetary transmission and three- pedal control are among those features. There are many such features, but these ire sufficient to indicate the sound foundation upon which engin- eers have pronounced the Ford to be a triumph of mechanical simplicity: See Any Authorized Ford Dealer CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS |

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