Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 11 Apr 1924, page 1

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N "Volume V. )bserver I a TE CU MAX Number 45 The Mirror F. T. Brignall'was in town Monday. Mr and Mrs L. Stone, Ignace, spent Monday in Dryden. Joe Quirk, Ignace, was a vigitor to town Tuesday. Jim Gordon, Eagle River, spent' the day here, Wednesday. ifsing Mrs D. Fréjd was a visitor to Win- P . : nipeg, last week, anos Y ! Mr and Mrs C. A. Brad were here AND | from Wabigoon, Sunday. ' Cyril Durance left Monday on a trip | to- Kenora, on business. to spend a few days in Winnipeg. Remington Typewriters . x zoom nm on Si i were iin town Wednesday. i Harry Beddome is visiting his home Sold by:-- town this week. Douglas Lane (Post Office Building) A. Katz, Kenora, has been a pretty ! regular visitor in Dryden this winter. f. Mrs Johnston, Oxdrift, was a visit- "or to Dryden, Monday. Tommy Graham spent a busy day .in Kenora Monday. & Ben Nash, Ignace, spent Tuesday in' § y-4E2 ' . We are showing id Line of : A Splendid Line | Stores are unusually attractive ' year. Spring and Fall Overcoats Regular $25.00 Durance Bros. & Co. have moved F or -Z 5 0 0 their auto Showroom into the Latimer 4 Hardware stand. i The Degree Team of Dryden Lodge i LO.O.F., are planning a visit to Ken- { ora next Thursday. i Rev. 8. N. Dixon conducted service Mr W. Heaney,.of Rideout & Heany, Kenora, paid a visit to Dryden early in the week. i EASTER HATS Mrs A. Kurtz, Osaquan, was the est of Mr and Mrs J. S. Wilson for CAPS, SHIRES fir tims s Vim TI ES. | again after his illness. He may, how- - 'ever, have to submit to an operation: EVERYTHING FOR EASTER before long. FOR MEN. Bailey & Self unloaded their car of ; Overlands Monday. The shipment in- at T. PROUDFOQOT'S a admiring attention. lot of Wm. Blair; who is on the way home from a long stay at Palm Beach, Cal., is spending a few days with his bro- ther, Ben Blair. Dryden District Motor Co. have re- ceived their first carload of Star and : 0 Durant Cars for the season. They are a) ; W Now on view at the new garage, with FRE Spring o the sample Studebaker, for which car they also hold the agency. 3 Harry Gammon was the lucky one naouncemen in the snapshot contest held by the i Gough Confectionery store. The vote was by ballot, open to the public, and the Observer witnessed the count and : , checked up the figures. a Happy is the man J Who at his "Last" rd Dolmage, secretary of Manitoba "Gitls' Work Board, Winni- 'peg, visited the Dryden C.G.IT. this | week. She met with the Girls Monday To mend the Soles of his neighbours; night. While here she was entertained by Mrs Dr Morison. Labours And when they are worn, Heels them, THE Are you a sponge: benefits' of our Cf and givin the Chure UNION CHURCH. soaking up the ristian civilization You share y not share And puts them back on their feet. i v at H. WILLARD'S "11 am. Sub Lord's Supper." Evening--Why a man should join the church. ' 2:30---Sunday School 3:30--Adult Bible Class. The- Pleasant Hour. On Sunday the J.0.Y. Class will take up 'Elijah and the struggle with Baal' 1 Kings 18:20-24, 30-39. The general section from which this lesson is taken is 1 Kings 16:29 to 10:21; Chap. 21, and 2 Kings 1 to 2:12. We are coming to the period which "produced the great prophets, Amos Hosea, Isaih, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, ete., SOMEBODY'S House Burns Yours may be next and it takes ; whose great messages as found at the only end of the Old Testament were the TWO MINUTES direct result of the notional conditions fo protect yourself of 'the time. To properly understand the prophets, they should be read along with the story of their days as found in Kings and Chronicles. by 'phoning to= J.E.GIBSON, It is interesting to note here that the grave of one of the kings mention- a Se © ed last Sunday, was unearthed in an For your EASTER Noyelties go to ancient cemetery at Jerusalem this GOUGH'S CONFECTIONERY.--Advt week, namely that of Jehoshaphat. * Mr and Mrs D. Lane left yesterday | town. i { The Easter displays in the various | Jd. M'Lean Beaton officiated. | Arthur Clempson is getting around' cluded a 'Bluebird,' which attracted a | Charch Wedding St. Luke's Church was the scene of an unusual display of interest Thursday afternoon, when Helen May Eva, daughter of Mr S. Bartlett, Town Electrician, was given in marriage to John Albert King, son of Rev. J. L. King, of Chase B.C. Rev. § N Dixon, , Rector, performed the ceremony. The Church was crowded to its ut- (ost capacity as the bride was led idown the aisle to the strains of the i Wedding March, leaning on the arm i of her father. | She was dressed in a navy tricoline / suit, wearing a gray hat, with gray ; shoes, and hose to match, Miss May 'Lewis, also dressed' appropriately in 'blue and gray, acted as bridesmaid, i while Robert King, a brother, sup- iported the groom. Miss King of { Winnipeg, a sister, was also present lat the wedding." k . The Choir, led by Mr H. Gammon at the organ, assisted at the service, while during the signing of the regis- iter Mrs Cooper sang a solo. The i bridal party was taken to the Church, i and later to the station, by Mr Tom ; Proudfoot in his Star Sedan. ! A great crowd had assembled at the (train to give them a send-off on their "honeymoon, the happy couple being thi showered with rice and made-in-Dyy- "Sf den confetti. + A perfect storm of farewells and '; good - wishes followed them as their & rain slowly pulled out, carrying them n their first journey together, out to s the far distances of the golden west. in St Alban's _Pro-Cathedral, Benen last Sunday. | p : . : 1 At the Union Church, Dryden, on re SN Wall -- Anderson, Tuesday April 7th, the wedding was celebrated of Frederikka J., daughter fof Mr and Mrs A. Anderson, Dyment, and Walter Clifford Wall, of Oxdrift, Miss Alice Morrison acted as brides- maid, Mr Perrey E. Wall, brother of the bridegroom, being best man, Rev. Neill -- McKetchnie, At St Luke's Church, Dryden, by the Rev. S. N. Dixon, Rector, Emma McKetchnie of Orillia, Ont., and Thos. Neill, Wabigoon, were united in mar- riage. : : Pre McMillan -- Rowat, wedding A welding of uch interest took place in the Union Church on Wednes- day evening, April 9th, when Dorothy May, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Rowatt, became the bride of Norman McMillan, son of Mr and Mrs William McMillan, of Dryden. Many friends of both bride and bridegroom were present as the young couple very well known, both having been born in this district. Mr and Mrs McMillan will reside on his just north of town. are Ji ro VPN WL Correction, Cwing to delay in the arrival of Spring Goods, their representative will be at J. B. Gates' Store until Fri- and Saturday, Aprl 11 and 12th. full line of Ladies Lingerie, aay A ¢ Children's Wear, Stamped Buffet Sets, , Luncheon Sets, Bed Sets, and all the (latest in Fancy Needlework will then be shown. A TY SPECIALIST. To you suffer from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuritis, Arthritis, taka Pr ROSENBERG'S Specific No. 1 For Disease peculiar to women, take Dr. ROSENBERG'S Specific No. 2 For Indigestion, Constipation, Dys- pepsia, Gas, Sour Stomach, take Dr ROSENBERG'S Specific No. 3 For Piles, Bleeding or Itching, take Dr. ROSENBERG'S Specific No. 4. For Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, take Dr. ROSENBERG'S Specific No, 5 Price $2.00 per BOTTLE, Postage prepaid. NOTICE--These preparations are "sold Ph Tay, to you under a guarantee of moneyw, My 5 they are not pure were endorsed in a full measure, last that I will be at Eagle River School back is you find and free from resented. Dr ROSENBERG"S LABORATORIES 508-309 Birks' Bldg, Winnipeg, Man. Narcotics as rep- For Sale Upright Steam Boiler, prac- tically 'new, 20-h.p., with 20-ft. smoke stack, complete. Also Planer Matcher, Watrous Saw Mill. Apply STANLEY KORZINSKI, 11jdle Eagle River. Down South Mayor Pitt returned last Friday from his long trip, during which he had travelled over 1500 miles. From superficial observation and knowledge ordinarily gained by questions through out the country, and a more intensive sojourn of ten days in southern Indiana where farming is over 100 year old, | one thing was demonstrated to him very clearly--that success or non- success in the Dryden District is de- pendent on the industrial development of our resources. He firmly declares he would not trade the chances here for anything else he has seen else- where. ¢ ------ Mining Developments-- E. G. Rognon arrived in Dryden last Friday, to acquaint himself personally with the latest develop- ments at Contact Bay Mines. He found that the crew operating under Mr Whytock, mining engineer, which has averaged over 30 men all winter! has done a tremendous amount of de- velopment work, . and the promising condition of the mine is highly en- couraging. Several more men and teams have been added to the work- ing force. : Mr Rognon has suffered a heavy strain in the trying illness and recent death of his wife. His visit was partly necessary to restore his depressed energy and renew his enthusiasm in the friendly atmosphere of his home town. Back in the old scenes with the friends of many years _ standing, he once more feels the urge of coming . Success. Mr Rognon has returned to Roches- ter, but will be here again as soon as navigation opens for the season Peter's Position IT is being charged that Ptter Heenan is betraying personal spleen against the new Secretary for northern affairs, Mr F. Keefer. On the other hand, My Heenan's friends allege that he is not being fairly reported and is being de- nied a proper hearing. In the interests of fair play we pub-' lish some of My Heenan's objections to the appointment. my ge i The position of under-secretary is not a Cabinet representation, but a sop to please some who had the promise that if Port Arthur elected a Conser- vative, he would get into the Cabinet. They elected Keefer. Why was he not made a Minister affer the promise given? Did Keefer or the Chronicle or any other Port Arthur citizen help Kenora: in her fight for existence? body knows the answer. He was defeated in 1921 by the votes registered against him in the Kenora District. A majority vote was registered against him in every town and hamlet in Kenora district except Keewatin. After that, who has the Every- my DRYDEN PHARMACY Easter Gifts YOUR EASTER GIFT WILL BEAR A GRACEFUL COMPLIMENT IF PURCHASED AT THE PHARMACY * | * =» x & 0% : { As usual we are featuring PAGE & SHAW'S EASTER EGGS AND NOVELTIES THEY ALWAYS PLEASE----AND ARE OF COURSE JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENT. SS. Paas Egg Dyes Just in bik A Dainty Assortment of EASTER CARDS to choose from. Watch Our Windows Wins Snapshot Contest. The Prize Winner of our Snapshot Contest was Mr Harry Gammon. 3k sk sk sk) The Iroquois Tragedy Miss Aldra Smith and Mr D. Lane, returned from Iroquois Falls Monday, | and friends will be relieved to know j that-Mrs Jewett will recover, although p she is still suffering the effects of | suffocation, shock, severe burns on the! arms and shoulders, and a 'broken * ankle. She will be unable to travel 45c x kk x ok Xk cree esas Mr Lavalee. Headquarters in :Kenora-- In a letter to Mr D. Lane, the regis- in the North Country has his work cut right to say Kenora wants Keefer? What can we hope for now, when he is elected to represent Port Arthur joo. or motor licenses at the present only? : j time in Dryden. ; The agent for this Port Arthur Constituency comprises | pictriot is located at Kenora, it is 142,000 square miles, enough for One | futher stated, his name however not man to look after, (The City of Toron- | being disclosed by the official. to covers an area of only 82 square miles and has ter, members.) My contentior: is that each pombe] tar of Motor Vehicles advised that it is not the intention to appoint an Ontaris Road Type Adopted in U.S.-- So mpressed have been American . 2 .. tourists and highway officials who, oa on ane the interests of his during the past two years, have motor- Wip Aah dently thinks the ed over the Dundas highway, through ra th Er > sib Cooksviile from Toronto to Hamilton, ame, as the i HS id : Ontario, with the excellence of this. ma ne Be oh TEL rebrand motor road that. they have 2 : F] fair ycarried back to their homes, stories of affairs. 3 : : its quality and have prevailed upon What can Keefer or anyone else do, 5 4 y p p a » : their highway departments to adopt Dk the member of each district ci I type of construction. . Numerous il ; ! American highway engineers too, have hk CH CL this Canadian road for the Minister state that Keefer's duties and: PUrPOse of studying the behavior of the od : ye 11 not flict ipavement and with a view to adopting roo es sem Keeler the type for use in their own localities, = +5 | Municipali NOTICE OF NOMINATION ty of Machin ' or-anyone else can do i11 the interest of the Province and dist rict, and that is in view of the money already in- vested and the promise of the Govern- 1: 1 hind to i Owing to the resignation of Coun. : Tata (vids shauld be, iy may Brooks from the Council of the town- | let the work progress. : ay ; alin 3 al these questionas Ship of Machin, notice is hereby given June. Who has a better right to speak House on Saturday April 12th, 1924, for the district? y 200 : 'recer:2 nominations for one Councillor for the remainder of the term. Notice is also given that if more than one candidate be nominated, a BOX No. 204 : Dryden OWEN BONE PAINTER, PAPERHANGER i AND HOUST : 1924, hetween the hours of ¢ a.m. and people are ready to:4 p.m. at the same place. A great many co-operate if the other fellows will dol, Eagle River, the co - operating and accept all thei April Til, 1924 Clerk. responsibility. | GOD SAVE THE KING 3 between the hours of 3 and 4 p.m. to } : poll will be held on Saturday April 19, PEooRATOR Sa SS GEO. RUETE, i We have a full line of Fresh Fruit for six weeks or more, according to her and Vegetables, in perfect con- doctor. Her sister, Mrs Sneddon, will dition, for this week-end : remain with her until she can be ? : tr moved. Her health just prior to the SPECIAL FOR WEEK END-- tragedy was not robust, : i A ' GRAPEFRUIT The facts, as given to Mr Lane by | large, 3 for 35c an eye-witness, correct the earlier ye-® OR ANGES ports in some details. A boy named Lavalle, on his way to work at mid- i < doz . for night, noticed clouds of smoke from} ~ the Jewett home. On his arousing the | Finest Selection of ' family a storm 'window from the | or second story crashed to the ground and | E a ster Novel ties Mr Jewett called to him to catch Mrs | Dryden 0 y ? Jewett which he endeavoured to do; YioH ow ovr ween he but only partly succeeded. by Rs a or ° Sao Mz Jewett went back into the room CF a i = 155 for the children, and on his failure to BEGGS 3» 10 ] i reappear Mr Lavalee rushed to the fire; ALL SORTS OF BASKET: "alarm. Quickly returning he found FULL OF EASTER GOOD THINGS. | Mrs Jewett had re-entered the house, ! : where she was later discovered in an' yr are expecting a shipment of Hagnse ony eonditon, Radish Leaf Lettuce and Gree: y The brigade arriving soon had the : : h foot five under control, when Mr Jewett and ; Onions fresh from the marie the children were found completely gardeners. . smothered. Everything had operated to a ey oe Crescent Ice Cream Bricks... a ssi i : 3 p {Eskimo Pies, each Oi. 'No. 1 Creamery Butter, per 1b .50 'Hot Cross Buns ~ For Good Friday. LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW' HH pt a 4 0 Gough's Confecitonery Agent for:--- NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES KODAKS & BROWNIES King's Old Country Ginger Be... Teacher of Violin. Specialist in Tone Production Students taught Theory, Harmony, Counterpoint and Orchestration., and prepared for examinations for RAM, and R.C.M., London, England. -- Elementary Piano. -- Appointments made at R. J. Pronger's Miss Daisy Durance, L.C.M., will accept pupils for the Pianoforte, ALBERT ST, Dryden. (ZS Shr SY Dick Trist yi i Brvden Livery. Trans .r £ n\ A | and | Exchange Barn RS } DRYDEN - él TO RENT--Two Large Rooms, newly decorated. Apply : my Mrs SARAH QUIRK, Queen St.

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