Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 9 May 1924, page 2

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THE DEYDEN UbSSHR VER [Infectious Diseases. 3 2 if A 4. 8° How do communicable or infectious Letter io the Publ Es p) LD thie Pub iC diseases spread? That is a question : Form IIL i D : that puzzles the lay mind, and rightly { Egan Ray 31 Remember the Old Reliable Grocer! o, for the question is one of great im- ma DEH obs 0 lh te cect . wr 99 portance. Next comes the problem of oR Do not fall for "Special Prices" that Ri LT RR 7 237 : . ! : 2 : Norman Howe 70 will only last until the other merchant able diseases, a matter of even greater |; HE © OV So import . ; icable a lol oo] WY Suet gy importance. Most of the communica ert 62 To Jou, as No Merchant Can Sell diseases are spread by direct contact lo wi 61 Without Profit. , and > a rs is by: Myrtle Reaney . 50 ey transference of the infection from one peyton 4 : --- ¥ ¥ 3 Bexford Gates ool copii. 89 Eemember who takes an honest individual to another. Dr Paul Ger- Form 11. profit on all he sells, and does not give hurd saysthos in Gy preventing nc [NIdved MAGOROREL bovis 70 . : : control of outbreaks, the whole muni- | Bessie Harris 77 you one article free and r ob you on cipal machinery (health, police, city Alex Wilson 77 the next 4 engineering and public traffic depart-|{ Warren Morden __.. 74 3 ments) should hold in readiness well-" George Wigle ii 76 considered preventive measures. The Victoria Williams __..__.__._____ 63 o 8% J extent and nature of these necessarily Lewis Pinkerton 62 character of the jOscar Swanson 8 depend upon the A rural district or small town obviously demands a some- what different treatment than. a metropolis.. In all important measures efforts are concentrated allowing the following lines:-- (a) The prevention of droplet infection by sneezing, cough ing, spitting, hand-shaking ete. Such droplets are scattered about to a dis- tance of several feet, and every drop may carry the germ. (b) The control of the sputum, the avoidance of hand contamination and the contamination of eating, drinking untensils (dishes, community. a Leave your orders with us For SECS & PLANTS of all kinds. Our intention is to give the best possible service in these lines, when ord ers are given in advance. DON'T FORGET OUR COOKED MEAT COUNTER Where the most tempting of Meats are on display, clean dainty and delicious. STILL GOING STRONG. organization, providing for the gather- : ing o facts regarding cases and mo: tality, and preparing "pin-maps" he of cases of illness and of daeths; ing the collected data, requi fication by physicians, sendin inspectors to follow ported, making a hi ESTAB. 1914. [4 The bank pays you interest on the money you save. We pay you interest on the money you spend. Return $25.00 in these cash - sales' checks and get 50c. in trade--Free ! Face value of 2 per cent. NOTE--We give 5 per cent on all cash grocery orders of $10.00 or over. \dents of large I We haven't changed our prices in all i a small lot left in each style. Theref § the following low prices until we re § sure will never be bought again at the Don't wait until they are all sold In all sizes and different styles. We these and the low price we are offer f Men's Black Dress Boots, @ ..__$2.75 j Men's "Buldog Toe, Dress Boots, black or brown from 3.95 to __ 4.40 | Men's Kid Leather, black Shoes, very comfortable, with-elastic mdes, @ oli di - 3.50 Men's Black Kid Leather Boots, with out toe caps, @ __..__.. 4.50 Men's Black Cushion Sole Boot, very comfortable, @ 4.75 Calfskin brown Boots medium toe 4.40 The latest style of Men's Brown, Black Dress Boot, a'very good AEING, @ iim nl AAD Black Oxfords, @ -- cee - 350 Brown Oxfords, in different styles @ MEN'S WORK BOOTS Black Cowhide Boots, welted sole with or without toe cap, @__ 3.95 4.75 Regulation Army Boots, brown only, @ Lo 2 4.50 Chocolate colour Boots, double sole iron shod heel, @ __.__.__ .. 4.50 Brown Work Boots, with or with- out foe can, @ oo. nT 3.75 Good Heavy Work shoe, in 7-in. j top, double vamp, welted sole 4.25 j9-in. high top Boot E.E. width, at the low price of . __.__.__._ ~ 4.25 BOYS' BOOTS | Boys' Black Boots, welted sole, to tosize 0, @ mii 22.50 From 9% to 10%, @ __.__.._ -. 2.65 From 11 to 13%, @ --_..__.o_.. 2.75 From 1 to 5, @ --.__ 2.75 and 2.95 WOMEN'S BOOTS Black pointed Boots, @ __.__..... 1.25 Brown, medium toe, @ __..__.... 2.40 Black, buldog toe, servicable and strong, @ 3.40 Black Kid Leather, E.E. width @ ro 3.95 Brown, good wide fitting, @ __.. 3.95 1Black Oxfords, E.E.E. width, @ 3.50 Black Slippers, 2 or 8 straps, in BOE width @ oof i 3.50 Patent Leather, Roman Sandles, 3.95 Company SUCCESSOR TO ANDERSON & HARRIS Contractors and Builders EL glasses, cups, spoons, ete. (¢) Efficient heatrical mana- | Dryden High School. Easter Examinations Louise MecGogy 59 Form IL. Louise Monty 85 Wandie Weeks 82 Olive Reaney _ 79 Dorothy Bigelow o.oo. 78 Konneth, WISon oii torsion 77 Sorel Commings.. oo. 74 Alan Offer _ Frank Colliss Rose Reaney Mylo Upton Frank Kerney Verne Can Mas Ernes 72 bullitns, 'pamphlets and struction of all infectious ; warning against a careless sal of nasal discharges. i qually important administrative control measures to be taken at the first outbreak of an epidemic are:-- the isolation of the sick, the provision' of a sufficient number of hospital beds; ic, Ithe avoidance of crowded gatherings, and the efficient warning (in winter) and ventilation of homes, offices, stores workshops, and means of communica- tion. HL our Boots and Shoes, as there are only ore, we have decided to sell them at ceive another shipment, which I am low price we are selling' them at now. out. Get a pair now while you can. would like you to come and examine ing them at. Any weman that can wear size 8% to 4%, will be able to buy a pair of A good Assortment of beautiful Slivners, @ wwiciai 2.75 3 j GIRLS. and CHILDREN'S BOOTS Girl's Brown, 1-strap slippers, from 11 t0 2, @ - 2.65 t A wide comfortable Boot, in brown only-- From 4 to 64, @ il 1.95 ¥rom 710 10%, @ ite. 335 From 11 t0'2, @ _... mento ID Same in black, @ __ 2.65 Children's black, patent leather Sandles, from ..__..__ 1.40 to 1.60 Children's Bunnfoot Boots, from sizes 1 to 5, @ .w Soft Sole, Bahies Boots, __.____.. 95 Children's Bunnfoot patent leather Slpoets, @ i iis 1.40 Men's Black Rubbers, round toe, 1.25 Boys' Rubbers, @ --_..._..__.___. 1.00 Women's Rubbers, to fit any Shoe from oon na 65 to .95 Ladies Brown Rubbers, @ ----_..__ 95 Children's Rubbers, sizes 61% to + 10%, also half sizes, @ __..._ .80 From 11 to 18%, @ __ ico. 90 Children's Rubber Boots, @ __.. 1.50 Any pair of shoes taken home, after fair examination if not satisfactory money will be refunded. You will also find a good supply of clothing, ready-to-wear, which in- cludes almost everything ANYONE LEAVING TOWN WILL BE ABLE TO GET HIS CHOICE IN CLUB BAGS AND SUIT CASES. If any House Furniture or other miscellaneous articles that you have to sell, give us first chance, We pay Highest Prices. Anyone that wants a good second-hand Rifle or Shot Gun, 30-30 Winchester, or any other calibre, will find it in our store. If you want to get rid of your rifle, bring it to us We will buy or sell them on commision Men's and Ladies second-hand BOOTS comfortable toe, flat heel, @ 1.95 ~~ Full Stock of LUMBER, Sash and from 1.40 to 2.25 Doors, Shingles, Wood Fibre, Brick, Lime and Cement. Estimates Freely Given Ne Second GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BOUGHT & SOLD go Hand Store. | | FUNERAL fs i Go 'FRESH KIL 124 3 LH] 3 25 HAMBURGER STEAK 3 PLA LEW vile RT pal AY: NE 44 FRAT TIE ser? Vo SAN : ERE EACH DAY. COORED AND SMOKED MEATS. PORK SAUSAGE. I Eee ee to KELSO 'S for LED VEAL BEEF PCRK LAMB GROUND FRESH ade Dun a Clipper, or lower stili a Sampson MOTOR OIL TRACTOR OIL MACHINE OIL & ¥ McCORMICK--DEERING The Agent for:-- INTERNATIONAL HARVES BY ANDERSON & HARRIS DIRECTORS Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended to, PHONE-- Day, 62 R 2; Nght, 62 R4 WATKIN'S PRODUCTS Complete Line For Farmer or Citizen REMEDIES, SPICES, EXTRACTS, SOAPS," TOILET PREPARATIONS. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTIES Best for over 50 years sk ok kk % E. T. (DAD) ROWLAND Rola ve SA Sa Er Une Flies 2 A AT y, p Fabric Traction Tread, 58 | for genuine satisfaction, or if you wart something a little lower in price, try CREAM SEPARATOR OIL to the' by FARM EQUIPMENT Kind that gives Satisfaction J. S. CORNER, Oxdrift, Ont. TER COMPANY of Canada, Ltd uh i H. A. JEWELL & Coy. OXDRIFT ONTARIC * k Xk k DRY GOODS, GROCERIES BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, HARDWARE, etc. VAY bE Maple Leaf FLOUR & FEED Massey-Harris IMPLEMENTS House of Hobberlin (men's wear) FRESH DAIRY BUTTER and NEW LAID EGGS. FRUITS IN SEASON FA Rk XR PRICES RIGHT . We appreciate your trade. Give us a trial order. Mail Orders promptly attended to. kitty North & Contin P "Consact? 'Lied are spoken, and with giant, human and baggage freighted boat until momentum ne "stick" causes the Vickers Viking to .over the side of the pit, and far below forest to the south like a living thing. arable land smudged here and there course to Lake Expanse, ~-- one name, -- thence north for some fifteen once more the water tumps the botto jerks which tend to slow the boat un so well. bringing to the new Gold Fields of and supplies which, before the air ser jeast to arrive. : on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, five people being scheduled to meet a an hour will include r ion is available. stentorian roar of en Two turns in as many minutes and the rivers shining in the distance and beneath 'north over cne of its tributaries to Lak which the plane leaves the glorious rolling One wonders how the pilot could, at such a But then he does the same Commencing May 18th the Air Service to the This service, which will eliminate the har prospectors and tourists to travel to the ast audible words between pilot and mechanic gine and propellor the plane, glides swiftly over the surface of the Quinze. One feels the churning waters turaping af the bottom of the has increased to such ex tent that a touch of the slowly rise, : passenger, having adjusted his goggles and seated himself more comfortably, peers; at first cautiously, him lies the little town of Angliers, the head of the Canadian Pacific steel which twists and turns in and out of the The earth is as a map below, lakes and , and ragged patches of bush and like a child's attempt to depict relief. Turning east the plane heads down Lake Quinze, following the water s from the air how appropriate is its miles up the Ottawa River and further ¢ Fortune and Rouyn, upon nearing clouds and gradually sinks until » m of the hull, checking it with sudden til it stops within a few feet of tie-up. speed, have judged his distance thing more than once each day Quebec, in fifty minutes, passengers vice was started took two days at the Gold Fields will be regular large flying boats capable of carrying ll Canadian Pacific trains at Angliers. dships of the past and enable Rouyn Mining District in less than egular stops where they are required and accommodas; Et STE STE SE SR BUPA PY 3

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