ug, | ames 1 Prayer Service--Thursday, {A cordial invitation is extended to all Bait ey Services will, God willing, be conduct- ed as follows:i-- i Sunday School--10.30 % 7.00 p.m 8 p.m. Services--11.15 a.m. : ® x BEDWORTH. Working in conjunction with Mr W. Bicknell, Service will be conducted every Sunday by Myr Buchner. . ® 0% Sunday School--2.00 p.m. Service--3.00 p.m. to attend these meetings. NEW DRESS VOILES 40=inches wide per yard 85c¢. GINGHAMS Fine quality, in small and large checks per yard 28%¢. -- J.B. GATES 'This Star Touring Is still the favourite model of those who desire ser- vice and style combined @ This is a reproduction of The Studebaker Car Come and view the model on display in our New Showroom. DRYDEN DISTRICT FIRST CLASS! MECHANIC | with durability. CIN CHARGE. MOTOR COMPANY T. H, 'GRAHAM, Mgr. THE REX TAILORING Combined District Meeting EAGLE RIVER, May 17th.--The combined district meeting held here this evening was a great success, the house being filled to capacity, while many had to seek places in the hall- ways and corridors. Peter Heenan, the principal speaker, recounted his doings in. the provincial House, and explained the why of his various actions. He outlined the most important matters that came up during the re- » 3 tion, Regulations covering the opera- 8. inn a reasonable guarantee for a 2d Peter again, and listen to his sober, cent session--Workmens' Compensa- tions of lumbermen, perticularly re- living wage, and the recommendation for an 8-hour day. Mr Heenan also spoke regarding the | appointment of an under-Secretary at Port Arthur. Our Member thinks if this new under-Secretary represents his own constituency with the same diligence that he himself gives to the affairs of Kenora District, the said under-Secretary will not have much time left to bother with the rest of what we know as New Ontario, which is a tremendous territory, He looks upon this appointment as one way. to put responsibility upon a party man, including as well the extra burden of a salary of $6000 a "year. In these days especially, which call for the greatest economy, he deems it} a waste of money that i is badly needed for other things. Referring to roads, the speaker just glanced through the window, where a row of automobiles were parked, in proof of 'what has been accomplished; : six years ago no such sight was pos- gible. But still \Mr Heenan realizes i that there remains much work ahead of us; and between the lines he would | like to see if we could not get a little less engineering and a little more actual work done (not a bad idea), Yes, Peter has good ideas, all right. At the close of the address there was no end to the applause till somebody started "He's a jolly good fellow," and everybody joined in. Following the meeting. a social even- ing was held, and the crowd amused! itself dancing, and listening to the | very good music which the committee' had engaged for the occasion Close i to midnight we all started home in a: little snow-storm which for the many | visitors from outside points was any- | thing but fun. But then it is worth while to see popular talk, well knowing that it is not talk alone he gives you! Special on McLaren's Jelly Powder the well-known Brand to June 1st. 10c. $1.10 ® * per packet y or per dozen PL " : Regular 2 for 25c. 3) Assorted Flavours-- VANILLA, CHERRY, PORT, CHAMPANGE, GRAPE FRUIT, RASPBERRY, STRAWBERRY, LEMON, ORANGE, PINEAPPLE, CALFSFOOT, RED CURRANT.' ECHR D. W. SCOTT Dryden ber OUR SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE Is not a Side Line with us. We supply the Best People with the "VERY BEST GOODS That Money Can Buy. { 000 " COMPANY are offering 10 p.c. discount" on all their SUITS made-to measure, a big selection of samples, about three hundred (300) different shades to pick from. ! / #* * ES * Suits ranging from All we want you to do is. come in and look them over you can't help buying one. Every Suit is guaranteed a perfect fit or money refund- ed. * * # ® Place your orders now while the ten percent lasts You can have it sent whenever you want it. Si Wh -= : PE) = / Lik TA SOMETHING TO . CROW ABOUT. Our high-grade chicken wire and wire netting is worthy of your confidence and orders. It can be depended-on to: give long and satisfactory service. Also our lawn-mowers, garden and farm implements and gene- ral hardware are all you can desire for real service. ETT E. A. KLOSE J. CROSIER General Merchant OXDRIFT, . ONTARIO Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Frost & Wood and < Cockshult Implements ! A.J GARDINER } \ 9 General Merchant, hE ; - i EAGLE RIVER. y Agent for i Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. COCKSHUTT PLOW COY. EE IN Sharple's Cream Separators. Hr RAW FURS BOUGHT & : SOLD: ; GHES. A. BURGESS