Les archives de la ville de Dryden

Dryden Observer, 20 Jun 1924, page 2

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fence v/ ery SUGAR, 10-lbs 99¢c. Cash CA CABBAGE PLANTS, per doz. -- meme msm nism 20c. mi igns -- 80c. BUTTER, per I mem mim mim me et ae - 3be. BBAGE TOMATOES BANANAS COOKED MEATS GROCERIES je NOTE--We give 5 per cent on all cash P Exe STAB. 1914, STILL GOING STRONG. The bank pays you interest on the money you save. We pay you interest on the money you spend. Return $25.00 in these cash - sales' checks and get 50c. in trade--Free ! Face value of 2 per cent. grocery orders of $10.00 or over. lusive Grocery Store SMALL HOUSE TO RENT. Also SUITE OF FOUR ROOMS. TWO HORSES For Sale. RT SSR SRL <o SHER SE SHEE SHERIFF'S S STATUTE By virtue of certain Warr Secretary-Treasurer of the S of Mutrie, and the hands of th FOR Sale of Lands ARREARS OF TAXES ALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF SCHOOL AND LABOR TAXES, TOWNSHIP OF MUTRIE, DISTRICT OF KENORA, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, TO WIT: ants given under the hands of the Chairman and chool Board of School Section No 1, Township e Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer of the "fownship of Mutrie Road Commissioners (and in accordance with the Assess- ment Act, the Unorganized Terroitori es School Act and the Act of imposing Statute Labor in Unorganized Townships) for the collection of Taxes due on the undermsntioned lands, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that unless the taxes together wi AT THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE I DISTRICT AT THE HOUR OF TWO O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTI thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges th the lawful costs and charges be sooner paid, I SHALL N THE TOWN CF KENORA, IN THE OT KENORA ON MONDAY, THE 30th DAY OF JUNE, 1924, thereon. TOWNSHIP OF MUTRIE el i] : oO = © [5] Page 38 238342487 @ : = un fe § I x32 dBi 4 8 Oo << 2 Af Rr8 "HES §1 Lot 8 1 160 $59.30 $2980 $6.68 $95.78 N1%Lot3 2 160 59.30 29.80 6.68 95.78 | & = Lie Pi a Su vi : - S % Tot7 2 160 59.30 29.80 6.68 95.78 $1, Lot3 3 160 59.30 29.80 6.68 95.78 Ni Lot9 4 160 59.30 20.80 6.68 95.78 N 1% Lot5 5 160 59.30 29.80 6.68 95.78 § 1 Lot9 5 160 59.30 29.80 6.68 95.78 N % lot 3 4 160 59.30 f= 5.73 65.03 Sheriff's Office, Kenora, Ontaro, March 15th 1924 Pat Pat Pat PROCEED ON the lands below mentioned, or so much aa 3 T%73 38 %gl. fh 2 8 a= QL wn Q I ERs Ry 22 3 5% EB = = Folly o fly a 5 Z <p O Pat John Robertson Chippewa Falls, Janet Robertson & Catherine Rose vear, T'ronto Ont Fred Armstrong, Mulholland, Trnto Philip H Hambly, Belleville, Ont. Norman Parsons, London, Eng. Mrs Catherine Rolls, Detroit, Mch] Mrs Mulvina E. M'Cracken, B'rkly Jos. Wilson clo Cl Robertson, To: Albert R. Tonkin. clo Jno. Harvey, Sherwood, H"mltn 1} Pat Pat Pat Pat JOHN W. HUMBLE, Sheriff, District of Kenora. "ON SALE Daily to Son A' t 30! Good to Return until Oct. 3lst, 1924 PACIFIC COAST CO ONE WAY, RETURN ANOTHER SEE BANFF, LAKE LOUISE AND THE CAMPS IN THE ROCKIES. DELIGHTFUL BUNGALOW Theece INCLUDING THE SUPERB ALL SLEEPING CAR TRAIN « Phe Trans-Canada Trains a Day--Each Way STANDARD Limited" "debentures and interest thereon being on the said Municipality heretofore own of By-law No. 175 BY-LAW No. 175 of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Dryden, pro- viding for the establishment of a Tel ephone System under the provision of Part 1 of "The Ontario Telephone Act." : WHEREAS the Council of the Corpor- ation of the Town of Dryden, persuant to By-law No. 99 of the said Ceorpora- tion, did establish a Telephone System under the provisions of Part 11 of "The Ontario Telephone Act, 1918." AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Dryden, persuant to By-law No. 144 of the said Corporation, did issue debentures in the sum of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00), to pay cost of establish- ing the said telephone system, the said: tion of the Town of Dryden, out stand- ing and unpaid at the date hereof, chall cease to be a charge upon the tands of the respective subscribers to the telephone system established vnder the provisions of By-law No. 99 of the said Corporation or any of them, and the said debentures as they may fall due and the interest upon them shall be met and paid by a rate to be imposed by the Corporation upon all the rateable property in the Muni- cipality of the Town of Dryden in lieu of the special levy upon the property "of the subscribers provided for by the said By-law No. 144. 4 The yearly instalments of prin- cipal on the said debentures and the annual payment of interest thereon hall be in each year for the period of thirteen years as follows: -- payable in fifteen annual instalments of Nine Hundred and Twenty-six Dollars and Sixty-five Cents ($926- 65), the said instalments to be levied upon the respective properties of the subscribers to the said telephone system; / AND WHEREAS thirteen annual in- Year Principal Interest Total stalments of nine hundred and twenty- 1924 $434.45 $492.20 © $926.65 six dollars and sixty-five cents ($926.- 1925 460.53 466.12 926.65 65) each, due and payable in the years 1926 488.15 438.50 926.65 1924 to 1936, inclusive are still un- 1927 517.45 409.20 926.65 paid. 1928 548.49 378.16 926.65 AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedi- | 1920 Mage goes RG ent that the Corporation of the Town: 2 0 616.29 gi009 oan es of Dryden establish a telephone system 1931 653.26 278.29 926.60 under the provisions of Part 1 of "The 1082 692.46 234.19 924.60 Ontario Telephone Act, 1918" and; 1933 734.01 192.64 926.65 amendments thereto by the acquisitien 1934 778.05 145.00 926.65 of the telephone system in the : 1935 824.73 101.92 ess said Municipality already. established , 1936 874.21 52.44 926.65 persuant to By-law No. 99 of the said {5 - That for the purpose of paying Corporation, as provi ded by section 3 the said instalments of principal and | interest as and when the same respect- p ( - 5 3 giz 2 20) of he boos mentiened | ively become due during the aforesaid AND WHEREAS the sald sum of period of thirteen years, there shall be flight Thousand Two Handiod ad collected annually the sum of Nine Three Dollars and Forty-nine Cents ($8,203.49) is the amount of the debt ntended to be created hereby; Hundred and Twenty-six Dollars and Sixty-five Cents ($926.65), which sum shall be raised, levied and collected in each year of the said period of thirteen AND WHEREAS the amount of the | years by an annual special rate to be whole rateable property of the said levied by the Corporation of the Town 'Town of Dryden according to the last] of Dryden, upon all the rateable prop- vevised assessment roll is One Million | erty in the said Town. One Hundred and Five Thousand | g That the Mayor, Clerk and Tight Hundred and Thirty-one Dollars | Tyeasurer of the Town of Dryden, be ($1,105, 831.00); and they are hereby authorized to do AND WHEREAS the existing deben- ware debt of the said Town, exclusive of local improvement debentures, amounts to $111,339.34, of which no part of the principal or interest is in arrears. : NOW THEREFORE THE MUNI- CTPAL, CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN enacts as follows :-- i Act, 1918" and amendments thereto. 1 - That the Corporation of the Town o That this By-law, before being of Dryden establish and cary on a' finally passed by the Municipal Coun- telephone business as a Public Utility, 7 Be Town of Dryden, shall he oursant to the provisions of Section {submitted to the electors of the said 3 of "The Ontario Telephone Act, 1918. Town of Dryden qualified to vote on 2 That the Corporation of the | money By-laws, as required by "The own of Dryden, pursuant to Section! consolidated Municipal Act, 1922." 7 (a) of "The Ontario Telephone Act, | 9 918." acquire the telephone system out of the purpose of this By-law as aforesaid. 7 That from and after the passing of this By-law by the Corporation of the Town of Dryden, the said Tele- phone System shall be carried on and operated by the Municipal Council of the said Town of Dryden under the This By-law shall take effect on i the day of the final passing thereof. Read a first time in open Council this established and operated under the 3a dey of Jone AD. 1024. arovisions of By-law No. 99 of the said Corporation. (Signed) (Signed) 3 That the debentures issued pursu- J. E. GIBSON A. PITT ant to By-law No. 144 of the Corpora- Clerk Mayor Read a first time in Open Council this (Signed) A. PITT, Mayor. 3rd day of June A.D. 1924 J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. Read a second time in open Council (Signed) A. PITT, Mayor. this 9rd day of June A.D. 1924. J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. all things necessary for the carryingj rovisions of "The Ontario Telephone! : A ; p NA occasion to write him." I: 3 I ERRATA i Go to KELSO it »" 2 p24 Is k24 3s HAMBURGER STEAK I EACH RAG : 5 PORK | worry him with the sight of a stamp EY} ! 1 é ¥ El 1 } Read a third time and finally passed in open Council this -- occu .. day of A.D. 1924 (Signed) - (Signed) ici ii Mayor Clerk TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed by-law of The Corporation of the Town of Dry den, to be submitted to the votes of the electors on the 5th day of July, A.D. 1924, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, at the following places :-- : The TOWN HALL, Dryden. And that the 4th day of July A.D. 1924, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at the Town Hall in the said Town of Dryden has been fixed for the appoint- mnt of persons to attend at the polling places, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk; And that if the assent of the electors is obtained to the said proposed By- law, it will be taken into consideration by the Municipal 'Council of the said Corporation at a meeting thereof, to be held after month from the date of the first pub lication of this notice, first publication was made on the 6th day of June A.D. 1924. and that such Take notice further that a tenant who desires to vote upon said proposed By- law must deliver to the Clerk not later than the 10th day before the day ap- pointed for taking the vote a declara tion under the that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for liability is to be created, or in which the money to he raised by the pro- posed By-law is payable, or for at least twenty-one years, the lease covenanted to pay all Muni cipal taxes which the in respect of the property, of which he is tenant, other than local improvement rates. Dated at Dryden, aforesaid, this 6th day of June, A.D. 1924. j J. E. GIBSON, Clerk. the expiration of one debt and that he has by | § INTERNATIONAL : «"We Haven't Heard" (From "The News Chronicle") «A Correspondent asks what Mr Dougald Kennedy is doing. We could not think who the mischief Dougald Kennedy is for quite a while, and then it suddely dawned upon us that Doug- ald Kennedy is the member of the House of Commons for the Federal Constituency of Port Arthur and Ke- nora. : It has been long since anybody has mentioned Mr Kennedy's name in con- nection with the district. Looking up the names of members we find the name of Dougald Kennedy is still recorded as representing this riding. He is also credited with being a very consistent attendant, answering to the call for prayers each day. There is a penalty of $15 per day for non-atten- dance. Mr Kennedy is not missing any of the fifteen so far. A search of Hansard does not reveal the name of Dougald Kennedy as hav- ing allowed any words to escape his lips so far this session. What Dougald Kennedy knows he keeps to himself. Let others get their information FRESH KILLED COOKED AND SMOKED MEATS. SAUSAGE. em em mr tr W. KELSO, Prop. TL. Ss for VEAL BEEF PORK LAMB GROUND FRESH DAY. Gasoline Tor the convenience of Motorists, we have put in a New Gasoline Pump. Drive in and fill your tank. 35c. per gal We can also fix you up for TIRES, TUBES, PATCHING MATERIAL ~ MOTOR OIL FRESH GROCERIES, FRUITS, FLOUR, FEED, DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES Soft Drinks Give us a call. We appreciate your trade. = Mail Orders promptly attended to. %* %k k ¥ whence they can, Mr Kennedy is not giving advice or suggestions. : Mr Kennedy is not laying himself } open to the charge of costing the ! country anything for talk. He finds that silence is golden. Three five dollar gold pieces each and every day is saved by not absenting himself and keeping his tongue back of his teeth. We have mad careful innquiries and cannot find vertification for the state- ment that he is boarding at the Chateau Laurier. There is no use ad- dressing him at that tavern. He collects his daily Hansard and other free literature at the House of Commons post office. It is not necessary to on an envelope if you should have WE HAV all the Garden Tools you need AT THE Right Price H. A. JEWELL & Coy. OXDRIFT ONTARIO FUNERAL DIRECTORS x XX 3% Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended to, PHONE-- Day, 62 R 2; Night, 62 R 4 ! A.J.GARDINER § General Merchant, EAGLE RIVER. Agent for 3 { Frost & Wood IMPLEMENTS. § COCKSHUTT PLOW COY. & x % Xx * Sharple's Cream Separators. %¥ RAW FURS BOUGHT & SOLD. { M. J. CROSIER General Merchant 2 OXDRIFT, ONTARIO Dry Goods Groceries Boots and Shoes Hardware and Farm Produce Frost & Wood and Cockshutt Implements SRE E. A. KLOSE 'encing & Gates Champion Brand Wire Fencing 'Made by ; THE CANADIAN STEEL & WIRE CO. Ld CANADIAN STIFF STAY or AMERICAN HINGE JOINT, ( Get our Catalogue and prices before placing your order. McCORMICK--DEERING FARM EQUIPMENT DUNLOP TIRES, TUBES Canada Evidence Act, Moon OTL and ACCESSORIES. MACHINE OIL PRESSES SHSSSSS J. S. CORNER, Agent for: -- CREAM SEPARATOR OIL oe omni Oxdrift, Ont. HARVESTER COMPANY of Canada, Ltd ANDERSON & HARRIS

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